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(Taught by Dr. Praful Vijaykar Sir in Delhi Seminar)

CASE 1: Autistic child. Very restless angry do not communicate, hit anyone any time, laugh
immoderately. As she grew up she got control on urine and stool by 10 years. She used to eat all food
available at home, nothing left for others to eat. Used to throw out her belongings from window. She
turned 14 years did not get menses. Sir tried many remedies without relief.

Then SIR decided to adopt new approach:

What is autistic spectral disorder?

When allopaths do not find any reason they put it in behavioral disorder. Autism is characterized by
number of behavioral problem with no eye contact, no communication with fellow human being. No
request, like water, food. Allopaths send them for speech therapy. Child speaks like parrot. Human
child should know how to talk but his that chip is missing. Due to external help (various therapies)
autism becomes more incurable.

To treat autism understanding of evolution is must.

Everything evolves. Life itself has evolve from amoeba, plants, trees, fish, reptiles and arachnoids,
animal monkeys to man.


Brain gradually evolved, in plant xylem and phloem to brain stem in animal for survival of life.

Brain stem has following three centers

Respiration: Respiratory centre situated here

Cardiovascular: Cardiovascular system situated here

Mind awareness: Consciousness

After brain stem cerebellum developed.

Cerebellum for controls, balance, coordination locomotion precision. Spiders and animal started

Then emotional brain developed.

Brain stem, cerebellum, emotional brain (All neurotransmitter coming from emotional brain), cortex.
Human brain is intelligent because it integrate everything.

There are two types of autism

By birth and after birth

After birth ailments from vaccination. Not all children get affected by vaccination. Children who are
genetically prone to vaccination get affected. It does not mean SIR is appreciating vaccination.
Vaccination is bad.
 First find out what was that child before affected by autism and child was sensitive to what?
What has hurt him/her? (This is the proof that autism cause by emotional disturbance which is put
disease in physiological division)

When child is born. Mother knows it initial for few days child is breathing eating sleeping only like a
plant. Gradually reflexes develops. In mile stones of infant we can see development from plant, fish,
reptile, animal to man. Autism means man reverse to animal. Human child who was communicating
well now become only an emotion pool, animal. SIR said “It becomes very difficult to handle some
autistic children, I have seen parents are keep children tying.”

Now, you have to remove the cause, so find out first child born normal or born autistic.

Born Normal causes of autism:

Physical and mental. Physical may be due to physical antibiotics, vaccines, viral diseases. Mental
trauma emotional shock fright.

Born abnormal causes of autism.

Mental trauma, emotional shock, fright etc.

In autism cause cannot be anger. Autism is escapism. Child is trying to escape from reality. Person who
escapes are timid coward. Afterward that child become angry is because of syphilis. Main thing is that
person constitutionally cannot be an angry person. Autistics are always timid. Generally they are not
harmful. Unless and until they are subject to various therapies. They go into syphilis. They escape from
society. It is cutting off the relationship of people around him. Means child is very badly hurt, either by
surrounding humans or circumstances.

Regression from human to animal is escapist tendency. Strong will person cannot be inflicted.

Just to revise: What happens to brain in Autism?

Right brain is sensitive brain and left is logical brain. Right controls the left side of body and vise versa.

An artist and poet will suffer from left side of problems. Really spiritual people they go into psoro-
syphilis, delusion and illusions.

On left side we have heart and function is blood circulation, so all blood relatives will come on left side.
Mother child brother and sister, nest. This is for right handed people. For left-handed people it is
exactly opposite.

Left brain controls right side. Right hand for working. Anything related to work, metal quality,
calculative, dominating, industrious, language, left sided brain.

First to develop is the right brain. Learning happens from right brain.(what is good or bad, what is fear)
In autism right brain stops working. Left brain i.e Logic brain should develop afterward, that is sycotic
brain. Autistic children play games very fast. There logical brain is developed.

Syphilitic children in autism, fast in action, they never fall even walking on very narrow edge.

School which themselves call as rehabilitation centre provide these children with computers and make
them learn but this will never let their real brain to grow, because learning brain foundation is not there.
If you have not learned ABCD how can you write words

What we homoeopaths do, develop right brain. If right brain develops , it will develop sensitivity, fear,
understanding and learning process. Then it will start communicating with each other.

In short right brain is mothers brain and left brain is father brain.

Nutrition, sensitivity, all come from right brain. Logical brain comes from left brain.

If a child is weak in mathematics and cannot calculate properly, he cannot read clock and count money
properly then it is sure that husband is missing and did not give company to the mother in last few
months of pregnancy.

You can ask this question directly to mother. Mother wanted father but husband was absent in last few
months of pregnancy such children always fail in math. We can take statistics and ask mother about it.
Sometimes husband is there not talking properly with each other, or extramarital affair.
If child born autistic, what is mental trauma during pregnancy, physical trauma due to frequent
sonography, sex determination ? People do not think that child in mothers womb can understand

This is all about autism. Now above mentioned case, how it was solved?

There was no mental trauma during pregnancy. But this child was born autistic. Sir asked mother tell
anything peculiar about this child. Mother said yes doctor she is possessed by some bad (bhut prêet)
ghost. Sir asked, “Why you think so?”. Mother said, She never go near to temple, even when she was
young in my arms she would throw tantrum if I go near to temple God. Even now also we cannot force
her to join hands for puja. Not even at temple but home also. Even now you cannot force her to enter
in temple. If you apply sandal wood powder on forehead she does not tolerate. She is not tolerating
God at all.

Then SIR asked, “Did you have any fall at any time during pregnancy?” She said, “how you know
doctor?” She said at 5 months she had fall and till delivery she could not sleep. She was diagnosed as
Sciatica which prevented her lying peacefully. She had two fall one at 4-month and another at 5-month.
SIR asked, “Which fall hurt you more”? Mother said, She stopped sleeping peacefully after second fall.
First fall was on road in gutter and second fall was in bath room. She said first was very severe. Sir said
but second affected you more because she stopped sleeping peacefully after second fall her sciatica
started after second fall.

Mother said that doctor could not pin point where is the injury inspite of lots of diagnostic test. The day
I delivered the child my sciatica pain vanished. Then SIR told to her that due to pain you was unable to
lie down on bed peacefully. She said, “yes doctor, how you know this? She was surprised!

When sir saw child’s behavior hatred towards God. Aphorism 153 says PQRS symptom. PQRS
symptoms should be considered. In this case PQRS is hatred to God. God is something where you feel
peace, which is gives you comfort but this child was not comfortable.

Rubric considered: sensitive to agreeable impressions. Arnica.

Remedy prescribed was Arnica. Arnica improved that child fully.

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