7th Gts Test

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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST



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Raheel ahmed

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1st Year

2nd Year





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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

1.Which of the following pairs of hormones are not antagonistics(having opposite effects) to *

Aldosterone & ANf (Atrial Nautri Factor)

Parathormone & Calcitonin

Insulin & glucagone

Relaxin & Inhibin

2.Injury localized to the hypothalamus would most likely disrupt. *

Short term memory

Coordination during locomotion

Executive functions, decision making

Regulation of body tempertaure

3.The gonadotropin hormones of anterior pituatory lobe include: *

Prolactin, somatotropin, TSH

FSH, LH, Prolactin



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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

4.Norpinephrine *
i.is released by sympathetic fibers
ii.released by parasympathetic fibers
iii.increase heart rate
iv.reduce Blood pressure

i & iii

ii & iv

ii & iii

i & iv

5.A man has to face interview, but during his first 5 min before interview he experiences *
sweating, increased heart rate & Respiration.
Which hormones is/are responsible for his restlessness?


Adrenocorticotropin hormone

insulin & glucagon

Epinephrine & norepinephrine

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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

6.Direction of reflex action is from *

Receptor to sensory neuron to motor neuron and then through motor neurons to associate

Receptor to sensory neuron to associative neuron and then through motor neuron to

Effector to sensory neuron to associative neuron to motor neuron and then to effector

effector to sensory neuron to motor neuron and then through associative neuron

7.Depolarization of neuron is characterized by?

Na+ into axon & K+ out of axon

Na+ & K+ within axon to axon terminals

Na+ out of axon & K+ into axon

None of above

8.Which of the following statement about neuron is incorrect?

neurons not only conduct but also genrate impulses

are not the only cellular component of nervous system

like all living cells they mature & divide to form new similar cells

They may show limited regenrative capabilities

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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

9.Which part of brain is responsibel for basic & primitve emotons? *



Limbic system


10.The laargest part of human brain is?



Limbic system


11.The functional parts of the forebrain ? *

Thalamus & limbic system

cerebrum, limbic system & thalamus

Cerebrum & limbic system

thalamus & cerebrum

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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

12.The darker outer part of brain is *

White mattar


Gray mattar

Reflex arc

13.The diencephalon comprises *

Pons & medulla

Thalamus & limbic system

Hypothalamus & limbic system

pons & cerebrum

14.The spinal cord is contious with which part of the brain *





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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

15.Which cell is the longest in the human body? *

Muscle cells

Nerve cells

Bone cells

Gland cells

16.Cortisol brings about a change in blood glucose level mainly by its production from proteins *
and by

A) Glucagon

B) Estrogen

C) Insulin

D) Progesterone

17.Which of these is not a reflex action? *

A) Secretion of sweat

B) Salivation

C) Flexion due to needle prick

D) Blinking of eyes due to strong light.

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18.The number of spinal nerves along the spinal cord is: *

16 pairs

20 pairs

31 Pairs

33 Pairs

19.The right side of the body is controlled by the: *

A) Left cerebral hemisphere

B) Right cerebral hemisphere

C) Hippocampus

D) Corpus callosum

20.Each of the principal types of sensaion we experience i.e pain, touch,sight, and sound is *
modality of





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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

21.Which statement about ethylene is production is incorrect?

A climatic brust of respiratory activity in fruit ripening

Helps in fruit ripening

Helps in fruit set

not associated with ethane production


22.Which one of the following funtions of neuroglia cells is to protect and support ? *





23.One of the functions of the parasympathetic nervous sytem is? *

Inhabits peristalsis

Dilates Bronchioles

Constriction of pupils

Sweat secretion

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24.The composition of brain stem is ? *

Thalamus, midbrain Pons

midbrain, pons Medulla

Cerebrum, cerebellum, pons

Spinal cord, vertebrae, axon

25.Which of these is not reflex actions? *


sweat secretion

Flexion due to needle prick

blinking of eyes due to strong light

26.Whih lobe is back paart of the brain that is invloved in vision? *





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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

27.A single motor neuron and the muscle fibers their innervation is collectivly called? *

Sensory unit

Motor Unit

Both A & B

Cranial unit

28.Which of the following is an example of deep reflexes? *

Ankle jerk

Knee jerk

Abdominal reflex

Both A & B

29.Central nervous system consists of? *

Spinal nerves only

Brain & Spinal cord

Cerebellum and brainstem

Cereberum and spinalcord

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30.All of following about reflex tions is true except *

it is voluntary

it is involuntary

found in higher animals

All are correct

31.All of the following are funtions of hypothalamus except regulation of? *



Sleep & emotion


32.Out of 31 pairs of spinal nervs, how many pairs are coccygeal nerves? *




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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

33.vagus nerve is part of which system? *





34.Goiter is one of the abnormalities of thyroid gland due to deficiency of hormone? *






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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

1.Which of the following is not a physical property of the Benzene? *

A) Benzene is a liquid with sweet aroma smell

B) Benzene is flammable in air

C) Benzene is soluble in water

D) The boiling point of Benzene is 80.1C

2.Which among the following is not an alkane isomer with 6 carbon atoms? *

A) Hexane

B) 2,3-dimethylbutane

C) 2,2-dimethylbutane

D) Neopentane

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3.The heat of hydrogenation of most alkene is about - for each double bond present in a *

A) 120kJ/mole

B) 130 kJ/mole

C) 125kJ/mole

D) 150 kJ/mole

4.In Chlorination of benzene, which of the following acts as an electrophile? *

A) CI+



D) FeCl3

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5.The actual may be less than theoretical yield due to which of the following reason *

A) Side reactions may produce by product

B) Some reactions are reversible

C) Mechanical losss takes place due to filtration and distillation

D) All of these

6.Catalytic hydrogenation of alkenes is used in industry for the manufacturing of *

A) Vegetables ghee from vegetables oil

B) Vegetables oil from vegetables ghee

C) Both of these

D) None of these

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7.The general formula having by alkanes is *

A) CnH2n+1

B) CnH2n

C) CnH2n-1

D) CnH2n+2

8.Theoretical yield is always less than the actual yield because *

A) Some product is lost in the experiment

B) Reversible reaction may occur

C) Errors are made in weighing the reactants and the products

D) The given statement is not correct

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9.Find the compound with the highest boiling point among the following *

A) n-Butane

B) n-Octane

C) Iso-octane

D) 2,2,3,3-Tetramethylbutane


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10.Find the alkane (C5H12), which will give only one type of monohalogenated compound *

A) 2,2-dimethylpropane

B) 2-methylbutane

C) Cyclopentane

D) n-pentane

11.Identify the incorrect statement. *

A) They are very reactive

B) They have very less biological activity

C) Alkanes with repeated -CH2- units constitute a homologus series

D) Petroleum and natural gas are the main sources of alkanes

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12.Which members of alkene are Gases at room temperature *

A) Ethene, propene and butene

B) Propene, butene and pentene

C) Ethene, propene and pentene

D) Propene, pentene and butene

13.Which is fused cyclic aromatic compound *

A) Diphenyl amine

B) Naphthalene

C) Diphenyl methane

D) Biphenyl

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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

14.What is required other than anhydrous AICI3 when toluene is prepared by Friedal craft *

A) C6H6 + CH3CI

B) C6H6

C) C6H5C2H5


15.Which of the following methods is used to prepare ethyne on the industrial scale by? *

A) Dehydrohalogenation of vic- dihalide

B) Dehalogenation of tetrahalide

C) Electrolysis of aqueous solution of potassium salt of unsaturated dicarboxylic acids

D) Reaction of calcium carbide with water

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16.Which of the following methods is used to prepare ethyne on the industrial scale by? *

A) Dehydrohalogenation of vic- dihalide

B) Dehalogenation of tetrahalide

C) Electrolysis of aqueous solution of potassium salt of unsaturated dicarboxylic acids

D) Reaction of calcium carbide with water

17.The ortho/para directing group among the following is *





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18.The ortho/para directing group among the following is *





19.What is the electrophile in the acylation of benzene *


B) CO+

C) CI+

D) R-CO+

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20.What is the molecular formula of Benzenetriozonide *

A) C6H609

B) C6H508

C) C6H606

D) C6H607

21.Replacement of hydrogen of benzene by alkyl group in the presence of alkyl halide & *
aluminium chloride is known as

A) Dows process

B) Friedel & Craft acylation

C) Friedel & Craft alkylation

D) Clemmenson reduction

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22.Reacting bromine with benzene in the presence of sunlight will result in *

A) The rupturing of the benzene ring

B) Substitution reaction

C) Addition reaction

D) No reaction

23.Choose the substituent that will direct meta addition on a benzene ring. *

A) - NH2

B) - Br


D) - OH

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24.Nitration of benzene is carried out by which of the following reactive species? *

A) NO2+

B) NO2-


D) NO3

25.When methane reacts with Cl2 in the presence of diffused light, the product obtained are: *

A) Chloroform only

B) Carbon tetrachloride only

C) Chloromethane and dichloromethane

D) Mixture of a, b, and c

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26.What is the electrophile in the electrophilic substitution reaction of benzene using oleum and *
conc. H2SO4

A) SO3

B) NO2+

C) NO3

D) NO+

27.The ortho and para-hydrogens possesses: *

A) Same physical properties and different chemical properties

B) Different physical properties and same chemical properties

C) Same physical and chemical properties

D) Different physical and chemical properties

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28.Select the incorrect statement regarding alkanes. *

A) It is otherwise known as Paraffin

B) It is an acyclic saturated hydrocarbon

C) In alkanes, C-C bonds are single

D) Alkanes have the general formula CnH2n

29.Which of the following substitution of benzene is Ortho para in electrophilic substitution and *
Ortho para in nucleophilic substitution

A) NO2

B) -NO

C) - SO3

D) - SO2ME

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30.The resonance energy of benzene is *

A) 150.5 kJ/mol

B) 150.5 Cal/mol

C) 250.5 kJ/mol

D) 250.5 Cal/mol

31.Which of the following is the most activating in electrophilic aromatic substitution? *

A) NO2



D) NH2

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32.In alkene the numbering begins from the end nearest to the *

A) Numbering starts from functional group which is double bond in this case

B) Single bond

C) Triple bond

D) Hydrogen bond

33.Most alkenes are hydrogenated over Raney nickel at about *

A) 105°C and 3 atm pressure

B) 100°C and 4 atm pressure

C) 100°C and 3 atm pressure

D) 99°C and 3 atm pressur

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34.Alkenes show weakly polar property because of *

A) Sp³ hybridization

B) Sp² hybridization

C) Sp hybridization

D) Dsp² hybridization


1.In a uniform electric field, which statement is correct? *

A) All charged particles experience the same force

B) All charged particles move with the same velocity

C) All electric field lines are directed towards positive charges

D) All electric field lines are parallel

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2. neutron, a proton, and an electron are placed in a uniform electric field. The: *

A) The forces acting on them will be equal

B) Their accelerations may be equal

C) Magnitude of acceleration may be equal

D) Magnitude of acceleration will be different

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3.Two capacitors C₁=3µF and C2=6µF are in series across a 90 volts D.C. supply. The total *
capacitance is given by:

Α) 9 μF

Β) 2 μF

C) 10 µF

D) 90 µF

Ε) 5 µF

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4.The electric field strength between a pair of plates is "E" If the separation of the plates is *
doubled and the potential difference between the plates is increased by a factor of four, the new
field strength is:

A) E

B) 2E

C) 4E

D) 8E

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5.The difference between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is 2.0 mm and the area of each *
plate is 2.0 m². The plates are in a vacuum. A potential difference of 1.0x104 V is applied across
the plates. Find the capacitance.

A) 4 x 10-3 F

B) 3.54 x 10-9 F

C) 8.85 x 10-9 F

D) 9.0 x 10-9 F

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6.The energy supplied by the cell to the charge carriers is derived from the conversion of: *

A) Heat energy into chemical energy

B) Chemical energy into electrical energy

C) Solar energy into electrical energy

D) Mechanical energy into electrical energy

7.If there are "n" capacitors each of capacity "c" connected in parallel to "V" volts source then the *
energy stored is equal to:


B) 1½ nCV2

C) CV2

D) CV2/2n

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8.If a dielectric material is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance of the *

A) Decreases

B) Increases

C) Remains constant

D) Zero

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9.If a dielectric material is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance of the *

A) Decreases

B) Increases

C) Remains constant

D) Zero

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10.Two-point charges are at a distance d. If the force between these two charges is F, what is *
the force between the charges when the distance between them is 3d?

A) F/3

B) F/9

C) F/3d

D) F/9d

11.What is true about the electric field and electric force? *

A) Electric field lines are towards negative and electron flow in same direction

B) Electric field lines are towards positive and electron flow in opposite direction

C) Electric field lines are towards the negative and electrons flow in the opposite direction

D) Electric field lines are positive

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12.The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor can be written as: *

A) A/d

Β) Αεο/d

C) Αεο/2d

D) Αεο/d2

13.Capacitance is given by: *

A) C = &,A/d

B) C = dA/εο

C) C = d/Αεο

D) C = deo/A

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14.What happens when a charge is placed on a soap bubble? *

A) It collapse

B) Its radius increases

C) Its radius decreases

D) None of the above

15.If a dielectric is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance: *

A) Decreases

B) Increases

C) Remains constant

D) Becomes zero

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16.Two capacitors C1 = 2µF and C2 = 4µF, are connected in series across a 100 V supply. Find *
the effective capacitance.

Α) 1½ μF

Β) 3/2 μF

C) 5/2 µF

D) 4/3 µF

17.If a dielectric is placed between two plates of a capacitor, the net capacitance: *

A) Decreases

B) Increases

C) Remains constant

D) Becomes zero

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18.A hollow charged metal sphere has a radius of r. If the potential difference between its *
surface and a point at a distance 3r from the center is V, then electric field intensity at a
distance 3r from the center is:

A) V/3r

B) V/4r

C) V/6r

D) V/2r

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19.Two plates are at potentials 20V and -20V respectively with a separation of 2cm between *
them. The electric field between them is:

A) 2000 V/m

B) 1000 V/m

C) 500 V/m

D) 300 V/m

20.In a uniform electric field, which statement is correct?

A) All charged particles experience the same force

B) All charged particles move with the same velocity

C) All electric field lines are directed towards positive charges

D) All electric field lines are parallel

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21.The flux through a surface will be minimal when the angle between E and AA is: *

A) 90°

B) 60°

C) 30°

D) 0°

22.What happens when a charge is placed on a soap bubble? *

A) It collapse

B) Its radius increases

C) Its radius decreases

D) None of the above

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23.Two bodies are charged by rubbing one against the other. During the process, one becomes *
positively charged while the other becomes negatively charged. Then:

A) Mass of each body remains unchanged.

B) Mass of each body changes marginally.

C) Mass of each body changes slightly and hence the total mass.

D) Mass of each body changes slightly but the total mass remains the same

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24.Consider a capacitor that has a vacuum in the space between the conductors. If we double *
the amount of charge on each conductor, what happens to the capacitance?

A) It increases

B) It decreases

C) It remains same

D) It depends on the size or shape of the conductors

25.Three times decrease in the distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor will *

A) Decrease the capacitance three times

B) Decrease the capacitance nine times

C) Increase the capacitance three times

D) Increase the capacitance six times

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26.The number of electrons in one coulomb of charge are: *

A) 6.25 x 1021

B) 1.6 x 1019

C) 6.25 x 1018

D) 9.1 x 1031

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27.The formula for electric field strength is 'E = F/Q', where E is electric field strength and F is *
force and Q is the charge. Which one of the following options gives the correct base units for
electric field strength?

A) kg m s-3 A-1

B) kg s-2A-3

C) kg2 s-3A-2

D) m s-1 A-3

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28.The time constant is defined as the time required by the capacitor *

A) To deposit 63% of the equilibrium charge

B) To deposit 36% of the equilibrium charge

C) To deposit 63 times of the equilibrium charge

D) To deposit 36 times of the equilibrium charge

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29."The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point charges is directly proportional *
to the product of the magnitude of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between them." This is known as:

A) Gauss's Law

B) Ohm's law

C) Faraday's law

D) Newton's Law

E) Coulomb's Law

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30.Electric Flux through the surface of a sphere which has constant charge at its center *
depends on:

A) The radius of the sphere

B) The surface area of the sphere

C) The amount of charge inside the sphere

D) The amount of charge outside the sphere

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3/26/24, 10:02 PM 7th GTS MDCAT ONLINE MOCK TEST

31.You have three capacitors, each of 2µF. In which of the following combinations of the three *
capacitors is the resultant capacitance 6μF?

A) All three capacitors are in series

B) Two capacitors are in series, one in parallel

C) Two capacitors are in parallel, one in series

D) All three capacitors are in parallel

32.What is a capacitor? *

A) A device that produces audio sounds

B) A device that dissipates electric charge

C) A device that stores electric charge in an electric field

D) A device that emits radio signals

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