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Emcee text
3 FEB 2023 (2 00PM – 5
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Arrival and Registration:
"All guests and award recipients, kindly proceed to the registration area. Additionally, parents, please meet with
Teacher Hanizah and Teacher Aliyah to find your assigned seats."
2:30 PM - 2:35 PM: Recitation of Doa by Nur Abdullah Hadi Al Hafiz bin Sabarudin:
"I have the honor of inviting Abdullah Hadi Al Hafiz to recite the Doa. Let's take a moment for reflection and
supplication. May our ceremony be blessed today."
2:35 PM - 2:50 PM: National Anthem, State Song of Johor, and Pledge of National Unity:
"Amin, ya Rabalalamin. Gratitude to Abdullah Hadi for leading the Doa. Now, I extend the invitation to all our
students to come together on stage for the singing of the national anthem, the state anthem of Johor, the Pledge
of National Unity, and a heartfelt choir performance of the song 'Ana Tufuli' as a tribute to the people of
(Negaraku & state anthem of Johor play)
"I now invite Muhammad Adam Harith to lead us in the Pledge of National Unity."
(National Anthem by all people)
"Thank you, Adam Harith. Now, let's enjoy the soul-stirring choir performance by all Smart School students with
the song titled 'Ana Tufuli.' In light of the recent events in Palestine, the impact of the war has deeply touched
people worldwide. As a human tribute, we dedicate this heartfelt song to Palestine, praying that those affected
find solace and may they be granted Jannah, Insya Allah."
(Choir Performance - 'Atuna Tufulli')
2:50 PM - 2:55 PM: Opening Speech by School Director, Puan Laila:
"For the upcoming event, it is my honor to extend an invitation to Mrs. Mubilailah, the esteemed Smart School
Director. I kindly invite her to grace us with a warm welcome and deliver introductory remarks. With over 15 years
of experience in the education field, Mrs. Mubilailah has played a pivotal role, beginning with the establishment
of the Smart Reader Development Center and the subsequent launch of its own distinguished brand, Smart School
Education. We warmly welcome her to share her insights with us."
(Mrs. Laila giving speech)
2:55 PM - 3:00 PM: Speech for Opening Ceremony of Smart Little Huffaz by Ustad Nur Ikhmal Hakim Al Hafiz
bin Sabarudin:
"Thank you, Mrs Laila for warm welcoming speech. Next, I have the honor of inviting Ustad Nur Ikhmal Hakim Al
Hafiz bin Sabarudin to deliver the opening ceremony speech for Smart Little Huffaz. Ustad Ikhmal Hakim, an
accomplished graduate of Al Azhar University in the field of Ulum Islamiyah, currently serves as an imam and
religious official at Masjid Jamek Bandar Baru Uda. Notably, Ustad Ikhmal has memorized the entire 30 juzuk
of the Quran and received a sanad at the remarkable age of 17. Please join me in welcoming Ustad Ikhmal as he
shares his insights about Smart Little Huffaz under his dedicated leadership."
(Ustad Ikhmal giving speech)
3:00 PM – 3:20 PM: Rest and Light Refreshments:
"Thank you, Ustad Ikhmal, for the insightful speech. Now, I would like to invite Abdullah Hadi to recite the doa
before we indulge in our meal. “
(Abdullah Hadi recite Doa)
“Thank You to Abdullah Hadi for recite the Doa. Dear parents, you now have 30 minutes to relax and savor the
refreshments we have prepared. Take a break, mingle, and enjoy some delightful treats."
3:20 PM - 3:30 PM: Performance of 4 Beginner Chinese Dance:
"Students from class 3 & 4 Beginner, it's your time to shine! Get ready to showcase your talent with the
performance of the song titled 'Xiau Lao SHu & Liang Zhi Lao Hu.'"
(Chinese song play)
"Let's give them a round of applause! Thank you for the outstanding performance. Following the performance,
students are requested to gather on the side of the stage with Teacher Hanizah and Teacher Hanis for the award
3:30 PM - 3:40 PM: Awards for 3 & 4 Years Old:
"I am honored to invite Mrs. Laila to present awards to our youngest achievers."
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's commence by acknowledging the top 3 students in the final year examination. Please
give a round of applause to [Student 1] for securing the first place. The second place is earned by [Student 2],
and the third excellent achievement goes to [Student 3].”
“Moving on to academic excellence, they have demonstrated exceptional prowess.”
“Shifting our focus to the best manners in class, they have exemplified outstanding behavior."
3:50 PM - 4:00 PM: Performance from 5 Intermediate 1 Malaysia Dance:
"Let's applaud
SPACE,them for their remarkable achievement. Thank you, Puan Laila, for presenting the awards. Now,
moving on to our next performance, I am delighted to invite the students from 5 Intermediate to showcase their
3 FEB 2023 (2 00PM – 5
1 Malaysia performance."
(1 malaysia song played)
"Let's give them a round of applause! Thank you for the outstanding performance. Following the performance,
students are requested to gather on the side of the stage with Teacher Hanizah and Teacher Hanis for the award
4:00 PM - 4:05 PM: Awards for 5 Intermediate:
"I am honored to invite Ustad Ikhmal to present awards to our accomplished achievers from the 5 Intermediate
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's begin by recognizing the top 3 students in the final year examination. Please join
me in giving a round of applause to [Student 1] for securing the first place. The second-place honor is welldeserved
by [Student 2], and the third excellent achievement goes to [Student 3].”
“As we transition to academic excellence, these students have showcased exceptional prowess.”
"Turning our attention to exemplary conduct in the classroom, they have consistently demonstrated outstanding
4:05 PM – 4:15 PM: Performance of 5 Beginner Bollywood Dance:
"Please join me in applauding their remarkable achievement. Ustad Ikhmal, thank you for presenting the awards.
Now, let's proceed to our next performance with great enthusiasm as we welcome the students from 5 Beginner to
present their lively Bollywood performance. Get ready to be mesmerized by the energetic and vibrant showcase
from our talented 5 Beginner class."
(Bollywood song plays)
"Let's give them a round of applause! Thank you for the outstanding performance. Following the performance,
students are requested to gather on the side of the stage with Teacher Hanizah and Teacher Hanis for the award
4:15 PM – 4:20 PM: Awards for 5 Beginner:
"It is my honor to once again invite Ustad Ikhmal to present awards to the accomplished achievers from the 5
Beginner class."
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's commence by acknowledging the top 3 students in the final year examination. Please
give a round of applause to [Student 1] for securing the first place. The second place is earned by [Student 2],
and the third excellent achievement goes to [Student 3].”
“Moving on to academic excellence, they have demonstrated exceptional prowess.”
“Shifting our focus to the best manners in class, they have exemplified outstanding behavior."
4:20 PM – 4:30 PM: Performance from 6 Years Group A Dikir Puteri Dance:
"Let's give them a round of applause for their remarkable achievement. Once again, thank you, Ustad Ikhmal, for
presenting the awards. Now, shifting to our next performance, I am delighted to invite the 6-year-old students
from Group A, under the guidance of Teacher Imanina. They will be presenting a traditional Malay dance titled
'Dikir Puteri.' Let's all enjoy their captivating performance."
(Dikir Puteri play)
"Let's give them a round of applause! Thank you for the outstanding performance. Following the performance,
students are requested to gather on the side of the stage with Teacher Hanizah and Teacher Hanis for the award
4:30 PM - 4:40 PM: Performance 6 Years Old Group B Asmaradana Dance
"Without further delay, let's transition to the next performance featuring the 6-year-old students from Group B
that will perform a Javanese traditional dance instructed by Teacher Aishah, accompanied by the beautiful
Asmaradana song. The male students were asked to bring their ‘kuda kepang’ along to perform.
“Let's all revel in the splendid performance!"
(asmaradana play)
"Let's give them a round of applause! Thank you for the outstanding performance. Following the performance,
students are requested to gather on the side of the stage with Teacher Hanizah and Teacher Hanis for the award
4:40 PM – 5:00 PM: Awards for 6 Years Old:
"I am pleased to invite Mrs. Aishah to present awards to our exceptional 6-year-olds."
"We will commence the awards presentation with 6 Advance."
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's begin by recognizing the top 3 students in the final year examination. Please join
me in giving a round of applause to [Student 1] for securing the first place. The second-place honor is welldeserved
by [Student 2], and the third excellent achievement goes to [Student 3].”
“As we transition to academic excellence, these students have showcased exceptional prowess.”
"Turning our attention
to exemplary conduct in the classroom, they have consistently demonstrated outstanding
3 FEB 2023 (2 00PM – 5
"Congratulations to the 6 Advance students for their achievements. Now, let's proceed with the awards for 6
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's commence by acknowledging the top 3 students in the final year examination. Please
give a round of applause to [Student 1] for securing the first place. The second place is earned by [Student 2],
and the third excellent achievement goes to [Student 3].”
“Moving on to academic excellence, they have demonstrated exceptional prowess.”
“Shifting our focus to the best manners in class, they have exemplified outstanding behavior."
"Congratulations to the 6 Intermediate students for their achievements. I'd like to make an announcement:
Parents and guardians, please meet with Teacher Siti to collect graduation robes and caps for your children.
Additionally, kindly ensure that you prepare your children to wear the graduation gowns and caps. Thank you
for your cooperation."
"Alright, I would like to invite all students from PC Sina and Khawarizmi to join us on stage."
5:00 PM - 5:10 PM: Performance from PC Sina & PC Khawarizmi Traditional Malay Dance:
"Now, let's give a round of applause to Primary Class Sina & Khawarizmi as they will be performing a traditional
Malay dance."
(Tradtional malay song play)
5:10 PM - 5:20 PM: Awards for PC Sina & PC Khawarizmi Class:
"I am pleased to welcome Mrs. Laila once again to present awards to our most senior student."
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's begin by recognizing the top three students in the final year examination. Please join
me in applauding [Student 1] for securing the first place. The second place is achieved by [Student 2], and the
third outstanding achievement goes to [Student 3].”
"As we transition to academic excellence, these students have showcased exceptional prowess."
"Shifting our attention to exemplary conduct in the classroom, they have consistently demonstrated outstanding
5:20 PM - 5:30 PM: Parents’ Award:
"Mrs. Laila, kindly remain on the stage to present the next award to the parents."
"The initial award is dedicated to students with siblings in the same academic year. We express our deep gratitude
to these 16 parents who have entrusted us with the education of their children from 2023 until now. We wish them
all the best. Firstly, we extend our sincere thanks to ______________. Next, we appreciate the contribution of
"Let's give them a round of applause, and extend our appreciation to all of you for choosing Smart School as your
school of choice. We pray for blessings upon each of you and envision a future where Smart School continues to
advance. Amin, ya Rabbal Alamin."
"Now, we proceed to the second Parents' Award, recognizing the best outfit in adherence to the Palestine theme.
The second-best outfit goes to ____________. And now, the moment we've all been waiting for, the Best Outfit of the
2023 ceremony is awarded to _____________."
5:30 PM – 5:35 PM: Rest:
"Let's give them a big round of applause. Now, we will have a 5-minute break before we continue with our ceremony.
All graduating students are requested to gather with Teacher Hanizah and Hanis to form a line in preparation
for receiving the graduation awards."
5:35 PM – 6:00 PM: Graduation Awards:
"Let's continue with our ceremony; please welcome Ustad Ikhmal to present the awards for our graduating
"Since 1st January 2023, they have encountered moments of both joy and challenges while acquiring knowledge
here at Smart School. Despite the teachers' praise and dedicated efforts to impart knowledge, not forgetting
shedding tears to ensure the students' success, the students themselves also engaged in healthy competition just
to be better. Today, on 3rd February 2024, marks the culmination of their endeavors as they successfully complete
kindergarten and progress to the next stage. However, let's not forget that school continues next week, okay? Hehe.
Now, let's commence with our first graduate, _____________."
6:00 PM - 6:05 PM: Awarding Valedictorian:
"The moment of truth has arrived, unveiling the next valedictorian for the year 2023. Amidst the various years,
2023 posed significant challenges, and all the students displayed unwavering commitment to excellence. Now, let
me provide a clue as to who the valedictorian of 2023 is. This remarkable individual joined Smart School at the
age of 5, initially a shy and slightly lost boy, yet he persevered. By the age of 5, he had become incredibly polite,
a bit reserved, but unafraid to seek help when needed. Though not the brightest initially, witnessing his friends'
diligence motivated him to keep going. He dedicated himself to studying at home, demonstrating remarkable
the final year examination at the age of 5.
This year, he faced and conquered various challenges, maintaining his momentum. No longer shy, he enjoys
3 FEB 2023 (2 00PM – 5
mingling with friends, displaying excellent manners—always apologizing for mistakes and learning from them.
Adored by his family, especially his grandmother, who consistently checks on him. Furthermore, his birthday is
approaching next week on 9th February. Now, I am pleased to present to you the valedictorian of 2023, Muhammad
Firash bin Abdul Nafi. Let's give him a resounding applause."
"Let's give all the students a big round of applause. Parents, feel free to take photos with your kids, but kindly
ensure to return the graduation robes before _______ pm. Thank you all for coming and offering tremendous
support. We wish you all the best. Please note, tomorrow is a holiday, but transit services are open until 5:30 pm.
School will resume on Monday and continue until Thursday. The last school session for 2023 will be next Thursday,
on February 8th, 2024. Thank you." "Please take note that some memos will be issued for the upcoming week and
February school holiday activities."
"Berikan tepukan gemuruh kepada semua pelajar. Ibu bapa, anda boleh membawa anak-anak anda untuk
bergambar, tetapi sila pastikan untuk mengembalikan jubah konvo sebelum pukul _______ petang. Terima kasih
kepada semua yang hadir dan memberikan sokongan besar. Kami mengucapkan segala yang terbaik untuk anda
Sila ambil perhatian, esok adalah hari cuti, tetapi perkhidmatan transit dibuka sehingga jam 5:30 petang.
Sekolah akan bermula semula pada hari Isnin hingga Khamis. Sesi sekolah terakhir untuk tahun 2023 akan
berakhir pada Khamis hadapan, pada 8 Februari 2024. Terima kasih."
"Sila ambil perhatian bahawa beberapa memo akan dikeluarkan untuk minggu hadapan dan aktiviti cuti sekolah
bulan Februari."
-the end_

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