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Assignment 2

Very Short answer

a) Write down the S.I. units of:
1. Work
2. Electric Potential
3. Frequency
4. Speed
5. Temperature
6. angular velocity
7. acceleration
8. Power
9. Wavelength
b) Define coplanar vector.
c) What is meant by a unit? How are Megameter and nanometer related with
each other?.
d) Define displacement, velocity and acceleration
Short answer
a) State the triangle law of vector addition.
b) Define coefficient of friction. State its unit and dimension.
c) State parallelogram law of vector addition.
d) Define Universal Gravitational Constant (G)
e) What is the condition for maximum horizontal range?
f) State Newton's law of gravitation.

Long answer
a) States the principle of Homogeneity and check the correctness of following
i. 𝑣 2 − 𝑢2 = 2𝑎𝑠 ,
ii. S = ut+1/2at²,
iii. T = 2π[l/g]
iv. F = 2mv2/r where symbols have their usual meanings.
b) A body starting from rest moves with an acceleration of 5 m/s2. Calculate its
velocity when it covered a distance of 20m.
c) Distinguish between fundamental and derived quantities.
d) Write five methods to reduce friction.
e) Differentiate between G &g with example
f) Derive a relation between g &G.

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