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 Derived from ‘juhd’ meaning exertion or striving

 Exertion of one’s power to the utmost of one’s capacity in the way of Allah
 “Then fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah hears and knows all things” (2:244)
 Whosoever of you sees an evil action , let him change it by his hand and if he is not able
to do so then with his tongue and if he is not able to do so then with his heart and that
is the weakest of faith”

Types of Jihad

 Jihad against self

 Jihad with tongue
 Jihad with knowledge
 Jihad with wealth
 Jihad with sword

Merits of jihad

 Jihad is the best action of Muslims but every Muslim will be awarded according to his
 “The best of the believers is he who fights in the way of Allah with his wealth and his
life” (Agreed)
 “To him who fights in the way of Allah whether he is slain or gets victory soon shall we
give him a reward of great (value)” (4:74)
 No one who enters paradise will like to go back to the world even if he get everything
on the earth, except a mujahid who wishes to return to the world so that he may be
martyred ten times because of the dignity he receives from Allah” (Sahih Bukhari)

Jihad &Qital

 The word Jihad is commonly misunderstood; non-Muslims take it to mean fighting a

holy war to convert people to Islam.
 The word Jihad occurred several times in Quran but nowhere is it used in the sense of
taking arms to convert people to Islam.
 Forcing people to convert to Islam is forbidden. “Let there be no compulsion in religion”.
 Allah says “And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of
them…..” (10:99)
 Derived from ‘juhd’ meaning exertion or striving
 Exertion of one’s power to the utmost of one’s capacity in the way of Allah
 “Then fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah hears and knows all things” (2:244)
 Whosoever of you sees an evil action , let him change it by his hand and if he is not able
to do so then with his tongue and if he is not able to do so then with his heart and that
is the weakest of faith”

Conditions under which Jihad becomes obligatory

 When ideology and beliefs of Muslims are threatened

 When their lives, homes, property and everything else is in danger.
 Self-defence; fight those who fight them
 When a Muslim state is attacked, if the Muslims state is not strong enough to
defend itself then it becomes duty of the neighbouring states to help them. If they
too fail then it becomes duty of the Muslim ummah to defend them.
 Fighting should be continued till peace is restored and oppression comes to an end.
 Muslims should never attack first.
 Muslims must maintain their peace treaties and friendly relations.
 Fighting should be stopped as soon as the objective is achieved.

Rules of Jihad

 Muslims shouldn’t be the first to fight

 Women children old and sick shouldn’t be harmed
 Fruit bearing trees shouldn’t be cut or burnt
 Animals whose meat can be eaten shouldn’t be killed
 Places of worship shouldn’t be demolished
 Prisoners should be treated kindly
 Dead bodies shouldn’t be mutilated
 Treaties should be respected and fulfilled
 War spoils shouldn’t be stolen
 Ambassadors shouldn’t be killed or maltreated
 No unjustified aggression shall be made on weaker nation.
 Derived from ‘juhd’ meaning exertion or striving
 Exertion of one’s power to the utmost of one’s capacity in the way of Allah
 “Then fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah hears and knows all things”
 Whosoever of you sees an evil action , let him change it by his hand and if he is not able
to do so then with his tongue and if he is not able to do so then with his heart and that
is the weakest of faith”

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