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There are several free referencing software options available, each with its own features and

benefits. Here are some of the popular ones:

1. Zotero: Zotero is a widely used open-source reference management tool. It allows
you to collect, organize, cite, and share research sources. Zotero supports various
citation styles and integrates with word processors like Microsoft Word and
LibreOffice (Farley and Smith 2020).
2. Mendeley: Mendeley is another popular choice for managing and organizing research
papers and references. It offers features such as document storage, annotation tools,
and citation generation (Heinberg 2010) . Mendeley also has a social networking
component, allowing researchers to collaborate and discover new content.
3. JabRef: JabRef is an open-source bibliography reference manager. It's particularly
popular among LaTeX users due to its seamless integration with LaTeX editors.
JabRef allows you to import references from various sources, organize them into
groups, and generate citations and bibliographies.
4. BibDesk: BibDesk is a reference management software for macOS users. It provides
tools for managing bibliographies, including importing references from online
databases, organizing them into groups, and generating citations. BibDesk also
integrates with LaTeX editors like TeXShop.
5. Citavi: Citavi offers both free and paid versions for reference management. The free
version allows you to manage up to 100 references per project. Citavi provides
features such as reference organization, PDF annotation, and citation generation. It
also offers collaboration tools and integration with Microsoft Word and LaTeX.
6. EndNote Basic: EndNote Basic is the free version of the popular reference
management software EndNote. While it has fewer features compared to the paid
version, it still offers basic reference management capabilities such as organizing
references, generating citations, and sharing libraries online.
Each of these software options has its own strengths and may cater to different preferences or
needs. It's a good idea to explore a few of them to see which one best fits your workflow and

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