Science Grade 8 Assessement

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Student Name Roll Num Class Name Paper Code

Subject Name Time Allowed Total Marks Exam Date
General Science 20 27-Apr-2024

Q1. Choose the correct answer. 1X5=5

1. The phenomenon which does not lead to global warming? (A) (B) (C) Deforestation (D)
Greenhouse Ozone depletion Photosynthesis

2. The energy of sun is trapped as chemical energy by ......: (A) Producers (B) (C) (D)
Primary Secondary consumers
Tertiary consumers

3. Ecological imbalance is caused by: (A) Migration (B) Over hunting (C) (D) All of these
Over population

4. Plasmid and attached foreign gene with it are collectively called: (A) (B) (C) (D)
Recombinant cell Recombinant Recombinant Recombinant
DNA plasmid chromosome

5. Why do genetic engineers use bacteria in genetic engineering? (A) (B) (C) (D)
The Their nucleus is They have many Bacteria divide
chromosomes of very big and easy chromosomes very fast and
bacteria is made to handle make colonies
of DNA and

Q2. Write short answers of the following questions. 2X5=10

I . What are ecological pyramids? II . Write any one solution of environmental problems.
III . Name some of the factors which can cause ecological imbalance. IV . Name at least two life saving products of biotechnology.
V . Write the application of biotechnology in (a) agriculture (b) health (c) food

Q3. Write detailed answers of the following questions. 5X1=5

1. How carbon and oxygen cycle are helpful for the environment?

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