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Biografi Mohammad Hatta Versi Bahasa Inggris (Biography of Mohammad

Hatta English Version)

11.16 Pahlawan Nasional No comments

mohammad hatta Thanks hopefully Biography biography Biography and Profile Bung Hatta, he
is the hero of the nation whose services eligible for recalls and we pray for his services during his
service as an Indonesian national hero, And Then how the story of his life he Samasa you please
be more familiar with man Hatta Hatta biographies.
Mohammad Hatta was born on August 12, 1902 in Dublin. In a lovely little town Bung Hatta
raised in his mother's family. His father, Haji Mohammad Djamil, died when she was eight
months Hatta. From his mother, Hatta has six sisters. He was the son only. Since sitting on
MULO in Padang, he has been interested in the movement. Since 1916, youth associations arise
as Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Minahasa. and Jong Ambon. Hatta get into clubs
Jong Sumatranen Bond.
As treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, he realized the importance of financial sense for his
association. However, the financial resources of both membership dues and donations from
outside is possible only if the current members have a sense of responsibility and discipline.
Sense of responsibility and discipline further characterize the properties of Mohammad Hatta.
The period of study in the NetherlandsIn 1921 Hatta arrived in the Netherlands to study at
Handels Hoge School in Rotterdam. He signed up as a member of Vereniging Indies. In 1922,
the association changed its name to Indonesische Vereniging. Society who refused to cooperate
with the Dutch was then renamed again to the Association of Indonesia (PI).
Hatta also see to it that the magazine assembly, Poetra Indies, appear regularly as a basic bond
between members. In 1924 the magazine changed its name to Indonesia Merdeka.
Hatta pass the exam handels Economie (economic trade) in 1923. Originally he intended doctoral
exams in economic science at the end of 1925. Therefore in 1924 he was active in the non-PI.
But when it opened a new department, which state law and administrative law. Hatta also entered
the department was encouraged by the great interest in politics.
The extension study plan that allows Hatta was elected Chairman of the PI on January 17, 1926.
On that occasion, he spoke inauguration speech, entitled "Economische Wereldbouw en
Machtstegenstellingen" - World Economic Structure and the Conflicts of power. He tried to
analyze the structure of the world economy, and based on that, pointing to a non-cooperative
foundation of wisdom.
From 1926 to 1930, respectively Hatta elected as Chairman of the PI. Under his leadership, the
PI developed from sororities used to be the political organization of the people who influence the
course of politics in Indonesia. So finally recognized by the National Political Association
Pemufakatan Indonesia (GN) PI as outposts of the national movements in Europe.
PI active propaganda outside the Netherlands. Almost every international congress in Europe
entered, and received the association. During that time, almost always Hatta himself who led the
In 1926, with the aim of introducing the name "Indonesia", Hatta led a delegation to the
International Congress for Peace Democracy Bierville, France. Without much opposition,
"Indonesia" was officially recognized by Congress. The name "Indonesia" to mention the Dutch
East Indies when it was a really well known among international organizations.
Hatta and Indonesian nationalist movement got important experience in the League Against
Imperialism and Colonial Oppression, an international congress held in Brussels on 10-15
February 1927. At this congress Hatta acquainted with the leaders of the labor movement as G.
Ledebour and Edo Fimmen, as well as figures who later became statesmen in Asia and Africa
such as Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Hafiz Ramadan Bey (Egypt), and Senghor (Africa). His
personal friendship with Nehru started since then.
In 1927 also, Hatta and Nehru invited to give lectures for the "International Women's League for
Peace and Freedom" in Gland, Switzerland. Title lecture Hatta L 'Indonesie et son Probleme de I'
Independence (Indonesia and the issue of Independence).
Along with Nazir St. Pamontjak, Sastroamidjojo Ali and Abdul Madjid Djojoadiningrat, Hatta
was jailed for five and a half months. On March 22, 1928, the court in The Hague freed four of
all charges. In a historic session, Hatta argued that awesome defense speech, later published as a
pamphlet by the name "Indonesia Vrij", and then translated into Indonesian as a book with the
title of independent Indonesia.
Between the years 1930-1931, Hatta concentrate on his studies and writing essays for magazines
Daulat Ra'jat and sometimes De Socialist. He planned to end his studies in mid-1932.
Back to the MotherlandIn July 1932, Hatta successfully completed his studies in the Netherlands
and a month later he arrived in Jakarta. Between late 1932 and 1933, the main bustle Hatta was
written various articles on political and economic to Daulat Ra'jat and perform a variety of
political activities, especially the education of political cadres in the Party of National Education
of Indonesia. The principle of non-cooperation is stressed to its cadres.
Hatta harsh reaction against Sukarno attitude with respect to the holder by the Dutch colonial
government, which ended with the removal of Sukarno to Ende, Flores, seen in his writings in
Daulat Ra'jat, entitled "Soekarno Detained" (August 10, 1933), "Tragedy Sukarno "(30
November 1933), and" Attitudes Leaders "(December 10, 1933).
In February 1934, after Sukarno exiled to Ende, the Dutch colonial government turned its
attention to the Party of National Education of Indonesia. The leadership of the Party of National
Education Indonesia arrested and then exiled to Digoel. A total of seven people. From the Jakarta
office was Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, and Bondan. From London office: Maskun
Sumadiredja, Burhanuddin, Soeka, and Murwoto. Prior to Digoel, they were imprisoned for
nearly a year in prison and Cipinang Glodok, Jakarta. In Glodok prison, Hatta wrote a book titled
"The Economic Crisis and Capitalism".
The ExileIn January 1935, Hatta and his friends arrived in Tanah Merah, Digoel (Papua). The
head of government there, Captain van Langen, offers two options: to work for the colonial
government to pay 40 cents a day in the hope will be sent back to their home, or being outcast by
receiving food in kind, with no hope of repatriated to their hometown . Hatta said, when he
worked for the colonial government when he was still in Jakarta, must have been a great man
with a great salary as well. So it is not necessary for him to become porters Tanah Merah paying
40 cents a day.
In captivity, Hatta regularly write articles for the newspaper view. Honorarium enough to live in
Tanah Merah and he can also help his friends. His home in Digoel filled his books specially
brought from Jakarta as many as 16 crates. Thus, Hatta has enough material to give lessons to his
comrades in exile on economics, history, and philosophy. Collection of learning materials were
later recorded with titles such as, "Introduction to Road Science and Knowledge" and "Natural
Greek Thought." (Four volumes).
In December 1935, Captain Wiarda, a replacement van Langen, announced that the disposal
Hatta and Sjahrir moved to Bandaneira. In January 1936 they went to Bandaneira. They met Dr.
Tjipto Mangunkusumo and Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri. In Bandaneira, Hatta and Sjahrir able to
mix freely with the locals and to teach the local children in the fields of history, bookkeeping,
politics, and so on Iain.
Return to Java: The Japanese OccupationOn 3 February 1942, Hatta and Sjahrir brought to
Sukabumi. On March 9, 1942, the Dutch surrendered to the Japanese, and on March 22, 1942
Hatta and Sjahrir brought to Jakarta.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta was asked to work as an advisor. Hatta said about the
ideals of the Indonesian people for independence, and he asked if Japan would colonize
Indonesia? Daily while the head of government, Major General Harada. replied that Japan would
not invade. But Hatta know, that Indonesia's Independence in Japan is different from
understanding its own terms. Recognition of Independence of Indonesia by Japan's need for
Hatta as a weapon against the Allies in the future. When the Japanese fascists want to admit, is a
democratic ally would not? That's why the Japanese always didesaknya to give such recognition,
newly acquired in September 1944.
During the Japanese occupation, Hatta did not talk much. But the speech made at the Field Ikada
(now Freedom Square) on December 8, 1942 tanggaI electrify many circles. He said,
"Indonesiaregardless of colonization of Dutch imperialism. And therefore he did not want to be a
colony again. Young and old to feel this sharp-sharp. For the youth of Indonesia, he Iebih like to
see Indonesia sinking into the sea rather than have it as a colony of the back. "
ProclamationIn early August 1945, the Committee of Inquiry Efforts Preparation of Indonesian
Independence was replaced by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence, with
Sukarno as chairman and Mohammad Hatta as Vice-Chairman. Its members consist of
representatives of regions throughout Indonesia, Java and nine of twelve people from outside
On the night of 16 August 1945, the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence
proclamation at a meeting to prepare at home Admiral Maeda (JI Imam Bonjol, now), which
ended at 03.00 am the next day. Small committee consisting of five persons, namely Soekarno,
Hatta, Soebardjo, Soekarni, and Sayuti Malik split off into a room to compose the text of the
proclamation of independence. Soekarno Hatta requested compose a quick proclamation.
Soekarno Hatta suggested that wrote the words dictated. After the job was finished. they took
him to the living room, where the other members are waiting.
Soekarni proposed that the text of the proclamation is signed by two people, Sukarno and
Mohammad Hatta. All present welcomed the boisterous clapping.The date August 17, 1945,
Indonesia's independence was proclaimed by Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta on behalf of the
Indonesian nation, right at 10:00 am at East 56th Street Pengangsaan Jakarta.
Dated August 18, 1945, Ir Soekarno was appointed as the President of the Republic of Indonesia
and Drs. Mohammad Hatta was appointed Deputy President of the Republic of Indonesia.
Soekardjo Wijopranoto argued that the President and Vice President should be a duumvirate.
Maintaining Independence Period IndonesiaIndonesia should maintain its independence from the
Dutch Government's effort to re-colonize. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia moved
from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. Twice negotiations with the Dutch led to the Treaty Linggarjati and
Reville, but it always ended in failure due to cheating the Dutch.
To seek support abroad, in July I947, Bung Hatta went to India to see Jawaharlal Nehru and
Mahatma Gandhi. by masquerading as a co-pilot named Abdullah (The pilot is Biju Patnaik who
later became Minister of Steel India in the government of Prime Minister Morarji Desai). Nehru
promised, India can help Indonesia to protest to the UN resolution that condemned the
And threats facing hardship after another. September 1948 PKI rebellion. December 19, 1948,
the Dutch returned a second aggression. President and Vice President captured and exiled to
Bangka. But the people of Indonesia struggle to maintain independence continues raging
everywhere. Commander Soediman continue to lead the armed struggle.
On December 27, 1949 in Den Haag, Bung Hatta, who chaired the Indonesian delegation to the
Round Table Conference to receive the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty of Queen Juliana.
Bung Hatta also the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia States while standing.
Furthermore, after the RIS to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Hatta returned
to the Vice President.
Period 1950-1956During her time as Vice President, Bung Hatta remained active giving lectures
at various institutions of higher education. He also continued to write various essays and
scholarly books in economics and cooperatives. He also actively guiding the cooperative
movement to implement the ideals in the conception of the economy. Dated July 12, 1951, Bung
Hatta radio speech to welcome the Day of Cooperatives in Indonesia. Because besamya Bung
Hatta activity in the cooperative movement, then on July 17, 1953 he was appointed as the father
of the Indonesian Cooperatives Cooperatives Congress Indonesia in Bandung. Bung Hatta
thoughts about cooperatives, among others, outlined in his book, Building Cooperatives and
Cooperative Building (1971).
In 1955, Bung Hatta announced that if the parliament and the Constituent choice of the people
has been formed, he will resign as Vice President. It was his intention to resign diberitahukannya
through a letter to the chairman of Parliament, Mr. Sartono. Copies of the letter sent to President
Soekarno. After the Constituent Assembly officially opened by the President, Vice-President
Hatta told the Speaker that on l December 1956 he would put his position as Vice President.
President Sukarno tried to stop, but the Bung Hatta remained at its founding.
On date 27 November 1956, he received an honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa academic
in jurisprudence from the University of Gajah Mada in Yoyakarta. On that occasion, Bung Hatta
inaugural speech entitled "Past and Coming".
After Bung Hatta resigned as Vice President, also earned several academic degrees from various
universities. Padjadjaran University in Bandung confirmed Bung Hatta as a professor in political
science economy. Hasanuddin University in Ujungpandang give Doctor Honoris Causa degree in
Economics. University of Indonesia to give the title Doctor Honoris Causa in the field of law.
Bung Hatta inaugural speech titled "Towards the Rule of Law".
In 1960 Bung Hatta wrote "Our Democracy" in the banner of People magazine. A paper known
for highlight the views and thoughts of Bung Hatta on the development of democracy in
Indonesia at that time.
In the New Order government, Bung Hatta over an elder statesman for his people than a
Hatta Rahmi married to Rachim on November l8, 1945 in the village of Megamendung, Bogor,
West Java. They have three daughters, Meutia Farida, Gemala Rabi'a, and Halide Fatma. The
two oldest daughters are married. The first with Dr. Sri-Edi Swasono and the second with Drs.
Mohammad Chalil Baridjambek. Hatta had witnessed the birth of two grandchildren, namely Sri
Juwita Hanum Swasono and Mohammad Athar Baridjambek.
On August 15, 1972, President Soeharto convey to the Bung Hatta gift form the highest mark of
Honor "Star of the Republic of Indonesia Class I" in a state ceremony at the State Palace.Bung
Hatta, Proclaimers of Independence and First Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, died
on March 14, 1980 at the Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, at the age of 77 years and
was interred in the cemetery Land coachman on March 15, 1980.
Here's Biography of Mohammad Hatta
Name: Dr. Mohammad Hatta (Bung Hatta)
Born: Dublin, August 12, 1902
Died: Jakarta, March 14, 1980
Wife: (the late) Rahmi Rachim
* Meutia Farida* Gemala* Halides Nuriah
Degree Heroes: Heroes Proclaimers RI in 1986
* Europese Largere School (ELS) in Dublin (1916)* Meer Uirgebreid Lagere School (MULO) in
Padang (1919)* Handel Middlebare School (Trade School), Jakarta (1921)* Degree of Drs
Handelshogeschool Nederland, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (1932)
* Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond, Padang (1916-1919)* Treasurer Jong Sumatranen Bond,
Jakarta (1920-1921)* Chairman of the Indonesian Association in the Netherlands (1925-1930)*
Representative of the Indonesian delegation to the League Against Imperialism movement and
colonization, Berlin (1927-1931)* Chairman of the Committee (New PNI) National Education of
Indonesia (1934-1935)* Office of the Chief Counsel at Bala The Japanese government (April
1942)* Member Investigation Agency Independence Preparation Efforts (May 1945)* Vice
Chairman of the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (August 7, 1945)*
Proclaimer of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (August 17, 1945)* First Vice
President of the Republic of Indonesia (August 18, 1945)* Vice President cum Prime Minister
and Minister of Defense (January 1948 - December 1949)* Chairman of the Indonesian
delegation to the Round Table Conference in The Hague and received a transfer of sovereignty
of Queen Juliana (1949)* Vice President cum Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Cabinet of
the Republic of Indonesia (December 1949 - August 1950)* Lecturer in Sesko Army, London
(1951-1961)* Lecturer at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta (1954-1959)* Advisor to
the President and the Advisory Committee on the issue of corruption IV (1969)* Chairman of the
Committee of Five in charge of providing interpretation of the formulation of Pancasila (1975)
Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara Versi Bahasa Inggris (Biography Ki Hajar
Dewantara English Version)

13.33 Pahlawan Nasional No comments

Ki Hajar Dewantara Born in Yogyakarta on May 2 1889.Terlahir as Raden Mas Soewardi

Soeryaningrat. He comes from the family palace of Yogyakarta. Raden Mas Soewardi
Soeryaningrat, even at 40 years old by the count of the Year Caka, renamed Ki Hajar Dewantara.
Since then, he no longer uses a knighthood in front of his name. This meant that he could freely
close to the people, both physically and heart.
His life is really characterized the struggle and dedication to the interests of the nation. He
finished elementary school in the ELS (Elementary School Holland) then could continue to
STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school), but it was not until the end because of illness. Later he
worked as a journalist at several newspapers including Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express,
Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. At the time, he was considered a
reliable writer. His writings are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so as to evoke the spirit
of anti-colonial readers.

Besides tenacious as a young reporter, he was also active in social and political organization. In
1908, he was active in the propaganda section Boedi Oetomo to promote awareness and inspire
people of Indonesia at that time about the importance of unity in the state and nation.

Then, with Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo, he
founded Indische Partij (the first political party that wing nationalism Indonesia) on December
25, 1912 which aims to achieve an independent Indonesia.

They tried to register the organization to obtain legal status in the Dutch colonial government.
But the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg tried to block it with the
presence of the party was refused registration on March 11, 1913. The reason for refusal was that
the organization is considered to evoke a sense of nationalism and unity to move against the
Dutch colonial government.
Then, after the refusal of registration of the legal entity status Indische Partij he helped form the
Committee Bumipoetra in November 1913. The committee as well as a rival committee of the
Committee of One Hundred Years of Independence Celebration of the Dutch. Boemipoetra
Committee's critique of the Dutch government intends to celebrate one hundred years of its free
Holland from French colonialism to withdraw money from the people of colonies to finance the
In connection with the celebration of the plan, he was criticized by Als Ik Eens article entitled
Was Nederlander (If I'm A Netherlands) and Een maar voor Allen Allen Ook voor Een (One for
All, but All for One Also). If I'm A Dutch writings published in newspapers owned by de Expres
dr. Douwes Dekker, among others, reads:
"If I were a Dutchman, I will not hold the parties freedom in our own country who had robbed
her freedom. Parallel to the way of thinking, is not only unfair, but it also does not deserve to
have the inlander give donations to fund the celebration.
Thought for organizing the celebration alone insulting them and now we are scratching the bag
anyway. Come forward and unseen insult it! If I'm a Dutchman. What offends me and my friends
countrymen especially the fact that the nation is required to participate finance inlander a job that
he himself had no interest at all. "
As a result of his essay, the Dutch government through the Governor-General Idenburg
sentenced without trial, punishment internering (waste law) is a sentence withdesignate a place to
stay that allowed for a person to reside. He was sentenced to imprisonment on Bangka Island.
Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots feel unfairly treated. They also
publish a pitched defend Soewardi. But the Dutch believed that writing and inciting the people to
revolt against the colonial GOI. As a result, they also suspended internering. Douwes Dekker
dumped in Kupang and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo exiled to the island of Banda.
But they wanted banished to the Netherlands because there they can learn to do many things
from the remote areas. Eventually they were allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as
part of the punishment.
The opportunity was used to explore the issues of education and teaching, so Raden Mas
Soewardi Soeryaningrat managed to obtain a Certificate Europeesche.Then he returned to his
homeland in 1918. In the homeland he devotes attention in the field of education as part of the
means of struggle for independence.
After his return from exile, with his comrades, he founded a college national patterned, Nationaal
Instituut Onderwijs Tamansiswa (National University Tamansiswa) on July 3, 1922. Education is
strongly emphasized education to students a sense of nationhood that they love the nation and
homeland and fight for independence.
Not a few hurdles faced in building State Students. The Dutch colonial government issued
Ordinance seeks his way with Wild School on October 1, 1932. But with persistence to fight for
their rights, so the ordinance was later revoked.
In the midst of seriousness devoted Tamansiswa in education, he also remained diligent in
writing. But the theme of his writing turned from political overtones to the national vision of
education and culture. His writing hundreds of pieces. Through the writings that he successfully
laid the foundation of national education for Indonesia.
Meanwhile, in the days of the Japanese Occupation, the activities in politics and education
continues. When the Japanese government established the People's Power Center (the Son) in
1943, Ki Hajar sat as one of the leaders in addition to Ir. Sukarno, Drs. Muhammad Hatta and
K.H. Mas Mansur.
After the time kemedekaan, Ki beat Dewantara had served as Minister of Education and Culture
of the first. Name Ki Hajar Dewantara not only enshrined as a hero figure and education (the
father of National Education) the date of his birth May 2 was made a National Education, but it
is also designated as a National Hero Movement through Presidential decree No.305 of 1959,
dated 28 November 1959 . Other awards he received was the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from
the University of Gajah Mada in 1957.
Two years after obtaining the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, he died on 28 April 1959 in
Yogyakarta and is buried there.
Then by the successor State college student, founded Kirti Griya Dewantara Museum,
Yogyakarta, to preserve the values of Ki Hajar Dewantara fighting spirit. In the museum there
are objects or works as the founder of Ki Hajar Tamansiswa and performance in national life.
Museum collections in the form of paper or concepts and critical treatises and data
correspondence Ki Hajar during life as a journalist, educator, humanist, and as an artist have
been recorded on microfilm and laminated for the help the National Archives.
This nation needs to inherit the fruit of his thoughts on the purpose of education is to promote the
nation as a whole without distinction of religion, ethnicity, race, culture, customs, habits,
economic status, social status, etc., and must be based on the values of human freedom.
Birthday, celebrated as National Education Day. Are known teachings tut wuri handayani
(behind giving encouragement), ing madya mangun karsa (in the middle of creating
opportunities for initiative), ing ngarsa sungtulada (in front of an example).
Biografi Jenderal Sudirman Versi Bahasa Inggris ( Biography of General
Sudirman English Version )

12.16 Pahlawan Nasional No comments

Thank you hopefully biography Biography and Profiles. Benefit for you to know more figures in
the world, General Sudirman is one of the most popular figures in the history of the struggle of
the Indonesian nation. He was the first commander of the military, religious leaders, educators,
Muhammadiyah leader and a pioneer of guerrilla warfare in Indonesia. General Sudirman also
one of the five-star general in Indonesia besides General AH Nasution and General Suharto. He
was born in Bodas Karangjati, Purbalingga, Central Java, on January 24, 1916 and died in
Magelang, Central Java, January 29, 1950 at the age of 34 years of tuberculosis and is buried at
the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State Kusuma, Yogyakarta.
General Sudirman was born and raised in a modest family. His father, KARSID Kartowirodji,
was a worker at Sugar Factory Kalibagor, Banyumas, and his mother, Siyem, bleary-eyed
offspring Wedana Apex. Soedirman since the age of 8 months was appointed as a child by R.
Tjokrosoenaryo, an assistant district officer Apex is still a brother of Siyem. General Sudirman
acquire formal education from the School Garden Student. Then he went on to HIK (school
teacher), Muhammadiyah Surakarta but not until the end. Sudirman was also active at the
moment Scouts organization Hizbul Wathan. After that he became a teacher at his school in
Cilacap Muhammadiyah.
The knowledge gained from the Japanese military through education. After completing his
education at the MAP, he became a battalion commander in Kroya, Central Java. Later he
became the commander of Division V / Banyumas after TKR formed, and eventually was elected
Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (Commander TKR). Sudirman
was known to have a private firm on principle and conviction, he always put the interests of
many people and nation above personal interests, even the interests of his own health. His
personality is written in a book by Tjokropranolo, bodyguard during the guerrilla, as someone
who is always consistent and consistent in defending the interests of the homeland, the nation
and the state. During the Japanese occupation, the Sudirman been a member of the People's Food
Board and a member of the House of Representatives residency of Banyumas. In this time he set
up a cooperative to help the people from starvation.
After World War II, the Japanese surrendered unconditionally to the Allies. Sukarno used the
moment to declare the independence of Indonesia. Sudirman and his troops fought in Banyumas,
Central Java against the Japanese and captured weapons and ammunition. At that time the
Japanese position is still strong in Indonesia. MAP Soedirman organizing his battalion into a
regiment based in Banyumas, to become the army of the Republic of Indonesia which then
played a major role in the war Indonesian National Revolution.
After the People's Security Army (TKR) was formed, he was subsequently appointed as
Commander of Division V / Banyumas with the rank of Colonel. And through TKR Conference
on 12 November 1945, was elected Soedirman TKR Commander / Chief of the Armed Forces of
Indonesia. Later he began to suffer from tuberculosis, but he still falls within the guerrilla war
against the forces who want to master the Dutch NICA Indonesia after the Japanese surrender.
The first great war is a war led Soedirman Palagan Ambarawa against the British and Dutch
NICA which lasts from November to December 1945. In December 1945, forces led by
Sudirman TKR fought against the British army in Ambarawa. And on December 12, 1945,
Sudirman launched simultaneous attacks against all top notch British Ambarawa. Famous battle
which lasted for five days to end with the withdrawal of British troops to Semarang. The war
ended on December 16, 1945. After victories in the Sudirman Ambarawa Theater, on December
18, 1945 he was appointed as General by President Soekarno. Soedirman gained the rank of
General is not through the military academy or other higher education, but because of his
General Sudirman still plunge into battle during the second Dutch military aggression in the
capital Yogyakarta. When the capital was moved to Yogyakarta, Indonesia as Jakarta has
mastered Belanda.Soedirman led his troops to defend Yogyakarta from the Dutch attack was on
December 19, 1948. In opposition, the health condition of General Sudirman was in a very weak
state of tuberculosis he suffered for a long time. Yogyakarta was then controlled by the Dutch,
although Indonesia was ruled by the army after General Offensive March 1, 1949. At that time,
President Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta and several cabinet members were also arrested by the
Dutch army. Because of the precarious situation, Soedirman crutches left with his troops and
return to guerrilla warfare.
He moved around for seven months from one forest to another forest, and from mountain to
mountain in sickness almost without treatment and medical care. Soedirman home of guerrilla
because his health condition does not allow her to lead the Armed Forces directly. After that just
a figure Soedirman planners behind the scenes in a guerrilla campaign against the Dutch. After
the Dutch surrender as the Indonesian archipelago States in the 1949 Round Table Conference in
The Hague, General Sudirman back to Jakarta with President Sukarno and Vice President
Mohammad Hatta. At the date January 29, 1950, General Sudirman died in Magelang, Central
Java illness suffered severe tuberculosis. He was buried in the Heroes Cemetery in semaki State
Kusuma, Yogyakarta. He was named the Defender of Independence hero. In 1997 he was
awarded posthumously to Major General of the five-star rank possessed only by a few generals
in Indonesia until now
Biography of President Ir. Soekarno
First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, who used to be
calledBung Karno, born in Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901 and died in
Jakarta, 21 June1970. His father named Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo
and his mother Ida AyuNyoman Rai. During his life, he has three wives
and has eight children.Fatmawatiwife have children from Guntur,
Megawati, Rachmawati, Sukmawati andthunder. From wife Hartini have
Taufan and Bayu, while the wife Ratna SariDewi, the woman whose
original name was derived Japanese Naoko NemotoKartika have
children ..Sukarno's childhood just a few years living with his parents in
Blitar. During theelementary to graduate, he lives in Surabaya, homestay
in the home Haji Oemar Said Tokroaminoto, veteran politician Sarekat
founder of Islam. Then go toschool in HBS (Hoogere Burger School).
While studying at HBS, Sukarno wasgalvanizing spirit of nationalism.
After he graduated from HBS in 1920, moved toBandung and continue
to THS (Technische Hoogeschool or Technical HighSchool who is now
the ITB). He won the title "Ir" on May 25, 1926.Then, he formulated and
established the doctrine Marhaenisme PNI (Nationalist

Party of Indonesia) on July 4, 1927, with the aim of an independent Indonesia. Asa result, the
Netherlands, put into prison Sukamiskin, Bandung on December 29,1929.Eight months later a
new trial. In his defense titled Indonesia Menggugat,he showed apostasy Netherlands, a nation
that claims it is more advanced.Defense that made the Dutch more and more angry. So in July
1930, the PNIwas dissolved. After his release in 1931, Sukarno joined Partindo and at thesame
time lead. As a result, he was re-arrested by the Dutch and exiled to Ende,Flores, 1933. Four
years later moved to Bengkulu.After going through a long struggle, Bung Karno and Bung Hatta
proclaimedIndonesia's independence on August 17, 1945. In the trial BPUPKI June 1,
1945,Ir.Soekarno the idea of the basic state called Pancasila. August 17, 1945, Ir Soekarno and
Drs. Mohammad Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence. Inthe trial PPKI, August 18, 1945
Ir.Soekarno elected by acclamation as the firstPresident of the Republic of Indonesia.Previously,
he was also able to formulate that later became the basis of Pancasila (ideology) of the Unitary
Republic of Indonesia. He seeks to unite thearchipelago. Even Sukarno tried to gather the nations
in Asia, Africa and LatinAmerica with the Asian-African Conference in Bandung in 1955, which
later evolved into the Non-Aligned Movement.Rebellion G-30-S/PKI bear great political crisis
that led to rejection of theAssembly of accountability. Instead the Assembly appoint Suharto as
ActingPresident. His health continued to deteriorate, which on Sunday, June 21, 1970he died at
the army hospital. He was buried at Wisma Yaso, Jakarta and wasburied in Blitar, East Java, near
the tomb of his mother, Ida Ayu NyomanRai. Government conferred him as "Hero of the
Proclamation". (From VariousSources)
Biografi Mohammad Hatta - Proklamator Indonesia

Biografi Mohammad Hatta. Siapa yang tidak mengenal

salah satu pahlawan atau tokoh Proklamator Indonesia ini. Sangat bersahaja dan sederhana
hingga akhir hayatnya ini itulah sosok Mohammad Hatta yang lahir pada tanggal 12 Agustus
1902 di Bukittinggi. Di kota kecil yang indah inilah Bung Hatta dibesarkan di lingkungan
keluarga ibunya. Ayahnya, Haji Mohammad Djamil, meninggal ketika Hatta berusia delapan
bulan. Dari ibunya, Hatta memiliki enam saudara perempuan. Ia adalah anak laki-laki satu-
satunya. Sejak duduk di MULO di kota Padang, ia telah tertarik pada pergerakan. Sejak tahun
1916, timbul perkumpulan-perkumpulan pemuda seperti Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong
Minahasa. dan Jong Ambon. Hatta masuk ke perkumpulan Jong Sumatranen Bond.

Sebagai bendahara Jong Sumatranen Bond, ia menyadari pentingnya arti keuangan bagi hidupnya
perkumpulan. Tetapi sumber keuangan baik dari iuran anggota maupun dari sumbangan luar hanya
mungkin lancar kalau para anggotanya mempunyai rasa tanggung jawab dan disiplin. Rasa tanggung
jawab dan disiplin selanjutnya menjadi ciri khas sifat-sifat Mohammad Hatta.

Masa Studi di Negeri Belanda

Pada tahun 1921 Hatta tiba di Negeri Belanda untuk belajar pada Handels Hoge School di Rotterdam. Ia
mendaftar sebagai anggota Indische Vereniging. Tahun 1922, perkumpulan ini berganti nama menjadi
Indonesische Vereniging. Perkumpulan yang menolak bekerja sama dengan Belanda itu kemudian
berganti nama lagi menjadi Perhimpunan Indonesia (PI). Hatta juga mengusahakan agar majalah
perkumpulan, Hindia Poetra, terbit secara teratur sebagai dasar pengikat antaranggota. Pada tahun
1924 majalah ini berganti nama menjadi Indonesia Merdeka. Hatta lulus dalam ujian handels economie
(ekonomi perdagangan) pada tahun 1923. Semula dia bermaksud menempuh ujian doctoral di bidang
ilmu ekonomi pada akhir tahun 1925. Karena itu pada tahun 1924 dia non-aktif dalam PI. Tetapi waktu
itu dibuka jurusan baru, yaitu hukum negara dan hukum administratif. Hatta pun memasuki jurusan itu
terdorong oleh minatnya yang besar di bidang politik.

Perpanjangan rencana studinya itu memungkinkan Hatta terpilih menjadi Ketua PI pada tanggal 17
Januari 1926. Pada kesempatan itu, ia mengucapkan pidato inaugurasi yang berjudul "Economische
Wereldbouw en Machtstegenstellingen"--Struktur Ekonomi Dunia dan Pertentangan kekuasaan. Dia
mencoba menganalisis struktur ekonomi dunia dan berdasarkan itu, menunjuk landasan kebijaksanaan
non-kooperatif. Sejak tahun 1926 sampai 1930, berturut-turut Hatta dipilih menjadi Ketua PI. Di bawah
kepemimpinannya, PI berkembang dari perkumpulan mahasiswa biasa menjadi organisasi politik yang
mempengaruhi jalannya politik rakyat di Indonesia. Sehingga akhirnya diakui oleh Pemufakatan
Perhimpunan Politik Kebangsaan Indonesia (PPPI) PI sebagai pos depan dari pergerakan nasional yang
berada di Eropa. PI melakukan propaganda aktif di luar negeri Belanda. Hampir setiap kongres
intemasional di Eropa dimasukinya, dan menerima perkumpulan ini. Selama itu, hampir selalu Hatta
sendiri yang memimpin delegasi.

Pada tahun 1926, dengan tujuan memperkenalkan nama "Indonesia", Hatta memimpin delegasi ke
Kongres Demokrasi Intemasional untuk Perdamaian di Bierville, Prancis. Tanpa banyak oposisi,
"Indonesia" secara resmi diakui oleh kongres. Nama "Indonesia" untuk menyebutkan wilayah Hindia
Belanda ketika itu telah benar-benar dikenal kalangan organisasi-organisasi internasional. Hatta dan
pergerakan nasional Indonesia mendapat pengalaman penting di Liga Menentang Imperialisme dan
Penindasan Kolonial, suatu kongres internasional yang diadakan di Brussels tanggal 10-15 Pebruari 1927.
Di kongres ini Hatta berkenalan dengan pemimpin-pemimpin pergerakan buruh seperti G. Ledebour dan
Edo Fimmen, serta tokoh-tokoh yang kemudian menjadi negarawan-negarawan di Asia dan Afrika
seperti Jawaharlal Nehru (India), Hafiz Ramadhan Bey (Mesir), dan Senghor (Afrika). Persahabatan
pribadinya dengan Nehru mulai dirintis sejak saat itu.

Pada tahun 1927 itu pula, Hatta dan Nehru diundang untuk memberikan ceramah bagi "Liga Wanita
Internasional untuk Perdamaian dan Kebebasan" di Gland, Swiss. Judul ceramah Hatta L 'Indonesie et
son Probleme de I' Independence (Indonesia dan Persoalan Kemerdekaan). Bersama dengan Nazir St.
Pamontjak, Ali Sastroamidjojo, dan Abdul Madjid Djojoadiningrat, Hatta dipenjara selama lima setengah
bulan. Pada tanggal 22 Maret 1928, mahkamah pengadilan di Den Haag membebaskan keempatnya dari
segala tuduhan. Dalam sidang yang bersejarah itu, Hatta mengemukakan pidato pembelaan yang
mengagumkan, yang kemudian diterbitkan sebagai brosur dengan nama "Indonesia Vrij", dan kemudian
diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia sebagai buku dengan judul Indonesia Merdeka. Antara tahun
1930-1931, Hatta memusatkan diri kepada studinya serta penulisan karangan untuk majalah Daulat
Ra‘jat dan kadang-kadang De Socialist. Ia merencanakan untuk mengakhiri studinya pada pertengahan
tahun 1932.

Kembali ke Tanah Air

Pada bulan Juli 1932, Hatta berhasil menyelesaikan studinya di Negeri Belanda dan sebulan kemudian ia
tiba di Jakarta. Antara akhir tahun 1932 dan 1933, kesibukan utama Hatta adalah menulis berbagai
artikel politik dan ekonomi untuk Daulat Ra’jat dan melakukan berbagai kegiatan politik, terutama
pendidikan kader-kader politik pada Partai Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia. Prinsip non-kooperasi selalu
ditekankan kepada kader-kadernya. Reaksi Hatta yang keras terhadap sikap Soekarno sehubungan
dengan penahannya oleh Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda, yang berakhir dengan pembuangan Soekarno ke
Ende, Flores, terlihat pada tulisan-tulisannya di Daulat Ra’jat, yang berjudul "Soekarno Ditahan" (10
Agustus 1933), "Tragedi Soekarno" (30 Nopember 1933), dan "Sikap Pemimpin" (10 Desember 1933).
Pada bulan Pebruari 1934, setelah Soekarno dibuang ke Ende, Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda
mengalihkan perhatiannya kepada Partai Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia. Para pimpinan Partai
Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia ditahan dan kemudian dibuang ke Boven Digoel. Seluruhnya berjumlah
tujuh orang. Dari kantor Jakarta adalah Mohammad Hatta, Sutan Sjahrir, dan Bondan. Dari kantor
Bandung: Maskun Sumadiredja, Burhanuddin, Soeka, dan Murwoto. Sebelum ke Digoel, mereka
dipenjara selama hampir setahun di penjara Glodok dan Cipinang, Jakarta. Di penjara Glodok, Hatta
menulis buku berjudul “Krisis Ekonomi dan Kapitalisme”.

Masa Pembuangan
Pada bulan Januari 1935, Hatta dan kawan-kawannya tiba di Tanah Merah, Boven Digoel (Papua). Kepala
pemerintahan di sana, Kapten van Langen, menawarkan dua pilihan: bekerja untuk pemerintahan
kolonial dengan upah 40 sen sehari dengan harapan nanti akan dikirim pulang ke daerah asal, atau
menjadi buangan dengan menerima bahan makanan in natura, dengan tiada harapan akan dipulangkan
ke daerah asal. Hatta menjawab, bila dia mau bekerja untuk pemerintah kolonial waktu dia masih di
Jakarta, pasti telah menjadi orang besar dengan gaji besar pula. Maka tak perlulah dia ke Tanah Merah
untuk menjadi kuli dengan gaji 40 sen sehari.

Dalam pembuangan, Hatta secara teratur menulis artikel-artikel untuk surat kabar Pemandangan.
Honorariumnya cukup untuk biaya hidup di Tanah Merah dan dia dapat pula membantu kawan-
kawannya. Rumahnya di Digoel dipenuhi oleh buku-bukunya yang khusus dibawa dari Jakarta sebanyak
16 peti. Dengan demikian, Hatta mempunyai cukup banyak bahan untuk memberikan pelajaran kepada
kawan-kawannya di pembuangan mengenai ilmu ekonomi, sejarah, dan filsafat. Kumpulan bahan-bahan
pelajaran itu di kemudian hari dibukukan dengan judul-judul antara lain, "Pengantar ke Jalan llmu dan
Pengetahuan" dan "Alam Pikiran Yunani." (empat jilid).

Pada bulan Desember 1935, Kapten Wiarda, pengganti van Langen, memberitahukan bahwa tempat
pembuangan Hatta dan Sjahrir dipindah ke Bandaneira. Pada Januari 1936 keduanya berangkat ke
Bandaneira. Mereka bertemu Dr. Tjipto Mangunkusumo dan Mr. Iwa Kusumasumantri. Di Bandaneira,
Hatta dan Sjahrir dapat bergaul bebas dengan penduduk setempat dan memberi pelajaran kepada anak-
anak setempat dalam bidang sejarah, tatabuku, politik, dan lain-Iain.

Kembali Ke Jawa: Masa Pendudukan Jepang

Pada tanggal 3 Pebruari 1942, Hatta dan Sjahrir dibawa ke Sukabumi. Pada tanggal 9 Maret 1942,
Pemerintah Hindia Belanda menyerah kepada Jepang, dan pada tanggal 22 Maret 1942 Hatta dan Sjahrir
dibawa ke Jakarta. Pada masa pendudukan Jepang, Hatta diminta untuk bekerja sama sebagai
penasehat. Hatta mengatakan tentang cita-cita bangsa Indonesia untuk merdeka, dan dia bertanya,
apakah Jepang akan menjajah Indonesia? Kepala pemerintahan harian sementara, Mayor Jenderal
Harada. menjawab bahwa Jepang tidak akan menjajah. Namun Hatta mengetahui, bahwa Kemerdekaan
Indonesia dalam pemahaman Jepang berbeda dengan pengertiannya sendiri. Pengakuan Indonesia
Merdeka oleh Jepang perlu bagi Hatta sebagai senjata terhadap Sekutu kelak. Bila Jepang yang fasis itu
mau mengakui, apakah sekutu yang demokratis tidak akan mau? Karena itulah maka Jepang selalu
didesaknya untuk memberi pengakuan tersebut, yang baru diperoleh pada bulan September 1944.

Selama masa pendudukan Jepang, Hatta tidak banyak bicara. Namun pidato yang diucapkan di Lapangan
Ikada (sekarang Lapangan Merdeka) pada tanggaI 8 Desember 1942 menggemparkan

banyak kalangan. Ia mengatakan, “Indonesia terlepas dari penjajahan imperialisme Belanda. Dan oleh
karena itu ia tak ingin menjadi jajahan kembali. Tua dan muda merasakan ini setajam-tajamnya. Bagi
pemuda Indonesia, ia Iebih suka melihat Indonesia tenggelam ke dalam lautan daripada mempunyainya
sebagai jajahan orang kembali."

Pada awal Agustus 1945, Panitia Penyidik Usaha-Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia diganti
dengan Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, dengan Soekamo sebagai Ketua dan Mohammad
Hatta sebagai Wakil Ketua. Anggotanya terdiri dari wakil-wakil daerah di seluruh Indonesia, sembilan
dari Pulau Jawa dan dua belas orang dari luar Pulau Jawa. Pada tanggal 16 Agustus 1945 malam, Panitia
Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia mempersiapkan proklamasi dalam rapat di rumah Admiral Maeda (JI
Imam Bonjol, sekarang), yang berakhir pada pukul 03.00 pagi keesokan harinya. Panitia kecil yang terdiri
dari 5 orang, yaitu Soekamo, Hatta, Soebardjo, Soekarni, dan Sayuti Malik memisahkan diri ke suatu
ruangan untuk menyusun teks proklamasi kemerdekaan. Soekarno meminta Hatta menyusun teks
proklamasi yang ringkas. Hatta menyarankan agar Soekarno yang menuliskan kata-kata yang
didiktekannya. Setelah pekerjaan itu selesai. mereka membawanya ke ruang tengah, tempat para
anggota lainnya menanti. Soekarni mengusulkan agar naskah proklamasi tersebut ditandatangi oleh dua
orang saja, Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta. Semua yang hadir menyambut dengan bertepuk tangan

Tangal 17 Agustus 1945, kemerdekaan Indonesia diproklamasikan oleh Soekarno dan Mohammad Hatta
atas nama bangsa Indonesia, tepat pada jam 10.00 pagi di Jalan Pengangsaan Timur 56 Jakarta. Tanggal
18 Agustus 1945, Ir Soekarno diangkat sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta
diangkat menjadi Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia. Soekardjo Wijopranoto mengemukakan bahwa
Presiden dan Wakil Presiden harus merupakan satu dwitunggal.

Periode Mempertahankan Kemerdekaan Indonesia

Indonesia harus mempertahankan kemerdekaannya dari usaha Pemerintah Belanda yang ingin menjajah
kembali. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia pindah dari Jakarta ke Yogyakarta. Dua kali perundingan
dengan Belanda menghasilkan Perjanjian Linggarjati dan Perjanjian Reville, tetapi selalu berakhir dengan
kegagalan akibat kecurangan pihak Belanda. Untuk mencari dukungan luar negeri, pada Juli I947, Bung
Hatta pergi ke India menemui Jawaharlal Nehru dan Mahatma Gandhi. dengan menyamar sebagai
kopilot bernama Abdullah (Pilot pesawat adalah Biju Patnaik yang kemudian menjadi Menteri Baja India
di masa Pemerintah Perdana Menteri Morarji Desai). Nehru berjanji, India dapat membantu Indonesia
dengan protes dan resolusi kepada PBB agar Belanda dihukum.

Kesukaran dan ancaman yang dihadapi silih berganti. September 1948 PKI melakukan pemberontakan.
19 Desember 1948, Belanda kembali melancarkan agresi kedua. Presiden dan Wapres ditawan dan
diasingkan ke Bangka. Namun perjuangan Rakyat Indonesia untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan terus
berkobar di mana-mana. Panglima Besar Soediman melanjutkan memimpin perjuangan bersenjata.
Pada tanggal 27 Desember 1949 di Den Haag, Bung Hatta yang mengetuai Delegasi Indonesia dalam
Konperensi Meja Bundar untuk menerima pengakuan kedaulatan Indonesia dari Ratu Juliana. Bung
Hatta juga menjadi Perdana Menteri waktu Negara Republik Indonesia Serikat berdiri. Selanjutnya
setelah RIS menjadi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, Bung Hatta kembali menjadi Wakil Presiden.

Periode Tahun 1950-1956

Selama menjadi Wakil Presiden, Bung Hatta tetap aktif memberikan ceramah-ceramah di berbagai
lembaga pendidikan tinggi. Dia juga tetap menulis berbagai karangan dan buku-buku ilmiah di bidang
ekonomi dan koperasi. Dia juga aktif membimbing gerakan koperasi untuk melaksanakan cita-cita dalam
konsepsi ekonominya. Tanggal 12 Juli 1951, Bung Hatta mengucapkan pidato radio untuk menyambut
Hari Koperasi di Indonesia. Karena besamya aktivitas Bung Hatta dalam gerakan koperasi, maka pada
tanggal 17 Juli 1953 dia diangkat sebagai Bapak Koperasi Indonesia pada Kongres Koperasi Indonesia di
Bandung. Pikiran-pikiran Bung Hatta mengenai koperasi antara lain dituangkan dalam bukunya yang
berjudul Membangun Koperasi dan Koperasi Membangun (1971).

Pada tahun 1955, Bung Hatta mengumumkan bahwa apabila parlemen dan konsituante pilihan rakyat
sudah terbentuk, ia akan mengundurkan diri sebagai Wakil Presiden. Niatnya untuk mengundurkan diri
itu diberitahukannya melalui sepucuk surat kepada ketua Perlemen, Mr. Sartono. Tembusan surat
dikirimkan kepada Presiden Soekarno. Setelah Konstituante dibuka secara resmi oleh Presiden, Wakil
Presiden Hatta mengemukakan kepada Ketua Parlemen bahwa pada tanggal l Desember 1956 ia akan
meletakkan jabatannya sebagai Wakil Presiden RI. Presiden Soekarno berusaha mencegahnya, tetapi
Bung Hatta tetap pada pendiriannya.

Pada tangal 27 Nopember 1956, ia memperoleh gelar kehormatan akademis yaitu Doctor Honoris Causa
dalam ilmu hukum dari Universitas Gajah Mada di Yoyakarta. Pada kesempatan itu, Bung Hatta
mengucapkan pidato pengukuhan yang berjudul “Lampau dan Datang”. Sesudah Bung Hatta meletakkan
jabatannya sebagai Wakil Presiden RI, beberapa gelar akademis juga diperolehnya dari berbagai
perguruan tinggi. Universitas Padjadjaran di Bandung mengukuhkan Bung Hatta sebagai guru besar
dalam ilmu politik perekonomian. Universitas Hasanuddin di Ujung Pandang memberikan gelar Doctor
Honoris Causa dalam bidang Ekonomi. Universitas Indonesia memberikan gelar Doctor Honoris Causa di
bidang ilmu hukum. Pidato pengukuhan Bung Hatta berjudul “Menuju Negara Hukum”.

Pada tahun 1960 Bung Hatta menulis "Demokrasi Kita" dalam majalah Pandji Masyarakat. Sebuah tulisan
yang terkenal karena menonjolkan pandangan dan pikiran Bung Hatta mengenai perkembangan
demokrasi di Indonesia waktu itu. Dalam masa pemerintahan Orde Baru, Bung Hatta lebih merupakan
negarawan sesepuh bagi bangsanya daripada seorang politikus. Hatta menikah dengan Rahmi Rachim
pada tanggal l8 Nopember 1945 di desa Megamendung, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Mereka mempunyai tiga
orang putri, yaitu Meutia Farida, Gemala Rabi'ah, dan Halida Nuriah. Dua orang putrinya yang tertua
telah menikah. Yang pertama dengan Dr. Sri-Edi Swasono dan yang kedua dengan Drs. Mohammad
Chalil Baridjambek. Hatta sempat menyaksikan kelahiran dua cucunya, yaitu Sri Juwita Hanum Swasono
dan Mohamad Athar Baridjambek.

Pada tanggal 15 Agustus 1972, Presiden Soeharto menyampaikan kepada Bung Hatta anugerah negara
berupa Tanda Kehormatan tertinggi "Bintang Republik Indonesia Kelas I" pada suatu upacara
kenegaraan di Istana Negara. Bung Hatta, Proklamator Kemerdekaan dan Wakil Presiden Pertama
Republik Indonesia, wafat pada tanggal 14 Maret 1980 di Rumah Sakit Dr Tjipto Mangunkusumo,
Jakarta, pada usia 77 tahun dan dikebumikan di TPU Tanah Kusir pada tanggal 15 Maret 1980.

Berikut Biodata dari Mohammad Hatta

Nama : Dr. Mohammad Hatta (Bung Hatta)

Lahir : Bukittinggi, 12 Agustus 1902
Wafat : Jakarta, 14 Maret 1980
Istri : (Alm.) Rahmi Rachim
Anak :

 Meutia Farida
 Gemala
 Halida Nuriah

Gelar Pahlawan : Pahlawan Proklamator RI tahun 1986

Pendidikan :

 Europese Largere School (ELS) di Bukittinggi (1916)

 Meer Uirgebreid Lagere School (MULO) di Padang (1919)
 Handel Middlebare School (Sekolah Menengah Dagang), Jakarta (1921)
 Gelar Drs dari Nederland Handelshogeschool, Rotterdam, Belanda (1932)

Karir :

 Bendahara Jong Sumatranen Bond, Padang (1916-1919)

 Bendahara Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jakarta (1920-1921)
 Ketua Perhimpunan Indonesia di Belanda (1925-1930)
 Wakil delegasi Indonesia dalam gerakan Liga Melawan Imperialisme dan Penjajahan, Berlin
 Ketua Panitia (PNI Baru) Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia (1934-1935)
 Kepala Kantor Penasihat pada pemerintah Bala Tentara Jepang (April 1942)
 Anggota Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan (Mei 1945)
 Wakil Ketua Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (7 Agustus 1945)
 Proklamator Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia (17 Agustus 1945)
 Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia pertama (18 Agustus 1945)
 Wakil Presiden merangkap Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pertahanan (Januari 1948 - Desember
 Ketua Delegasi Indonesia pada Konferensi Meja Bundar di Den Haag dan menerima penyerahan
kedaulatan dari Ratu Juliana (1949)
 Wakil Presiden merangkap Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Luar Negeri Kabinet Republik
Indonesia Serikat (Desember 1949 - Agustus 1950)
 Dosen di Sesko Angkatan Darat, Bandung (1951-1961)
 Dosen di Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta (1954-1959)
 Penasihat Presiden dan Penasihat Komisi IV tentang masalah korupsi (1969)
 Ketua Panitia Lima yang bertugas memberikan perumusan penafsiran mengenai Pancasila

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