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Work Me 1st Edition Aidèe Jaimes

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Work Me
by Aidèe Jaimes
Copyright@2018 by Aidèe Jaimes
All Rights Reserved.
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and
events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s
imagination or used fictitiously.
For my mother, who walked miles when she found out she was
pregnant with me, who chose to have me, knowing she’d lose her
family because it was out of wedlock. I love you.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Clucking her tongue, my mother sits so rigidly that if I hadn’t
grown accustomed to seeing the stiffness every day, I might have
thought rigor mortis had set in.
I will not be intimidated. I will not let her see the fear.
But I am afraid. Beatrice Duransulet is intimidating as hell,
and it’s not just her stature and that menacing bun that does me in.
She looks at me, through me, as though she’s dissecting every part
and still can find nothing worthy of her name.
“Well, this is disappointing, but certainly not surprising,” she
says. “What to do, what to do.” Her long fingernail taps on the
wooden arm of the chair she’s occupying.
My heart is in my throat, and though I try with all of my
might to hold my own, my will is breaking.
“I’m sorry,” I croak.
“Who’s the father?” she asks, calculating. The wheels in her
head are spinning as she tries to figure out how to hide my mistake,
just as mine are spinning wondering what’s going to become of me.
Beatrice scoffs. “Leonard Smith! The boy with the painted
“Yes.” I squirm as she mocks my boyfr… I mean ex-boyfriend.
She never did like that he works at a gas station, or that his family
doesn’t live in Naples. She hates that he dyes his hair black and lines
his eyes. Liked it even less when I followed suit. Says he’s a punk
and a pothead with no future simply because his family isn’t a part
of a country club.
Until two days ago I would have disagreed with her. I thought
he was mysterious and cool. Thought I’d be with him for the rest of
my life. Now I agree with her one hundred and fifty three percent.
“Is he going to take responsibility for this?”
Looking down at the hands in my lap, my fingers twisting the
fabric of my shirt, I say, “No.”
I told him the same day the test came back positive. He said
he didn’t believe he was the father. The anger his response brought
out in me made me snap a, “Yeah, well I’m not so sure either,” back
at him.
“We could push his parents to answer for it, but then again…
Maybe it’s best to leave them out of the decision making. Catherine,
look at me when I speak to you!”
I can barely lift my eyes to hers, but I manage it. There is so
much disgust in her face I shrink back from it. Her lips part slightly,
but before she gets to spew whatever venom she had at the ready,
there’s a knock on the door and it opens.
Dr. James walks in and goes to sit on the swiveling stool. Her
long face says it all. She’s sorry this happened to me. She’s sorry she
had to confirm my mother’s suspicions. And she’s sorry she still has
to divert all decisions to the woman who cares more about her own
reputation than her daughter’s feelings.
How the hell Beatrice ever realized that I’d missed my periods
is beyond me. For all I know she has the maid going through the
trash bins. She did say she was expecting me to do this. Of course,
she would. I’m the disappointment. The one that just never
measured up.
I turn to the doctor hoping that she will save me from my
mother’s wrath, but she looks as scared as I feel.
“Have you had a chance to talk through this?” she asks my
“There’s no need to discuss. We simply need to get rid of the
problem. No one needs to know. What are our options?”
Dr. James looks at me as though I have a choice in the
matter. “She’s well into her second trimester now.”
My mother glares at me, angry that I’d been able to hide my
condition for so long.
“What are our options?” she grits through her teeth.
Dr. James looks at me and I can hardly breathe, wondering
what she’s going to say. “There are many couples willing to adopt a
newborn. You could choose the family yourself through an agency.”
“You want me to give her up?” I ask, holding my slight belly
“If that is our only option in handling this, then yes. Lord
knows we don’t need another unwanted child in this family.” Her
words don’t go unnoticed, by me or the good doctor.
“Why don’t we discuss this in private,” Dr. James tells my
mother, perceptive to my feelings.
Beatrice agrees, and they go to the doctor’s office, leaving me
there to dwell on my dilemma.
Lenny. The jerk. I should have figured his puny ass wouldn’t
be man enough to follow through. I gave him my virginity and my
heart. He gave me his back in return, leaving me to deal with this on
my own.
Now I’ll have to do what my mother says.
I can imagine what they are talking about now. Had she
found out sooner, I’m sure she would have demanded I terminate
the pregnancy. Maybe that’s why I didn’t tell her.
I’ve never given too much thought to people giving up their
children, other than that it’s a sad thing. They must have their
reasons for it, and it hasn’t been any of my business.
But this… This IS my business. This IS my life. This IS my…
My hands go to my belly, barely visible. It may all be in my
head, but I swear I can feel a little pulsing deep down inside.
There’s an “unwanted” child in there, growing, taking from me even
now, making me feel faint and tired. Her very existence is a threat to
my life, and my future.
Yes, she’s a girl. I don’t know how I know that, I just do. A
little girl that, as I sit here contemplating, my mother plans to take
from me and hide from society because it shames her.
The little bubble in my tummy pounds harder, as if she can
sense my thoughts. Soon she will be gone. My future restored. I can
finish school. Continue trying to win my mother’s approval, probably
to no avail, but I will try anyway because that is what she wants.
But this baby… What will her future be?
A tear springs from my eye and I wipe at it angrily.
“I’m sorry. You can’t be here,” I tell her, and my soul begins to
shred as I imagine what she must be feeling. This tiny thing that
never asked to be, that has no one to protect her. Even I, her
momma, am willing to allow people to decide her future. Am willing
to allow someone to tear her from me the moment she is born. Will
they let me see her face? Will I be able to kiss her sweet cheek, or
place my hand on her chest to feel her small heart beating?
That last thought has me standing, my own heart racing just
as my mind tries to keep up.
No! Everything in me screams as I scramble to dress. There is
a reason I hid her from my mother. This child is not unwanted. She
is not unloved. From the moment I knew she was there, I dreamed
of her. I cherished her and imagined her. I saw her grow. And in all
of those visions, I was her mother. It was me that lifted her when
she fell and kissed her tears goodbye. It was me that saw her first
steps and heard her first words. It was me that loved her, and me
she loved in return.
My legs begin to move before I can change my mind and I
run out of the exam room, through the waiting room and out of the
I run as fast as I can, not once looking back, as far as
possible before they realize I’m gone. It’s not until the stitch in my
side makes me double over that I stop to catch my breath. The little
bubble inside is pulsing as hard as I’m breathing, as if she too knows
what I’ve done. How close we came to being separated.
Pressing my hand to her, I pat her and say, “Kid, I think I just
fucked up.”
I have nowhere to go, zero money, absolutely nothing to
provide for myself, let alone a child. All I have is this rage inside that
makes me willing to take on the world for this kid.
Without aim I begin to walk. I walk until my feet hurt so bad I
want to stop, but I keep going. And when the blisters begin to form
inside my black combat boots, I walk some more. It’s not until night
sets in and I stop, that I realize I’m utterly lost.
“Oh my god, kid. Where the hell are we?” I ask the small
thing living inside me.
Nothing looks familiar, not the streets, not the shops. Heading
to a busy 7-Eleven, I check my pockets for change and find only a
dime. There’s a nice-looking woman on one of the payphones. She
eyes me warily. I know what she sees. Pale teenage girl, blonde
roots leading to jet black hair that matches my black leather jacket,
black leather jeans and boots.
I smile at her as sweetly as I can to portray innocence.
“Ma’am, I need to make a call to get a ride, but I’m short on change.
Would you have some?”
“Sure,” she says, handing me what I need, though I have a
feeling it’s because she’s scared of me.
I enter the number to the phone booth when prompted by
the operator, then hang up and wait.
Three minutes later it rings and I pick up so fast I nearly drop
it. “Hello!”
“Cat! Where the hell are you?” comes my sister’s voice
through the receiver.
“I don’t know!” I cry, wailing like a child lost at a mall. “Lizard,
I fucked up, and now I’m lost. I walked and walked and I have no
idea how far. Please come get me!”
“Okay, look around and tell me what you see,” she orders. I
tell her the names of the streets and the restaurants, then give her
the address on the front of the phone. My way too smart sister, the
good twin, pulls out a map. I can hear her as she talks herself
through the streets. “Alright, I know where you are. Stay put. Go
into the store and tell the clerk you’re waiting for your ride. I don’t
want you out there in the dark.”
“What about Mom? How are you going to get away from
her?” I ask, worried for her.
“I’ll tell her I’m going to spend the night with a friend. She’ll
believe that.”
It’s true. Liz can do no wrong in our mother’s eyes. She is the
perfect daughter, with the perfect grades, and would one day marry
the perfect, very well-off, man.
Honestly, Liz can do no wrong in my eyes either. She is
everything I wish I could be.
And right now, she is my hero, as she pulls up in her black
Eclipse, the one she got when she finished high school early and
started her university courses.
I race out of the convenience store and jump into her arms
just as she steps out of her car. “What am I going to do, Liz. I’m
“It will be okay, kitten. You’ll see,” she reassures me, and
even though she’s only sixteen, too, I believe her.
When I told her last month about my little problem, she was
the only one who said she’d be here for me no matter what. And she
She helps me into the car as though I’m already nine months
pregnant, holding my hand the entire time.
Once inside, she says, “I’m going to take you to Aunt
“The hippie?”
Liz rolls her eyes. “Our uncle’s ex-wife.”
I frown, trying to figure out why she’d thought of her. “Why
her? Mom hates her.”
“That’s why. She already pretends Aunt Jackie doesn’t exist.
No one in our circle knows about her.”
“Doesn’t she already have a kid?” I ask.
“Yes. Winnifred.”
“She doesn’t need another one.” Make that two, actually,
because I’ll still be a kid when the baby is born. “I don’t want to tell
her about this.”
“Well, you won’t have to. Because I already did,” Liz tells me
matter of fact.
I put my face in my hands and groan. “What did she say?”
“She said to take you to her house. Your house now.”
Neither one of us says the obvious. My mom won’t fight me
living with her ex sister-in-law. Not only would it create a bigger
scandal for her, but she will also benefit from not having to help me
raise a baby.
We arrive at the small house less than an hour later. The
porch light is on, and I can see a woman peek through the blinds as
we pull up.
Jacqueline Eberhardt comes out, with a lanky curly haired kid
attached to her hip. “You must be Elizabeth and Catherine,” she
greets, pulling Liz into a hug, then me. At first I am stiff, completely
unused to the affection, but as she speaks, her voice sweet and
reassuring, and the scent of vanilla musk and lavender surrounding
me, I begin to relax. “This here behind me is your little cousin,
I smile at the child hiding behind my aunt. “Hi Wieners. I
think we’ll be good friends.” The girl squeezes further behind her
“She’s a little shy. But not for long.” A caring smile touches
her eyes. “Everything is going to be okay, Cat. You’re home now.”
My eyes fill with tears as I walk into the humble house, with
Liz holding my hand. Aunt Jackie takes us to what will be my room
from now on. It’s nothing fancy, a full-sized bed, a little nightstand
and an armoire.
“The crib can go there,” Aunt Jackie says, pointing to the far
wall. “I still have Winn’s, if you want to use that. But of course, we
still have time.”
I smile numbly, partly afraid this relief is only temporary. After
being fed cookies and milk, we head to bed. Liz lays beside me,
throwing her arm around my shoulders.
“Do you like it here?” she asks me in the dark. “She’s nice,
isn’t she?”
“Yeah, I like her a lot.”
“Me...” She’s asleep before she finishes whatever she’s about
to say.
Grateful to have at least two women in my life that support
and love me, I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and patting my
“Well, kid, I hope I don’t disappoint you, too.”

“All right ladies and gents. I know you have all been anxiously
waiting to know, and I thought we would announce it here today. As
you’ve heard, Maxx Fitness has opened up the rights to a boot camp
location in fabulous Key West. The demand for it was so high, that it
completely blew me away.
“I had two options. The first was to go with the highest
bidder. The second was to start the Keys to the Key competition, in
which current head trainers would be allowed to compete for the
opportunity to buy into the franchise, leaving the price the same for
everyone. That seemed fair to me.
“Nineteen of our awesome trainers went through vigorous
interviews, both sitting in an office and out showing us their
strengths on the floor. Out of those nineteen, a panel of three other
location owners, narrowed it down to ten, then down to four. Dean
Cooper, Meghan Lassiter, Jose Ortiz, and of course, our very our
Catherine Eberhardt!”
At the sound of my name, the gym floor erupts into applause
and hoots, and the entire class turns to me. From the back, I holler
up to Julie, “I love you!” and clap along with them.
Julie blows me a kiss and touches her heart. “This is a woman
who I personally trained. I have seen her grow, blossom both inside
and out. She is one of the best, one of the strongest, sweetest,
kindest, and funniest people I have ever met. She embodies
empowerment. I am so proud that she was chosen as one of the
four amazing finalists. Please, let’s give it up for our very own Cat!”
Everyone stands, and I practically hop my way past my fellow
trainers Tony and Sarah to our boss and founder, Julie Maxwell.
Unable to contain the excitement, not that I’d ever try to anyway, I
air five everyone and woot right along with them.
Julie is clapping her hands harder than anyone, showing her
When the floor settles, I pull down on the little mic that hangs
from my ear, the one I use every day to lead the class. “Thank you
everyone. I can’t tell you what an amazing opportunity this is for
me. Even though I haven’t won yet, to have the chance at this is…
It’s what I’ve been working for so hard for years. It’s my dream.
“Many of you have known me for a while, but you didn’t know
me before I joined Maxx Fitness. Really, I didn’t know myself. I was
a mess. Still am I guess, but at least now I’m a mess with a passion.
Fitness. Being a part of Maxx has made me believe in myself. It has
shown me that no matter how hard something is, if I push through
the pain and never give up, I can achieve anything. It has taught me
to push myself to the point of failure so that I can succeed. And it
has given me a family. People I can depend on,” I say looking over
to Julie.
I hug her hard and whisper, “Thank you,” in her ear.
She squeezes my shoulder. “You got this.”
Julie believes in me. She always has. Even before I believed
in myself.
There are four women who’ve had a hand in shaping me into
something worthwhile. First was Liz. She’s been there for me since
before we were born. Even though she might come off the total ice
queen to most, with an unbreakable exterior, she’s never let me
down. She’s always been there to lift me up when I fall, to support
me even though she thinks I’m making the wrong choices, such as
having a kid at sixteen. She didn’t agree, yet there she was, always.
Aunt Jackie. The woman who isn’t related to me by blood.
Who took me in when she herself was struggling. She helped me
raise a kid because I had no idea how to. She supported me when I
needed the financial help, watching Reese so that I could finish
school and work. Her shoulder bore many of my tears, and her scent
is still home to me.
Reese. My kid. Because for her I’ve pushed myself to be a
better version of what I’d have been had she not been here. Fear of
disappointing her makes me get up every time I stumble. And I do
that often. Luckily she’s grown up to be more like Liz than me.
And then there’s Julie Maxwell. Five years ago, I tripped
through her doors. Literally. It was pouring down rain, and I’d been
hopping my way from storefront to storefront, trying to get from the
bank, closer to my car.
A group of women rushed in just as I stood in front of Maxx
Boot Camp, and unintentionally pushed me inside. I tripped on my
feet and fell like a wet rag in front of Julie. She smiled down at me,
offering me her hand. She was so put together, her straight hair
perfectly tied in a ponytail, not one strand out of place, her shoes
perfectly matched her tank top and shorts, and her make-up
flawless. She looked like some fitness princess, or better yet a
goddess, as she easily lifted me.
It wasn’t just a matter of being fit, although she was
definitely lean. I’d always been skinny. Scrawny even. But I was
never fit. Once Reese was born, I wasn’t just tall and lanky, but I’d
also earned a belly pouch. Sort of looked like an olive on a toothpick.
But Julie… She was a strong woman, a proud female, and she
knew it. And I knew then that I wanted to be just like her.
So, began my love affair with fitness. I’ve worked extremely
hard for my position as head trainer, and now I’m fighting to the
finish for that gym. I don’t know how I know, but something deep
inside is telling me, Key West will be mine.

“Cat. Cat. Catherine. Kitten. Helloo!”

“Did you hear anything I told you?”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re old.”
“Cat! You’re supposed to make me feel better, not agree with
Feeling way too giddy for my own good, I turn to one of my
best friends in the world, my smile fading as I see the seriousness in
her face. “Sorry, Sher. Of course. What were you saying?”
“Do you really think the doc was right? Am I getting old? I
mean, am I so old that birth control isn’t even an option?”
“What? She said that?” I ask in disbelief.
“Yeah. She kept saying, ‘At your age this’ and ‘At your age
that.’ I feel so old. No kids. No husband. Not even a prospect for a
boyfriend.” Sheridan sighs and slumps forward, dropping her
forehead to the cocktail table we’re sitting at.
When I met Sheridan, almost twenty years ago at the
veterinary clinic where we worked as receptionists, she was one of
my idols. Gorgeous beyond what should be legal, perfect dark skin
with just a hint of copper, long flowing hair, and hazel eyes, she had
all the men panting for her. But they were all so intimidated. They
still are.
“Maybe Ghellar’s was a bad idea,” I say, looking around at the
fancy interior, complete with piano bar and waterfall walls. This is
the sort of place you come to have expensive undersized tapas, not
unload your dating woes.
“It can’t end like this,” I think she mumbles.
Moving her glass of red wine for fear she may knock it over, I
say, “Sher, you’re only forty. And even if you are going into
perimenopause, she’s a bitch for making you feel this way. I’m
thinking I want to go and give her a piece of my mind. What office is
she at?” I ask, pulling out my phone, ready to search for the
gynecologist that made this sweet girl feel like her womanhood is
“No, no. It’s okay. I really just need to get a second opinion.
Though I’m sure she’s right about my crazy periods.”
“I don’t care if she’s right. As a woman, she should be more
sensitive.” My nostrils are practically flaring as I say it.
“Really, it’s okay. I think I’m just feeling the old biological
clock ticking. And seeing everyone settled down…”
“Everyone who? I don’t have a husband. Or a boyfriend. No
prospects either,” I tell her.
She lifts her head, displaying a large red spot on her forehead
from pressing it to the table. “You have a daughter. And by the looks
you keep giving that guy, I’d say you do have a prospect.”
“That guy?” I ask, turning to the sexy thing hanging with his
buddies four tables away. His eyes are still aimed at me, and though
he’s not outright smiling, his lips pull up as he lifts his glass of water
to me. Shit, he’s hot. So hot in fact, I can feel the heat all the way
from here and it’s burning me to my core. “I’m happy not to deal
with any relationship bullshit. Besides, he’s a baby.”
“He looks an awful lot like a man to me,” she says, smiling
“Anything under forty is a baby in my eyes. I want a man
older than me, someone who could teach me a thing or two. I don’t
have time to show a guy where my clit is,” I say winking at him,
lifting my own glass of water to him just for fun.
The night passes in much the same fashion as we enjoy our
drinks, Sheridan her fancy wine and lemon water for me. We talk
about life, with lots to say even though we see each other practically
every day, a bi-product of living next to each other.
In between breaths, I look to the cutie a few tables away,
raising an eyebrow, licking my lips or the rim of my glass, teasing
him for my own enjoyment.
It’s working, too. His eyes are on me so hard I can feel them
even when I’m not looking at him. The room seems to be getting
hotter and hotter the longer this goes on, and I begin to feel sweat
beading on my brow and upper lip.
Fanning myself, I say, “Is it just me, or is it a little warm in
here?” and take a sip of water.
“It’s just you,” Sheridan says, looking cool as a clam.
“I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go splash some water on my
face. Will you get me another glass? Maybe extra ice in it?” I get up,
smoothing down the soft fabric of my little black dress, or as I like to
call it, “old trusty” because I wear it almost every time we go out.
Cute guy’s eyes follow me as I pass his table, and I make
sure to sway my hips more with each step. From my peripheral
vision, I can see him set his drink down before I move too far
beyond sight, turning down the long hallway that leads to the
In the bathroom, I pat down any unwanted perspiration and
touch up my makeup. There’s not much to touch up usually, but
tonight I did smoke my eyes and I want to look sexy, not like a
raccoon. My shoulder length hair has gone a limp, so I fluff up the
blonde stuff with my fingers until it looks full again.
Turning this way and that, I give my reflection a thumbs up.
I don’t know why flirting with this young man is so exciting to
me. Though I have no plans on ever hooking up with someone
younger, it’s thrilling to know that at almost forty, I can still attract
someone like him. It’s certainly good for my ego!
Ready for more, hoping he’s not gone by the time I get out
there since the night is almost over, I head out. And stop dead in my
He’s standing right outside the door waiting for me. Our eyes
lock, and because I wasn’t ready to see him here, my step falters a
little, but just enough that I lose my balance on these damned high
heels and stumble.
Strong arms catch me and bring me to a very hard chest.
“Are you okay?” he asks in the deepest voice I’ve ever heard.
It rumbles through me even as the rest of my senses take him in.
His scent, clean and masculine surrounds me and invades my
nostrils. His body, warm and tight. My eyes take in as much as they
He’s tall. At my height of five feet ten inches, I’m usually head
to head with the men I see. In heels, much more so. But even with
my strappy shoes on, he towers over me. His hair, light brown and
thick, begs to be pulled. And now, with my face so close to his I can
see his gorgeous green eyes, the very ones he’s been watching me
with so intensely all night. Still is.
I’m about to pull away, but pause. There’s no point in doing
so without getting a little more from him. So, I look up into his eyes,
batting my lashes and running my hands up his arms and over his
chest. He’s fit, not just in the way young men tend to be even
though they eat fast food every day. He’s fit in the way I’m very
familiar with. These hard planes and grooves are the kind that a
man achieves with hard work, dedicated training and healthy eating.
“I’m fine. Thank you,” I say pulling away.
“I noticed you sitting with your friend,” he says.
“Yeah, I saw you watching.”
“You’re hard to miss.”
Giggling, I say, “Thanks. I’m flattered.”
“You should be.”
“All right, well I should be getting back to my friend.”
“Wait,” he says as I turn, reaching out to take my hand. I pull
away, not because I don’t like it, but because I like it too much. “You
can’t go without giving me your name.”
“Is that so?” I question, turning away from him again. Before
I know what’s happening, I’m pinned, a hard wall behind me and an
even harder man in front of me. Thickly muscled arms keep me
there, and his nearness forces my eyes up.
“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. I can’t let
you go without getting your name. Your number.”
“I don’t think so.” This is exciting me beyond anything, and if
I have to be honest, he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever met,
too. But he’s too young.
“Why? Are you married? Do you have a boyfriend? Tell me
that you are and I’ll leave you alone. But unless I’m misinterpreting
the look in your eyes, you want me as much as I do you.”
I try to shove his arm away, but he’s too strong, even for me.
Now I don’t know if I’m turned on or if it’s pissing me off. “I don’t do
babies,” I grind through my teeth.
“Neither do I,” he says in a voice so low I’d whimper from the
very sound of it if it wasn’t for the fact that at that moment he
brings his mouth to mine hard, pressing my head back against the
I’m so taken by surprise that I don’t fight it. Instead I
respond to it, opening my mouth and letting him in for a taste. They
say a woman can tell a lot from a single kiss, and this one is
screaming at me that he’d fuck my brains out if I let him.
Blood drains from my body into my clit and it throbs harder
the more he deepens the kiss. I am beyond wet. Beyond desperate.
My hands roam his back even as they pull him closer to me. He must
sense my need, because he presses a leg between mine, and I
moan as it makes contact with my core.
A clearing of a throat pulls our mouths apart, but his body
remains glued to mine.
“This isn’t the place for a make out session. If you’d like the
name of a hotel, I can direct you to a good one down the street,” a
man dressed in the restaurant’s signature black pants and button-up
informs us.
“Yeah, sorry,” my new friend says, finally extricating himself
from my personal space.
We both laugh as the offended employee walks away.
“I guess that’s our cue. It was nice getting to know you,” I tell
him, straightening my ruffled hair.
“You can’t leave me like this.”
“Leave you how?” I try to sound coy, but really I’m trembling.
Panting even. Beyond nervous.
“You can’t kiss me and leave me.”
“I didn’t kiss…” He stops me with another kiss, his tongue
sliding slowly over mine once before pulling away.
He’s muddling my brain. Even for someone who prides herself
on self-control… Well, maybe not self-control. But I do pretend to
know what I’m doing very well. Right now, with him so close and his
taste still in my mouth, I’m reduced to nothing but a primal mess.
“I… We… Me…” He leans in for yet another kiss.
“What’s your name? I have to see you again,” he breathes.
I don’t tell him my name, simply because I can’t remember it
right now. Instead, I dumbly reach into my little clutch and pull out a
business card.
He looks down into the white card, a strange expression
crossing his face so fast I’m not sure I really saw it. Then his lips pull
up at the corners, his eyes sparkling in a way that makes me feel
like he has something over me. It snaps me out of whatever haze
he’s put me in, and I go to snatch my card back, but he’s too quick
for me, and it’s far from my grasp.
“Cat. I like that. I’ll be seeing you soon.”
“Don’t count on that. I told you I don’t hook up with children,”
I snap at him.
He leans in like he’s going to kiss me, and damn me if I don’t
pucker up. But before his lips touch mine, he smiles a knowing sort
of smile, and whispers, “I’m no child, kitty cat. But you keep telling
yourself that. I’m going to enjoy proving you wrong.”
I remain standing there stupefied after he leaves. What the
hell just happened? It’s not until the employee comes out and
mocks, “Date ended so soon?” that I snap out of it.
“It wasn’t a date. Matter of fact, I don’t even know his name,”
I tell him and immediately regret it when I see the confused look on
his face. I spin on my heel and walk away before he can say
anything more about it.
A quick glance at the empty table tells me the guy has left.
Sheridan looks impatient as I reach her and she practically growls at
me. “Where were you?”
“You’ve been gone for like fifteen minutes,” she complains.
“Oh, sorry.” Grinning from ear to ear, I can feel my own
bedevilment on my face. “I was making out with someone.”
“What!” Sheridan cries, then asks conspiratorially. “Who?
Wait, don’t tell me. That cute guy from the table over there.”
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
She rolls her eyes. “Please, you two were so obvious. So, was
he good?”
“Oh my god, Sher, he was so hot he nearly singed my hair off.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on from a kiss.”
“Who is he? What’s his name?”
My eyes widen and I mumble. “I didn’t get it.”
“Say again,” she says, shelling her hand over her ear to hear
me better. Overacting in my opinion.
“You heard me.”
“So you just made out with the guy and didn’t even get his
name?” Sheridan asks.
“If it makes you feel better I did give him a business card,” I
“Well at least he can get in touch with you.”
“I highly doubt I’ll be seeing him again.” I shake my head and
pick at a little groove on the table.
“The way he’s been watching you all night, and after your
hallway make out, he’s probably going to want to finish what he
started.” Sheridan takes a little sip of her wine, eyeing me over the
rim of the glass.
I wave the thought away. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to
answer if he calls. He’s just a kid.”
“He didn’t look that young to me.”
“Even so, I’m not interested in him.” That’s only partially true.
I’m definitely interested in him physically, just not the complications
that come from being too attracted to someone.
Sher raises her shoulders. “If you say so, kitten.”
“I do say.”
Nope. I will definitely not be answering that call. Fun though
it may have been, all that I’ll ever get from that guy was a few
hotter than hell kisses and a good story for a girls’ night.

“What?” I ask with annoyance.

“Tell me. I can feel your disapproval.”
“Are you wearing that?”
I stop the flow of almond milk into my cereal and look down
at myself. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
“It doesn’t match.”
“I never match. That’s how I like it. Reflects my personality,” I
say, grinning.
“Mom, you’re about to meet your competition. These people
mean business. You need to show them you are put together, that
you know what’s what and you are a force to be reckoned with.
Make them shake a little.”
“Oh.” I hadn’t really thought about it that way. Leave it to my
daughter, ‘Liz Jr.’ to think of everything. “Okay, kid, you go pick out
whatever you want and I’ll wear it.”
“Yay!” Reese claps and runs up to my room.
Make them tremble she says. Pfft. I’m the one trembling. In
fact, my hands are shaking so bad I can hear the spoon clanking
against the porcelain bowl as I walk to the kitchen table.
Today is the Keys to Key West Final Challenge Kickoff party at
Maxx Boot Camp. This is the day where all the contestants will be
introduced in person. We are the remaining four out of nineteen.
Though I consider myself to be one tough lady, strong and damned
confident in myself, these other people are just as strong of a
competition as I hope to be.
Shit. I’m nervous. Not so much for today as I am for our
itinerary for the following four weeks. Nope, today is going to be a
breeze. Introductions, followed by a class led by our very awesome
founder, Julie. Afterwards, there will be a marketplace open in the
tea brewery store next door where they will be selling all kinds of
health goods.
The real work begins next week. It will be the first of three
grueling challenges, thankfully spread out over the course of a
month. Each one will eliminate a competitor. A panel of judges
comprised of existing franchisees have decided on the routines.
Because Julie personally trained me, she has excused herself from
any judging tables.
I’ve worked so hard for this; I can’t accept that I could be one
of the eliminated. There has never been anything, other than Reese,
that has inspired so much passion in me. I want to win, not just
because of course I don’t want to lose, but because this is a dream.
Running my own gym in Key West. Inspiring others to fight
for what they want as much as I have. To believe in themselves. And
in fucking paradise, no less!
It’s been a tough road getting here, too. Getting the loan
approved was hell. I have good credit, but not a lot saved. Of
course, I would never tell Reese, but her school fees have taken a
huge chunk out of any savings I’ve ever accumulated, especially with
Len terminating all help when she turned eighteen. Luckily she’s
been able to get scholarships and grants that have paid for her
The bank wanted collateral. Because I would be selling my
house if I move, I could not use that. Good thing the woman at the
bank knew of a few programs I could apply for that helped secure
my loan.
Then there were the tests.
The last few months have consisted of interviews and physical
challenges. I’ve gone against some very amazing men and women.
It’s all been nothing but numbers, never physically seeing the
people I’ve defeated. Today I meet my rivals. No more behind the
scenes competitions. These will be face to face, where I’ll get to see
what they’re capable of, then somehow prove that I can do better.
Two of the contestants arrived days ago. The last one
yesterday morning. Meg Lassiter from North Carolina, Jose Ortiz
from Texas, and Dean Cooper from Orlando. I’ve never met any of
them, not even Dean who’s only three hours away.
My co-trainers Tony and Sarah, have gone to fill in for Meg
and Jose, while the Orlando gym already has enough coverage.
So yeah, I’m trembling. And if my smart-as-shit kid says I
need to change, I’m going to listen. If I can make any of those
people shake a little, put us on a level playing field, then I’m all for

“Sam Kensington here. Welcome to a special edition of Fort

Myers Today! We are here at the awesome Maxx Boot Camp with
the beautiful Julie Maxwell. Julie not only founded the Maxx Fitness
parent company of Maxx Boot Camps and Maxwell Fit Apparel, but is
also spokeswoman for the Pushing to the Maxx national campaign.
So, Julie, tell us a little about what you have going on today.” The
slim blonde flashes her pearly whites at the camera, before turning
to Julie.
“Thank you, Sam. Today we have our Keys to Key West Final
Challenge Kickoff! As you know, Fort Myers is where it all began
twelve years ago. I was a single mother; my husband having passed
away the year before. I didn’t have a job, or a career. When my
husband died, I felt utterly lost and without purpose. Depression set
in and it was only for my son that I was able to get out of bed every
day. Other than that, I felt at home when I worked out. Jerry had
taught me several of the exercises he did at boot camp when he was
younger, and we often did them together. It was an amazing, fun
way to workout. So, that gave me an idea.
“What if, with the money Jerry left me, I could open a small
gym and focus on boot camp style workouts. Nothing fancy. But it
would be fun and a place where I could join like-minded women,
who needed support, something to lift their spirits. We could
encourage each other and workout at the same time. It seemed like
a win-win for me. I got certified as a personal trainer, opened my
small gym and put an ad in the paper. One year later we were in
such demand I decided to franchise. Today we have over three
hundred boot camps in forty-three states, and counting.”
“That is such a wonderful story,” Sam tells Julie, then looks to
the camera and says, “For more information on the world of Maxx
Fitness, go onto our website and you will find the entire story, along
with the biographies of the contestants of Keys to Key West. Now,
this young woman sitting beside you is one of the remaining four
contestants, Catherine Eberhardt.”
The camera turns to me and I instantly feel the thousands, if
not hundreds of thousands, of eyes looking at me through the live
feed. Squirming in my seat from giddiness, I wave at them all and
smile as wide as I can.
Behind the camera I see Reese standing beside Liz, mimicking
for me to sit straight and stop fidgeting. I try, but being still has
never been something I’m capable of.
“Thank you, Sam, for having me. I’m so excited,” I nearly
squeal into the microphone in my hand.
“I couldn’t tell,” Sam says laughing. “So tell us, what is your
motivation? What has got you this far?”
“My daughter, Reese, of course is my main motivation. I want
to be someone she can be proud of,” I say looking at my kid. She
holds her hand over her heart, touched by my words. “And myself. If
I’m really being honest, I’m doing this for… What the hell?” My train
of thought is suddenly derailed as my eyes catch sight of the man
behind Reese. He’s deep in conversation with someone, and all I can
see is his profile, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt who that
“What?” Sam the interviewer asks in confusion, but I’m
beyond her now.
“Oh my god. Oh my god!” It’s him. The guy from the bar I
made out with two nights ago. Without a second thought I hurl
myself down so hard I kick my stool back and it clangs noisily
against the dumbbells someone set beside me as props.
Making myself as small as I possibly can, I huddle behind
Sam’s stool. Gaging the distance between myself and the front door
is a little hard to do with so many people in the way, but I figure that
if I propel myself forward and just start shoving, I could make it
there in about five seconds.
Please don’t see me. Please don’t see me.
“Cat, get up!” Julie grinds out, reaching down, trying to grab
at my arm, but I swat her away.
“Are you getting this?” I hear a second before two big
sneakered feet walk up to me.
I don’t have to look up to know who it is, but when I do, it
takes a while for my eyes to trail up his well-defined legs. Over flat
hard abs and wide shoulders covered by a shirt suspiciously identical
to mine and finally to that overly sexy face.
The edges of his mouth pull up the way they did when we
were at the bar and he read my business card. Green eyes greet
mine with a twinkle that makes me giggle nervously.
“Um, yeah, I can’t see it, Jules. You sure it fell?” I ask,
ignoring cute guy’s hand as I stand up.
“I didn’t drop anything,” Julie says, and I shake my head at
her. Why can’t the woman follow my lead and lie just this once!
“Oh, we have another competitor. Welcome!” Sam’s
excitement over this man is far too evident. She throws her hand out
to him, forcing me to take a step back. The way she turns her hand
over says kiss it, don’t shake it. He doesn’t do it though, giving it a
good squeeze instead.
I hope the cameraman is getting this. Then I remember
having heard the very line as I lay fallen on the floor. Oh my god!
The camera! It caught the entire thing!
My face burns as I imagine what millions, or a few billion
people saw through their television as the camera caught the whole
“Sam, this is Dean Cooper from our Orlando location,” Julie
introduces. “Dean has also been with Maxx for five years and is an
amazing young man. If he were to win, he’d be our youngest
franchisee at twenty-nine.”
“Dean Cooper?” I ask him. “Twenty-nine?”
“Dean Cooper,” he says, extending his hand to greet me.
When I don’t move, he reaches out and takes mine, shaking it. “Nice
to meet you. Cat?”
I look at our hands dumbly. “Dean Cooper, as in my
competition, Dean Cooper?”
“The one and only.”
“Did you know who I was the other night?” I demand.
“Not until you gave me your card.”
“And you said nothing?” He knew! The moment he read my
name on that business card, he knew who I was. Now that little
smirk makes complete sense!
“What did you want me to say?” he asks innocently.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe that you were my competition.”
“Well, I did say I’d be seeing you around.” There’s that
twinkle again, his eyes full of amusement at my irritation.
I throw my arms up. “You didn’t say it would be at the gym!”
“Where did you think I meant?”
“I thought you meant that you’d be calling me. What else was
I supposed to think?” I’d thought that if I saw him again, it would be
while we were doing the horizontal mambo.
“Um, excuse me? What are you two talking about?”
I look up, stunned to hear a voice other that Dean’s and
mine. Sam, Julie, the cameraman with the gazillion viewers, and
everyone there is watching us intently.
“Oh. Yeah, Dean and I met the other night at… A place. We
just ran into each other,” I laugh it off as though it’s no big deal. “I
gave him my business card because I like getting new business. Not
to mention he seemed like he needed a good workout,” I tell Sam
who smiles warily.
Dean’s sudden laughter has us all turning to him. “Yeah, I
needed a workout all right,” he says to me directly, and I don’t think
anyone on Earth watching this could have mistaken the meaning
behind it.
Our eyes lock, the humor in his completely gone, leaving
behind something that makes me uncomfortable and a little weak in
the knees.
“Well, there you have it,” Sam says, breaking the awkward
silence. “So much more excitement than we could have anticipated.
Can’t wait to see how this plays out. Stay tuned as we continue to
cover the Keys to Key West challenge! Cut!” Putting the mic down,
Sam says to the cameraman, “Well that was interesting.”
The crowd that had surrounded us during the interview
disperses. Julie, visibly frustrated, walks to us.
“You and you,” she points. “My office. Now.”
With a crooked smile, Dean turns to me and says, “Shit. I
think you got us in trouble.”
“Me!” I screech. “Whatever.” I move to walk away, and only
then realize I’m still holding his hand. Yanking it out hard, I shoot
him an indignant glare which makes him chuckle.
“Mom?” Reese comes up to us. “You okay?” She looks from
me to Dean.
“Cat!” I hear behind me before I can answer, and turn to see
a very agitated Sheridan walking in through the door. “I am so sorry
I’m late. Henry threw up on me on the way to Stephen’s and I had
to go buy a change of clothes. How’d the interview… Oh,” she stops,
looking up at Dean. “Uh, you look familiar?” It comes out as a
question. “The baby?” she mouths at me and I roll my eyes at her
knowing everyone here knows what she just said.
“We didn’t officially meet. I’m Dean Cooper. Head trainer in
Orlando and Cat’s biggest competitor,” he laughs, inciting an eye roll
from me.
“I’ll fill you in later, kid,” I say to Reese. “Come on, Coop,
before we’re disqualified. And get this straight, I’m going to be a
problem for you. I won’t make this easy. No sir, not one bit.”
His smile widens and I wonder how the hell anyone could
make my insides twist and turn into mush at the same time.
Dean leans into me and whispers in my ear, his voice sending
shivers down my body. “I look forward to the challenge.”
I frown as he walks away, wondering if he was referring to
the competition or something else entirely.

The office is awkwardly silent. Julie is chewing on the inside

of her mouth as she tends to do when she’s irritated. She looks from
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Pineria, 442
Pinna, 449;
shell, 254
Pinnoctopus, 385
Pinnotheres, 62
Pinoceras, 398
Pirena, 417
Pirenella, 416
Piropsis, 424
Pirula—see Pyrula
Pisania, 424
Pisidium, 453;
smell, 195;
ova, 146;
P. pusillum, distribution, 282
Pitys, 327
Placobranchus, 432
Placostylus, 322, 323–325, 359, 442;
radula, 233
Placuna, 448;
P. placenta used for windows, 101
Placunanomia, 448
Placunopsis, 448
Plagioptycha, 347–351, 441
Plagioptychus, 456
Planaxis, 417
Planispira, 311, 312, 319, 441
Planorbis, 27, 247, 439;
monstrosity, 93;
eye, 181;
P. albus, distribution, 282
Platyceras, 76, 412
Platydoris, 434
Platypoda, 411
Platyschisma, 413
Plaxiphora, 403
Plecochilus, 442
Plecotrema, 439
Plectambonites, 505
Plectomya, 459
Plectopylis, 303, 305, 314, 316;
aperture, 63
Plectostylus, 358, 442
Plectotropis, 305, 306, 310, 311, 314–318, 441
Plectrophorus, 298
Plesiastarte, 451
Plesiotriton, 420
Pleurobranchaea, 431;
jaws, 212
Pleurobranchoidea, 431
Pleurobranchus, 245, 428, 431;
warning coloration, 73;
jaws, 212;
radula, 230
Pleurocera, 340, 417
Pleuroceridae, origin, 17
Pleurodonta, 348;
aperture, 63
Pleuroleura, 433
Pleuromya, 458
Pleurophorus, 451
Pleurophyllidia, 433;
breathing organs, 159;
radula, 230
Pleuropyrgus, 357
Pleurotoma, 426, 426;
slit, 263, 265
Pleurotomaria, 266, 373, 376, 407, 407;
prices given for recent, 122;
slit, 156;
radula, 226
Plicatula, 450
Pliny the elder, on use of snails, 118, 120
Plocamopherus, 434
Plochelaea, 425
Plutonia, 298, 440
Pneumoderma, 158, 437, 438
Poecilozonites, 352, 440
Poisonous bite of Conus, 65;
poisonous oysters, 114;
mussels, 117
Polycera, 434;
radula, 230
Polycerella, 434
Polyconites, 456
Polydontes, 346–351, 347, 441
Polygona, 424
Polygyra, 340, 345–353, 441;
aperture, 63
Polygyratia, 246, 263, 357, 442
Polymita, 346–351, 347, 441
Polyplacophora, 9, 401 f.;
radula, 228
Polytremaria, 266, 407
Pomatia, 285, 293, 295, 441
Pomatias, 288, 289, 292 f., 302, 413
Pomatiopsis, 415
Pomaulax, 409
Pompholyx, 250, 341, 439
Ponsonbya, 332
Poromya, 459;
branchiae, 168
Porphyrobaphe, 27, 356, 442
Position of Mollusca in Animal Kingdom, 4
Potamides, 16, 416
Potamomya, 15
Potamopyrgus, 325, 326, 415
Poterioceratidae, 394
Praecardium, 459
Prasina, 449
Prices given for rare shells, 121
Primitive mollusc, form of, 245;
types of, 7
Prisogaster, 409
Pristiloma, 341, 440
Proboscidella, 497, 504
Productidae, 497, 500, 504, 508
Productus, 492, 501, 502, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 508
Promachoteuthis, 389
Proneomenia, 404;
breathing organs, 154;
nervous system, 203;
radula, 229
Prophysaon, 341, 441;
habits, 44
Propilidium, 405
Proserpina, 21, 355, 410
Proserpinella, 354, 410
Proserpinidae, relationships, 21
Prosobranchiata, 9, 404 f.;
breathing organs, 154
Prosocoelus, 451
Protective coloration, 69 f.;
in snails, 70;
in Nudibranchs, 71 f.;
in other Mollusca, 74
Protegulum, 509
Protobranchiata, 447;
branchiae, 166
Protoma, 417
Protremata, 511
Provocator, 376, 425
Psammobia, 456
Pseudachatina, 328–330, 443
Pseudedmondia, 452
Pseudobalea, 350
Pseudo-deltidium, 498, 511
Pseudodon, 295, 307, 452
Pseudolamellibranchiata, 167, 449
Pseudoliva, 424
Pseudomelania, 417
Pseudomilax, 296, 440
Pseudomurex, 423
Pseudopartula, 323
Pseudosubulina, 440
Ptenoglossa, 224, 411
Pterinaea, 449
Pteroceras, 256, 262, 418
Pteroctopus, 384
Pterocyclus, 266, 267, 300, 316, 414;
tube, 157
Pterodonta, 418
Pteropoda, 7, 434;
breathing organs, 158;
foot, 200;
radula, 230
Pterotrachaea, 421;
foot, 200;
radula, 227
Ptychatractus, 424
Ptychoceras, 399
Ptychodesma, 452
Pugilina, 424
Pulmonata, 10, 22, 151, 185, 438;
origin, 17, 19;
breathing organs, 160;
nervous system, 203
Pulsellum, 444
Punctum, 441
Puncturella, 265, 406
Pupa, 289, 296, 325–357, 442;
P. cinerea, hybrid union, 129
Pupidae, radula, 233
Pupilla, 442
Pupillaea, 406
Pupina, 157, 266, 309, 318–327, 414
Pupinella, 318, 414
Purpura, 423;
operculum, 269;
erosion, 276;
P. coronata, 367;
lapillus, feeding on Mytilus, 60;
on oysters, 111;
protective coloration, 69;
variation, 90;
egg-capsules, 124;
time of breeding, 129;
distribution, 363 n.
Purpuroidea, 423
Pusionella, 426
Pygocardia, 451
Pygope, 497
Pyramidella, 422
Pyramidellidae, 262
Pyrazus, 50, 416
Pyrgina, 330
Pyrgula, 415
Pyrochilus, 441
Pyrolofusus, 423
Pyrula (= Pirula), 419, 420;
spawn, 125;
operculum, 269
Pythina, 453

Quenstedtia, 456
Quoyia, 260, 417

Rachiglossa, 220, 422;

eggs, 124
Rachis, 329–335, 441, 442
Radiolites, 456
Radius, 419
Radsia, 403
Radula, 213 f.;
of Littorina, 20;
of Cyclophorus, 21;
of parasitic Mollusca, 79
Raëta, 454
Ranella, 256, 420
Range of distribution, 362 f.
Rangia, 15, 453
Ranularia, 420
Rapa, 423
Rapana, 423
Raphaulus, 305, 309
Rathouisia, 316, 440
Rats devouring Mollusca, 57
Realia, 316, 327, 414
Recluzia, 411
Rectum, 241
Registoma, 414
Relationship of Mollusca to other groups, 5
Renssoellaria, 512
Reproductive activity of oyster, 112;
system in Mollusca, 123, 134 f.
Requienia, 269, 455, 455
Respiration, 150 f.
Retzia, 508
Revoilia, 331, 414
Reymondia, 332
Rhabdoceras, 398
Rhagada, 311, 324
Rhenea, 325, 440
Rhinobolus, 504
Rhiostoma, 247, 266, 309, 414
Rhipidoglossa, 225, 405
Rhizochilus, 75, 423
Rhodea, 356, 441
Rhodina, 307, 310, 442
Rhynchonella, 466, 470, 471, 472, 474, 483, 487;
distribution, 487;
fossil, 492, 497, 499, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 506, 507, 508, 511
Rhynchonellidae, 487, 501, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508, 511
Rhysota, 67, 310, 314, 316, 319, 440
Rhytida, 319–326, 333, 359, 440;
habits, 54;
radula, 232
Rillya, 442
Rimella, 418
Rimula, 265, 406
Ringicula, 430;
radula, 230
Risella, 413
Rissoa, 415
Rissoina, 415
Robillardia, 77
Rochebrunia, 331, 414
Rock-boring snails, 49
Rolleia, 349
Rossia, 389
Rostellaria, 418
Rudistae, 456
Rumina, 260, 442
Runcina, 431;
protective coloration, 73

Sabatia, 430
Sactoceras, 394
Sagda, 348–351, 441
Sageceras, 398
Salasiella, 353, 440
Salivary glands, 237
Sandford, on strength of Helix, 45
Sandwich islanders, use of shells, 99
Sanguinolaria, 456
Sarepta, 447
Sarmaticus, 409
Satsuma, 314, 316, 441
Saxicava, 447, 457
Saxidomus arata, money made from, 97
Scalaria, 247, 263, 411;
radula, 224
Scaldia, 452
Scalenostoma, 422
Scaliola, 415
Scaphander, 428, 429, 430;
radula, 231;
gizzard, 238
Scaphites, 399, 399
Scaphopoda, 444;
defined, 6;
breathing organs, 160;
nervous system, 205;
radula, 236
Scaphula, 14, 305, 448
Scarabus, 18, 278, 439, 439
Scharff, R., on food of slugs, 31;
on protective coloration in slugs, 70
Schasicheila, 347, 351, 354, 410
Schismope, 266, 407
Schizochiton, 187, 402, 403
Schizodus, 448
Schizoglossa, 325, 440
Schizoplax, 403
Schizostoma, 413
Schloenbacia, 398
Scintilla, 175, 453
Scissurella, 265, 407;
radula, 226
Sclerochiton, 403
Scrobicularia, 15, 164, 453;
siphons, 164
Sculptaria, 333
Scurria, 405
Scutalus, 356, 442
Scutellastra, 405
Scutus, 245, 406, 406
Scyllaea, 433;
jaws, 212;
stomach, 239
Segmentina, 320
Selenites, 339, 341, 440
Selenitidae, radula, 231
Selenochlamys, 296
Self-fertilisation, 42–44
Semele, 453
Semicassis, 420
Semper, K., on habits of Limnaea, 34;
of Helicarion, 45, 67;
on mimicry, 67;
on parasitic Eulima, 79;
on development of Limnaea, 84, 94;
on sexual maturity in snails, 129;
on Onchidium, 187
Sepia, 381, 385–387, 389;
egg-capsules, 127;
glands, 136;
jaws, 214;
radula, 236;
alimentary canal, 238;
ink-sac, 241;
hectocotylus, 389
Sepiadarium, 389
Sepiella, 389
Sepiola, 389;
glands, 136;
radula, 236
Sepioloidea, 389
Sepiophora, 388
Sepioteuthis, 390;
hectocotylus, 139
Septaria, 337, 338, 410
Septibranchiata, 145, 167, 459;
branchiae, 166
Septifer, 274, 449
Sequenzia, 420
Sergius Orata, 104
Serrifusus, 424
Sesara, 305, 440
Sex, differences of, 133
Shell, 244 f.;
internal, 174;
shape of bivalve, 445
Shell-gland, primitive, 132
Shells as money, 96 f.;
as ornament, etc., 98 f.;
various uses of, 98 f.;
prices given for rare, 121;
sinistral, 249
Shores of N. Asia, no littoral fauna, 2
Showers of shells, 47
Sigaretus, 186, 245, 267, 411;
foot, 198
Sight, 180
Silenia, 459;
branchiae, 168
Silia, 425
Siliqua, 274, 457
Siliquaria, 248, 418
Simnia, 419
Simpulopsis, 345, 350, 442
Simpulum, 420
Simroth, on recent forms of Helix, 22;
on food of slugs, 31;
on crawling of Helix, 45
Singular habitat, 48
Sinistral shells, 249
Sinistralia, 424
Sinusigera, 133
Sipho, 424
Siphonalia, 424
Siphonaria, 18, 431;
classification, 19;
breathing organs, 151, 152
Siphonarioidea, 431
Siphonodentalium, 444
Siphonostomata, 156
Siphonotreta, 493, 496, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Siphons, 173;
in burrowing genera, 165;
branchial, 155
Sistrum, 75, 423;
radula of S. spectrum, 79, 222
Sitala, 301, 304, 310, 314–319, 333, 440
Skärgard, Mollusca of the, 13
Skenea, 415
Skenidium, 505, 508
Slit, in Gasteropoda, 265, 406
Slugs, habits and food of, 30 f.;
bite hand of captor, 33;
in bee-hives, 36;
in greenhouses, 36;
protective coloration, 70;
eaten in England, 120
Smaragdia, 21
Smaragdinella, 430
Smell, sense of, 192
Smith, W. Anderson, quoted, 98, 111, 114, 191
Snails as barometers, 50;
plants fertilised by, 102;
cultivation for food, 118 f.;
used for cream, 119;
as medicine, 120;
banned by the Church, 121
Solariella, 408;
radula, 225
Solarium, 264, 412, 413;
radula, 224
Solaropsis, 343, 353–357, 442
Solecurtus, 165, 457
Solen, 171, 446, 457;
vision, 190;
habits, 45
Solenaia, 452
Solenomya, 275, 448
Solenotellina, 456
Solomon islanders, use of shells, 98
Somatogyrus, 415
Sophina, 305
Spallanzani, experiments on Helix, 163
Spat, fall of, 113
Spatha, 294, 331, 336, 452
Spekia, 333
Spermatophore, in Cephalopoda, 137;
in Helix, 142
Spermatozoa, forms of, 136
Sphaerium, 453
Sphenia, 456
Sphenodiscus, 398
Sphyradium, 442
Spines, use of, 64
Spiraculum, 266, 414
Spiraxis, 442
Spirialis, 249
Spirifera, 468, 501, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508, 511, 512
Spiriferidae, 501, 505, 508
Spiriferina, stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Spirobranchiata, 464
Spirotropis, 426;
radula, 218, 219
Spirula, 247, 386, 387, 388
Spirulirostra, 380, 386, 388
Spondylium, 500
Spondylus, 257, 446, 450, 450;
ocelli, 191;
genital orifice, 242
Spongiobranchaea, 437
Spongiochiton, 403
Sportella, 453
Starfish eat oysters, 110
Stearns, R. E. C., on tenacity of life, 38
Stegodera, 306
Stenochisma, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Stenogyra, 324, 442;
S. decollata, 279;
food, 34;
smell, 194;
Goodallii, 279;
octona, sudden appearance, 47
Stenogyridae, radula, 234
Stenopus, 440;
habits, 45
Stenothyra, 415
Stenotis, 416
Stenotrema, 340, 441
Stephanoceras, 399
Stepsanoda, 358
Stilifer, 76, 77, 79, 422
Stiliferina, 76, 422
Stiliger, 432
Stilina, 76
Stoastoma, 348–351, 410
Stoloteuthis, 389
Stomach, 239
Stomatella, 408
Stomatia, 408
Stomatodon, 302, 417
Strebelia, 353, 440
Strength of Helix, 45
Strephobasis, 417
Strepsidura, 424
Streptaulus, 414
Streptaxis, 302, 306, 309, 314–331, 343, 357–359, 440;
variation, 87
Streptoneura, 203, 404
Streptosiphon, 424
Streptostele, 329, 338, 440
Streptostyla, 343–355, 353, 440
Stricklandia, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Strigatella, 425
Stringocephalidae, 506, 508
Stringocephalus, 492, 497, 498, 500, 501, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Strobila, 340, 345–353
Strobilops, 442
Strombidae, habits, 64;
penis, 136
Strombina, 423
Strombus, 69, 200, 252, 418;
mimicking Conus, 69;
operculum, 78, 269;
pearls from, 101;
metapodium, 199;
stomach, 239
Strophalosia, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Stropheodonta, 497, 505, 508
Strophia, 343–355, 442;
S. nana, 278
Strophochilus, 358, 441
Strophomena, 499, 505;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Strophomenidae, 500, 505, 508
Strophostoma, 248, 414
Structure of shell, 252
Struthiolaria, 99, 418;
radula, 216
Styliola, 437
Stylodonta, 339, 441
Stylommatophora, 11, 181, 439;
origin, 19
Subemarginula, 406
Submytilacea, 451
Subularia, 422
Subulina, 332, 352, 442
Subulites, 420
Succinea, 325, 327, 358, 433;
jaw, 211;
S. putris, parasite of, 61
Succineidae, 443;
radula, 234
Sudden appearance of Mollusca, 46
Suessia, stratigraphical distribution, 507
Sulphuric acid, 237
Surcula, 426
Sycotypus, 424
Synaptocochlea, 408
Syndosmya, 453
Syringothyris, 500, 508
Syrnola, 422
Syrnolopis, 332, 333
Systrophia, 356, 357

Tachea, 441
Taenioglossa, 223, 411
Taheitia, 414
Talona, 457
Tanalia, 304, 417
Tancredia, 453
Tanganyicia, 332, 415
Tanganyika, L., fauna of, 12
Tanysiphon, 454
Taonius, 391, 391
Tapes, 454
Taste, 179
Tebennophorus, 143, 340, 440
Tectarius, 413
Tectibranchiata, 10, 429
Tectura, 305, 405
Tectus, 408
Teeth in aperture of the shell, 63
Teinostoma, 247, 408
Teinotis, 407
Telescopium, 252, 416
Tellina, 440, 453, 453
T. balthica, variation, 84
Tellinacea, 453
Telotremata, 511
Tenacity of life, 37
Tenison-Woods, on red blood, 171;
on shell-eyes, 189
Tennent, Sir J. E., on musical sounds produced by Mollusca, 50
Tennentia, 304, 314, 338, 440
Terebellum, 418;
jumping powers, 64
Terebra, 246, 263, 426, 426;
radula, 219
Terebratella, 468, 487;
distribution, 486;
fossil, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 508
Terebratula, 467, 468, 487;
size, 484;
distribution, 485, 486;
fossil, 492, 499, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 506, 507, 508
Terebratulidae, 487;
fossil, 500, 505, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Terebratulina, 466, 479, 487;
larva, 482;
distribution, 486;
fossil, 506;
stratigraphical distribution, 508;
form of shell, 510
Teredina, 457
Teredo, 262, 457, 458;
nervous system, 206;
intestine, 241
Tergipes, 432
Terquemia, 450
Testacella, 22, 52, 440;
habits, etc., 49, 51 f.;
pulmonary orifice, 160;
eyes, 186;
radula, 231;
anus, 241
Testicardines, 466, 487;
muscles, 476;
fossil, 497, 504;
external characters, 497;
internal characters, 499;
attachment of muscles, 501;
stratigraphical distribution, 508
Testis, 135
Tethyidae, 216
Tethys, 432
Tetrabranchiata, 391 f.
Thala, 425
Thalassia, 319
Thalotia, 408
Thapsia, 329
Thaumasia, 349, 442
Thaumastus, 356, 442
Thecacera, 434;
radula, 229
Thecidiidae, 487;
fossil, 501, 506, 508
Thecidium, 475, 479, 480, 483, 487;
fossil, 506, 508
Thecosomata, 435
Thelidomus, 346–351, 350, 441
Theora, 453
Therasia, 441
Thersites (Helicidae), 322, 325
Thersites (Fasciolariidae), 424
Thetis, 454
Thracia, 245, 459
Thread-spinning, 29
Thridachia, 432
Thyca, 76, 79
Thyrophorella, 330, 440
Thysanoteuthis, 390
Tiedemannia, veliger, 132
Tiphobia, 332, 333, 417
Titicaca, L., Mollusca of, 25
Todarodes, 390
Tomichia, 414
Tomigerus, 334, 356, 358, 442
Tomocyclus, 354
Tomostele, 330, 440
Tonicella, 403
Tonicia, 403;
eyes, 188
Torellia, 411
Torinia, 413;
radula, 224;
operculum, 269
Tornatellina, 278, 319, 323–327, 338, 358, 443
Tornatina, 250, 430
Torquilla, 442
Toucasia, 455
Touch, sense of, 177
Toxoglossa, 218, 426
Trachia, 314
Trachyceras, 397
Trachydermon, 403
Trachyteuthis, 389
Tralia, 439
Transovula, 419
Trematis, 492, 493, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Trematonotus, 407
Tremoctopus, 384;
radula, 236;
hectocotylus, 137
Trevelyana, 434
Trichia, 316
Trichotropis, 275, 411
Tricula, 302
Tridacna, 273, 455
Triforis, 416;
radula, 224
Trigonellites, 397
Trigonia, 15, 254, 269, 448;
jumping powers, 65;
distribution, 370
Trigonochlamys, 296, 440
Trigonostoma, 426
Trimerella, 495, 504, 508, 511
Trimerellidae, 493, 494, 496, 504;
stratigraphical distribution, 507, 508
Trinacria, 448

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