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Cursed Objects

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666,000 Cursed Objects

Wri en by

Design by
Hans Ronald Lango

Ulysses Ephraim-White

Game Master’s Tool • Generator July th

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A Broadhead Publication

Some things, otherwise mundane, are imbued with a horrible secret. Required Materials
They are cursed; they carry a terrible sentence for those who take them
into possession. This book will allow you to create those cursed things. 666,000 Cursed Objects needs a few
There are thousands of possible creations. All it takes is the roll of a few items to use its randomized tables.
‣ 8 Sided Dice
Using this book only takes a minute or two, and its a great way to quickly
create something to pass on a curse to your players or an NPC. There are ‣ 6 Sided Dice
literally thousands of possible combinations, even over 666,000. Spooky!

As always, take this book and let it stoke your imagination. Resources like
these are helpful for what they provide upfront, but also because they can
help create the kernel of a new idea for their reader.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading!

How to Use This Book

Dice Rolls - Roll a die with the same
amount of sides as there are numbers on
the table. For grid tables, roll the
corresponding dice for both the side and
the top.

666,000 Cursed Objects


A The Object Roll on this page to determine what the object is that carries the curse.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Shoes Glove Religious Icon Spyglass Lantern Quiver Drum Knife

2 Gauntlet Hat Timepiece Quill Scroll Cauldron Axe Mask

3 Cup Wand Cloak Jar Candlestick Mace Lute Signet

4 Goblet Altar Veil Helm Spear Book Coin Coat of Armor

5 Hammer Cape Throne Bow Crown Chest Medallion Bottle

6 Hood Kettle Dagger Staff Anvil Scepter Statue Key

7 Wagon Sword Lamp Scythe Coffin Sextant Ring Shield

8 Hook Nail Robe Chain Shackles Bracelet Seal Necklace

666,000 Cursed Objects


B The Curse On this page roll for the curse that is embedded within the object. If your
d6 roll for column is a 4, 5 or 6 then your result is on the next page.

1 2 3

The curse drains the pigment and life from the Proximity to the object causes relentless, horrifying
The curse steals the senses of taste and smell from afflicted’s skin, hair, eyes and nails. They become nightmares. These dark dreams plumb the darkest
1 the afflicted. drained in appearance, sapped of visible life, though recesses of one’s subconscious, vividly displaying
they might feel no different. their most horrifying fears and insecurities.

Once a person contracts the curse, they become

The curse causes the afflicted to develop an
violently jealous of the cursed object. Others who Those afflicted by the curse find themselves
unquenchable thirst for blood, from whatever source
2 spend too long in the object’s presence become
they can find it. They may even attempt to open their
forgetting long periods entirely. Their memory
covetous and full of envy. The afflicted one may try during these periods seems to shut off entirely.
own veins if they are thirsty enough.
and kill them out of bewitched possessiveness.

The curse causes irrational fears and paranoias to

The accursed become extremely sensitive to sunlight The curse causes aging to accelerate to five times overwhelm the mind. Shadows, sudden movements
3 and flame. Exposure burns and blinds them. faster than natural. and unexpected noises produce paralyzing pangs of
fear and anxiety.

The curse causes overwhelming physical sensitivity

The curse causes the afflicted to hear the whispers While cursed, a person close to the object can
to iron. Contact with iron becomes painful and
4 of this deceased who they wronged or harmed. They
nauseating. Pure iron will burn the skin of the
become overwhelmed by murderous or criminal
hear a constant admonishment of their guilt. desire. They may spontaneously lash out violently.
afflicted and cause convulsions.

The curse causes the afflicted to see the shades of

The curse causes the afflicted to develop a form of
The curse causes the afflicted to spark fire wherever the damned roaming the earth. At all hours these
5 secondary sight, granting them visions of a hellish
their blood spills. wailing, lost spirits float about, desperately crying for
underworld running parallel to our own.
a peace that will never come.

The curse leaves the afflicted completely unable to

The curse is a brain mangler. With each day passing
feel any sensation or emotion other than regret and The accursed person finds themselves slowly
the afflicted goes slowly insane. They experience
6 longing. They no longer feel any pleasure, pain, joy, changing into something demonic. They transform
paranoia, hallucinations, dementia, uncontrolled
sadness, humor, passion, etc. They cannot feel by over time into a hellish beast, spirit or demon.
emotion, then finally rabid aggression and delirium.
touch, taste, smell; they are numbed to everything.

666,000 Cursed Objects


B The Curse, Cont. Below is the other half of the results for the previous page’s table.

4 5 6

The curse causes sleep to become wasteful and The afflicted is left slightly weakened physically in all
Certain types of animals become enraged, skittish or
unsatisfying. Eventually insomnia and restlessness ways. They tire more easily, fall sick more frequently,
1 aggressive when they see the cured person, and may
become more and more common, until eventually their strength is always slightly sapped, and their
try to attack.
any amount of sleep becomes impossible. senses are duller.

The curse makes those around the afflicted nervous

The curse causes those afflicted to fall into deep,
and full of dread. If they are unaware of the existence Proximity to the object inflicts a dimming effect on
lengthy periods of sleep, sometimes as long as an
2 of the curse, over time they’ll come to fear the
entire week. However, they now age extremely slowly
eyesight. Prolonged exposure results in near total
afflicted and become overwhelmingly suspicious of blindness.
as well.

The curse is a supernatural illness that weakens the

All who are affected by the curse become unable to
Plant life and vegetation wilt and sicken in the body severely. Those afflicted eventually become
3 presence of the accursed.
be in each other’s presence without feeling an
bedridden by wasting of the muscle, and their organs
overwhelming urge to attack one another.
slowly decay.

The curse causes any who have it to all

The curse leaves the afflicted marked to the The curse makes one beholden to whoever originally
sympathetically share in each other’s wounds. If one
4 underworld. The damned, demonic and malevolent cursed the object. Whatever they would command
person cursed were to be stabbed in the heart, it
can always sense the afflicted and see their location. the accursed to do, they will.
would happen supernaturally to all others afflicted.

The curse makes one anathema to the holy or divine.

Those afflicted become unrecognizable in the minds
The presence of sacred or holy artifacts causes The curse causes the blood of the afflicted to become
of their family. Any person with a blood relation to
5 the afflicted loses the ability to recognize them or
suffering and damage to the accursed. Entering poisoned and warped. The pain becomes
temples or holy sites can cause them to collapse or excruciating over time.
acknowledge them.

The curse makes the afflicted an infinite stranger to

The curse makes the target immortal to aging,
every other living being. No one will be able to The curse is a death sentence. Inexplicable, slow
famine and illness, but slowly turns their bones to
6 remember any memories of them, they will not
hardened stone, causing paralysis and
creeping sickness drags them into infirmity, organ
recognize the afflicted, and as soon as they stop failure and finally to the embrace of the eternal.
speaking they will forget their name and likeness.

666,000 Cursed Objects


C Details On this page you will generate pertinent details on how to apply the
cursed object into a game setting.

Condition Term Breaking the Curse

What is the physical condition of the What is the term of the curse? How long What it will take to remove the curse from
object, and how might it be described to does it last and is it constant? those affected by it.

The curse is active as long as the object is held,

1 Plain
carried or in contact with its owner
Destruction of the object will end the curse

The curse is active indefinitely, until transferring The curse was caused by some terrible event or
2 Old, Antique
when the object is possessed by another act; closure or justice will end the curse

Killing the individual who laid the curse will

3 Ruined, Broken or Mangled The curse afflicts its target for an entire year
remove it

The curse afflicts its target for life, though is only The curse can only be lifted by divine or
4 Worn, Used
active during one season per annum supernatural intervention

The curse can be lifted if a spell or ritual of equal

5 Bizarre, Irregular or Foreign The curse afflicts its target for a decade
power to its investment is utilized

A special parameter is baked into the curse, if

6 New, Pristine The curse afflicts its target for multiple decades
met if will be nullified

The curse is without end, but only when the object The curse can be lifted if the object is cleansed of
7 Appears Expensive or Luxurious
is in the vicinity of its owner it somehow

8 Ornate, Exquisite The curse is permanent The curse cannot be broken

666,000 Cursed Objects

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