Pre-Intermediate WB U2

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~~ ee aesias” eeescae ioe, 2895.06" 9, Vocabulary Landscapes 1 can describe landscapes. 11 Complete the labels, 2 Putthe letters in order to make adjectives that describe landscapes. Then circle the landscape feature that can go with each adjective. Sometimes both are possible. rere Adjectives fone Tialt river /mmountaif) 2ciy stream / desert 3 rowran ‘ocean / river akade ‘cave /shore Swholsal | lake//valley 6 owl ‘ocean / waterfall Teykor | shore/forest Bedpe | ocean / waterfall Sdiwe | river hil Wpeste | volcano waterfall a Listen and complete the quiz questions, 1 Inwhich countrys the highest Inthe world? 2 What's the name ofthe tothe east of aftca? 3 What'sthenameofthe that flows through London? 4 Inwhich country's Baikal 5 What’sthe nameof the that run along the west coast of South America? 6 Inwhich country's the__Vesuvius? 7 What’ the name the. in southern Africa? 8 Inwhich two continents is the Great Rift ? ‘9 Which famous American cityison the of Lake Michigan? 10 Inwhich European countrys the Black ? 4 Answer the questions in exercise 3 Use the internet to help you ‘and Beorausuns nit2 Adventre Past continuous Ican use the past continuous. 1 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Yesterday at 6 pm.we. (rave) dinner. 2 Hany. (hot listen) so he didn’t know how to do the exercise 3 Kate (ie) on the beach and Anna (eat anice cream (smile) and Nancy (take) a photo of them. 5 Why youand Zoe (argue 66 Hannah was annoyed because a mann the train (tale loudly on his mobile 4 Samand yan 7 alam fred stl (chat) with his hiendson Facebook 8 My eyes were dosed, but {notsleep) 2 Write sentences. Use the past continuous. 1 Jake /ride / his bike lng his bike Jake 2 thesun /shine ? 3 it/notrain 4 where /he /go? 5 he/not wear /a helmet 3 Complete the text with the past continuous form of the verbs below. cary follow hury leave rain stand wear not wear ‘When | got off the coach in London, the weather was awul he and there was a cold wind, AA short fat man, who ? ahatand 2 small briefcase, got off after me, Iwas five alock and lots of people ‘work and © ‘to catch the bus or the Underground. 1® ‘raincoat so | went into a departmant store and bought & cheap umbrela, ‘When I came out, the short, fat man from the bus » ‘outside the department store, he me? \What was happening atthe park yesterday afternoon? Complete the sentences, using the verbs and phrases below. Use the past continuous. eat anice cream drink fui juice havea picnic listen to music phone someone readamagazine shine sunbathe text 1 Tom was texting 2 Willand Emma 3 Kim 4 Maxand Eve 5 George and Susan 6 say 7 Ley 8 Zoe. 9 Thesun Write questions with you in the past continuous, ‘Then write true answers. 130pm-yesterday 1030 pm.yesterday onthisday last year this morning 730 pm.yesterday 830m. thismomning 1 What were youdoing at !3O pm yesterday? was 2 3 2 4 ? 5 6 ? nt2 Adventxe CI Listening Adrenaline junkies can listen for key words and antonyms. 11 USE OF ENGLISH Read the text about BASE jumping and choose the correct answers (2-c) to complete gape FS. 1a alike b like similar 2a However b Otherwise ¢ Instead 3a part b place cof 4a thanks b because « according 5 a invented b decided «thought [BASE jumping i an extreme spor. tis_ to skyaiving, bt there are important ciferences. Firstly the jumps are ‘much lower ~ usualy no more than six hundred metres. {And secondly there Is no area. *__, participants jump ‘rom some kindof bridge, building or cif. The fist BASE jump took? _ in 1912 in New York, when Fredevick Law Jumped from the Statue of Liberty. In the 1960s and 70s, the sport became more popular, partly *__to film-maker Carl Boenish, He made documentaries about BASE jumping ‘and also® of the name, He died in 1984 while he was Jumping in Norway. BASE jumping isa thriling experience, but tis very risky too, Listening Strategy The information that you need to understand in the recorded text may be expressed differently in the task. + Usten out for synonyms of key words inthe task. Key words are content words such as adjectives, nouns and verbs. + Also lsten aut for ways in which words with the opposite meaning, or negative verbs, coespond with key words in the task It rathor cole today.» thisn'- wary warm today. We won the match, 9 We ddntlase the match, 2 (@HED Read the istening Strategy. Then listen to Alex talking about wingsut flying. Wit the words he uses instead ofthe undetined words. 1 He spent a long time trying to find the right sport. 2. He disliked team games when he was a teenager. 3 He thinks wingsult fying isa great feeling, 4 Unfortunately itis expensive, HEED Unita Adventure 3 Usten to three other people talking about the extreme sports in the photos above. Match speakers 1-3. with photos A-C. 4 ESIED tsten again. re these sentences re (1) or false (2 Tohelp you, tstenforsynonyms or antonyms of the underlined words. speaker 1 When he ist saw the sport. he thought looked impossbie. L] 2 He thinks thespot fel worse when youre actually doingit. speater2 3 he wanted asport that was physically arcu.) 4 She often thins about the rts inolvedin her sport (7) Speaker 5 He was familar withthe sport before he went to Nicaragua.) 6 Hefound the expuince pot vervexiting (J 1 Jake looked atthe weather outside: it was grey, butt Aidit ain / wasn airing Contrast: past simple and past continuous I can distinguish the use of the past simple and the past continuous. choose the correct tense to complete the sentences. 4 Complete the second sentence so that ithasa similar ‘meaning tothe frst 1 hurt my finger while was playing the guitar. 2: fender se ajo taiiuee guest shattrt fae Winat yoo were you song? 2 Iwas watig home whence an 3 LugsichetThercmpute: poten /wasputngon Whi heron salt was eing etx 3 Sheree egwhe she was rang los ‘Steawainenndovbeaecomechidenmate/ shewastening wrematngeltefnosecutsce 4 Hees ulin nc wen socio 5 When tay nd sot tobe hey ane dir bleve werent belevgme 5 Shewasingire but er pry whens ated o 6 She didn't hear the doorbell because she had / was having laugh loudly. ieee Shesaned 2 complete the sentences Usethe pst simple form afone ee eae 6 bam 1 (see) Henryas|_— asthe band were playing theirfirst song, all the lights (ante tesprseete went 2 Whlewe (pate pnt ea a een 3 Minima pene the pry went Ee 5 compete th sentences wit your own eas. Us the pst aaswe. (walk) by the river, we simple or past continuous. (hear) a shout. 1 As Iwas getting off the bus, 5 We fotea vey muchwhewe ain att 2 Wows bygone en 6i Cdn my ads cfee hehe ito 3 faa ig happens 7 She. (drop) her new phone as she (put) it in her pocket. i fret cay nse psn while (wait forthe bus. 3 Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. = In January 2014, a doctor from New Zealand Luckily, James" (carry) a knife so ‘hac (have) a frightening experience with a shark — het ______ (use) it to fight off the shark Dut his calm reaction = (make) ‘Then he ™ __(get) out of the water ‘him the star of nows reports around the world. and (Wook) at his leg. Tho bit James Grant? (aa with were Scmlongandthey* _ (bleed) alot. James ™ (lean) his leg. friends one Saturday when a shark attacked rita ‘Thon he and his friends" (go}to him. He a tae ee? ———— thought ‘dink, somebody” _(give) James inhis leg. At first, be that his friends aa (play) a prank on him. bandage because his leg® ii’. (tum) around —but (bleed). He*____————_(go) to hospital for some treatment, but on Monday he we mebaieS (be) behind him. ‘Then ho? (reali) what Dack at work, (happen) LT word skits Word building Ican understand parts of speech and dictionary entries. 11 Write the noun form of these verbs. Some are 3. Study the dictionary entries. Then answer the questions below. the same as the verb explore /ik'spla:! verb to travel around a place, etc. in order to learn shout it They went on an expedition ta explore the River Amazon. © 1 complete completion (Gigurative) We needa expire (look carefully at all the T achiev posites before we decd. > exploration noun [U} 2 ie explorer /k’splzera/ mown [C] a person who travel 4 dream ‘im order to earn about it 5 argue 6 fal 1 Which nounis countable? Tian 2 Which nouns uncountable? as 3 Which noun has no definition? pt (Note: related nouns sometimes have no definition if the meaning is. 9 rescue clear without one) 4 Which entry has example sentences? 2 Complete the text with the noun formofthe 5 yy are there two examples, not one? verbs in brackets. You may need the plural form. 6 Which entry has no information about pronunciation? ‘VOCAB BOOST! Gj sometimes pictures with abel can help yu record and lear elated words Last year, atthe age of seventeen, ‘Mike Perham became the youngest sailor tocomplete a! (Circumnavigate) of the world alone. But this, ‘year, two sixteen-year-old girls are beginning ‘separate (autem) to beat his record. Last year, a thrteen-yearold utc i, Laura Dees, was fishing her (prepare) for the same Journey when a children’s court stopped he. Now aged fourteen, she's trying again, 1 seems that many teenagers today aren't interested in the normal forms of «entertain ant 5____ (rela) like video games, and sports, They want § (experince) that an really excite thet (Gmagine) and also help withthe (develop) of persona sil, So they choose (explore). Their amazing # (accomplish) certainly ook good on their CVs when it’ met find (employ). But for most of them, hat probaly tthe main (motivate). ‘al She salled to America gosaling~ Wewent callng ast summer 4 Read the Vocab boost! box. Then complete the labels and add any other words you can, Use adictionary to help you. J can understand a survival story. Reading Strategy ‘When you do a task with gapped sentences in a narrative text look carefully a the sentence before each gap and ‘think about what is likely to happen next. Then look at the options and see which ofthe sentences matches your Ideas. Finally, check thatthe text reads smoothly with your chosen sentence in place. Revision: Student's Book page 25 1 Match the pairs of adjectives with similar meanings. ut them in the correct columns. ‘astonishing bad big disgusting exhausted filthy good hungry sad_ stunning tasty terrifying tiny surprising ‘astenishing 3 Read the Reading Strategy. Match sentences A-G with gaps 2 delicious Sin the text There are two extra sentences. beautiful > [A During this time, Steven saw nine ships. 7 “fil 8 Water was coming in andthe boat was sinking fast. unpleasané . Buthe couldn't swim backto the yacht : ae 0 itcontainedlots of useful information about suvivingat sea. s He was planning to sll tothe Caribean sina F Some men were fishing near Steven's aft 7 beilant G Aionein the life aft Steven traveled stovly across the Tightening : ‘antic cean. asic 4 Read the text again, including the missing sentences -e the sentences tru (P) or false (F)? Write the paragraph huge’ (A-E) which contains the answer. * 1 Steven wanted to salto the Canary lands. Tor? (] Paragraph (_) ; . 5 ee 2 ‘Steven’ nightmare started four days into the trip.TorF? 2 Read the text. Underline five extreme adjectives from Pewee exercise 1 3 Steven managed to get some useful things from the sinking yacht. Tor? [_] Paragraph? [_] 4 Steven at birds and fh in orderto survive. Tor F? Alone at ea eet Oe pcatben toch) foams] (B)_0n 29 January 1982, Steven Callahan left the Canary Islands ina small yacht. z *__But a week later, during an awful storm, something (probably a whale) ht the yacht and made a huge hole in it, *__ He ha to act quickly! (&) Steven got into an inflatable life raft and just had time to get a sleeping 5 bag, a first-aid Kit, some food, maps, and a torch from the yacht before it sank, He also managed to get a copy of a book called Sea Survival. 5____ But he couldnt rescue the radio from the yacht. (E) *__hiis food ran out after afew days so he had to survive by catching seabirds, fish and flying fish, He drank rain water which 1 he caught in the raft. (©) After about two months at sea, the raft was 3,300 km from the place where the yacht sank. *___But unfortunately they didn’t ‘see him, He was beginning to he might not survive, LT speaking L Photo description Ican describe and speculate about a photo. 1 Label pictures 1-9 with the words below. boots dinghy helmet Mejacket paddles poles rope rucksack safety hamess S@rF = @ 2 kayaking? 3 walking hiking? 3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences about the photo below. 1 The photo seems / shows two children on a climbing wall. 2 They look /look as f quite young, 3 The boyon /at the lefts looking down. 4 AAt/In the background, there are some buildings. 5 Itlooks as / ike ifthe boys ae having.a good time. aw is ae 2 Which pieces ofequipment from exercise do you usefor 1 rock cimbing? 4 Read the Speaking Strategy. Then write five sentences to describe the photo below. Use phrases from exercise 3. ‘Speaking Strategy ‘Make sure your photo description hasasimple structure Start by saying what the photo shows n general (Who? What? Where). Then mention interesting details. You can finish with personal comment or same speculation. 1 general description) 2 (details-9) 3 speculation / comment) 5 Read the examiner’ questions inthe task and make notes. Describe the photo and answer the questions 11 Why do some people enjoy doing risky sports? 2 Isdoing risky sports the best way to see spectacular scenery, in your opinion? Why! /Why not? 6 Now do the task using your notes from exercises Sand 6. An invitation can write an invitation and a reply. Preparation 1 Label the photos with the words below. abseling jet-sking kayaking Kitesurfing mountain biking orienteering quadbiking rock climbing 5 6 7 8 Weling Strategy Writing Guide Ian informal text, youcan use common abbreviations | 4 Writean invitation toa party. Include these pints fteeg. and et. You should use short forms ken and + Givethe reason, datetime a place ofthe party. don't, not full forms (am and donot) ‘» Say what activities you are planning and what the person needs to bring, wear etc 2 Read the Writing Strategy. Then complete the invitation ‘and the reply with the abbreviations below. eg etc pm. PS RSVP "hope you ae wel im having a parcy on Saturday evening to celebrate the end of tur exams. Wele mating in the park at sc and playing sore games, * footba, yleyball and basketball. Then were having picnic. | am providing the rinks for everyaody, bu pease bring something to ea. {hope you ean come, ® fone Friday, pease! 5. imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to meetup. «= Say why you cannot meet him. ‘Suggest another activity ata later date. Do not forget to bring sore feast ‘Thanks for he invitation, bu nfraneel | camot mat. Were ging ana or the weeiand on Satrdy marin. ‘Are jou eround next eek? i woul be ice to meetup. We er navn ee an cat. lok at phos from the par. © (]@ Haveyou.~ See you so D) coveredailthe points in exercise 4 and in exercise 5? Andy (5) used short forms rather than fll forms? [C) used an abbreviation from exercise 2? [Z| checked your speling and grammar? 3. Underline three more full forms in exercise . Write the full forms and the short forms below. 1 you are youre 2 3 4 Unita Adventure

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