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Name: ________________________ Class: ______________ Week: ____________

Description of Tool and Purpose: The Classroom Environment Checklist is designed to

assess various aspects of the classroom environment. It helps identify strengths and
areas for improvement to enhance learning experiences for students.

Instructions: Please complete the following checklist to evaluate the classroom

environment. Mark “YES” if the statement is true for the classroom you are evaluating,
and “NO” if it is not.

Environment Checklist YES NO

Is the classroom well-lit and adequately ventilated?
Are the desks or tables arranged in a way that facilitates
interaction and engagement?
Is there a designated area for student resources, such as
books, supplies, and technology?
Are there visible displays of student work and educational
materials on the walls?
Is the classroom free from clutter and distractions?
Are there clear expectations and guidelines posted for
behavior and participation?
Is there a variety of learning materials available to
support diverse learning styles?
Is the classroom environment conducive to promoting a
sense of community and inclusivity?

Prepared by:

Andulana, Jovelyn D.

Reas, Vicshirose L.

Name: ________________________ Class: ______________ Week: ____________

Description of Tool and Purpose: This Likert Scale is designed to gather feedback on
various aspects of the teacher’s performance and teaching style. It aims to provide insight
into the teacher’s effectiveness, communication skills, classroom management, and
overall impact on student learning experiences. This feedback can help the teacher
identify strengths and areas for improvement to enhance their teaching practices and
better support student success in mathematics.
Instructions: Please rate the following statements about the Math teacher using a scale
of 1 to 5, where: 1 – Strongly Disagree, 2 – Disagree, 3 – Neutral, 4 – Agree, 5 –
Strongly Agree

Descriptors 1 2 3 4 5
The Math teacher explains concepts clearly and
The Math teacher encourages active participation and
engagement from students.
The Math teacher provides constructive feedback on
student work.
The Math teacher is accessible and approachable for
questions and assistance.
The Math teacher creates a supportive and inclusive
learning environment.
The Math teacher incorporates a variety of teaching
methods to accommodate different learning styles.
The Math teacher demonstrates enthusiasm and
passion for the subject matter.
The Math teacher effectively manages classroom time
and resources.

Prepared by:

Andulana, Jovelyn D.
Reas, Vicshirose L.

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