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Quiz 7

Ques 1. Through processes of socialization we can acquire:

Ans 1. A particular political ideology

Ques 2. A dominant discourse is one of the structures of power. It

operates in such a subtle way that we can unwittingly adopt them as
common sense.
Ans 2. True

Ques 3. Hegemonic practices are present even in ‘democratic’ nation

states like Canada
Ans 3. True

Ques 4. An example of a Dominant Discourses is, ‘the capitalist system is

destructive to the environment’.
Ans 4. False

Ques 5. Dominant Discourses help us to understand the social order by

exposing the root causes of social problems.
Ans 5. False

Ques 6. Transformative ideologies normalize discriminatory and

destructive ideas
Ans 6. False

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Ques 7. Social institutions such as the legal system cannot discriminate
because they are based on the concepts of justice and ethics
Ans 7. False

Ques 8. Hegemony is a concept which suggests that societal dominance

by the powerful must be achieved by military force.
Ans 8. False

Ques 9. The boundaries established within which a topic is understood

and talked about is referred to as:
Ans 9. Dominant discourse

Ques 10. What is the difference between discourse and ideology:

Ans 10. Ideology presents a vision of society whereas a discourse
focuses on the ways of understanding an issue in a limited frame

Ques 11. Characterizing people from the Global South as “backward” is

an example of a transformative ideology.
Ans 11. False

Ques 12. Hegemony occurs when transformative ideologies are able to

successfully challenge the social order
Ans 12. False

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Ques 13. When developing critical methods of analysis, we should
examine common sense assumptions because they are often based on
flawed assumptions.
Ans 13. True

Ques 14. Structure of power refers only to social institutions such as the
legal system and not to dominant ideologies which are basically ideas
Ans 14. False

Ques 15. Dominant discourses are constantly being reworked in order to

maintain the legitimacy of the social order
Ans 15. True

Ques 16.
Ans 16.

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