Project Report - 2024

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Sydney Technical High School – Industrial Arts Faculty

Project Report
The purpose of a project report is to document and describe the various processes and practices of the
project you have just completed.

It should consist of statement of the Design Brief at the start, followed by a Drawing of the object, an
outline of five Tools or Machines you used, then an Evaluation of your finished project.

Throughout your project report try to use technical language wherever possible, such as the correct
names of materials, tools and processes, and write in the past tense. Follow the scaffold below, this will
give you a Project Report that is a mixture of a Procedure, Factual Recount and Discussion.

A simple framework for the project report is as follows:

1. Design Brief: To design and manufacture …

2. Drawings: This may include freehand sketches and orthographic drawings.
3. Tools/Machines: Outline five tools and/or machines you used to make your project.
4. Cutting List: Draw a table with the following information; (Item, No., Length, Width, Thickness &
5. Evaluation: This is where you look at your project and make an objective comment on how well it
fulfilled the design brief and your expectations. These questions may help:
● What were the problems faced and the solutions found?
● What new skills did you learn during the making of the project?
● What would you change if you did it again? Are you happy with your solution? Can you suggest
any further improvements to the project?
● Ask the opinion of others. Do they like it? Why? Is it functional? Try it out. Does it fulfil its
intended function?
● Overall are you happy with your project? Do you feel you were successful in fulfilling your
original brief?

Your project report should be produced neatly as a word-processed document. Pictures of tools may
enhance your project report, but make sure they are pictures that add to the report content, and not just
there to fill space.

Project Report Marking Criteria

Grade Descriptor
A ● The report has a detailed procedure as to how the project was made and has an excellent evaluation.
Outstanding ● The orthogonal/pictorial drawing of the project is done to an outstanding standard.
● The report follows the scaffold closely and is written with a high standard of grammar and expression.
B ● The report has an informative procedure as to how the project was made and has a good evaluation.
High ● The orthogonal/pictorial drawing of the project is done to a high standard.
● The report follows the scaffold closely and is written with a high standard of grammar and expression.
C ● The report has a procedure as to how the project was made and has an average evaluation.
Sound ● The orthogonal/pictorial drawing of the project is done to a sound standard.
● The report follows the scaffold and is written with a fair standard of grammar and expression.
D ● The report has a basic procedure as to how the project was made and has a poor evaluation.
Basic ● The orthogonal/pictorial drawing of the project is done to a basic standard.
● The report follows the scaffold loosely and is written with a basic standard of grammar and expression.
E ● The report has an incomplete procedure as to how the project was made and has a limited evaluation
Limited (or lacks one).
● The orthogonal/pictorial drawing of the project is limited or incomplete.
0-10 ● The report fails to follow the scaffold and is written with a poor standard of grammar and expression.

DUE DATE: One week after completion of project TBA by teacher

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