Lec Exercises 4 Energy and Chemistry

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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines


Lec Exercises 4 ( Energy and Chemistry )

NAME: ___________________________ COURSE/SECTION: ___________________

Insight into energy use and the world economy
1. What are the advantages of electricity as a type of energy that makes it worth generating
despite the sizable losses that occur during the process?
2. The total energy supply for the United States in the year 2007, as shown in your PDF page 6
was 106.96 x 1015 Btu,
(a) What % of energy was obtained from imports? 34.6% of energy was obtained from
(b) What % was used to generate electricity? 106.31 was used to generate electricity
(c) Using the data, you obtained from (a) above, how many barrels of oil must be imported
daily? (note: an average barrel of petroleum has an energy = 5.85 x 106 Btu)

Defining energy
1. Distinguish between kinetic and potential energy. Potential energy is the energy of an object
due to its position or shape, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion.
2. Define an internal energy. The total amount of kinetic and potential energy of all the
particles in the system is the internal energy.
3. What is the kinetic energy (KE) of single molecule of oxygen if it is travelling at 1.5 m/s?
Mass of O2 molecule = 2 × 16 = 32 g O2
1mol O 2 6.022 x 10 molecule 1000 g 1 kg
32 g O2 x = 32 mol O2 x x x = 5.314x10-26 kg
1 g O2 1 mol O2 1molecule 1 g

Kinetic energy is given as:

K.E = 1/2 mv2 m=mass(kg) v=velocity (meters/sec2)

1/2 (5. 314x10-26 kg) (1.5 m/s) 2 = 6.98 x10-26 J

4. Carry out the following conversions of energy units:

(a) 14.3 Btu to 3603.6 cal
1 btu = 252.164412046 cal
14.3x252=3603.6 cal
(b) 1.4 x 105 cal to 58576 J
1cal=4.184 J
1.4 x 105x4.184=58576 J
(c) 31.6 mJ (mega joules) to 29956.8 Btu
31.6x948=29956.8 Btu
5. What are the products of a complete combustion of hydrocarbon? carbon dioxide and water
Energy transformation and conservation of energy
1. If a machine does 4.8 x 103 kJ of work after an input of 7.31 x 10 4 kJ of heat, what is the change
in internal energy (∆E) for the machine?
∆E = q + w q=heat w=work
∆E = 7.31 x 104 kJ + 4.8 x 103 kJ = 7.79 x 104 kJ

2. Calculate
(a) q when a system does 54 J of work and its energy decreases by 72 J
∆E - w = q
Q = -72 J – (-54 J) = 18 J

(b) ∆E for a gas that releases 38 J of heat and has 102 J of work done on it.
∆E = q + w
q is negative because it releases energy
∆E = (-38 J) + 102J = 64J
3. Which system does more work? system A
system A: ∆E = -436 J, q = 400 J or system B: ∆E = 317 J, q = 347 J
system A: ∆E – q = w
-436 J – 400J = -836 J
System B: ∆E – q = w
317 J – 347J = -30 J
4. In which case is heat added to the system? Both cases didn’t add heat to the system
Case 1: ∆E = -43 J, w = 40 J or Case 2: ∆E = 31 J, w = 34 J
Case 1: ∆E – w = q
-43 J – 40 J = -83 J
Case 2: ∆E – w = q
31 J – 34 J = -3 J
Heat Capacity and calorimetry

1. A metal radiator is made from 26.0 kg of iron. The specific heat of iron is 0.449 J/g ·°C. How
much heat must be supplied to the radiator to raise its temperature from 25.0 to 55.0 °C.
1000 g
Tfinal: 55.0 °C m=26.0 kg (convert into g) = 26.0kg x = 26,000g or
1 kg

Tinitial: 25.0 °C c=0.449 J/g·°C

∆T=Tfinal – Tinitial = 55.0 °C - 25.0 °C = 30 °C
q = mc∆T

= (2.6x104g) (0.449 J/g·°C) (30 °C) = 3.50x102 J

2. A calorimeter contained 75.0 g of water at 16.95 °C. A 93.3 g sample of iron at 65.58 °C was
placed in it, giving a final temperature of 19.68 °C for the system. Calculate the heat capacity of
the calorimeter. Specific heats are 4.184 J/g·°C for H2O and 0.444 J/g·°C for Fe.
m: H2O= 75.0g Tinitial: H2O= 16.95 °C Tfinal: 19.68 °C c: H2O= 4.184 J/g·°C

Fe= 93.3g Fe= 65.58 °C Fe= 0.444 J/g·°C

∆T=Tfinal – Tinitial: H2O= 19.68 °C - 16.95 °C = 2.73 °C
Fe= 19.68 °C - 65.58 °C = -45.9 °C

qH2O = mc∆T
q1: Fe = mc∆T

= (93.3g) (0.444 J/g·°C) (-45.9 °C) = -1901.42 J

Heat capacity = E/T
−1901.42 J
= 41.43 J/°C
−45.9 ° C

q2: H2O = mc∆T

= (75.0g) (4.184 J/g·°C) (2.73 °C) = 856.7 J
856.7 J
= 313.81 J/°C
2.73° C

3. A copper nail and an iron nail of the same mass and initially at the same room temperature are
both put into a vessel containing boiling water. Which one would you expect to reach 100 °C, first?
Copper will reach 100 °C first because copper needs less energy to reach the
expected temp and copper is good conductor of heat it means copper has the
highest thermal conductivity.

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