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PSYCHEDELICS larg Rely a ee OY Galen Cowes, 1 Shp he Word bet Ten Pron, 7 Vases of Pach." 9 ‘What art Coma re? ‘What a the Bee Coons faeces 19 ‘Quen show pry a ‘Other Comicon, wand Mine 3 Dealing wih Dials 26 Dawtnchs of Pryce Usage, 30 Preview «2 prvchodelc drag it ome which, without causing hyialudcsion orang. maior pisiolopalditurbance, ‘elm, dicrientation, or amet, more or less ebb prodacer thought, mood. and perceptual changse otherwise rarly experienced except tn dreans, contemplative and eligions exalhation, flashes of vial involuntary memory, tnd acate prycharet. ee Gg do B Mio’ alusiag subsaress havebeen ee inal sities exep aang ‘he Eskimos el sme Poljeians ane thas misty ofthe paneisan Usbook have ng unleauec acces Michofthe hay malinges [New Weld native er, oneented rat csv eged, We ‘aa csr ho wbter Baths as me ws ce ef) weer, many Schl have row apie the denen of Fy Ago ruroors as the spratonl ‘Sema inthe world sete elpesatert the Ri Vad sn even seme stong tht ip, an LSD lke sabre sas the mysterious fom sf move thst 08 js inthe anal inien Grek Ewin Nyseres “The anthvopolgse Weston La Hare chases he we of in sherng pune ag ths sourte ond pinstay ofthe mons ee peo feson'ehaol te shamanor mete mn. lendlhatachaspects tse ovestor nt ony sobth she minor mednne mon nde ad Flight pre or ving, bu ao ancestor ithe 9s ‘aber profesional types" Shemiam in the New World wi oer by lndigenauspaynedehn that se power and gn ate The Ol Workt had rely on Bes depndble oe erratic abner, ih 3 ath ‘ladon, dre appe an Py Agaric ahr, I weve hat the preseripions of specic ps in the tenn wither’ Brews of te Mile‘Ager mos not seperti or andten cakes spect, ‘Aer suompanying Columbus on he sco oyape, Hen Pau brought bck word of cob sling among eavesn Has, The est toon of pene wn se Semin 10 n Beitr de Soha’ Hoey {tbe Ting of New Spa In 163 banal poses me y the Spans Phys Picco eendnicz shoo he mint chengingefise man ‘Bly sects were pablshee “The fst report ue of Aruna mascara ston: anong beta tates didn't appest ut 1730. Foey-one yar hee, Seeds anise rcmnparying Capein Jones Conk on So fee wage othe 2 Preview Hanan has exc aa avant een se cis ‘absence One yar ler Sneph Prey who ne olaetonpen, po dined ios one (NO) At the epnming the see sey Biton’ Aland von Hombold ffr whom the Paci cent named gather wget he is" report cnt we oop Soul athe Anon repo, Aron the leo emcee ce. pc wl pacocivesubseees prey iene. In 839, WB OStughoesy Ire Camm adie Wenn parca sie yes Ine Theopbie Gane cashed Cb er fschchine Par 1601, the Beh epee Rata Spice fist ctrl puhauespraces mung the South Arerian eater, fout yar er, Ernst Fete! son ‘Bea publi an acount of scveteen plans epee of sen the ‘mind. Urges sna dis fll he rbd as uing te ‘larch ant ngte wih cm Tn 864 deere cpl of pcoacive cts om the Afican tush Tera ge apes Te wl ul nated sine cn. Rowen tha peor vein evenly ped ‘Emit Fiber om Bn aid the foaaton for madera ‘arrncodied vinden br 1895 Be tbc Cenes Pela der Morac (Narcan eran (means “nimen ad Haman Prysedeiaton of Sait 5 the work fie peyhedce compound in esaline form. Lat Lewin, troche Geeta tnprtantin te development of mee pcp ‘Bhag, vteled othe wuthwewern United Sere am Brug eye tk te aborts in Berk” Eh yest ter, Lewin rival Aco Hele, Iola "pecan from Lewin specitens After Ircionsing he alos, or nitrogen ontining crppnte am hs ars, Hats wos thie toloate hewn f peyote peony ony by ying the eas factions hime "The fis acannt of she peyote experience trom smeoae whe had scaly edi appeted i 1896. This ame from 2 tied aoe fin Piaselia pry, S. Wei Michel who then forwarded Fes o the peoannen oychcgats Wil ames eet Helo Elis ‘er ngesting ter ah at in Lo, Elli te reg xe Secs" py of visions” and "anew alia prac’ Grom heer of Fire report), James however goeaeevere some ster ening) ‘ne, Secaning tha he woulda the vos te. Seni cari sot poe nme shoy aes the en ofthe cearuy bat was revived in 1927 bythe French armani Aran Touher, wt gave ap exracion fem the cat to several sets od [iblebed acum of ther enuic™wnons A ye late, Kure Beriaget Buble ns 315 age stay Der Mestlrsach (Meine Iban 2 year aft that an Englsh moaagaph that aeempad to catalog tae teen of esc sins publi By ts tine, conc ers {t'what we aow al peycelelic sates was cnetpng: However ee as Hele ston et ha paeeles would eventual ace and enchan ‘rea many people Thar evenly began to tke shpe sn 1938 when he Soe chemist ‘Aber: Hofmann snes erga diethlamie xtrte—LSD25 Im Apel 943, Holo apparently absrted some of thi compexal ‘heoag he sin oh hans nthe eared what ia ts Fe to show that hs subaaoce waa ne eight had abo 4000 Sines the poser of tec p19, Werner A. Sol the so of Hofman sapero, boast sews cis daonen insensitive Win rw ers Ds Nes ‘Bevel Los Angi and Mx Riel of Baton bough 1D eke Une See "The cary dat old ke place in car hinking aout melee nd ‘hei abity 0 fet the mind was. cxalyed uti tbe 9505. In 8 Slee ach nord tk, Aleun yee’ tw ido ‘prion ben sed by 500 miligras of mescaioeslfne Io May 19ST, Life magpie pal he tied prt of ret aes” se ith en pgs of eae povogzpts: R. Gotdoa Wasson descr how he Ina Bomtne one ofthe fe ote ent be bemehvonmel” Soe then knowlege te paycheeles ns prownsteaiy avec utes of people ited in thers 4 Preview Origin of tbe Word Psychedelic The ealy 195, researchers Humphry Ormond ad on Sythies ‘rote s paper tn the mena fic of exalt oe othe stertion (Aldo Huey, who vind Ona ov ham esl the tis Angele are Hunley wie Macs wt inal appreensve sos shcha meeig fsringehar Osmond “might wear abet” When Oars {bt goto LA fora pychlopalconereoce, Maia was sis hat he ‘west Boheraor ad went hed have abet ane eye ‘th the Honeys Marrone, Heal aked abot geg sore es Sine fr Aldous Onroad’ veaction othe propos was favorable, with “The eving snd ay hve been te, Alou er ane ates, Mal cory peu we faa ten ac eer sha very pwn fra pe expneace bat dint she pe, Power sen of ng be ma obo iene AN Hy met In te rerarore then avaiable about what we now cl psycheeic rugs the ern oat cael wed co dsb de eles ae peta manic caning pychone mimicking). Yee sesent ro ax ‘Scexpion in he Doors of Pere that whea be ced mescaline sale he wat oe ping snp cel ofan pcos Hanky beeve head experenend something ain tomsttexperence He ascirstred author on the se, beige avr foe of he case as ed, ‘The Peroni Pho ‘Guan wa already sense to the kof an adequate erm forthe sven eine ty meseine nd ISD. He adh aleague Abe Hofer had been buerwng LSD ers inthe teen of ae alba, thu theses probers ntherbjers mere noe a expected. Hang fad inthe tera tt LSD prac tereporay pays ey had ese thacauchsabmance col be ies! wach f= df ata dco telale dalam ements Abou 10 pecenof those ho experience sever dibs ‘Onmen! ap Hoffer ed 150 on ewopatenes—one recovered the sec remained an kbc. They began ouse LSD mele ramen for ‘hee woes skoblcsy and gry eee ta corer set ‘ear mast coronene as hype was organ oper Hiller has since commana. 1957 mappa shat en hg yr pao wee ped UTS eae at opoomimer sy whch war raps In ‘fief oer br eons pace ch a expen Se oo Spe it pace exper “The sew ter came aut of «regu correspondence tat deveped ‘erween Ormond and Huy, Prycedahe- coming hom the Greek pee From “Prychotomimens to "Piychedeli ‘Hamp Ormond cry ISD, metal, morning lon ral and advent retour, propose he ton pce (ul ae dain, ro mabe marie, o dl, Show eveal—was fst roped sa 1956 by Oxnd “ae took the et proposing wos derived lem 0 lating «> "spe ol” He avente the wed phaneetyme an ence ein ‘ples for Osmonds consherain ‘The his pomne opm sna sine reared tat che word Hane let wat oo bes He rep “To hm el son angi, Beak ch of ppc Especially noxenorty abou pchedli the present theft ‘ich varies From the Oriey my of combing Greek rots and thas “sacs this weed from de msieatng concrations of phon: Sea! imanfesting belongs the cee gory of earings tat make sensen test (Gres fists empy ips al 5 al eps aa 0 nd mating implies an enlargement or arnaloaton of conser Ths pine sou ayes i ten han! got sn For eter or worse, Osronds pychedeic has een largely capes gdpeipsnet te ne pty te abasic te \ PSYCHEDELIC REVIEW Issue Number 1 SUMMER 1963 $1.50 Ths ima, mainly edited by th pictoogit Rap Metzner. promoted Ue abecve sod ta tat ently coms tobe mt eel arated (CUA ESD, mate od tr utc Sinieior 1 Varou Syromya 5 Ober Terms "The word fouation is sido have mote ysanyn han ay other seed in Engi, Bue noe of hem conveys he cent of spc hel {Ente "Tobe piycelelned ota al he ne ab Sr lovato by lec ay hit tthe expense thar cara of ppchedelics Hesmann Hese seas of belt Stepponwe) os bei Capac Ting he olen ta” Willa James wre hoe tpt {egies co mys eeling and Yeusying’” However, tannat pprbach the revelatory power of pyc, er wellone drowbace ao Iai and soins of memento an alogetier deren gry ftom LSD cr merci. Ianyo! thernoneaton synonym artobeusst> bse soul-manfsted state, he best spray isda, bce lads the connotation of posoningcotsne! in 2x Hialucinogn another word commcely we or subse echcing 1 paehedete experienc Theres sme eth i the chaser ot teers ofen ace ‘ranny” expecially with the eye dowd Hoeven, et {Ses conser the hallaiatry ea toe el ne put of he expire Sten» mine pare Esen she man who formulated the word Pie bodeke {2ed allcmojen i the ie fs bak be wee ter wih Aba Hote [Rebar Evans Shuts nd Aber olnann nh ks sew he ty, tad chemsty of hee ybntanes weigh the ars dexerpie fr ‘eal n btnogea a balicongen, whe pong ot bow wate they ate. Thechemis Alesander Shulgin afer expunge hat mast MDA, [ie compounds evoke 9 val ape a abel hers alae” ‘Mbetancs in is mings. ‘Ben inthe sear edn f his book onthe Botany opr she ethnbuunat Willan Embuden seminal the tle Narre Plt “These poole pln and eae comps ste qune te oposite of suri uke cpate, dey ae bsbly snug, ad eye me ‘Bkve.(Pyhcisr so de fom asm tyne ay Ba ooe as wa ampheaming atthe expense of psu! wae) “Te mast common psychi foe ase basal sd compos hasbeen prctotomimes, seminoma conespe proposes nthe te ‘inwenth cnr by dhe Peach dot J} Mores dé Tours He wes the fase mas the pe ta chemeals cl pes nightmare ale ation of meal ines The hope ws only pty ela Whe the Paha state may hae sme simisines es peybone oes the der ncesore mote mera nd ore sian andere being hat ‘heed rae Kaen to laos we By the 15 few the ‘erapeatic pos wang prchaelcs were atempsing to Bing abt Pai asians Were ser sll gees pers cag, Fst bene resus asia Yo some "phosisemimcking” dia ‘Avsherpcoherspeat term hares mach cote epi 8 Euope,pgchae, inch haben special tinea reson ek onage ue of psec cononi wih erspercucne Sh has compled rer mers fom he mie prcropt cae ‘ein deloonogens, lpi ipecepsonogenn ycsmmst Phantarcans,pharmsion, pychtneer, pete, pixetopen {oa cigs. Many obser hae eed ts ews apg Planar ba th ui fomulaton nove cogh on Sever wetes Inve turned to German or Sanat o fd more sopeopie sors bat the ave te en ped Moremi ie pak experts. a erm popuaran! ty the payiogbt Absa Maslow alered vats, popular ty he pcs Chats Tatar ‘eve hae cna y Nwran berg cess por {nan Wilam janet The Voter of Regen Fagor “Te ine er propose ema tom she tea of Rack, Bgwood, Stas, Ox an Wasson mig in theo Jane 199 Joma of Bebe dike rr Thy fet srry tha ony 's rcs ‘eral oem, bu thas Boone vend wah onsarton f he Popcala ofthe ie hari icongoous tsps osama king Spots’ dag" They afer emopen. cling ie esto har wl pone ring st of sa ed {cruncpoueon ely ion facta genta Soxteureor nea aly vv wth a was Sere ‘conan dar lor wet oe pe sn omy pol a terete ont tay wa spl pipes oe Slanatt ean ower tos tess meso Seg gh epson Combining this Grek 00 wth gen, “which deotes the acon of ecuming "they ag utes forthe abit of enrsoge (ur word cheng andes ge atin Engl We Sail fag oS na ar Loge pst ‘ceutcr, Ino ot tnt oo tow vio prone ty is can Shower hve fred otro tigi nt Sl dpe {itp fk ret vd fa: he nds aerate sit thine emer ra ign taal emia ‘Aterbeig so fora couple of yah term ember aserered ‘he echnobote ieee a abt bine nthe Oxf Eb Dison, a os pop wage concer, ret oer 0 8 txily onthe ong st ogialy cima. For om, the term pycedee, fren ifn line shay an chetpened by overs, sill have to do les ‘omen wera ac ice 176 hs Bence i te ded te Wobert Tod Inertionl Desonery. Vite, with throes, ‘Webserpeepion of tis sk’ heme Chemica and Botanical “Clsserngs” ’ Varies of “Poyebedei Trait by ISD and mex, the erm pcre bs since Been ed fot many Plans nd sete compounds ot oder sea anges inde oninay fanctining of coxmecsmners Exsey shh seers ‘oa incl in hi cepory sl whih shoul ca en bet feonstcnbleonszoer for revel enon Aoncw We has dsl Sore fae oie he oeword habook The mandy ‘Shae there are several components tthe payee experienc ‘pearing in diferne usta od mens wihesch Sg, Wont thes index pgchoay scoring rspuse fo cl, exam, ‘ben dhe MDA an magn ompounhoes wl bec y ere (tay prope woul exe ara bane i hassditeen cRemity than max fhe thers anda more ialy Hower. forse pple Asean epg aad ht wulened the opel the ind ory ‘ie trom the varatons song inden empounts, ere ae ‘itons rong ues onc Sone popstar pel eee {Danvery wie angel aware, Joa Cotten flusderig, td 08 Sealeaniessng ec rom opncs The cess pnse Ne showed ‘hose dag se ‘Wal oer hundred compounts 08 pasar dics ough shi bo Most rein 2 sry smal pr ofthe wold of chee ‘enpourls The nonindle psyched abe ends” wpe a ‘hemi famie, tung che ery ag te ais fae SSipee to make cnc amp sling Guna © Porcheicie bance Bosnia! sirens ae anil conbounding esarhers in rete els tae ad equal Sly in yng Selene the action of pychedis afer dees fiers. Hotmann,esangen being known she eherof SD, sad esate in chem, aod wee in aad mys “Genel speaking the pchedces consid in thi volime cha spit core the wes, have exhib! phys esling quan, se enue rsiaeaty, fie cetvepoblen-ching ol change i Proview ses cre pti ean Tey ar nei aie orn Fenn Pecan aus etl ands uty ape pe cs dutreed »pophciee a eng Hke un pal ene sang the wt peepee hon 8 aa etc Kip: mach exerzred with pede, m= ae ee ate goes of LSD He st ono, re th esis Thesame cua besitos mt roe nbsan be dae bok eae se yw daring ompound as poxbedeicishy inser spay eel er hat nes elreet Salm a ute enlargement mew freee oa rl feast byt wars mone es Bo alt ponte 1 boa! bree dein ore ond ans_acerme eapdcanpe an e ald se oly dred een era, 1 ecnacos dmg nae fe nagontorasiaet Pe ees a» pape wsvan sing > wo the Fe ein noon aa: sarang ne ce ane enamel us Hea da TERE Sinsev slicing heompondelnoncany at Toghotee Te alle hues fl i oe of roe main moans ee eee cman ine ser 9 tec Many wal be Gust aha tat lor eal conisenesempun wie pron fete cs tome pip Tene cases wiped 0 se npr wear ct Her na singot ech Sie epee ‘Cater 1 The LSD Family, se msorcatopnig te pace ele a anh ache Cte 2 Peyote, Meseie a San Peo hase ee cn eae ar meter ope foes nce 50 ‘Cie 5 Manju x hihi mal’ pee heh ecb spp stan ath al of he bers vcr «Pani Masons, ei er San serpentine rg nein gt sere Forecast sppecan of ae Se ie oe “Cher Nuno and MDA, he erica hater (eos Mian mach ovo Sacre pace as “cn 6 DMT, DET, DPT and Otis Shon-Acing Tpaine, oe ae Pres wing he ec ae in pre oly Nine Maior Baris ” Chases 7: Ayshuate, Yage and Harmaling, the visionary ve comples toon te Ataun ha 2 cept esker ‘Ghster 8 Ihoge and Ibogsine the ba from Act used ini coy sts andy hero pedceetended eines aris pupal ‘HELGE vhs procs vii imagery 29d sion Chee 9. Fy Agaric, Panter Caps and “Soa” the coral facieatingsomesine legendery ashen hat have been thet stamina ao my, at “Sama” Fave provoked ie izes Hein Rome sapien? (Re Gordon Winsor) What are the Common Effect? ‘ime of thse subsencrs asc nae or idness pon ingestion, bic the yal toute ot ese vanes inal high lta short te the Get son the pas conmne te fester ohio theexer Zier deve» fen abi of inert te "peak the ESuctc sal ecering soos half tng he sesso Dung id a of de penne. che kate pal dah ough ea ‘Slaton toy ltt ce sibued feta o soe time, Meany of “Aeexperie ental sory adele 20d phytases re ‘Bruna ecg of eon are ot wncomenon a conse day Granger after he expricane hs ere "Wharevcr i ttn the experince wera the cope awareness (Ove seranpored inert hat ay called The Orbe Wort — tsicespercved spray. estestalund ileal, The envionment rvs during onary seo mind etltered bt he peepion ct Ths peep tnsformstio of dhe external words emprary, bat the ni poe save signi and sting, The ay of frchelic upton can Be compared rol oe the um gl 5 faenpay ard the Sein al fa TACIA spe istraes sch asic ove inawareness esingfrom bis LSD experience Abbe ol tt Joba Mas, the ape bea szingal he oye iho gromiog oe fern hina He ES"Roae led cat yc nperecun bt sey he ks Tein tral sees har ease vaca ike unvese He [Sw poole wi lees rs, ih e ha prey oa ge ‘eli thud eng of as shu: ten Demy skd eso (Sieh won ne owe or he pron Soe al aod Seino levy te Reybl Oe {hand ning es ey - Genera an inne’ fs comment fonases on eightened ae sess metal and eneral sensu and on series ualenble R Preview eal” De Oar Janie ext LSD esearch, Tied thes as“ ue ual mca soca and mages, sharpening of cle erin, ‘hesyoerhesas be remariabesenion deta, de acest of pest Impressions nd mersces the hehe’ eciralexcterment, he ses fees oninsc aaenes sd he propensity forte evioament to “amps ioe nt peri tabla an harman competion “Prouphes ce sem to oct simaneouly 99 wera Teel ramatedemonsration ofthe unde alsy wo resonate diferent re (qencies ‘The linear naa of onery though i epsced with » more Rone, lsc nd “hlogranhic ppm 1 uodestnling eal Many invests fave ompare the lio hit "Orher World thal eum ant ates forcing ten ssc withthe rahe hemisphere of eben ‘Description ofthe pachedcbeexpenence a akin of dea stare ner one wile swake and rementerngoras2¥atem whichighthem {pesibrsn foncon are sap consent wh ost exponen forts Thee ace uly ul of comments soe enhanced se 0 Fyn as well as oew spprectons of mass snd dance. Many uber fe thar he yin asp o tisexperence mas «progression in deeper sages Reber Mises ant Jean Hest distr fear ages of decpening aware in thie The Vane! of Plebodee Expenc. Walcr Husson Cac, anger ISD pioneer, is mong hase who seal poyhedin at may “aay flings versus rd ‘Pining A phos “add nothing to our asco butt eg the surtce many pars of oo conscnsess that had Be yng don Ios of or nee Recerly Clark gv ut 10 quesonnae aking ers Ete nate of ther expences He need hat there was a single che ofthe raped who dist mention a lee one abd ost ‘fein! weve the characernie oe unersal con” of mys, compile by» aing ris chlor Car's concn frm his orn herr a fom howe ofthe exponents hasbeen ht the pl pen, wherever fan ama tbe myc "Remy gun down oheboomed a peso Whot mpegs Tile esheenhesemarspacitejncs As Wilmer. Ise an rata“ he sppapee ina mcm 3 ew oe uae ‘Aldous Huey hd sie pint of wew. After wen abot ow se of peels ha! depend seeing forthe spre ecesed 2 laser s Thomas Mena Trppistmonk sol need poet Question the wali of deaganice mys expersnce Meson sal abot de Tincions cht ight be drawa beeen matic and esther specs Ie Jno 1959, Fak espondod with isenteson of the ep apecs FUNCTIONS OFTEN ASCRIBED TO THE BRAIN'S RIGHT LOBE theerafteman thedancer feminine theartie myst light relational oblivoustotimearidepsce passion artisticendeavor spatial awareness balance on-inear,non-analytial awareness of one's vn body smasicalsbilty La the dreamer recognitionof faces PBVE language tone & accent ee a Preview the pple expenene (reprinted in hit Mor meng, ed by nner ul Pals) He el that tee arose mone epee sa toe mah mecha tei ‘toy hie pre'maticaceve, eevee Sheen (Sine rece sl eg a tee re Myf npn we ‘Banyan Laer aprons were of anter ae t elpedf> ‘Slew mony beckon uaa ese nd ne ws Isis Chao a Oren rope seve prue e ae rnaege i ing bene tune Cree een al ap Biles ent sewer bathe en nkngstoe) Aran bc colmry bps nig Awad te fa ‘San Aen eariyo che wou nepal re ane ‘coro tht im op ui an ee eveyone iy nani, ot ec bt sre oa ena snting wth nc oni satin th Go ane To ‘rpesota we ensar of oe’ mete memaryl hem sh ee ‘chou tam when re sonal dg etn on Tiserocxeses peundelicraponenes mind Theve weed ‘pei om pes expen osm mend met ep hoses tat th pete orsensel imporust iam ‘Souatee thee etch het fren a settee en hal Ne “Some have ct this nd sna descitons fom Hanley on she vad ht se peopled have neler at nai ees {ate bg oti experience hi rena, they ela, as ype ‘Ths eject has sme valde, but Walter Oar ni ht fo users dohaveexpesences slong ii ibs, Whi ini wes ket {em i ifseaced by thor knowlege reba feng, willing lecep pew percep a as cncuratance ander wha the payee ‘mutton, the smoune of ateion subset pe ee her Feelings raed ‘Almont ope who has aken + powerful pyc hs ce aay nimpresed. Psy Ralphs Metrar ener! ver» esl yur (har pole awakens by pds the mynd poses ft ho “Snaeues feng om in pti ther way and mete tes ‘eeeose Onno wig ite Aaa th New York Sey of Mad tine Seseried the ame tat rogue sand llc Mase tnd he exer ale, ome ile eghenin. nd ‘mento tur sane ive Alte omnes) | Suk Valle Fihioing Ungely Loony B soso Ia to me of ele ge ha mach of Ayu! vet dex, Our cs who ide mao who ane dee Airy of ie icing mehr nhs oor cbt es, ter, plusoghers td ance macy inspect ‘pe ot mc expres hans eh st eng ete. sl eran oe mal ngs asda Terme He. "Toes te accuses eles tao vai -Andcew Weil who hat soushe ou ted most of he paced, scot ala gathering da el grate mpac fr hima bop {Geacceay—har been the eimiation clita. Hee ae some of Thadbepandobat og. mi cepetinenting withing etn and a seve dae on bbw lft mes ey ‘Spay and at tee wees ner of omar ch al Set tox pe bret ed token hope gering Thee wa one ‘artes ht wa ely eyo samba tome an tars Te Peg Toul onshe Ara ny ft ven nd wen ter bee sure ani hn el pesca pin bck Ils ery prot the pont wan fie Tt ure ie nes work str ery a rts pgs Jade bape oing an eetieshattemede bean ee it ‘4nd yn ps omy te wa cealy onthe veo gg hE se we nol kf haere oT hoagh Tha wae o oda ssp "Wel wea nt scdon hepa Tere ee pl cea be fis hel ingron swede spec ey To ing od that some pot Ing Weliger ong © 1 dang soe ys ee tees" Anny ova an eed The Pgh Wher gh ashes Kero gu my tessa te pando ttn! Teeny eg ad gece th nd kept ing hens ering thet oy was here pal oy ek irc hig es So one —and ely 1 ha ts Aeing tt bing man mp, ha tbe Ls | stag ‘eet see sey And Leda why sale 1a de {Si ngs er tp aml Ina ben og ee “Thea dy. lee fe cheaper, Te Pgh ‘ant frre fo tea er eecaing ps ny mck Bere waster Thnew Leslee ciate ‘is prnble recast Sekine WT ha ha atone, ice feo gene There wn nn cen kl wane ‘smear dein Hig fa a eo ge oat Andrew We ator of he Nour Minduna The Marge ofthe San and ‘Moon wad Prudent of te Boal Pant Reward Sey Origin of Notlog/Comsioninest Research D What Df amt SEES SOT cers narra eet ec a sore REE cpt monn ccc dats uct Bek ict orate sta enemy ih sire the wreetin geh seed Terentia sitaocecrearims amen Ser cece eee nina aes SEs “Ting eg a eee Seabee aan patrons Saat Soe Ie le enn ute niet een renee moses ep tng Sieg atone eices tae eanacantatients Snhromemeie ee Shae sueerieee sages erceeemateeas aoe aera wea haces i any seh traeegeeti octets Saaremaa Migiancdsaheoouyarana tear ong emhoene arrekttmens Tali eb seen ae wispy or apace merece BERLE See yaa atta Saat yromtnees Praeger eatery ea a ee Seis ates TERIOR enctctans moog Mosaic pg a won pet ev ye sp Seah er eo ee rae Sate teatintinca ences Ss : sedate mpm ne es aes ren ste cae te ve gen npr rt ie Se anieeeny erent ube atminaah feel naimm lcs 5 ene a crane i mets Pestogs emcee ee oie er eicieesiatrererctearotes Cer cameos teat uncom Garson te ea itkgeomier esr arcane tsinaa ee hne chr a ee and ht Rc be eed vy Zee San rtm nto comer aateantedsts Sammars wane wcitinate ame torn ojeaants tteersct ata we civil hy ate! pie au i a Sorcerer car ere Har cetyl Giger Scum penetrates Tecpe eran en mea Sistea Aeetet chee meena ceed serena eye Sh ic ce a kao ees eee i a Se we reiae peta tht ee srr espa copes ee re ec as saeccaranmr titantron! eruiceecorectus oendetetenttr sor ieee ariebe lecgre ge ht deeded Eis ‘Suge eli recess SE ISteMipe femme Gemmemienion Seger iat naire ters st often pete Iie steps Otgeenatteteey Sree ate ear nea “The Chemie Ba of Bebator » ger enc leone pis in en {Oya teplner of earbbéeate metas i cas of hypopyecte od Paces gan asin hey rpm ose ee Fil nn spn ee aru of the metal experi many wershave become more sage he sn wake cee he anne opie hae pen mpens tthe reruscanem npn lrg, hea Ere health fois and many ber ee nape pce for sing tbe Reconig of te human bd Preis. wih one bef eter pp" have io had ete of improving lumi eaneshp append a ponte ird Alper. Aer tin ange inet SD ot ge ees famiyranon the ew dey His bron teow he ut soe ‘This lgging a coc er” was ype th aya one of tne a ee a Sta 3 paycheck sae, Alpe sw an row coming ot othibrothersmouth sew cosing bea amin Agee {tek ths row and prt exis spoon Then he pce ops het ti lew ths over to hin boter und tee your ks ae ping so ity bg wd hanre "Anklets ceosdistser ste, ‘rear Radha wast plying the fry game. Ate some se, Ws Bret Sent over amr arn Well ess a going I ar you Alberts apse mas oahu for aya as down on te ate He sen Gack tthe her shape hoy. yout we # eving more est aie ie "Ape sy hat by msesersan all of the fari-—habands a ‘wines at ki pthere! nthe lining term —wee npreing the ay Bond ia new way. enying st being rer “There wn th rele Jove fet" Not wasted te When i maton obec py. boty ste oie im the sre for song ane nd cd ps thet caro go. Noboly ware! freak the ve tht a en mel ‘The guhering by alh epost ho! een say une orpeee in creyodys He is experience and reports of smile fom many ober wer cau pr ene tof ene ee ‘ne person cmc in spec wy cn bing abet cary incon tess of ther peopl This phenumeton gst pote id ‘Pasion not solely the eu of che sultan Councecalaral Influences “The development in the 1960 of x aernatve cle” wa hee sale of macy sflcnes, ce the Visa wo the vali ef pee Skt ops the pesperty that nae "war bes oboe oer ‘ren Thou nd then millon of popl bepraw apes i : Proview hed ending de ear phase when the population of wets wa Fed mainy wo Natve Anertane and experimen sujeas Svea ‘mporant consequences vere ow Fom ths chinge Por many peopl kings hed breame omching of pol scx Expenmuntng with mijn for instance, ata semen a he fsorerament case gains wnsenigered. Bevan experienc with Erija le any ics toquesion authori ineaer nena wel the etnment manformel pple tout martans, what st oor mo Se Vieram wad Whar mabe incr? Usct songer cede, ‘0 db, als cnt fo people's Sheps Fayed Be weet tr roth te feeling uy expec year ser sete ater commu ting Wheres previa Pacosein wee usual taken by ony one penn, ofteninsclncleeing, he rw eri wasn ope nro, Eegestale eojpmert of expand concoustessConseqent h of the publ hecame frightened a the massivencss cf tha. "raoemen let hase sen oce was sealing arlene. Alper, viewed bypmany sche mea ang pected Pid Pipes, te the over habectnce of ety LSD masons foc triggering genera ister hou Dpotheelis eect Ken Kesey and the Mery Panes wo etd ’hed Tess’ where LSD wan avauble in «puch ince he chnc ge tows ar Kena he era 1 ‘tere se te Sneath ihe the opt wt ‘Sour og Ong The eel tad ace Theis en ‘One eal etictons mer enacted promising wie sis were ‘orale Jones sd endo he Fo ant Dro Adina the tie, dele tha allegod creative and ote benefits fo yc tere "pute Doak anger, efeciagon he args sail eat on LSD rears sid tat he hal cone to be pce 3 2 bia wl 5, yookaum ng ost poe in aig wa satel boxe om th hn we see ately ume ees ‘The we of pychelels on mas wale rene enor rai impale ht contin afer eal Whether o ot on ace stances, hry hve fermented souety down wo the gas oss, Many had hopes that thee power compouns cou be sword kn wxty legate wy thereby changing he cara of se and oun ne ‘Shy areas Ian Tors pribbbescanown act procrof he Fipper ‘TV tev, was one who gave up LSD once te os tanning psi sen ie as Reteiep Cratve Ips 2 My upeiging wh ase hugh ding mbig eg woul [ee a neptie soeant eee with oh LSD Be {hs st ofan x wlan sore rl Hesnlowe et ofthe whan 18D ne ura ‘Questions about Impurity and Other Complications By the beginning of the 19, ove power pyc agents were vais, dhugh nor yee widespres pore escorts neon 48 18D.25. Marinus and hashah were more widely vale” Mosc ‘tose who smalloned the srengerssbutance op ui sb de te bibl ingested pace psyched Sundae Pharrceucspeot ses 5 cuion in sending ot Same of LSD and paloma or cation purposes. Mesaline ws sb ota ary ol emia hoses eae ‘ot snes peyote oul be deed sve he mal Were thee ony negate meals?" Surcingh few, To 154, De Srey Cen ate pete co UCLA ad the Veeans Hornet EA, wre sym ditrs whe Rad published papers on ae of CSD sd ‘mesaline/peore, asking sbow danges of sich pycheele tetnene Fry fou reps with ie corner covering core tha 900 pues sodvoknees genplan 3 sere The ange tect of LAD wee foe 25 mcg iltonths cfg) 29 500 ‘ces 200 mp0 1200 mathe ange for mesg Tn this sre. moc a ange pial omplinon wa potted even then povhices ere gventoakaoles wh genera impede ‘Ths reir was someshac unexpected, becuse had een ssn pte italy ha disused liver would peal a avert rexson, Tre ss sho x surprisingly ow peieace major men doeerbances, Degg ta feud pacha changes that eur when» perso uric ESD or meat, psycho and other adverse estins lasting lane ha focyeiah bouts detioped in fewer than 02 percen of the cos goes striped sale rte wo stave! percent: Nw une ceo edie ‘00 Was reported. or any des fo foe eas 1 this sping of 3.00 acy paychedei ses eve iam ow sses—menal sum whiners al peope who wert nse {he fiings sem even mor ensaigig Arnette sowsineres for SD or mec experts jor prota papel samp ‘ation situs never acer. Intis frp onlyunemnsnet ce poe ‘ecto stg longa than ee days wat erin se ae es ‘Among the meray. however, prolonged pay ses wee hae in Fane out of every $30 poten In hs penn, ove in 83D stemped ice“ one card se amp tg ‘in cvating these sastes shold pind ota tht of ‘his survey (1960) the proper oes of hae ears fr ea nee so » Prone et unkeot Suet he negee es aeare, ete eb- iho ome uy of ens rae toes anand ae en pee Stem (See lit cecanak etm” Never ah sot ey Semele Sang nn ie peril tgs wera Sanat ten eapce Sar is 10 ey, ew an ere pein igs te vee inna so os aang pels ees Sal Tac shoes tne eed ne nf eta es Til cng open cpeten rot ey Cian. sanding en phys dam Tg eso es ity asters ea ae Sot Paa Sac ape mow achat insiac droietulanpcpacac sve een [Asset pcan pelo pte may ea poet sd nc ames te ter he eee) WEetajandn see oi andor phic Sindee, Total uct xine bene dau Sanpete Bette ave ent eof eget Spats eer vane walling sca we reve at mPa then the picure hanged. Books like Huey fine peson scoums om sunk sais shea aac ate, Ziegler sane Dap a asin Sees ttc pag pts omy eat ‘Sous he Cod Manian oe, eee pal pects May elon of pol detopl +d CGR Ciena "pena isp May cle wohl cro ral pei sondern Sa iy ool nr ene may orcot ‘As pacha cpnenn pl ese ec ation licen gp pea esr pura Sy hewmen hus fn ahi fund Te ergs Son Eos tocon th et onpundlne tn peste Aoi oem prin rtd nanan Bard Cope, ao wee ‘Senin Sfp 2 drat SDbene tt) oy Siiemotes suet fot haath teachers ‘Ponta! USD sins Hever tl ga) Te cating fire Rona sence sarin hs ek SDT do SDSS” aunt tr 18D et + Bs soy Experience intr 1950 a srt hotly nical ectensleiene Seetinne emanate serene pict ia mena teaetn MR St or lan eee eer samara m eerie chistes Sil pore ety aig ie ene Sea ey Sa ei ke acl Boad pnd heSoaonicedeclces Pecan egestas SERS eng ha atNaicnortteti hts pos nde peepee ee Siecle SoS ae me Thee remeron nt TEAC Sth ae tine ep ities ecnrnyoga Fehhanarseanocugane Sieagtaagicty TESS Oye geo ne MSM eae deen a repre pitalar ir ain" elses Spree faa peat eenaht teres BEES ae re sy sot se eT ate fe ee SESE Mertens Eechcngaict sen ite mchans Se orc Raee hac Went eters Seige retiny gage centaes Say rae an Sane ba (0403 ples ibe 180,916 mee salen 54h gst att wee ey DOM Cb i eran Bes DOML RCP methamphetamine in wbdition to LSD, POMP an} F127 samples i be marin 975 wee mallee 635 ha ma seagate te as ane cas OF A mpeg ai be THC nme wets lege 98S mera ter nat oe 13D a ra ues a Preview 0185 samp sa be meine, 173% were alee 765 han gears 1 gov LSD. 1145 me (SD "PCP an ce nee ce Sha ere PEP an wo ten a el ‘A sing spe of DMT wa sae (09 sup sid be MDA, 712% were alg, wi hee (284) cent of DOR, DONC 23-0MA, PA, PCPand LSD PCP ' singe empl si ob AMD wise Be 180. (A inal mpl of uj leg (OF Ssmpe tide PCP, 49 wee lege 12. hadnt manana prods ate exe, jus over 58 pete of so-called ‘peyhetc reed ae clad (Sout 90S san. Moe than pstenconteined no pacha subtane al fl 343 perce wee Eiiyed asm ene ierent mind aerng chem Aloagh any fae samples may Reve been enn fe tesing cas ere salen) ‘eae question su te conten thi randowe nates seas oer ‘ithe pry of Black murke pycede rm tate ‘Toe est, 1970 wae the won pes! of marepreertaton. Set Sanka recoded ings that were even wore wen ber analyte artim and Gin e519 sp of set dng heh he ‘en ined npn wa oan OF aps sed Be TSS Ae RASA wor me commen on noe tmstoat ime onic esd tom wert snp ‘jaeane LD. Ran egies oe mse cranes Ite Tani Capt nl Nps pd cr sg ‘mach om te Cdr ne OFS ange peg 3 ‘med peda Tee were LSB aura pe sofort der manucing a Son of yet deacon ths way The poy of acomplex chem a ire vexs and diab the pur of an ume Gea ex este Fora lied ens white ayn ane Fatbermore anim ure doee may wel exons fret msinerpresiony he oie Dts the are ol he pete experene [A he cess The ever sem inated shat Susie™ (an cxamplet + sp pedi) spre 80-3. The Phare igs Shove show vital al tesa enaane to ave ben pure, ough he tur enemas a ae cd Pea PrureChern found 1 quntatve serage fac daring 1979 of smegsaurg 197 Seo Ireas mesa palo hat were ge lund tobe msrepreseced This sarin Rr sinc prone, bu have wl ord cou for eng wa Deaber by th 1970 . Whe ms sean has fase 0 pry sx forthe bane expeience by many wnng buck males souls bee te he ire at cate a rl be handle gene ape ‘io, rost ona ail ety a shold be ep may og, beta We and Mise “The gusion of ad mite ha abyss dif ae nega ‘© psjcndthe, and can gever be anual ssfacony beau te ‘aperenc depemis so much upon ccunstance sites sete pre franenc of sro. These poms wl be phn theeghes hs ok (be (ations of sharanste tse, the “Gaul Play experinen an the ‘work a Spring Grove Hosa willbe given senample forego finals IF urs thik of the pachedtc experieners scares specal exert be prepared fer the sea ae undo be vet tha if ‘hayte ened as Tecrestonalss4 way to save of boredom, “inv Leary acy 1 the ear of thi mater mam coy eve “ate te Seber, Seis Sear Sone Ti, Let Us Welnee Resto ISD" Hesse omroversy that apd rung the pore ofthe pce delice asco wheter hee Selatan sul te reser frase by ony few of whether they nee sppoprin or sdettnsuezoon, even scales tan In any even the chae ws prot beyad the cone they Iuers, Summing up what he scr teres lr sven milion Ate Sets’ having ved (SD, Leary conch One event browne of oe ins cet pete of LSD Stgpee hat the Hotay Hewd ir sear psc ww elegy Sr un te Geen aan ne ity nai Oe ‘nia 163 wate oer eto pti evo feral ering We fled wna te emote eee ob ‘Mima anaclgy SD sd panna sem co bo pa amie ince (P) egrbcc er epeinet ns forced han gs ‘eter al amet ta pene Se te ‘enoment oer Sn ston eb onset oan [Fosnbeonl wigatunmutiney mahal Ou mashed ware gene {ie ast we li oon the arn twine 2 ‘Saletan Thi te Heber Deer one aslo. We prada wont, ina, nny, ecuncing manne bce we we a hy eed [rsp seco the scan meal We wee sen mej of ‘Erbin, lon see, pt lng. rey hl sn ee ‘Se cad de reli winh weapon 0 ce, We made er ‘ike atl Sc wt wont apse mn a Preview megetiegror ini at seinen ng semen mtinienreeieneres Sree eepeuccmetaetameeetet eee seouietirnm mn om memes i Se ete nena eee eee aan ER eae Dag i ie a age erie nt wo a Seen eras ee cnet ist epee eran pete ea eanaeeeerre iota Ratton Conan rae sana pansion anes aertrbcerat lino ummmerarens ‘imtimy develop Toe management aseson al the lect gues are Seat meen end ee Seen ae orn Tier oe ee Beer regs lipemia Seta Stee a eaten meee Srneneeesicrmeninnane Sheet reiareaaeane Sorc mimenmee ns ener me malar nha Lares roa Ai eee tec Simisnnny ample wey Yorseot nts al Sones ae Sere anemeader antes eforumas icine agtaaees pote erences Tree Em eater, move feemrion Poehedelic “Tighe Spor ” sre bhetieg ou hy or kat sca he pnaeinen” Dae sels ensign a een al ‘heel pop oom yu sd sew man ak ope Tecan to Cah es ous nigh a ing topo hry Seat vg wb ae tn pce a ‘ig anh soe tu a eran or where Be oman oc The icf the mart ey me {ieacon sete en ane te no fut pry tpn fine Ia dye deen on eng orb Cie eer an csc oy alee isa st of sme "dy "don the Boonie sp Leomplil in our LSD The Problem Salcing Paychecks 1) Bri incor ean be detonate lah usa uae a simpy ies wae flee ‘eney an in he ip of fresh canbe ened. le seo ‘cp acing dn, ae eri ‘tie of the ac, pomeve ryt eer ‘Tease ene tens feet catuce nc ncn stvaterte caper Ts nadie tal grape ere ang hae ie “Goa eon te ssl te te tal pee “vet sessions, Wate uy tse ne ieee ke sah 5) Rcgnting natn Te deepen pia ype ‘oath schimperi rele rg eons oF'n piman de hag) mote te Says wap of cea py Shc Noh pepe a ener ee wih od mus ot ‘org se selec maybe ttre ied both SD ‘Dum eer ts uh samt egy pn ‘ne Toe gor ull nh caste ae sys 2h Teltaign the Sp aha ate ela shld ee et ‘Suri pl yr ln psn hte pele ners” ‘Sling he pce 1) Renting rl tial, Anne evincl eb mci cre ‘eae rayne rete Satter al ge ok aghcs te sean. Besos brpage Specs apn far wap ct ‘Biking cane won Kp much at reel rm een Indeeurce he pmcaiebeepeece Tt cs oneion ‘Sine pelc een ie sve she se whe gun orden Broskng Ont of a Underion » Loisamenere eimai ard machen re tack ach bere ‘ephng fo the eerage ean» pe st raleson ey men Ieper sng selene poy Mn ay {yo fo av he expres (Bipenty or een aes racy ch iy foal te pe A ‘med un ea hee a ‘nthe gr sh hee se urls pet ening ee ‘hat be tet br fr 1) Pcl omfg the ec dc teen, pial condoning ray lend the heed remanent Fev, has aseate mater ons hee ween wi fox ikeret he eae: Becae Fee ppc ons ey ‘reno nh oa tbe le tear abt ae ince cat ‘onsale be tougher fierce ane estes "he juneskg hance he auand srg he pee eee 8) Case ivern. freeing sy ang “alin” moe as er ied se commer ventana be senped,heaet eae mea my sine oon ea hn ogre o mane payne poe pcan! Tain ‘ext an puigsentanea the ng chy ef att ie eee Sak Rou son iia a pei toe 9) ar sors, The ile gue iy ge ace. t Sheva 6 pill tx, enapnave inking Om espe wih ca, {ete ats ptr forthe iter cured wen tere ‘to was ste omme “Oh yt ey abe ia TV wr eae wes a he wt a hin ‘ered se eam gh sndkeson ove a Rite gery of an sotmane ane oe Ligh naman nrc epee along the en ‘an Eker eit hd ken pala anna eg th et hicraelng compe ra bio min dn. Th ‘gerin cane happened ein he tthe ow, Showandeng te desc ate "Sigcn ame l= ‘She dc fer hans an meee ng wom, The ed Spine credt Twa my wets sept roman, Irurroing "Your leather ase fae AN hese (Qty mntny meter" "You ate ines ite “an fs" She the ere, nd peop hin ar Sid of ‘opi andthe prelates Bee fais don 101 Etna yp en alc” Poem tesco np lain cme pay Orewa eso vine! the ue wa fal Ne al ara hae Ieee pts He wa st agh when was hows tre ‘Galt inan say tong hese wd teenie cree ‘Stee Anh ion wand ih aap mat » Prevew sul ht he mae str psi rah sh” a d's ee ‘alton wed ana eet 1 "Game plying Ces Josie stb een i well pea estes uublenscope wth esi ane. eae Seas pine plying The are sate anraed oe i SA oregano ae wos npn carte ners ‘Se sal se andthe py Seni 12) Gating bom. Ce we hat ied pe aig a ag heal wan tod serurnderieswee ort ase pura dese hat bern rl a es eta re imal beset shar sure appiy etter at Meg Ta inter eral ce Se vayhonc oan epee {lect te nti sos pop neo twos de he ‘See Sine enh dene maybe pro ey fics iptonly income test he ‘Som Ayia sonra eno shat becated eang itm to te mn ny pe home, ‘Tiere vig gin beso ee prt etn esl eva! ae pedo ae ‘eu ch te ay eb srt gop wae en er ireasevetber tng brown rerun beng reals eny er pede Ev In pint of fc, “runamsy” and coo col yan ae extremely anus ‘Once a peyeheeliexprcenee hasbeen compete he atfovet “legends on where he cpp toes ave been pln o if the deste tbe ha bx seach Isl, tne seal be lowed foc elation in “ro eae to let he sau eae se sighs. This she evo put he pve se” i ede, SPEC st wat hs ‘nen ree and what remains to be eset Drawbacks to Peychedilic Uigge ‘Most asers of pyc clam tha the effec from these stances cn neha eee May. aes een ‘Mike mpeg the mot meaning and poweeexperees Renn Oh the oer has al inter popes hve sed Fela have hal what they cone te ane nea es “the dys when these ge we then mith rete the poxhetsic execs foreulethere were ands drop 0 Eikebes Math clibe tapos or ajhslcrpsongse hese curren Thee sas 180, pein a MBA ceo {Sul oie dager nkees isle renee dary es "Avan afpycncc syncs et ee ed hough curso ce hogs seh obey el orevenesss them ‘Ath sur bese cng hve een aves eal arch tone dager el abet ese aba ening Cries A {2 anes nes Alms lof hi preset can be carried as lg sie . ae dents consis pode inpoyheelcstatscon Rasy el to pasnnent, cae ecco the ccna dogs, ‘Palio rugs companion a ace as sho sine ee ‘Se Thou sarees tc hs compound va aicenl e poste ade! sare, rates ‘Thebes pha expres hie changing sd iceberg ‘bk appear beh) ens eater nego the tees and by wer wha spprprae sb cages Aten [id hte mates wl Help bing ne when jy lt {hore wich appretind nor tx niet real epee ete, ‘eigen isp and retort efarcing ples Peter Direons In he fre, pyc were ae ly hey oe elect ‘They wll havea oppor opine wi ono comps sharin prove wake yarns on he Msc L&D eerece, Inat On ‘Pastner ton" Pture Dre Alesse Shug nes he seg ‘Scr ses ro lags of kaon papeen Tre tine waco shearer setandcstiies—be sia tm he sly, he i fae ese ses ee inn pin. [bese cat hg ein able cms poyehonve spn with mere spats ‘tua USD, mesaize and pungent ee ote se sbi wth pn ser nc oie tow alec {9 paoasive leer nce a daaton. wel seme tbs vaval ad anette New pode suban y hve {oe upg ees Inthe fara me may have pays ta yond LAD fr powe a neces? MC PY a chet et dips ae eines anderen inch eit eeas dea ming Stee: porto win Sey tan Ciel MBAS nese melt orto aking LSD ocmpleymentl DME toner wshenncr oie {gular aes secre ta eal daycare sone fem ig ot Sng ong acne se at gecesi tte, hve frets tl efit ashes fhe india ects mel esd gain of gs a ce, {Spy cbnaceranc ef phir UM Bophymbo ws pice "ewapapt cr bot ots aed "Ges Bort ee slg a emt font ‘etonsaewcananc Yon pt oft ene ptt, a mints Yoh pet ogre ttc gs ales, eo OES tat oaemeene rere, ‘Geer ahs nt an Can ‘evan 2 Proview Impressne brakihraghs hive been made resend in. mapping ‘ec ses kr ema eecrig the brain phosphine) choy td sn poring ara oqment. Estee oneme at Src pchedes ae oral preset popks head Harmalaa Kids appear inthe pnel gn feb sn pres concent ang dr ae Chapa Sever, DAT det Chapter Sx has Bem eed Inthe bes and an een la ae the Model Tb, Ober 3, 1977 for an ea report Moreover, row cle that many ofthe sbanes uae hy legen esl anporua necrasmiere Shiga ina 197 ak IikSan Frama commented oa the flea poh as POE ch pone “cer compan” th plane hi wee rhe oa ities tat opunine sac jounl pl nd sect es money nerarsntteci a Exum ada ny hue may we wm yal be omnes an rt cSt agin esa Way Fate ‘Aelted Ging rom other cen anes tha pik sib stance ate concerned tr eety tes songs otra i the int ase ah coped apa ka an ay {he gros haces emmy pace won some nursing bes se Socing Haein tne ‘long ash prone sophiscion abot the any sles ple by pipchoacve comps people’ era th pony of expr t2 tier veiy of pacts wers inthe ee wil kobe beware of Trent tig da (i si traning he "pak" of he pyc ‘aperienceneough nondng means and oe 2) ate designed oem tbe proucnene of eos Brae Bane, wting st ouh comer) esac sched ame aps ‘nese pati San Ge pings olon caper ‘gic puting on mane delight gohan 2 ‘dor ogre who ues pps of ety x ote ard borat tbe ‘dng son afer nat ery nen Jie eeany alten ste Je Maloy os tke ese ‘eced afer device Al en ery Hippie. eg ‘Rep ona thd tech Concepts and teins fom Eastern rclginns 2 shaman pa cedures mil cotinae #9 be ssimined iw Western culture apt they mi Ser see of human pcos De Sense Geo has used {RS poutby dering how he ted wit hiseberaton fom LSD exper ‘eres ira the Peau ak ste pyc ftoning fe sve {ars Enennly, he so peso, is arly ok in sc incest real wosonay pat neato pecognition ad lea, flneary and eneepanec, ob te and space evel phenomena. 2 ithe Han monmed up Geo fndngs tat eae eopp ina Pare Ips, 7 sot coc rte at ae on Seer caer EMUSIC tik hater Ss cad ete sate Tiree intiseh a te Serer croquet ateoe pecan lag Eerie seen aes ae Bi Seoeeteymeetinene rane tetera tenoatbattnnie sound in hse and ths con ew her deren al eo aa Seen h nied cette bis fre pachecicsemionconsfring bombing pata ove China icing ane artery mrthicaectnisegesiane cea meister ie Soteandeneeenaeteaned eg re ge del eat eta ior, 5.65 “Te Fiat ISD Esper 39 Ea Debut 1338 A Dea a a Halo ine ie, 35 ESD Beas hep 38 emi, 8 ‘eemen 8D an Oe Sinan fhe Pashncive ee ‘hd Bevwaneh 6 Pays Fs, 74 Daan of USD hes the ay 8 fe jon Ch {SD a Post Hath, Menal Ec, 7689 Dose Comte, 7 ‘Pty al Er Palen, onic Sous of Tyee “acd Ais, 39 yea Oe ines #9 Fume and Prpartins 101 j : ‘Aw ample of Sandoz LSD. —————— CHAPTER ONE The LSD Family (the archetype) Apri 19, 1943: Preparation of a 205% apueons solution of Alpierge ocd dietIylamade tartrate. “420 PM: 0.05 cc (025 mg LSD) [250 micrograms) ingested only, The soaton ic tacos. “450 Pts no race of any effec 5:00 PM: sighs azine, aes, difiy i concentration, sisal ditarbancer, marked dere to ah HISTORY (Fal sabres shat exc the visionary pers of he nin LSD ie the mas potent It belongs to las ofc tata be ded tre groups, One grec nual nthe angers inert ite weds cl moans gry las. The the gro i pred Semisynetcaty the mart nporant member being L&D. Bach groups ahs s keri esycne chemical erucure Unlike sof te pet ‘ove moles deal within tha boo, wh se clearings hse SD. ‘9p comps ae al are i crows cc of eoeience,knowldge aout the paychoctiiy ne marl groypame Hoag ser he synhesr LSDy Dr Alert Hofmann He wie the ab tes uted atthe bepning of the secton Unlike mos: cma who eve tay work maily wih arti, He ‘ann was dwn toward slp rar ernest end fhe 120s Unser ihe supervision of De Arte Sl whe toed the fist cro he lid npr emia orm Hotmann ae phen tberet ere taloges sel reed cunt Soph Pharmaceues Bee Swiselns ‘he Fins LSD Experiences Homann’ abraery synthases of ergot analogs ssl inthe enstrion af may new herp en desis Sever ado The ‘sellin medicine eapecialyinobetec, era a the een ‘gine henaches. The wert compound be scsi eam Produc—lab coded ISD-25—-war expect on the bas ts leat 3 36 The 50 Fam Albert Hofmann, dcosrer of USD iphoto tbe in 1980, steocture t be a ciclsaey and respircory stimulant, Tested on epereotal titan 1938 inal them rend aed caused them Tuy siongecineconseicing lle These esis were nc fs irene ire the Sedo eal fre sing eee Tn ihe sping of 198, Homan revel "spel peeseninen eft ar ISD.25 igh possess properties ober han those ered Sor iial inves He there set bout rexymbeiing P= Sabsenceineing te emi Snr plaracolapea department ier rer examinacon, Tat wes ina may encom ewes Ms Fit Obsenatoms of ISD Efets ” sebiprpi, lor eapeimenesbeaers were eden scchsa from re resech progam, they wee once fund unaereng rm he pharmscohgal pee In the our of realizing “only few cenigams undies gran) for nays «strange dag happened De Hotes, abe became urge ened Te xen wrl bare hg finn deem Obes sppatl pa inet me! sma Amerson and oles bce mae owtng Eve sl pepe the fer ime mse urged When bce es ee ge ‘Bean uitcape stan of ie ae af etna te vin sd sempre ines ees ae tess ‘Ae int yt ot pes eben wha ha bee Hafan wa the fs aman experince of LSD, an acide hat ‘would ect have ocr! under ctl aborsory conlivans eas Fessbl that op had alle on ny fines ala be boy the Ekin” One dp “The nos jure pce age known aha ie was mesg Toresie spelt the serape man bahar ea te pamormireofmexaine, HowevesSDis abet fos those es {E stong 2s mexsline “A drop ons in mas enugh-pefape 2050 ‘xirogrin (ils of gram, abbreviate mag ge Hofmann a Eph mp aingnorcebly for reo has 180 were ony» thos tesa rong as mexale, Hofmann woul robb not hve fk ts rent fee Bat he did sce Thee dis Ie he ree o apy methodic seat his ciel dover “A cstens mar, Hofman tuned by ingesting square of ig (230 me, nendng wines the dna ecesty pee ll ‘senpoe o th ells othe ug Tat at et won hn een ory minute sr adonstration fd conserve es oss than fy words slong in fa efoto teu sees come 3a ‘tore poet rect che fist enna men experince LSD. “an mis urable to cosine is derpion the ib naan the fae word cl oly Be ween with es day aed my brn ssistat aarp me home a Hn ‘yond wld tpn te Jenne he previ Fay ‘Thi we were a gchog han, omer nec ta the ‘gaps see sng he Se hao iy ‘pean cake fd of von oval ees an cr ‘pene cand en mags nce nace Thad the inpasoel eae ssi ar hy ane on dora xpacing another sheet, 'nounpesstinebviation” Hafan oun a” The LSD Family ‘he excemely small quay heh ingested to bes esha overdose Giing pf! daeupnon of exinay peepriod fa foe preset spe ke prea coed mas; mg gine scnatng eh cts seen aan cents et ‘Bete, snes aneoneempie tual ac ing of slates cononskreaing wh» ear apprsason of he “Tih colt ine guidance mae inant Tuas ernest teats pngamy Tessa {Wo that Tv ce ste of my conto tah Iwan eae Teoppusit GcasonayFeastergeiery bo argh hadi Sarre os spent sete espa ace ye ag dee Minette toed ad epee eet a yar MeN Sand he wo, ot ‘costo asv ater Homann each he eight of decrsis” ad found somewhat weak ase hut aad etelsion” Si oars afer he tegen the res of hsepc ad dey amite crea for tent eects, stnanis conden improved deine” tough srresen ern npn Eggert ‘Sine: Bloymang ou cungng wept predomi pots ee es inar ispecies mccymmenrorirnen (Side cuopurl ced pave wo kel aging tes de rel pinta mre voter ornare ‘eepinentaid iesauseat este Ey eaten acetic ener dept a pg unites jccalgar my le tears "Reena wellbeing 2 renewed fe owe gh me, Breast Eaiipamecenpeyacenaoarts lan semes Betis an lst ay har pets ath Bay enngecienentanrerttea Saas accesses eta Eony Ditribation of 15D "tan his eye-opening, frightening experience, Hofinann emered & aa. abel Age Catayoed . sr, ine pla LSD was something genuine xo Import way Fema the extreme pron af hs amps gre ow wt 100.000 50000 abana dns secure. Sena LSD tte fist pyheele hat dor eo acorn ure. Mesainc hd lee ind afer seals eons rns se da ne Tab te ented for De Timon yaa ue When is sajeci, Arhur So ta the repr, be tepioned iene o Ave ou etn ta youve mee sone he weighing the sed done realy ce Pelee at Rtn, incor of the pharmacy Speen at Sone, aad to af he seieegics then repel she apr wig on 9 ied wha erann hed re Even wth reduce he ces were “eee Imps ant fanatic” As Hofmann hs sal obese scent of tpt wee ciated ‘bees were cre ey Werner Sl te sono Arar Seal, invalngforysine sarnstetog to tecnytve pope a he Universit Zara, in O47 eps fe ov arcren SDs mene lcs nthe pe fhe San dave of Newly. Thaw fuel Int hater cman on LSD oe esed A New alcaror Ages, Acie Very Sal Amar” Poot sds Oncinal ejetzae wh LSD ser Sd trey, ‘Sh yo ater Hofann's dane, LD inl ewan the ed Sens, site a Ln Angie by Nia Bel» py om Spent cecepenlogrsph (EEG), who Pa be aad tore cal by Werner Sel wits aut thr hey ESD mes Ieyped and cred tough he a Ros Paychopti Hapa thegwa fae nen De Rok He he Avon Decor Alt radon may felecaneprsst nice ete sect {i ta the hp al ben cere He ech usted on mai bs heap ands An sxe conseting ir ss “Tat ws se Dr Hpi oma behevioe be we pest man ‘The pychnuies AN, Bah an W Joon abo See fr LSD, leking liven fore in teap Theyhngb LSD ih Bake things ss Bh er emai By Aug 1956 hey wee ‘ating the rare + pean pcboerapy inna esa Irma vats of he Neron Se retin ut LAD-75 dg ahah ines sole ic thin he tera sytem ta rena arya swath apy Faterengneapors promi tal th pring experience {hs wa te agg pec dtican so oie em ‘hing LST" wun Sea Tocapy] and own ET [ee She Ft ae former ten sg aah aly wie pens heey ‘Moser no shorenig pce” We hp herent “ The LSD Kany ‘Thin of LAD unt 196, when us wee placed pn fhe, capermnenatnn. ean be seen in manavsm sn Dr Holman fe two ‘xfer of ecu eal there wes een eet and pemisr be front of LSD cme to be undetsod,tere wan par On the bss of Fatman’ igs fist experience, Sondos hoped that might be maces vera ke urban an anqusiaes Sandor thos dacbed LSD at {ost many inves, eying ofa stondard we fr “Sandor wae uneerandebly news tour sue of he wider aspects of Helian seca spc the "ut ofthe ea expeena, me Teton utes specs hich Hofmann has since debe 35 dcp ‘igus Neveviresy she people at undoes tena orthedrgst FRpchoomimeti oe sche’ Inthe nertae ditt wt SD, Seti ecrmensed an apes oe pring ose chinopven that cou be soa! by pontraey and paychologe to explore thei sve i? Sarg! tet nessa ea Fri! ana Therese asd uni one 2050 ap "Tanke w te sucess of Fedn al Jug pcolgy ad isoneris dver moat aeration, cecacers many ee were ps0 ‘hake frm seat he dnndeed ind and eg! LSD a> very fromising On the ass a analogy with mara a eliow fest a Bough tat dpicaiee poten or hisophren sing ISD for anche rte hoor peed igh el proce eight lading an evel Sate Ture of tis work panos ou a hoped since thee ae signa erences berwenn he ESD sete end de vss pyehoses a wt Shecinsion oe isan te wlly ary ener tan vt The Salogy wae wrong, Br flown LSD iw 9 ew dead A Decade of Clinical Ue She rt he (950s there wore cn handle of pepers can, 180, the end of ht dead me than fie ude ha pee. The fpr iv go eennre chow fascia pychoterpie were wich he {uty posibines ISD open op. Reena sts comet ight hat ach ties work mn ercouraped 0 suppor by the CIA ad ates By AP, ‘ks Fouad Navy itligece In ets, tae spencer 20 ‘peso finer ina tse of LSD doing the 1%. Tash mee, ‘hore! te eset sents emeel th pew el cis By posible, a 1953, Dr Ronal Sead exible fis LSD ini open the publ 4 sll mena opal Ean lore lang aad eres sprang up in Germany, Taye Prive, Hellz Cahors, ‘Sretl Ganfavan unre, Cana sed dve US. Neary all se ow (Gosses ina varie of therapeu ppronties. Slowly they changed the {nage ofthis “pcos mig” Cee Simples oS log with 3 buh of Sandor angers che for sady Were ene io 19549 the Paper Reser stein Prag, Dison o rycen a CCrcosioakia. The package mas oped by 4 mat salen, Soe (Get who was ogo he nfrmatanaleaflesdeeptn of LSD a sagt cape of prectingstemporsry-mose peas Grol tthe LSD ia conunn wah + sooy ahi igh Res ingles My rept ng me 8, {Gg de bsiesver shah oon she ng ape Toran ccnp Ad en yon sly whee the eeecng nwaes wu! pup te fences a you se eg he "Sten wa pring” on SD, pe wl crew ys EEG supe” She wl tke eh he Teli tow anda wd “An hence hin "dee esis” Ando heb ‘tesa ge mch wewerevong sels eee my senha ‘Bovey bead and ew ‘An his nee ot of whit ih ce And he ex ing ha Thent oe Pig Then Tht te Theo ha ecg cgi ‘oly dacmbotit se an ery Boor te oer espe ("Thar neta here were sro “wef “ka ‘hie tir wat apni the tune very chy ax flog toe ingmetea ant wtb thee en tk poe (ee and pt afin se mo the sprog a se “het tegen lege ad then ened te experere ‘Art mare om bl sper—al ena pepe ‘So wha ik Te 2 gp of people whe a aes pede shan Dz. Gro nent ont manage LSD observations on human abject the Paycatic Resenrch nse in Prag at ate i snr work 3 Spring Grove Meseal Hosp eu Balto. Evens oseving ote {ha 3300 season, be inte ews abot the LSD experi que fice tr tose appening athe eacly erate. On he bis of hi feesich, be ce wo elev tha pacha concep were det Iesaw the LSD swe! ptm racton a penal hing = when for example + dtnpive experience was allowed to cone ron Th Ls Anges. Dr. Nichols Bed a active in "paychophyscog invesgaions"pubidhing stecks above LSD is Scenic fates snd Inuodacing tis Gag to research andrea cients a4, Dr Ova Jane, ho had bon teres ia LSD soe ‘eatin Sos et anu ms pve han ty hedge ts fect. “Frm that ramen ont my mind isn sop Frome minute He tre Sano cequsg LSD fore narlisie Say and teed ‘marine rst” (en ape supply Tiger set abou hissed 1959 His thie aac wa an ait who ) a The 18D Fomity cline he experience was he eis of Toe yeas ina acho and ‘orem ner togive to ober arvtsJaige wis’ expen ts ‘kveipmens bt he eval gave ina saree apa wih one func oe drew 8 Kaun dl bee dung and eter LSD neon Bye eof his espn in 1962 Janer ha ea several hosand ounaatne of LSD to 5 inane many frm the eesive sm many in Len Arlt swells plumbers cpa ad hess ‘thar hur meane~-and people fm Serene estonal and eh becearands “Amthee imporan ie during the 19508 ws the enigmatic, la ya Al Hbhur, who Baap 4000 vl of Sandor ISD antec cxf Johnny Appesce teen cet 203s Caac dow the West {Gate 30 LA ack He pve SD woman friar, cing Alot Hil apd Geral! Heard nd bead esis ong-uoning SD clit encower, BC Whe mor 13 oso hi be were vy sos, Hubbard sew vse i wing what wore thought be auve “ine prcice dar became cen daring the 19 "Towed the eof the 1950, De. Senay Cohen, a pyar Miited wat the Veerass Hospi at UCLA, pried pe suppl of this novel dg He became ieee! when he heard tha hi seen seers pert delrent”Aferelexperimerstion hel coleagues {hat altugh ISD was notre elie wee moth intensive sy ‘Am acuntof Caen fire fp cn be found tis The Beyond With (9 10) wrich he we but aut to an anormcs decor elanigerrecalie rom Cohen's gp that uel eae ‘mena ase of ISD right corey have arse i he Unies Sete “hse ope i en ener. at wha sopra ensus fcsokusseplsyeope ssohahkee aif aig bay mea) ets a ae = Somsineaniy shore ine volar eg pop anti woid cette dgg Tose ol tno ky ese eed Fitts oe es sc a ole see ht os ct ‘sata sneer ens pate eo se Ste do S Othe cin roe tothe gener poplin wee deep From abt 195%. spray op x ardor Honor, New Jey po Gaater Anon, euthot of The Battery Kad ao sever eet backs ‘Bouts pv ays the lng rus LSD arn erin ithe Sitar nl wer ng someone Grew Wage and being ken by sins hae people snd many er hing Ban tess "ii ame of pe ha sl Become salable ere in pcs spread May people had ead Aus Husler> Doo! of De. Stand Groh, who meted ISD ‘1954 and abrqnently obsened vor han 5300 rerio Dr. Orca Jair ho capri 15D 0 85 pple A Habart a engi Sribmor of 10 dares the 193, encouraged wie flare doves —— 4 ‘The LSD Family Parcepson. in whith he describes mt feelings evoke! by mexaine ‘all, aed Re Gordon Watson's Life magazine acu ofthe scones of cre mushioens an the ceremonsl ein Mei, The newcomers srraned to LSD were ooking fr psyhoteeype esprince, a re they mere! in basic eeu Hever, they ao wee akigg Forhiner rope igh, Te drug had segare! 9 rst ern. Ako it (res used es soley ad wi es rethought tha efor is se Footed nerone of spiral of scsi valve Many were using > Cohan restive beat Tn Pato Ao, Calor, LSD wos big sae och 2 the Veterans [Administration Hist and at Sanford Univers AU Stanford he ncropabyse Grey Batxon wh bad Bee inrbsed so LSD by De Farol Abtaon, one of SDs plneer—arranged i 1959 forthe por [Alles Ginsberg tke as pre fs reach preram cha was sce ‘onsored bythe milaary The movelt Ken Kesey abo zcived SD ia Bis Al, wing ha experiences a she bass OF Bis Ons Few ter she Cask’ Non Kesey ates aventees wah LSD stele in Tom alles The Ears Kooldud ded Text From Pal Alo LSD began sxeping ino Sen Francis Rie Hotfman, wba fe LSD was spp by the Ac eae how irs in che dg Burgeo along the West Cost owned thereof the 1950 ‘Aas Hey ha ole sou LSD bck 1957. Anand iin 190) ta ie acai Sar Pein er Hert Con ada 30 outa ace nthe Chon tt fanaa ware ake ‘eo snp! dog les LSD. hel epi #190 flor Joes tr ented Bec! Ig sp shun int he marin bel Was ‘or 0 ene soe ine 1908 ‘Wit se csing ofthe decide of nial we carve petbaps the most. inporantsscovery se Dr. ota fie syste LSD: Late athe Sane of 1959, Honan recive» parcel of seis ena esearch he Fi rmde contac with whe nesting the scred Mexia fungi The {eets ere uf wha es then led Rives corymbors,oherse eos lige» Mexcsn morning por. la the summer of 190, Hofman icolned the acne principles abd olentied vem chemically. They were Captains. "Bente phot pono ven commen! Hot ‘Gann nen disdogng these resis, th nlig was vnexpeced an of purcdar mere, ese ergo lal, hich al hero been oon ony in awer fang inte germs Caps were now for the fis ‘elated fo the higher pls tbe panerogamc fly Con ‘cae Pesos ins obra, ISD ws row fund 0 have 6 Totbina formerly omsiderel Riven conmnaa « Mentor ‘mornin hy fd 0 contain [ore cd ome A Decade and a Half of Covert Use "The CIA becune aware of LSD in he very ety 1950, That Jy onobiehs fan ance cold derenge indi fore tenons ‘masa mater of great concern 0 peopl there. The sought mare ‘Sent s potencl thar colt he pen! fom few jamal ten Tey ‘ramed eo how bow cold tered at weap, and whee woe work 2 tty serum. eating tow "papchoomimeti mh a LSD ‘reams more porn oth CIA in 151 hen lita elie ‘pote roca that Surstar had eit alone‘ he Si In 1953.2 mary opective i Switzrand indeed ha Sandor ‘wased oe 1 kgrams™ 72 pounsor abot 10 milion doses onthe pen master "A seer coorising sommes tht fale CLA ed ‘emgon ofl recommended onan mn tat he CIA shuld uy ll foc at orer aque millon dolla wider erp ostof thant ‘he Hosians or aher pole bigs” CIA che Alen Dies spon tnd soon ew Agen freien wee Sst so Same to epee bs & The LSD Family As crt oe, their informane hd mistaken a lige for ilo. gram, misseting byw factor ofa million. The presen o nde eld tevin thacal protcion ul then soanted tle than 0 gras— Unie canes, he ebgot sue by Sundar tasting ako many years fad. Asafa seed ely hat he word appl LSD ‘toa aways remain wall ‘Nonetheless Seis ozpany nie a willingness sep oP AS fons and proce a8 mach LSD she CIA mish Te fates spec 19 Keep the CIA informed sb al ute pruction as wal roe for fiance coming in fom oer pare ofthe moe “The Cia erable » research ea nthe Cheri Divisio fs Techn Serves sal: Riad Hime then esting Clandestine Series, {Scommenil she pce sn etl Apel, 1958. week anda hal er lion exacts decade ser Hofrants fe p—Allen Dale spp ‘The pojt wis Aied‘MEULTRA”(opesting “Project ARTICHOKE: tmcntoved ia the Poleybian Mashroone capt) and given a init Uidpes o$300000, The gol “to invert whether and how mat Foal to monly an isha behavior By overt ans” Heating tae up of shut tll s Soren was» prot of Helm, Dr Sidney uted, tho was shit des oh Agen’ acount “This rp was interes in dcersung the eles of LSD acter drug in dee stations, Unie Sunde, which war seeing terspesic Sppcarons, the CIA wae providing gran rough eo ean wo ecage ny research, Ct ae hisszocates son bec sporsotsot ISD snes conse at » umber of presi ustiwson Boon iyhopatne Hapa, Monne Sina Hsp ang Cambs Universi te ‘Adictnn Resetch Cenrer of ee Nasional lite of Ment Hei the Unineny of Otahaea se the Universi of Rochester Soden tre ‘ress fg new mark orgs inacadea” wae) Mieke Te Seach for he Macburon Conidae corey he best Sexrpten of thee actinic. Acwlemrs eoliborseng meh he CIA n ISD ovens — Sime iting, many ueiingly es » raltle of arci e ‘etic neratue Tes eps hd reveal what fw othe wing ‘Ste eying v0 fn ot forthe CLA ‘An oasandag example ig De Harold Abvamsin, a New York image who apparenly delighed in almieng the dng © ‘melcarl one stance being Frank Femoot Sith, who le de eof te ssh Macy. Je, Foundacion conferences that rough ogetier tty LSD teeuchers Abramson mote prominent about (SD in 30 etic pobleston, mainly bat sh cps a the ee Ue rao Smee fighting fh hey east ananglewichthir oes neatly cota he ‘erat cole Sens) and the ee of ow Sages nding pe ‘herpeaticanserence™ ft wasnt publicly koowe onal ce ate 1970s thar dhe CIA furnehed him with $8300 in 193 0 provide as Goalie MRULTRA and CIA Spouses at ic—operatonaly erent mater slog th wig ines: Ds bane of Menury.b Dicedingy Aberam fehvine Aleraton of Ser Pater, Ekting of informaiton ¢ Sng {Cheon ef Dependence” Abramson leptin touch wich tan) wh Ha begun fo lnc of ISD. repartng hi findings anthers oer LA "Goi hice ABcason a0 others nessa Ane inepersive way to acpe& No tage of lemon sat ISD and simiaesbnnees when hd in more resort esings ‘he CIA also wanted ifcraton on how LSD could be sed or iso ‘pecans sformarion a poles wee di iy ope Oy forth afer evasionmer, he Gath gap stops chase Greonwich Vilge where pepie sul be ocr ac they fad een [Bren he dap who “elorordseurenes Toe pen Garg {oe Whe» New York ras set wh ha ee a experts sehen denny uch oh eo OS re {mer of CIA) The CLA gal the res povded Whe wah ony thie prsicn Tes see whi nies cud be ad {der the nfl of LSD to cls ce hed oc ‘Deseing nl of LSD ata ply ae, he CIA was word about its dependency on 3 foregn Sapp. in 195 the Gone group there approche E Tl 8 Gn wich asec been moray ont pros ly sys (SD "The ey Lays coi nse 2 Erakévongh, manutenng small anne of Lb remeron tier than err An Ageey meno to len Dus rein at he ane men ld tow fey LSD sn soage gum Exch member of che Goi grep cok SD sve ines andeven ded ech er ting te summer of 1998. Seely bayer te ‘lalsirent cf MULTRA came on unepetel both ced to fed all ts oirysan. Ove of ths wiv soutes had oll Goss {Bovp that LSD mg be dango in same ese, etoning + Ss ‘Secor who had bee pres sfer she ook the dupa who wa rere thane comme oie Gi ad ascend ‘enebyhissoeros not teense He was tc fst had ‘Sranat sion stan ol "Te Tech Ser ranch he CA, which aed he Gib soup. vasa paying $2000 sen cent the Ary Chea ate a Fon Bete for evesigoion slang chemi waa In Noveober 1953, Gis af gered with hte Army asin for {hey besatrming ere se ay edge the Mad wo Dating the sot eveing Cah se) arcun paso Cinrens which aninown othe wth —he haloped with LSD. Allucewo toed the Ginveas Among toe nhs prsnk fm Goris has as De Fe Olona eis i sien dlvery of chemial wens, ah ‘mee eve tht he hl roves prs ses hs eq “ The LSD Family LSD wip. He became depress and mas see acpi ty Gents tssisant cosee Dr Haro Abpson, Relasars, Olmedo ere ‘menal hop The ght Before comment, he sed ses sean ‘troughs window on thee rf te New York Sater Hike Fo “Any CIA scheent with LSD ws guy cover! pel coming «o light ta 1976 enone yas lneeas «Fes ofthe Rdkteler CGmmisins review of legs! CIA domesce ates. Ip 1977 Ons family was ie othe White House fra apology ond Congest pated "ilo pay Mes, Olson and hee dee culdren 8730000 in compensate Gated was ceprimoded by his upeions, For x short hie is supply of LSD ms taken rom him, CIA cures in Mini and ABB, Jap were toil pot vo we the LSD tha he ben shipped chem, Richard Helis persed sdccatng that hee anchof ‘he CIA contque do expeineot wits LSD. ad eon Got eum de busing the drug’ George Whi, promoxs! wo Regional Naor Chit rove his sfeheuse operon ro Sen Francs two years ater, where be ‘ried dosing people ue 1966 ‘Mies imeligeae iv each branch ofthe tad serie alo hed ‘shout ISD, tnd they mere Fsciated By the mot 1S0y they Too were Fagg LSD state” ‘Ts seer C1A and itary slot ee ‘heumense by Joba Marts (1979) ‘The Creme Ware Sie the ‘Army's Faewoo! Avena sokpledenormensquntiterct SD andecher Paynacive compounds, syvhesinng Keown psjcheselis lke LSD and ters tha sys be row to theo wer For example, MDM (Gee Chapter Ee) which har ony een ben teagan va payedelie ge ena wo Edgemos EA [Experimental Agee) 5 ‘Army spokesmen began aking pub abou geal se of LSD inwar Inconrateotheemphasison indian adoiscon faved ‘bythe CLA, Ary afc wee showing Congressmen ae he pres ils ‘of soldiers wh were rable o machin formation sf being sed wth ESD in thee moming foe LSD wat arated a + my to ntact, “humane warfare gant am enemy. Dr. Albert Hofman ier revealed thatthe Army was cnecing hi every two yes os toesqce Sand fev parson ini efor The ess were ded “The Army engige in cover feiuperscons oersis_ Anodes ‘example isthe tre of Jamen Thomuel 3 blck American ker Frac, who mas suspected of having stolen dail dcwmens i 1961 Werwil pba sever knw the orcs noe ote relere ‘048 orgy fatal who were sbjetel ode Attys LSD ieogation ebje,Opertan THIRD CHANCE “Thorhwel, then rweng-tws, was Fist expused wo eneme ses, ‘which soda beating solitary confinemenn dil of wate, fo! sed Samar facies an ey ered swe Alesse wee be wan pen USD'entcur ha knowladge The fteregutrs resend heed [at Pe my Wie, ad « “Mate Geom’ ” sare ae indefinitely scnting tn Army document gop aes, Senses permanent snd ol manty” tne ae 1% Teena date US penser for 10 ors be US Hue of Represene, Ses sped» compromas steno $5000 in 190 ‘The Big Ware Hit Jase ater the election of John Kennedy co che presidency, a pelstrcon of Engl extncon waking New York Cy a EXtdor on New York Flop lever requesting a a a ESD. A sehags eae by eur ml to De Job Betfords witha fr $289 {ihe apprinae cost of manatee athe time). Bern! had ted ter ycedeics, ws impreed By che miainy gusom they Based and was age (0 tr this ew product Rewls sete lee He lerore gave pare of is rum over time few snore, Intoing sn ncsinernce own ox Mich Holingshead Helin prt ois co bec be raged bere tengo se oa gr yor, Pal cay, Kea Ra, Keser, rank Baron Hou Sh Pal Let. Ricard ae Pee Roca Corie Mingo Sul Stee Tiny Ley, Rahn Alper Raper, Aun Wasa any ers bor ee cng fecrmaonasmreneu of LSD. “There insane pontiy, we Ht bend ine, that my ease ave arent more peopl an sone the im hinory" Hi rca bees the plac es Te Men Towed Ode Wor "Wit ipa ofa "HOOD," Bers with Jean Houston et Michael Core. pene! an LSD foundtion in Manhasan a 96, the ‘Aga Siew Trane The inpesne, able wed cd oat tere Jom Beresford, ho meso « | gram of Sondor LSD and ned to ‘Lib ms prcbouie ef ‘eal. Michael Hollings ho di bated par of Beresordy gram to Tometiy Lauy, Pal Nearne, Donovey, Kets Rar and min ser so The LSD Femi descritdin Robert Masters ad Jean Houston sbockentled The Vane 1 Pachedee Experence "Tha sume Jerr Myron Swell snd sans extablished another imporant ISD sty center the Imereional Fount fr Adware Sty in Mel Pare This nsincon mar se upto examine the eles 1SD and mexaline upon careful acdsee The ees fom evra oad sdmiaserstion were sit, epi in eegard to leans, fshuncent” ad "rest. By 1962, the sume of people who knew about LSD had increased sconetally” Sone wee ethunart show ying the dg bu al cess 0 [SD pspchorheapis he orgie herpes In sponse {he demand fr LSD, theft penceton of "ao hema are ‘Karas ea efor was x bach of 62000 ables of quenable goveetsytheael 0 195 by Benatd Roseman and Bernard Cope “These tan figrel io the Ese “LSD bas.” when Fond an Drag Admin ‘eration agent charge the wo with sagging” mance LSD seas hen perfect legs Stary Owsley entre the trade afer heing been frase in is ‘los aban pare LSD. Hi taderarks— White Lahenng Parle aze"vsnd thers Such as Batra, Ppl Double-Daes ala ‘hgh He —were sce mith tbs igh quay An eas “twat of thi rrhcton was hen say, yet wy became psp the Fis LSD mllonuse, When he wes copored io 1967, 200fesh ease ‘ign satan dene cone "Te isc big we of popula incre was guching momen. 1969, the Ganley nse ef courdincatiog seongsbour LSD. May folk muscans were geting “erebaly eet” Tole of LSD speed Tejon Behemian and untery ek, even Henry Lae publi of Tim and Lif mapaner andar nie doe eap ve wanieengous > sparen in Arana feat esjmpvy nha mpesihen re| ce fe al previa ena! lane rea. He abo agar Accom fect ac here Tho may sot nk cs Guid tas porn peso baie he evens a hte! | To centerstage ee Dr. Tinoehy Leary ‘lend engaged i plain research at Harvard ea) was oe of shone wb prtonk of Lat No. H-000N7" Heras blypons sd al from Hallopea’s mayyomie ar of ISD cot with spesing tod ie a for ve dys Road Alper his dose saci, tos evebosy toc touch the salve hast Tot.” When Leary coe ck Aipee remembers hima ying, “Wom!” “ean's LSD expen coming ser more tha a bundte pogo trips, changed his He "T have never revere fom thor shateing ‘tla conronatan” he wrote ume. “Frode date fh session sainenie har we weal ine Harvard." Thebeek ase logs Popaler ters Gross an Tomer Leary wha wat the it prodaim {SD at "wtti” om coming. “LSD i mote important than Harvard prc Latin 1962 [etc Timothy Ley th acer hd overtone lean doa thei expermenting with 13D. Leaty sone cmphuson pb thatthe ug fri este senna” adh “Teves you levy andar wa planation once, where you sete iplasles an Jou see hein (ies sia dhe sdvaluaoess of what you hod ake 0 eel bore Ee pe tne mena dear al enodaly charge image wo wart. Bee long Leary ame msi netrbly che compourdnow Kowa snp =U" Leary an ates ted in many way an people inthe we of ‘his ap which they saw a8 4 ey tthe “new ge” Even Before ing Hired they eablated an offcamp organs on Kowa FE (oe {areata Feeraton foe Inernal ese) Unidas fr an ‘experiential LSD center on the bea ¢ Zinataneo, Mexico. Whe they thercsed this oppo he next sure FE cv por th 500 ‘ppt. Leary requested 100 par of ISD, ar sion done and Beograms of palo above 28 min dete or Sr tc 2 ‘The 15D Fam ec for $0000 38» Spit Sandon cen the heck when Ley SoMa pend popes pre ess. The Menten eter ae n= thor whe beac hyped ma teninaferan Areca wham ey oultaow to prvpscated ole and afer anon drs ‘hein Lat and hecolesgoes tied ostupancaperealceweron {fe Caton ltd of Domine bu her aus were oi they he Iain grocp aie Fini nen aac on 8230. ete Milbeok, NY. hey snnonce oman othe Cts Ratan. ete thy began tng Serinuy noel people at well ar conducing sive none ‘Tetahopsinconsiotsnesang. The sane! hel Paced Renew init of han tc ih Une So eg 13D. They panered nthe peecnaton of ighshows: Levey ‘etaps elon lagi prin Dicovery Thawed Setuonpntaton twisted w ahaniel peoplcenerd sod {he MiB come who were dedicated thong ties ow try ‘fesaces coil help rece vey mun 9 al an vey woman Slice” Year empha tae woul ot separ te onion ctl ly eget: Rit me ap my Ba mpc no ugtas exept Ge: Live at your on high von "Ge Monterey Carma Pop Festal of 163 our yeas Beto the ‘ka dant Pop ated ew fconship ere LSD al mu — ‘The fifi ane rom “Big Hote” a Milbrook, NY. a pycodeic. ‘eter whore the Catala Foundation experimented et LSD New Lifesser 5 Many there ok ISD to celebrate and enhane thet appeeciation of hi festival Mscus ad ais oon began wide le expementaton wth ‘way perform thi would complement drt snl segien he tof SD, or pest a “ah ofthe experene forthe weaned” Within eat the Beats wate singing mevergonn Turn of our mie fla at Sow owrscean/ Ths snot Sing words taken ely ham The Phe debe Esponone aback stad by Lesty asses) By the mill of he 1960s, a epost shi in ovat gadecetges tock place Sn Pagel hat was 0 rvetberatepowerily egos the Western wor. ‘This sf ivaved geographical move of ely few imiksirom Nocth Beach to» sity nse the cong of Hg Set tre Aakbry Avene (loser Glden Gate Park Here ISD use bard ‘peter, son Sealing the dawning there ae "Nori Beach ha were for years home ground for bean acts: ites and fad become a een fo aera ferme Amer The bests grea favored stack conrsts of Backs whe ia herds and it the hiking ‘They emphasne’ he oko the Arta andthe Bohemian, alcatel bck at cure heres mere polthaly aie apt fhe Bomb. Thee syle feund expen ia st bows joey at et ‘oflechowsen ‘These ae indus to po, pee a heroin, The Haight-Ashbury community caleod byL8D, wore the coosof A uinbow am was mx emphaocal ale dominated I cceheated ps the Agonice and umphs ot he Indiv Arta but rate "i ‘Gemma ling sad 4 new "Bay Area eye of mai ad dain es Sppeoath was softer emt ayne it was the tal Amen Tain By 1966, Haigh Ashbury mas sife with new eneigies provided by IsDasiog masa groups sch othe fern Ailane fe Gell Dad, Big Brother and che Holeing Company snd Coun fox and the Fishy its sch a Mosse, who with is aes reenable the power {ppc once sore’ poster, bythe Diggers st pave my fod art thing That year, the Doses Ron ae sy Thali opened te ation’ Fit “adh a helped intch he isi pape newspaper: The Sin Pancice Ort, Simior bu ss cnipicaae developments ok pice in Eat Gece ‘wich Vilogeaaboe te same tesa fa ayear ite te new seat een ithe overt eorers of ost ge US ces The pasopants ‘wes mainly whites nhl ene to thts, the “bay ocr sas st supe of prope wha were sect finaly ‘An ISD of “owerchil”hfrle was Retr enoneage th oer eins sock ms pero with yh slows wes Poycheec newspapers al commons! ining. Tha prseling cuted fhrooghout dir US. and # laser extent n Ween Ewe sas ‘eecilly fom London, Hamburg and Amtech The LSD Family 7 iMEPStC CHEMI oe 36 ‘The LSD Family iit ou. the opio of mam, mie people het Pa Howson an Sunk Keippret. Leer Grnspce ad James Bako Haracd have complet sacl LSD sconudnicons—ipeymasingetore then ov pope langue ‘ardor fa ek st, ood pig ppt ny pd ‘Se ower per eget rite Pane ein i) The First Crete ” Movement ceeonit R. Cabh ere mls the bie omsision tha thr berate at bah cons wad cop. ‘ig ih te ow: pig [po sore, repaying non ‘a gumes, aloun energy tem. sl a oo tp, ba {tp harostow dnp taper ata cy ee rach, sane vies et we igh eo ‘Koh tn ne on ss sp en ah “The ig LSD wave crested dig "tbe summer of” 1967. "Wess ing Showers in thei hale several handel hasan’ people eae o San Frais. “Gonz ouralie Huser Thompson rc the taeaphests of ts pes Si Francia the mie sites wa vr spi sine ple hes ar 0 Myke tment vomiting Moje mtn the angst se) rrra no mal wane mit erois cin eh at ete ‘rowing yu were eves ae ot ses al hes Yowonweke spar ayohereTerewses toa anes seth ‘eee we ere goat th ne wee wining reer {onl simply preva. re nam pn ping aa see begs ha all te momenta we mere ey bee silent a ‘The LSD Family a $550 Bacup dtp es Soest wo thnranrtantremcometra Ey hrcimnan tac denarii pesos gow mgt wandastndnghe Thecrancen hg ete RE ee ere Pains memomeeceen streetcar ee Sector eer Seer eines On apa 1a G Gat Ly tho asin praeing aey n Ducts Coun NY bein grmince by leeings don leas Hite nantes ss oder este fins nere ng edo ac pce hm high ate {he lie ea fam be eb fos ene im beat fewer ‘eengumtrcne” Asal and asennad nthe Panic and Hynenis Response 8 ‘en of ik ura, Reema Wl wo wa bene Taisen part ctonp ony ikea ‘The healines pumped an apete for sll or coverage, Speci imerviws with deat aoteey cllge peaks mes sory (bears chess seh ab igh Scaled mau spel ‘ating an sempre of ational erg) “he cunt te New York Conny Masia Sc Sakomeinee ‘gn Naraecs Addison sl tht LSD waive angers the has {foe FDA and Focal Netoss Bure lnmchel new dr edo progr, Thre Serie saxo inverted LSD se Bis oa Fk possson of LSD arr phate Sigs fey wee tee (See nn ste lsh: Sra son, New York See Ase ‘Speaker Anthony Tava, pushing eso ht ald fora i ‘secon et de hat Ne wa eer pe ening he Iie unafraid Recah prem gee ‘Wale Wiel sana tem talog, Warns LSD Users You ayy goin er "Ri Trent, sting inche Canin Bening Tolga sas an ath text's Sern ant suf temp fo sane 3 dss peblem by ang SD, ttt his stury “The Dercnad Worl of fe Team ‘The manemahc Coen Far sted nal ag cove bea: Se, ISD KILLS SEX DAUVE FOREVER The Poe cea rewind sept tom Toe Jounal o the Ameen Medd Avtoaton wth nev fide "LSD and Sox Mado. Inone ofthe Se 15D earn Sra bert Kennedy reply asked wit sae ondaced byte Nota Inte ofan ess hatha bens valuables month ester nobngr werner? Iwas austin ast aby waned ober fave answered Ta she oder, eusing programs were aly eS. Bete ng tere ere few ger veglaons. "Any ives wh had ees epee he ig personally ws cow forint cndiet LSD veseath tty nd noone ‘And yea the Consumers io’ book on Lc and Mit Drags ses by shoing olf he relsive We of Samoa LSD incl «anne Conges ad the Rots Drog Aditi a une peed the hes oa verte LSD fe. By 1] weiner ‘erven 100,00 and 000000 Arner ha hen an ISD tips Tee ‘Gosunes Uno red fret sha cing the duo se unde. round sumesed cern oft has aig er ue he lowing esting 1 Incase expectations of adverse fees 2 Unknown dongs 5. Gaormnasin

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