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Mohammad Nazrul Islam

Student ID# 301259918
GNED 500 -712

Professor: Margot Van Sluytman

March 12, 2023
Reflective Assignment 1: Media Literacy

1. Recount an action you have taken that directly results from messages you encountered in
the media—it could be from a movie, a series, advertising, a newscast, or a social media

I started a fitness routine and changed my eating habits after watching workout and lifestyle

change videos on YouTube and Facebook. The videos come from a popular Bangladeshi doctor

named Dr. Jahangir Kabir and his Facebook and YouTube channel JK Lifestyle, which show the

transformation of people who follow their lifestyle.

2. Describe the media content or message that motivated you to act.

Various workouts are included in the movie, and one of the finest resources for anyone looking

to live a happy and healthy life is the Keto Diet chart. The consequences of overeating, obesity,

and unstructured health are well known to us. Furthermore, a body that is too obese can lead to a

variety of diseases that have a severe negative impact on a person's quality of life. In addition,

there are training, weight-loss, testimonials, and transformational videos on the material. The

videos included inspirational themes and clear directions, and they were well-produced. The

success stories and endorsements were provided by actual individuals who had seen notable

improvements from adhering to the recommended exercise regimen and dietary guidelines. Dr.

Jahangir Kabir's keto diet plan works for virtually everyone. This chart is very useful for

beginners. You don't have to be a novice to follow charts. The chart can be followed whenever
you want. Many claim that if you are obese and follow his ketogenic diet program, you can lose

15 kg in just one month. However, there is significant disagreement regarding this ketogenic


3. Critique that action using media literacy:

a) Who controlled or produced the media content that influenced you?

The media material was created and managed by JK Lifestyle, which advertises the lifestyle on

Facebook, YouTube, and through their organization. Their company involves the sale of various

organic food items.

b) What was the agenda behind that content?

The agenda was mostly intended to sell their products and promote their lifestyle program to the

people so that people can healthily run their lives. As a marketing tactic, transformation stories

were utilized to persuade viewers of the value of their programs and inspire people to start their


c) Would you do the same again, now that you have thought about the agenda of the media

source that inspired your action?

I would still act in the same way even after realizing the purpose of the video. I was inspired by

the video material to begin a workout regimen, make dietary and lifestyle changes, and improve

my overall health and well-being. I now, however, see the marketing tactics employed by these

businesses with greater awareness, and I approach their information warily.

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