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Assessment: Science Grade: 7th

Total Marks: 20 Name: ___________________

1. Choose the correct option. 5 ×1=5
i. It conducts water from roots to upper parts of plants.
(a) Cortex (b) Phloem (c) Xylem (d) Epidermis.
ii. It is released during photosynthesis.
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Oxygen (c) Water vapour (d) Nitrogen
iii. Plants release this gas during respiration.
(a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Hydrogen
iv. The system that carries out the function of respiration is:
(a) Circulatory system (b) Digestive system (c) Respiratory system (d) Breathing system
v. During inhalation:
(a) Rib Muscles contract (b) Rib Muscles Relax (c) Rin Cage is lowered (d) Diaphragm relaxes.
2. Answer the following short questions. 2 ×5=10
i. Write the function of white blood cells.
ii. Why does breathing rate increases after exercise?
iii. How does water move up in tall trees?
iv. We should not sleep near plants at night. Why?
v. Transpiration is called as necessary evil for plants, state why?
3. Describe internal structure of leaf with the help of labelled diagram. 1 ×5=5

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