CFD Assignment-7

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Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Instructor: Prof. S. Sarkar

Computer Assignment #7

Due Date:11.11.2015

Note: Attach a CD containing your computer program to the report.

1. Consider the steady 2D viscous flow in an oil tank, where the upper plate moves to the right
with a velocity of uo as shown in Fig.1. Solve the problem by the stream function-vorticity
method to find the velocity field within the cavity and trace the streamlines. The kinematic
viscosity is 0.0025 m2/s. The dimensions of the cavity are L = 40 cm, H = 30 cm and uo  5 m/s .
Select an appropriate mesh size after a grid independence test.

Fig. 1 Dimensions of the cavity

2. Consider a room of 30 cm by 30 cm, where air enters through the left at a uniform velocity of
ui  5 m/s and exits from the right boundary as shown in Fig. 2. The flow may be consider
steady and 2D. Solve the problem by the stream function-vorticity method to find the velocity
field within the cavity and trace the streamlines illustrating vortices if any. The kinematic
viscosity ν and density of air is specified as 1.5x10-5 m2/s and 1.25 kg/ m3. Given, IM = 31 ; JM =
31 ; J1 = 20 ; J2 = 25 ; J3 = 5 ; J4 = 10.
Fig. 2 Dimensions of the cavity and the boundary conditions.

3. Let us consider a 2D laminar boundary layer developing over a flat plate with zero pressure
gradient and u  5 m/s . Solve the growth of the boundary layer in the domain as shown in the
Fig. 3, where a Blasius velocity profile is considered at the inlet with Re *  (U  * ) /  200 .
An air jet is injected vertically from the wall at a distance 50 * from the left boundary with
vinj  0.5 m/s . The width of the air injection port is 10 * . Plot the non-dimensional velocity
profile u / u w.r.t. y /  * at ten different streamwise locations. Also estimate the development of
 * ,  and c f in the streamwise direction (i.e., plot  * vrs. x,  vrs. x, and c f vrs. x )
[  * is the displacement thickness,  , momentum thickness and c f skin friction coefficient.]

Fig. 3 Computational domain & boundary conditions.

Note: Each figure and table must be captioned and numbered such as Fig.1, Table 1 and so on.
Every page of the report must be numbered. The report must have a title page, with name and
roll no. Submit the report in a file. The name of the program should be no_your
surname.file extension (suppose, Assn1-prob2_xyz.for). Write this file name on the top right hand
corner of the report.

Your report must show the following in the order in which they are listed below,

(a) Problem formulation

(b) Sketch of the computational domain and grid
(c) Discretization
(d) Method of solution
(e) Flow chart of solution procedure
(f) Grid independence test for the problem 1 and 3.
(g) Results in tables and graphical representation in Matlab or Tecplot illustrating velocity field
and Stream Line.
(h) Computer printout of output files
(i) Program and output in a CD.

Note: Submit full report for either question no.1 or 2 and 3.

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