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Second World War



Time: 45 Minutes

Answer the following questions:

1. Analyze the source and answer the following questions:

World War II took place between 1939 and 1945. It began when Germany, led by Adolf Hitler,
invaded Poland. Hitler wanted to expand Germany’s empire in order to restore the power that
Germany had lost after World War I. Hitler also had ideological motivations. In his book Mein
Kampf (My Fight), Hitler said that when he became ruler of Germany, he would get rid of all the
Jewish people. Hitler wanted to breed a race of “perfect” people by getting rid of everyone who
he thought was inferior or damaged in any way

1. Why did Hitler want to get rid of Jewish people? (2 Marks)


2. Why did Hitler invade Poland? (3 Marks)


3. According to the above source, explain the cause for the second world war. (5 Marks)

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