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Increased glycation of hemoglobin and plasma

proteins in normotensive, non-diabetic obese
Indian subjects: Putative role of...

Article in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine · February 2007

DOI: 10.1515/CCLM.2007.248 · Source: PubMed


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8 authors, including:

Selvaraj Nambair Nandeesha Hanumanthappa

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research I…


M.G Sridhar Pavithran Purushothaman

Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical… A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences


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Article in press - uncorrected proof
Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45(8):996–999  2007 by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • New York. DOI 10.1515/CCLM.2007.248 2007/488

Increased glycation of hemoglobin and plasma proteins in

normotensive, non-diabetic obese Indian subjects: putative
role of lipid peroxides

Viswanathan Sathiyapriya1,a, Nambiar Keywords: fructosamine; glycated hemoglobin; gly-

Selvaraj1,a, Hanumanthappa Nandeesha1,a, cation; lipid peroxides; obesity.
Zachariah Bobby1,*, Aparna Agrawal2, Magadi
Gopalakrishna Sridhar1, Purushothaman
Pavithran3 and Nadaradjan Rattina Dasse1 Introduction
Department of Biochemistry, Jawaharlal Institute of
Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Obesity is a major public health problem in both
Pondicherry, India developed and developing countries. Besides being
Department of Medicine, Jawaharlal Institute of associated with increased susceptibility to cardiovas-
Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, cular diseases, obesity correlates with the occurrence
Pondicherry, India of type 2 diabetes mellitus (1). In animal models of
Department of Physiology, Jawaharlal Institute of obesity, changes have been identified in insulin
Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, release and cellular action, as well as in the meta-
Pondicherry, India bolism of many peripheral tissues (2).
Although obesity has a genetic etiology, the major
precipitating factor is environment, mostly related to
sedentary lifestyle (3). In recent years, oxidative stress
has been considered as a pivotal factor in various
Background: Glycation and lipid peroxidation are complications associated with obesity (4).
spontaneous reactions believed to contribute to the There is now overwhelming evidence indicating
pathogenesis of many clinical disorders. The purpose that oxidative stress, defined as an imbalance
of the present study was to evaluate the levels of lipid between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of the for-
peroxides and glycated proteins in normotensive, mer, leads to many biochemical changes and is an
non-diabetic obese Indian subjects and to assess pos- important pathological mediator in a wide spectrum
sible associations between them. of human disease (5). Oxygen free radicals are highly
Methods: A total of 28 obese male subjects and 20 reactive and attack almost all cell components, caus-
non-obese subjects were included in the present ing damage to surrounding tissues (5).
study. Whole blood glycated hemoglobin, plasma lip- The most deleterious impact of oxidative stress is
id peroxides and fructosamine levels were estimated lipid peroxidation, which has been implicated in the
in both groups. pathogenesis of numerous diseases, including
Results: Lipid peroxides, glycated hemoglobin and atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, and aging (6–8).
fructosamine levels were significantly higher in obese Lipid peroxidation is widely measured by determina-
subjects in comparison with non-obese subjects. We tion of its final breakdown product, malondialdehyde
also found a significant association between malon- (MDA). Lipid peroxides in vitro have been found to
dialdehyde and body mass index (rs0.424, ps0.025). enhance the glycation of proteins (9, 10), yet another
Partial correlation analysis revealed that malondial- process known to have pathological consequences
dehyde was significantly correlated with glycated (11).
hemoglobin (rs0.590, ps0.01) and fructosamine Although body mass index (BMI) is the most fre-
(rs0.442, ps0.021) after controlling for glucose. quently used index of obesity, it does not reflect fat-
Conclusions: Increased glycation of proteins was ness uniformly in all populations, and interethnic
found in normotensive, non-diabetic obese Indian extrapolations are not justified (12). For a given age,
subjects. These data also support the premise that lip- sex and body fat level, Caucasians have higher BMI
id peroxides per se play a role in the glycation of than Asians. This has prompted the World Health
hemoglobin and plasma proteins. Organization to issue preliminary Asian obesity
Clin Chem Lab Med 2007;45:996–9. guidelines (13), in which it is recommended to con-
sider Asians as obese if their BMI is G25 kg/m2.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
The objectives of this study were: 1) to determine
*Corresponding author: Dr. Zachariah Bobby, Assistant whether glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C), fructosamine
Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Jawaharlal Institute and MDA concentrations were increased in non-dia-
of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, betic, non-hypertensive obese individuals; and, if so,
Pondicherry-605 006, India
Phone: q91-413-2273078, Fax: q91-413-2372067, 2) to determine the relationship between MDA con-
E-mail: centrations and fructosamine and HbA1C.
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Sathiyapriya et al.: Increased glycated circulating proteins in obese subjects 997

Materials and methods


The study population consisted of 28 obese male subjects

(BMI )25 kg/m2) and 20 non-obese age-matched subjects
(BMI -25 kg/m2). Subjects with a history of diabetes, hyper-
tension or any infection were excluded from the study.
Informed consent was obtained from all individuals after the
purpose and nature of the study had been explained. This
study was approved by the Ethics Committee of our institute.

Anthropometric measurements Body weight and height of

the participants were measured. BMI was calculated as
weight divided by height squared (kg/m2).

Sample collection After subjects had fasted overnight for

at least 8 h, blood (5 mL) was drawn and collected in EDTA
bottles. Whole blood was used for the estimation of HbA1C. Figure 1 Linear regression analysis of MDA and glycated
Plasma was collected from the remainder of the sample by hemoglobin in obesity (rs0.588, ps0.001).
centrifugation at 2500=g for 5 min at 48C. Plasma glucose
levels were estimated immediately and the remainder of the
sample was stored at –708C for estimation of MDA and between the two groups with respect to age, waist-
fructosamine. to-hip ratio and fasting glucose concentrations. Of the
obese subjects, 11 had impaired fasting glucose val-
Biochemical analyses ues. Lipid peroxides and the extent of protein glyca-
tion, measured as HbA1C and fructosamine, were
Fasting plasma glucose was measured using a fully auto- significantly higher in obese subjects compared to
mated glucose oxidase method with a commercially availa- controls. Lipid peroxides were significantly indepen-
ble kit (Agappe Diagnostics, Kerala, India) on a Ciba Corning
dently associated with HbA1C (rs0.59, ps0.01) when
550 express plus autoanalyzer (Ciba Corning Diagnostics,
the influence of fasting glucose was excluded during
Oberlin, OH, USA). HbA1C was estimated by ion-exchange
chromatography (Biocon Diagnostik, VöhlMarienhagen, partial correlation analysis. Regression analysis of
Germany). Plasma fructosamine was measured by the p- MDA and HbA1C is shown in Figure 1. Statistical anal-
indonitrotetrazolium violet kinetic method using Raichem ysis revealed a significant correlation between MDA
kits (Hemagen Diagnostics, San Diego, CA, USA) adapted for and fructosamine, even when the influence of plasma
the Ciba Corning 550 express plus analyzer. MDA was meas- glucose was subtracted by partial correlation analysis
ured using the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances meth- (rs0.44, ps0.02). Linear regression analysis of fruc-
od (14). tosamine and MDA is depicted in Figure 2. A signifi-
cant positive correlation was also obtained between
Statistical analysis BMI and MDA (rs0.42, ps0.03).
All results are presented as mean"SD, except for HbA1C and
MDA, which are presented as median (interquartile range).
Student’s t-test and the Mann-Whitney U-test were used to Discussion
assess the significance of differences between the groups.
Correlation analysis was performed using the Pearson test. Glycation of human proteins is currently of great
A p-value of -0.05 was considered significant. experimental and clinical interest (15). Glycation of
hemoglobin and plasma proteins affords the clinician
an index of diabetic control (15), while glycation of
Results other proteins is reportedly linked to late complica-
tions of diabetes mellitus and chronic renal failure
Data for the obese and non-obese subjects are shown (11). Glycation can markedly affect protein function
in Table 1. There was no significant difference (16).

Table 1 Mean"SD for age, BMI, MDA, glycated hemoglobin and fructosamine in obese subjects and non-obese controls.

Parameter Controls (ns20) Obese subjects (ns28)

Age, years 34.40"10.51 39.04"8.32

BMI, kg/m2 21.54"1.13 27.08"1.55*
Waist-to-hip ratio 0.91"0.07 0.93"0.03
MDA, mmol/L 2.64 (1.33–3.47) 3.08 (2.17–4.9)*
Glycated hemoglobin, % 4.9 (4.26–5.43) 5.87 (5.37–6.83)*
Plasma glucose, mmol/L 4.90"1.00 5.19"0.91
Fructosamine, nmol/mL 2.16"0.43 2.39"0.30*
Glycated hemoglobin and MDA are reported as median (interquartile range). *p-0.05 compared to controls.
Article in press - uncorrected proof
998 Sathiyapriya et al.: Increased glycated circulating proteins in obese subjects

It is thought that MDA enhances protein glycation by

acting as an anchor between sugar and hemoglobin
moieties (29). It has also been suggested that oxida-
tive stress can facilitate the autoxidation of glucose to
dicarbonyl intermediates, an early step in the Maillard
reaction (9). Obese individuals are known to be more
insulin-resistant (30, 31). Occasional transient higher
glucose levels in these subjects could also be a con-
tributing factor to their higher protein glycation.
Glycation and lipid peroxidation are known to play
a key role in complications of many pathophysiolo-
gical process (6, 11). Recent studies have uncovered
a myriad of pathological events induced by glycated
albumin, which includes increased inflammatory
responses (32, 33). Studies have indicated that obe-
sity is a chronic inflammatory state (34, 35). This
inflammatory state has been reported to contribute to
Figure 2 Linear regression analysis of MDA and fructos-
the major obesity co-morbidities, including type 2
amine in obesity (rs0.442, ps0.019).
diabetes, cardiovascular disease and the metabolic
syndrome (34). It has been demonstrated that obese
The two traditional factors found to influence the animals and humans have significantly higher levels
degree of glycation of proteins are the prevailing of circulating proinflammatory cytokines such as
glucose concentration and the half-life of the protein interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor a (35).
(15). However, evidence in the literature indicates In conclusion, results from the present study pro-
increased glycated protein levels in some non-diabet- vide evidence of an increase in both glycated protein
ic pathological states (16–19). and MDA levels in non-diabetic, normotensive obese
In the present study, we found an increase in both individuals and indicate that these processes are
HbA1C and fructosamine concentrations in obese Indi- closely associated. Given the detrimental role of gly-
an subjects. To the best of our knowledge, no study cation in pathological conditions, strategies to avert
to date has attempted to determine the concentra- protein glycation in obese subjects would be of great
tions of HbA1C and fructosamine in non-diabetic, nor- help in controlling the problems associated with
motensive obese subjects. obesity.
Apart from the presence of increased glycation
reaction, we also found increased MDA levels in plas-
ma from obese individuals. We observed a parallel Acknowledgements
increase in HbA1C and MDA, with significant correla-
tion between their respective increments. Previous
This work was supported by a grant from the Department of
studies carried out in other ethnic groups have also
Science, Technology and Environment, Pondicherry, India
found that levels of plasma MDA are increased in
and by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New
obese subjects compared to age-matched controls Delhi, India, in the form of a Senior Research Fellowship to
(20–22). Olusi et al. reported that obesity is an inde- Ms. V. Sathiyapriya.
pendent risk factor for increased lipid peroxides in
obese individuals (20). Similarly, increased plasma
MDA levels have been reported in non-diabetic, nor-
motensive obese subjects (21).
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