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The City School

Class 5 - Term 2 Curriculum Break-Up

and End-of-Year Examination Syllabi
2023-2024 – Central and Northern Region
Term 2

English Oxford International Primary - English 5: Unit 1, 3, 4, 9, 10

Literature: Oxford Progressive English Readers – Level 3 – Robinson
Crusoe by Danial Dafoe
Writing: Narrative Writing, Summary Writing, Dialogue Writing,
Newspaper Article Writing, Descriptive Writing (Object, Person, Place,
Event), Report Writing, Argumentative Writing, Poetry Writing,
Informal and Formal Letter Writing
Grammar: Gerunds, Full Stops, Commas, Exclamation Marks,
Question Marks, Colons, Semi-Colons, Hyphens, Direct and Indirect
Speech, Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences, Suffixes (-
able/ible, -ant/ent, -ful, -less, -ly, -wise, -ward, -like, -ous, -some, -
tious/cious, -ish, -ical, -ic, -ian), Conjunctions (Coordinating and
Subordinating), Dependent and Independent Clauses, Sentence Patterns
(SV, SVO, SVC, and SVN), Syntax (Imperative, Exclamatory,
Declarative, and Interrogative), Connectives (Addition, Cause and
Effect), Similes, Metaphors, Rhyme, Rhythm, Alliteration, Hyperbole,
Personification, Onomatopoeia, Transitional Words (to show Time,
Place, an Idea, and to Compare and Contrast, a Result), Conditionals

Urdu ‫ریستہبیط‬،‫ویپمکرٹاکرفس‬،‫میظعامؤںےکمیظعےٹیب‬،‫ڈارٹکمیلسازلامںدصیقی‬،‫شایہہعلق‬،‫ریماپااتسکن‬ :)‫ادب(اابسق‬

‫لبقتسم مہاراےہ‬،‫رکٹکپاہم‬،‫تعن‬ :‫یمظن‬

‫ لعف ےک‬،‫ اافلظ رتمادف‬،‫ اافلظ اضتمد‬،‫تذریک و پ یان‬/‫ ذمرک ومن‬،)‫ںی‬،‫وں‬،‫ںیئ‬،‫وادح عمج(ے‬ :‫ وقادعوزپانداین‬.1
،‫اشتمہباافلظ‬،‫امس تفصاوروموصف‬،‫امسریمض‬،)۱‫۔‬۱۰۰(‫اردویتنگ‬،)‫امس(امسرعمہفاورامسرکنہ‬،)‫لبقتسم‬،‫امیض‬،‫زامےن(احل‬
‫ااسقم‬ ‫یک‬ ‫ی‬
‫ ولمجں‬،‫اسےقبالےقح‬،)۱‫۔‬۳۵(‫دعدییربیتاکولمجںںیماامعتسل‬،)‫شیپ‬،‫زیر‬،‫ارعاب(زیر‬
‫رومزاواقف(واونیاکاامعتسل)طلغرقفاتیک‬،)‫اجفہیئ‬،‫ااجعتسب‬،‫پافس‬،‫رحوفیکااسقم(دناہیئ‬،)‫یفنم‬،‫ااہفتسہیم‬،‫انمتیئ‬،‫(شکی یہ‬

‫رظنماگنری‬،‫اکمہملونیسی‬،‫یرہمجونیسی‬،‫طخونیسی‬،‫اہکینونیسی‬،‫ومضمنونیسی‬ :‫انارپدازی‬

‫ ی‬،‫ادیب‬
‫اکحیتی‬،‫ولعمامیت‬،‫وصتیری‬ :‫یہفتونیسی‬

‫انارپادزیاوریہفتونیسییکاانصفشالمِاصنبںیہ۔‬،‫ااحتمنںیمرصفوقادعوزپاینداین‬ :‫ونٹ‬

The City School Academics Department

Mathematics Topics:
1. Percentages
2. Symmetrical Shapes
3. Decimals
4. Estimation
5. Roman Numbers
6. Perimeter and Area
7. Ratio
8. Data handling – Average
9. Triangles
10. Quadrilaterals
11. Volume

Science Unit 1: Electricity and Magnetism

• Static and current electricity
• Magnets
• Circulatory System
• Heart
• Heart and pulse rate
• Pulse rate and Exercise
Unit 2: Plant and Animal Life Cycle
• Conditions necessary for plant growth
• Stages of Plant Life Cycle
• Reproduction in flowering plants
• Seed germination
• Animal life cycle
Unit 3: Planet Earth
• Atmosphere
• Water cycle
• Water resources
• Types of soil
• Orbit of Earth around the Sun
• Tilt of the Earth and seasons
• Artificial and natural satellites

Social Studies • Power Resources, Metallic and Non-Metallic resources

• Media and Information
• Transportation
• Ancient Civilisations
• Goods and Services (Private and Public)
• Inflation, tax and loan
• Trade (Imports and Export)
• Entrepreneurship
• Pakistan History
• State and Government
• Role of Banks

The City School Academics Department

‫دنابمرہکعمیرہمجاطمبقب ٹ‬
‫وینوصنمہبدنبی‬ ‫ی‬
‫دحنِابمرہکعمیرہمج‪:‬ااح ی‬
‫اہنکلنےیکداعںیئ‪،‬رفسیکداع‬ ‫داعںیئ‪:‬رھگںیمدالخوہےناورپ م ر‬
‫ومااختدمہنی‪،‬دجسمِوبنیﷺ‪ ،‬یم ِاقدمہنی‪،‬زغوات‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ریستہبیطﷺ‪:‬رعماجایبنلؐ‪ ،‬تعیبِہبقعوپاہین‪ِ ،‬‬
‫رجہتدمہنی‪،‬‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ؒدہانےکرسےمشچاوراشمریہِاالسم‪:‬رضحتداءودؑ‪،‬رضحتعی یسیؑ‪،‬رضحتیلعریضاہللاعتیلہنعُ؛وصایفءِرکام‬

‫‪Computing‬‬ ‫‪1. Analysing Data‬‬

‫‪2. Building a website‬‬
‫‪3. Interactive stories and robot programming‬‬

‫‪All subjects will be tested at the End of Year Examination.‬‬

‫‪The City School Academics Department‬‬

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