Answwrs in Science and Technology

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DIRECTION: Answer the following questions accordingly.

1. Give the functions of DOST using a diagram.

Research and Development (R&D): Conducting scientific research and technological development to
advance knowledge and innovation
.Technology Transfer and Commercialization: Facilitating the transfer of technology from research
institutions to industries for commercialization and societal benefit.
.Science and Technology Promotion: Promoting public awareness and appreciation of science and
technology through education, outreach programs, and event
.Science and Technology Infrastructure Development: Establishing and maintaining infrastructure such
as laboratories, research centers, and technology parks to support R&D activities
.Policy Formulation and Advocacy: Developing policies and advocating for the integration of science and
technology in national development plans and initiatives
Human Resource Development: Providing training, scholarships, and grants to cultivate a skilled
workforce in science and technology fields.
International Collaboration: Collaborating with foreign institutions and organizations to access expertise,
resources, and opportunities for scientific and technological cooperation.

2. Research the other major development programs and personalities in Science and
Technology in the Philippines. Describe and explain briefly.

Corazon Aquino During Corazon Aquino's regime,

During Corazon Aquino's presidency, she recognized the importance of science and technology in
advancing the country's development. By renaming the National Science and Technology Authority
(NSTA) to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), she elevated its status and emphasized its
role in national progress. Her Science and Technology master plan aimed to modernize the production
sector, enhance research capabilities, and build necessary infrastructure to support scientific and
technological advancements. This strategic approach was crucial for fostering innovation, improving
competitiveness, and addressing societal challenges in the Philippines.


I. DIRECTION: Answer the following accordingly.

1. Explain Science’s contribution to human civilization.

Throughout history, science and technology have been inseparable, with advances in one usually
contributing to development in the other. From ancient times, when natural philosophy provided the
framework for scientific inquiry, to current times, when sophisticated technologies such as DNA
sequencing push the limits of scientific understanding, science and technology have had a symbiotic
connection. Scientific discoveries, such as Einstein's theories of relativity and Watson and Crick's
explication of DNA structure, not only broaden our understanding of the natural world, but also have
significant effects on society values and ethics. For example, space research not only broadens our
understanding of the universe, but also raises discussion about humanity's position in the universe and
our responsibility to the Earth. Similarly, the IT revolution, led to by basic concepts provided by famous
figures such as Turing, has affected not just communication, but also how we connect, work, and live in
the digital age. In essence, science and technology impact the development of human civilization,
promoting development and shaping how we view and interact with the world around us.

2. List and discuss practical application of technology.

Communication and Connectivity


Education and Learning

In communication and connectivity, technology has revolutionized how we interact and share
information. From smartphones and social media platforms facilitating instant communication to high-
speed internet enabling global connectivity, technology has made the world more interconnected than
ever before.

In entertainment, technology has transformed how we consume media and experience leisure activities.
Streaming services provide on-demand access to a vast array of content, virtual reality (VR) and
augmented reality (AR) technologies offer immersive gaming and entertainment experiences, and social
media platforms serve as hubs for sharing and discovering content.

In education and learning, technology has revolutionized traditional teaching methods and expanded
access to knowledge. Online learning platforms offer flexible and accessible educational opportunities,
interactive educational apps and games make learning engaging and fun, and virtual classrooms enable
remote collaboration and learning experiences.

Overall, technology has significantly enhanced communication, connectivity, entertainment, and

education, making these aspects of human life more accessible, engaging, and efficient.
3. Make a poster showing the relationship and influence of science and technology to humans. Use the
space provided.


DIRECTION: Answer the following accordingly. Use the space provided.

1. Give 10 websites or social media that is currently being used in the modern era.
1. Facebook

2. Instagram

3. Twitter

4. YouTube

5. TikTok

6. LinkedIn

7. Snapchat

8. WhatsApp

9. Reddit

10. Pinterest

2. Give 5 uses of technology in the modern era.





1. Communication: Technology enables instant communication through platforms like email, messaging
apps, and video conferencing.

2. Information access: Technology provides easy access to information through search engines,
websites, and online databases.

3. Entertainment: Technology offers various forms of entertainment such as streaming services, gaming
consoles, and virtual reality experiences.

4. Education: Technology facilitates learning through online courses, educational apps, and virtual

5. Healthcare: Technology is used in healthcare for diagnosis, treatment, and patient management
through electronic health records, medical devices, and telemedicine.


DIRECTION: Answer the following accordingly.

1. Explain the effect of biodiversity on human health.

Biodiversity is really important for our health. It helps us in many ways. First, it gives us medicines from
plants, animals, and tiny creatures that help us stay healthy. Second, it helps us have enough food by
supporting lots of different plants and animals. This makes sure we have a variety of healthy foods to
eat. Also, biodiversity helps keep our air and water clean, helps plants grow by pollination, and keeps
the climate stable, which is good for us. It also helps stop diseases from spreading too much by keeping
ecosystems balanced. Being around diverse nature also makes us feel better mentally. So, it's really
important to protect biodiversity to keep ourselves healthy in the future.

2. Discuss the association between biodiversity and climate change.

The relationship between biodiversity and climate change is complicated. Biodiverse ecosystems help to
regulate the Earth's temperature by storing carbon dioxide and ensuring biological equilibrium. Climate
change, on the other hand, poses serious dangers to biodiversity by causing habitat loss, species
extinction, and ecological chaos. Conversely, biodiversity loss can worsen climate change by limiting the
planet's ability to absorb carbon emissions. Preserving biodiversity is critical for reducing climate
change, and dealing climate change is critical for preserving biodiversity and ecosystem resilience. Both
must be handled together in order to maintain the planet's sustainability.

DIRECTION: Answer the following accordingly.

1. What is GMO? Its scientific definition and implication.

2. Explain the step-by-step process of how to genetically modify a product. Provide pictures in each step.


DIRECTION: Answer the following accordingly.

1. What is nanotechnology?
Nanotechnology is the fraud of matter at the atomic and molecular level, or nanoscale, in domains such
as chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering. Scientists use specialized microscopes
such as the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and the atomic force microscope (AFM) to study and
manipulate atoms and molecules, resulting in materials and devices with distinct features. Recent
breakthroughs have advanced nanotechnology, with an emphasis on creating nanomaterials with
remarkable qualities for a wide range of industrial uses.

2. What is the government’s role on nanotechnology?

3. How is nanotechnology being used or applied in the military? Provide an article or news clipping as

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