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Diskusi 2 Bahasa Inggris

1. Why is it important to use proper grammar, punctuation and capitalization in English


Using Proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization in English writing is important for several
1. Clarity: Proper grammar ensures that your writing is clear and easily understandable. It
helps convey yout message accurately without causing confusion or ambiguity/
2. Credibility: Writing with correct grammar and punctuation enhances your credibility as a
writer. It shows that you pay attention to detail and take your writing seriously, which can
lead to greater trust from your readers.
3. Professionalism: Whether you’re writing an academic paper, a business report, or even a
casual email, using proper grammar and punctuation demonstrates professionalism. It
reflects positively on your competence and professionalism in your field.
4. Effective Communication: Good grammar facilitates effective communication by ensuring
that your ideas are conveyed accurately. Proper punctuation helps structure your sentences
and clarify the relationships between different parts of your writing.
5. Respect for readers: Using correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization respects your
readers’time and effort. It shows that you value their attention and strive to provide them
with high-quality, well-crafted writing.
In summary, using proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization is essential for clear
communication, professionalism, credibility, and respect for your readers. It enhances the
quality and effectiveness of your writing across various contexts and audiences.

2. Find a picture of an office room online. Then, write a descriptive paragraph consisting 4-5
sentences containing.
In the heart of a bustling corporate headquarters, lies an impeccably organized office room. Bathed
in soft, natural light streaming through the large windows, the room exudes an air of tranquility
amidst the hustle and bustle outside. The walls are adorned with elegant artwork, adding a touch
of sophistication to the space. A sleek, mahogany desk sits prominently in the center, adorned with
a minimalist lamp and a neatly arranged stack of documents. A plush leather chair invites comfort
and productivity, while shelves neatly lined with reference books and personal mementos offer a
glimpse into the occupant's professional and personal life. Overall, the office room is a harmonious
blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal, fostering an environment conducive to creativity and

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