Statics of Rigid Bodies

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A force vector is defined as F=200i+300j-500k Newton. Determine magnitude in

(616.4 N)

Which of the following correctly defines the 500 N force that passes from A(4, 0, 3)
to B(0, 6, 0)?
(-256i + 384j-192k N)

ME Oct 2023 Page 1

Assume the three force vectors intersect at a single point. What is the magnitude
of the resultant force vector, R? (15)
F1 = i + 3j + 4k
F2 = 2i + 7j – k
F3 = -i +4j +2k

Three ropes are tied to a small metal ring. At the end of each rope three students
are pulling, each trying to move the ring in their direction. If we look down from
above, the forces and directions they are applying are shown in Fig. Find the net
force on the ring due to the three applied forces.
(53.79 lb (17.16°))

A parallel force system acts on the lever shown in Fig. P-236. Determine the
magnitude and position of the resultant. (110 lb (6ft from A))

ME Oct 2023 Page 2

A parallel force system acts on the lever shown in Fig. P-236. Determine the
magnitude and position of the resultant. (110 lb (6ft from A))

The beam AB in Fig. P-238 supports a load which varies an intensity of 220 N/m to
890 N/m. Calculate the magnitude and position of the resultant load. (3330 N
downward at 3.6 m to the right of A.)

ME Oct 2023 Page 3

The cable and boom shown in Fig. P-308 support a load of 600 lb. Determine the
tensile force T in the cable and the compressive for C in the boom.
(T=439.24 lb, C=537.94 lb)

A 300-lb box is held at rest on a smooth plane by a force P inclined at an

angle θ with the plane as shown in Fig. P-310. If θ = 45°, determine the value
of P and the normal pressure N exerted by the plane.
(P=212.13 lb, N=409.81 lb)

A cylindrical tank is set at rest as shown. What Force, F, should be applied

horizontally at point C to raise the tank?

ME Oct 2023 Page 4

A 400 lb block is resting on a rough horizontal surface for which the coefficient of
friction is 0.40. Determine the force P required to cause motion to impend if
applied to the block =(b) downward at 30° with the horizontal.
(240.23 lb)

The 2225-N block shown in Fig. P-507 is in contact with 45° incline. The coefficient
of static friction is 0.25. Compute the value of the horizontal force P necessary to
(a) just start the block up the incline (P=3708.55 N)
(b) just prevent motion down the incline. (P=1335N)

ME Oct 2023 Page 5

A steel wheel 800 mm in diameter rolls on a horizontal steel rail. It carries a load of
700 N. The coefficient of rolling resistance is 0.250 mm. What is the force P
necessary to roll the wheel along the rail?
A. 0.34 N
B. 0.54 N
C. 0.44 N
D. 0.14 N

The dimensions of the T-section of a cast-iron beam are shown in Fig. P-714. How
far is the centroid of the area above the base?
(3.07 above the base)

Determine the coordinates of the centroid of the area shown in Fig. P-715 with
respect to the given axes. (2.34, 7.47)

ME Oct 2023 Page 6

Determine the moment of inertia of an equilateral triangle 6 in on a side about an
axis through its centroidal and parallel to the base. (23.4 in 4)

An isosceles triangle has a 10 cm base and a 10 cm altitude. Calculate the

moment of inertia of the triangular area relative to a line parallel to the base
and through the upper vertex, in cm^4. (2500)

Determine the moment of inertia of a circle of a diameter 5 in about a diameter.

(30.4 in4)

ME Oct 2023 Page 7

Calculate the polar moment of inertia J of a 75 mm-diameter solid circular shaft.
(3.106x10^6 mm4)

A certain cable is suspended between two supports at the same elevation and 500
ft apart. The load is 500 lbs per horizontal foot including the weight of the cable.
The sag of the cable is 30 ft. Calculate the total length of the cable. (504.76 ft)

The weight of a transmission cable is 1.5 kg/m distributed horizontally. If the

maximum safe tension of the cable is 6000 kg and the allowable sag is 30 m,
determine the horizontal distance between the electric posts supporting the
transmission cable. (976 m)

ME Oct 2023 Page 8

The distance between supports of a transmission cable is 20 m apart. The cable is
loaded with a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m throughout its span. The
maximum sag of the cable is 4 m. What is the maximum tension of the cable if one
of the supports is 2 meters above the other? (415.51 kN)

A cable weighing 0.4 pound per foot and 800 feet long is to be suspended with sag
of 80 feet. Determine the maximum tension of the cable. (416 lbs)

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An inclined plane 5 meters long has its upper end 1 meter above the ground.
A load of 100 newtons is pushed up the plane against a force of friction 5
newtons. What is the efficiency?
A. 55%
B. 70%
C. 80%
D. 110%

ME Oct 2023 Page 10

A pulley system with an IMA of 4 requires a force of 15 N to lift a load of 50 N. Find the efficiency of
the machine.
A. 38%
B. 83%
C. 67%
D. 97%

A jackscrew has a pitch of 3mm and handle 600 mm long. A force of 60 N must be applied when a
load of 25 kN is being lifted. Calculate the efficiency.
A. 33.15%
B. 55.56%
C. 65.11%
D. 13.78%

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