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Misión 10

Common Body Language and Actions

Ejercicio 02

Before you leave , don't forget to say goodbye.

 a kiss.

 yawn.

Emily waves goodbye to her friends.

She is blowing her nose because she has a cold.
It was nice to meet your new friend.

Ejercicio 03

When you were a child, you always walked hand in hand with your best friend.
Every morning, he brushes his teeth after breakfast.
When I enter a meeting, I shake hands with all my colleagues.
The baby cries every time he drops his toy.
When you are stressed, you bite your nails.
Every time she attends a conference, she meets interesting people.
Last time, she kissed her mother on the cheek.

Ejercicio 04
Sonja is a very happy child. She is always smiling.
Michael sees his friend. He waves his hand to say hello.
When Alan has a cold , he stays in bed until he feels better.
If you are scared and nervous , take some deep breaths and try to stay calm.
Aidan is crying because he feels sad .
Emily looks tired . She needs to sleep.
Sid and Nancy are in love . They are very happy together.

Ejercicio 05

 You apologise and blow your nose quietly.

 You smile, greet them, introduce yourself and shake their hand.

 The person yawns, does not smile and looks tired.

Tes recapitulativo

Give me a kiss , darling!

You are not very polite .

I'm happy to see you.

Andrew is bored .
I'm yawning because I'm tired.
John has been working too much. He's very tired .
Pleased to meet you!
You blow your nose when you've got a cold.
Romeo and Juliet were in love .
Why are you crying ?
Don't bite your nails .
She bites her nails when she is nervous.
Jill is always nervous before an exam.
Billy! Don't point at that lady!
Don't forget to brush your teeth .
Sally is sad because her friend is leaving.
I caught a cold in the rain yesterday.
Yesterday John left at 5 o'clock.
They are walking hand-in-hand .
You shake hands more often in France than in England.
She's smiling because she is happy.
He waved goodbye when he left.

Ejercicio 02

 give up smoking!

I am fit because I exercise.

 relax.

 I'm going on holiday with my family.

Ejercicio 03
 to feel relaxed

 to gain weight

 to go to work

 to eat too much

Ejercicio 04

We are travelling on foot. We are walking .

It is very loud in here. There is too much noise .
He is changing the way he eats. He is going on a diet .
She fell off her bike and now she feels pain in her leg. Her leg hurts .
Audrey needs some rest and some sleep. She feels tired .
He lost 25 kilos! He lost a lot of weight .
She feels very relaxed. She does not feel any stress .
They are doing a lot of physical activity. They are getting a lot of exercise .
I have 10 glasses of water every day. I drink a lot of water.
I am not working next week. I'm going on holiday .

Ejercicio 05

 I tell him to exercise and not to eat too much sugar.

 Drink water, walk to work, exercise and relax.

 Go on holiday to the seaside and take time to relax and work out.

Test recapitulativo

The music is too loud .

He has to give up smoking.

I don't like this kind of design: it makes me look fat .

Traffic jams make you nervous.
Too much food is not good for you.
Young people go dancing in discos .
John has been working too much. He's very tired .
We play tennis to keep fit.
Eric goes swimming twice a week.
Twice a month.
Smoking is bad for your health.
I've decided to go on a diet .
She wants to lose weight .
I've decided to go on a diet .
Have you got a mobile phone ?
I'm on holiday .
I often walk to work.
Many people suffer from stress .
Bill goes for a walk to relax .
I can't hear well. I'm a bit deaf .
Tom goes for a long walk every Sunday.
I'm feeling fit today.
They are on holiday in the mountains .
I've lost weight.
There is too much noise here.
That rich food made me sick .
In this tea-room, they serve very nice afternoon teas.
My eyes hurt when I read a long time.
I can offer you cold drinks, with or without alcohol .
I go jogging to keep fit .
We must do some exercise to keep fit.
Seeing dogs in a park makes me happy.
Don't drink too much wine.
We are at the seaside .
The smoke is making me cough .
It's not good to eat too much sugar .
Susan is too nervous.
In the cities there is a lot of pollution .
You are making me nervous .
He works with a computer .

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