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Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala

School of Physics & Materials Science

B. E. (II-Semester) 2019-20 Course Code: UPH004

6th March, 2020 Course Name: Applied Physics
Name of Faculty: ALK, DPS, PUL, DBD,
Time: 2 Hours, Max. Marks: 50 RKR, DKS, PPS
Note: Answer all the questions. All the symbols have their usual meanings.

Q1. (a) Derive the differential equation which describes the charge on the capacitor of
an LCR circuit. Explain the conditions for underdamped, overdamped and critically
damped oscillations of charge on the capacitor with the help of suitable diagrams. 4+4

(b) A ball of mass 25g hangs at the end of a spring. When another ball of mass lOg
is attached to the end of the spring, it stretches 2.5 cm more. Calculate the period of
the simple harmonic oscillation if the ball of mass lOg is removed. 4

Q2. (a) Describe the conditions of an acoustically good hall on the following criteria: (i)
loudness (ii) reverberation, (iii) intensity and (iv) noise. 6

(b) When the window of a hall is open, the reverberation time is 1.25s. If the
window is closed completely, the reverberation time increases to 1.29s. The
dimension of the hall is 25m x 20m x 1 Om. If the surface area of the window is 4
24m2, find the absorption coefficient of the material used in the window.

(c) "Logarithmic decrement is dependent on the relaxation time for a damped 2

oscillator". Is the statement true? Justify.

Q3. (a) Describe the construction and working of an oscillatory circuit used to generate
ultrasonic waves based on the principle of magnetostriction. 4+4

(b) Calculate the natural oscillation frequency of 100 mm long iron rod. Density and
Young's modulus of iron are 7.25g/cm3 and 1.15 x 10"N/m2 respectively. Can it be 4
used to produce ultrasonic wave?

Q4. (a) Write down the Maxwell's equations in differential form for free space. Hence,
prove that the EM waves propagate with the speed of light in free space. 4+3

(b) Calculate the divergence of the vector field f. = xyz I + yz j + z k

(c) "Time varying electric field generates magnetic field". Is the statement true?
Justify. 3

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