Service 1

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CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, 223/1 (1st lesson on service)





Meaning of service;

Service refers to the act of providing people’s needs by a concerned authority.

Meaning of authority;

Authority in this case refers to the power entrusted to an individual or organisation in an effort
provide the community needs.

In other words, authority is the power one has because of the official position he or she is occupying
in the society.

Forms of authority Forms

1. Divine authority.
This is a form of authority derived from the super natural beings. Such beings include, God,
gods, and spirits.
2. State authority.
State authority is also called Government authority, which refers to the ruling body of the
society. This is based on the three organs that is to say; the executive, legislature and the
3. Parental authority.
These are the power parents possess to administer their children in the family. God divinely
gives this authority of parents to them.
4. Hereditary authority.
This authority is transferred from parents to their children through inheritance / succession
of blood and property after death.
5. Symbolic authority.
Authority is symbolic if it derived from respecting particular objects representing some
power. Such include; the Bible, Quran, the constitution, the court of arm, etc.
6. Personal authority.
Authority is personal if an individual possessing it has distinctive quality, abilities, wisdom
and knowledge from others in a given area of life. Such include authors, diviners, and

Importance of authority in the society.

Authority helps in decision making in the society. This is because not all people will involve in
designing policies of the society, but only those occupying offices with authority.

Helps in creating peace and harmony in the community. This is especially possible where authority
punishes criminals. For example the police, and the judiciary.

Authority helps in effective planning in the allocation of resources. This therefore bring about
balanced development in all areas.

Authority promotes discipline in the society. This is true especially through punishing lawbreakers,
guidance and counselling. For example, the police in Uganda has the community policing
arrangement where they guide and counsel people thus promoting discipline.

It helps to control injustices that would have taken place in the community such as murder, theft,
corruption, teasing and bullying.

It helps to protect the oppressed members of the society against the strong such as the disabled, the
orphans, widows etc.

It helps people to know their responsibilities better. For example, payment of taxes to the
government to help put up services like schools, hospitals, etc.

Authority helps in protection and provision of security to the community. This is why we have the
army and police to keep law and order and defence of the nation.

It helps in provision of basic need s to the people in the community such as food, water,
accommodation, health care etc.

It helps to guide members of the society towards achieving their desired goals. For example, KCCA
directs people towards the conduct of business in Kampala.

It promotes unity and togetherness in society. This is because all people tend to have one common
figure or organisation where they all refer to for problems and solutions.

Authority helps in building and developing the spiritual life of members in the community. This is
especially true with the religious authority/ or leadership.

It helps in the easy running of the community without chaos and conflict. This is because of the
existence of the central planning and decision making by those in offices.

Disadvantages of authority.

Many people hate people with authority because it is very difficult for leaders to satisfy all their

Leadership may lead to death. This is why presidents, MPs, ministers have bodyguards because they
have higher chances of being killed.

It brings about family instability because of being work oriented, hence neglecting family
Leaders have many responsibilities hence leading to stress and fatigue.

Authority at times leads to evasion of God through killing opposition, visiting witch doctors, etc.

Leadership breeds sectarianism, favouritism, nepotism hence causing disunity in society.

Sometimes there is abuse of authority through dictatorship leading to harsh treatment of others in

It is difficult to ensure a just treatment to everyone in society, which at times leads to hatred,
divisions, and complaints in society.

Ways in which people attain leadership in society today.

People today are elected or voted for in leadership by the people for example presidents, prefects.

Some leaders are nominated into leadership by the authority. For Example KCCA executive directors,
Mrs Dorothy Kisaka was nominated by the president of Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

Through succession or inheritance especially the cultural leaders, who later are coroneted. For
example Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 11 of Buganda kingdom inherited leadership from the
Father Sir Edward Mutesa 11.

Others acquire leadership through forceful imposition especially through military coups. For example
Idi Amin Dada when he overthrew Obote.

Through divine appointment especially religious leaders when they become Pastors, Reverend
Fathers/ priests, Father and Mothers in homes.

Through hard work where people achieve and become wealthy or rich automatically becoming

Others acquire leadership through displaying special abilities or talents e.g. musicians, authors,
dancers, athletes.

Through grooming where one gains values like confidence, and self-esteem that many like from

Professionalism/ distinguished skills like being a teacher, lawyer etc. requiring one to become a

People become leaders through promotions. Such individuals are always rewarded in the form of
promotions due to their hard work.

Through age. In such cases, the old people are given authority because of their long experiences

In life. They therefore use such expertise to guide, protect and serve others.

Qualities people should expect in a good leader

One should be a good example to his or her subjects such as being disciplined, smart etc.

sOne to be a good leader to show authority and respect should acquire confidence and self-esteem.
A good leader should have sufficient intelligence and knowledge to lead the group and this will help
the leader to manage challenges in life.

Should be democratic and not a dictator. This is because a leader is a servant and his/ her duty is to
serve not to be served.

One should be devoted and faithful to the task set before him. One should not just run away from
the challenges.

A good leader should have good moral virtues like loving, caring, humble, patient etc.

He/ she should be fair in judgement to bring about justice. He or she should also be able to forgive
when offended.

One should have a reasonable level of education, knowledge and be civilised so as to serve wisely
and lead effectively the different categories of people.

One should have the good interest of the subjects under his leadership. This enables one to share
and identify with the needs, feelings and desires of his subjects.

He/ she should be trustworthy and God fearing. This enables him/ her to bring about spiritual
growth of his people.

One who is approachable by all his people whenever needs arise.

Should be hard working in order in order to meet the needs of his people he/ she is leading

Should be flexible and ready to adjust when necessary depending on the situation available.

One should be a good listener to the people’s problems and respond to them accordingly

One should rule according to the rule of law. That is to say, respect the law himself and not being
above the law to effectively exercise authority in best interest of the people.

Popular understanding of leadership today.

There are both positive and negative understanding of leadership today.

Some people believe that leadership is a chance given to revenge on their enemies. This is why some
people torture, and exploit their opponents on acquiring leadership.

Some believe that leadership is the easiest and fastest path of gaining wealth or material possession.
This is why some people choose to embezzle funds, and others become corrupt.

To others, leadership is having the power over people through giving them directives and orders.
This is why some take over others property like land.

To some, it is being honoured and adored and being served by others. This is why many leaders have
body guards and given security to offer them protection.

Some believe that leadership is being above the law. This is why they end up making laws and
decisions which oppress people and others want to remain in power.

Most leaders today are liars because without deceiving, no one can give you votes. Also leaders feel
that they know what ever goes on in the society.
However, some leaders believe that it is about serving others freely and willingly by being just to
everybody especially the less fortunate and weak giving them care, and comfort.

To some people believe that leadership comes from God, hence work hard to bridge the gap
between God and man. Such recognise God as the supreme authority.

Some think they are answerable to people’s needs and believe they have to offer protection,
material and spiritual needs to people.

Some believe that leadership is a role to protect people’s rights like freedom of speech, freedom of
association, of worship etc.

Some accept that leadership is about promoting development in their areas through construction of
roads, schools, hospitals, industries etc.

To some believe it is their responsibility and duty in leadership to create peace and harmony among
members of the society. This is done in creating unity among all citizens.

To some people, leadership is about being exemplary to others by being patient, a good listener,
honest, and trustworthy.

Roles of leaders today.

Leaders act as law givers. Leaders such as parliamentarians who are representing the views of the
voters are actively playing this role.

The leaders are playing the role of keeping our environment clean and healthy. This is done through
providing facilities like slashers, containers for garbage collection etc. for example KCCA leadership
ensures sanitation in Kampala city.

Leaders are playing the role of providing social services such as education, medical care, etc. by
building schools and hospitals etc.

Some leaders are playing the role of upholding and preserving the cultural values of their people.
Such values include; circumcision, birth rites, funeral rites, twin rituals etc.

Leaders provide employments to their people through providing industries, modernising agriculture,
giving loans for investment etc. for example President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in his leadership has
given many Ugandans employments through encouraging industrial development.

Leaders play the role of building and developing the spiritual life of their people. This is especially by
the religious leaders such as bishops, priests, pastors, etc. they encourage constant prayers, baptism,
bible studies etc.

Leaders are playing the role of sustaining the families. This is the case with parents who are
providing their families with basic needs such as food, clothing, medical care etc.

Leaders help to provide security to the people’s life and property. This is done through the fully
organised security organs like the police, and the army.

Leaders do protect and guard against the oppression of the vulnerable/ weak by the strong in
society. This is by framing the laws that punishes those who mistreat the strong. Such weak people
include the orphans, widows, disabled, children etc.
Ways some leaders have abused their authority today.

(weaknesses or failures of some leaders today)

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