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University of Antique

– Main Campus
Laboratory Grade
School: Highschool Level: 12
Media and
Student Ma. Carla Joanna C. Learning Information
Teacher: Fabila Area: Literacy (MIL)
Detailed Teaching
Lesson Dates and February 21-22, 2024 Second Semester,
Plan Time: (Week 3) Quarter: 3rd Quarter

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy
Standard (MIL) and MIL related concepts.
B. Performanc The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the
e Standard community focusing on being a media and information literate individual.

C. Learning Learning Competencies

Competenc MIL11/12TYM-IIId10: classifies contents of different media types
y/ MIL11/12TYM-IIId11: defines media convergence through current
Objectives examples
MIL11/12TYM-IIId12: discusses to class on how a particular individual or
society is portrayed in public using different type of media

At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
1. Differentiate the contents of the various types of media and how it
contributes to the different types of media convergence;
2. Illustrate through the form of a poster, their own interpretation on
how media convergence affects their daily lives.

Values Integration: Students will develop their sense of accountability and

moderation whenever they are using the various types of media.
Topic: Types of Media
Subject Integration: Arts, History
A. References
1. Teacher’s Teaching Guide for Senior High School: MEDIA AND INFORMATION
Guide pages LITERACY pages 42-45
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, work sheets, Youtube videos:
IV. PROCEDU Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Preliminaries Good afternoon to each and every Good afternoon ma’am! It has been
one of you! How was your day so good.

Allow me to reintroduce myself. My

name is Ma. Carla Joanna Fabila, It is our pleasure too, ma’am.
your student teacher for this
semester. From today onwards, we
will be with you along with my
fellow student teacher, Realen
Gernalin. If you want to ask
questions and clarifications later,
you can look for me at the
Principal’s office. It is my pleasure
to be with you!

But first, let us check your Sure, Ma’am.


It seems like everybody is here.

A. Reviewing So last meeting, you finished Yes, ma’am.
previous discussing a topic. Can you recall
lesson or what was discussed to you by Sir
presenting Franc last time?
the new
lesson What was it again? The Eras of Media, ma’am.

Very good! Today we will have a

new topic. But before that, let us
first play a game.

The game is called “Guess the No, ma’am.

Gibberish”. Does anyone have an
idea about the game?

A gibberish phrase will appear on We want an example first ma’am!

the screen. I will give you 10
seconds to figure it out Raise your
hands if you know what the actual
phrase is! Do you want a sample
phrase for this one? Or do you want
to proceed to the actual game?

Okay. Guess this sample gibberish

Scooby Doo, ma’am?
Let’s see if your answer’s correct.

It was right! Now, we will proceed

to the actual game that I’d prepared
for you. Ready?

Let’s start! Ready!

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Print Media

Your answer is correct! Because you

answered correctly, what is a game, Thank you, ma’am!
without a price right? Come here to
the front and pick a ball pen that
you like.

Now, to our next gibberish phrase:

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Broadcast Media, ma’am!

Let’s check if your answer’s correct.

Brilliant! Get your ballpen here at Thank you, ma’am!
the front.

Let’s proceed to the next one:

In 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! New Media!

Is it?

Good job! You can get your price Thank you so much ma’am!

For our last phrase, I want everyone

to guess it!

Very good, students!

You’re all participative today! I hope

you’ll continue to be like that in our
following meetings. For those who
didn’t get a chance, you can have it
next time so stay tuned~
B. Establishing How did you feel about the game we It was fun ma’am!
a purpose for just played?
the lesson
I hope you’re energized now for our
3 pm class.

From the answers you’ve provided, Types of Media, ma’am.

do you now have an idea on what
our topic for today is?

Brilliant! I will be giving you

another activity. You can do it by 3s.
Please find your members or you
can just group yourselves with your
seatmates so we don’t waste so
much time.
C. Presenting On a ¼ sheet of paper, write your
examples/ names and divide it into 3 columns.
Instances of Write Print on the first column,
the new Broadcast on the second one, and
lesson New on the last one. I will flash a set
of words on the television and you
will classify these terms under each

I will give you 5 minutes to answer

No, ma’am.
that. Any clarifications?

Okay, 5 minutes is up! Let us now

We used its characteristics, ma’am.
discuss your answers. So, how did
For example, these terms are classified
you come up with them?
under print media because
newspapers and magazines are
printed while radio and television are
under broadcast because they are used
for broadcasting information.
You’re right. Does anyone have
No, ma’am.
other answers?
Okay, let’s proceed.
D. Discussing Before we discuss what are the
new concepts different Types of Media, let us first
and read our learning objectives.
practicing Everybody please read:
new skills # 1

Now, does anyone has an idea what

are the different types of media? As (students raise hand)
you have answered in your previous
activity, what are they?

Yes, Jade. The different types of media are: Print,

Broadcast and New Media, ma’am.
You are correct! There are 3
different Types of Media namely:
Print Media, Broadcast Media and
New Media. Here are its definitions.
Will anybody read it for me?

Yes, Lei.

Just like what you have said in our

activity earlier, this is a form of
media that is in the form of paper
and ink, and also a traditional form
of media.
• Did you know? Its earliest
form dates back to 868 AD
in China, it is a book entitled
“The Chinese Buddhist
Diamond Sutra” and it used No, ma’am.
woodblock printing. Are you
all familiar with woodblock

• So, wood block printing is a

printing technique wherein
images or words are carved
in reverse on a block of
wood then it is inked and
printed onto paper or cloth.
I will show a short clip of
this process to you.
• Now that woodblock
printing is clear to you, a
hundred years later that,
Johannes Gutenburg, a
goldsmith and inventor from
Mainz Germany invented
the first printing press in
1450 named The Gutenburg
• And in 1770, the first
newspaper was created
named The Boston Evening
Post in America while the
first newspaper in the
Philippines was the Del
Superior Govierno which
was published in 1811 by the
Spanish Governor General

Let us now proceed to the examples

of Print Media. We already
answered this one in our recent

Aside from the given examples, can Catalogs / Brochure / Flyers/

you give some of them? Coupons/ Periodicals/

Very good! What do you think is the

next type of Media? (Clue: It has Broadcast Media ma’am!
something to do with broadcasting)

Alright! Broadcast Media

Its examples are:

Do you think there are other forms Telephones/ Video Games/ Films or
of broadcast media other than the Movies/ Audio Recording (such as
ones provided in the slide? cassette tapes and phonographs)

• That the first radio

broadcast in the Philippines
was in 1924 when an
American named Henry
Herman Sr. established the
first AM station named
• While the first television
broadcast was in October 23,
1953 named DZAQ-TV
Channel 3. It was
established by Antonio
Quirino, brother of one of
the Philippine presidents
and telecasted by the Alto
Broadcasting System (ABS),
the forerunner of ABS-CBN.

Now, on our last type of Media, (student raises hand)

anyone can you please read?

Yes Carla.
Thank you, please take your seat.
New Media are those you see on
your social media platforms. These
are information that you can easily
access with just a click of your
fingers. Examples of New Media

I know you’re always on your

phones, tablets and laptops. Can Yes ma’am.
you name more of these platforms Google/ LinkedIn/ Instagram/
that you can access contents on? Emails/ Tumblr/ Pinterest/ etc.

Good job everyone! You are all

certified netizens.
E. Discussing Because of our continuous evolution
new concepts in technology, Media
and Convergence also emerged.
new skills # 2 Does anyone have an idea of what is No, ma’am.
the term Media Convergence all

Can anyone try? I will explain what (student raises hand)

Convergence is when two or more Ma’am, Media Convergence is the
things come together to form a new merging of two or more types of
whole. Now, can you try it one more media.
time? What is Media Convergence?

That’s it! Thank you, you may now

take your seat.

So, Media Convergence is…

• The co-existence of traditional and
new media.
• It is also the co-existence of print
media, broadcast media (radio and
television), the Internet, mobile
phones, as well as others, allowing
media content to flow across
various platforms.
• The ability to transform different
kinds of media into digital code,
which is then accessible by a range
of devices (ex. from the personal
computer to the mobile phone),
thus creating a digital
communication environment.

To understand this concept better, I

will let you watch a 4 minute and 30
seconds video clip about Media
Convergence. All eyes and ears must
be rendered because I will ask you
questions right after. You can also
take down notes. There will be a
deduction of points on the next Yes, ma’am.
activity if I see any of you not paying
attention or failing to answer my
questions. Do you understand?

F. Developing I hope you listened or read the

mastery subtitles attentively. Is everyone Yes ma’am.
(leads to ready for my questions, now?
Assessment) Based on the video, what is Media Media Convergence is the joining of
Convergence? distinct technologies into one.

Where did Media Convergence Media Convergence appeared from the

come from? digitalization of media content and
rapid internet usage which results in
allowing new forms of content to
emerge and the transformation of
various industries, services and work

What are the different types of Technological Convergence and

Media Convergence that were Cultural Convergence or Transmedia
mentioned in the video? Storytelling

There was a mention of the theory It argues that new visual media
of Remediation. What is it all achieve their cultural significance by
about? remodeling earlier media.
G. Making Based on what we have tackled
generalizatio today, how did new technologies
ns and lead to the convergence of
abstractions traditional and new media?
about the
lesson How does media convergence create
new opportunities for interaction?
H. Finding Now that we’re done with today’s
practical lesson, I have an activity for you.
application of This is to be done by 3s. Get ½
concepts and crosswise and don’t forget to write
skills in daily your names.

Copy the table above and fill in the

second and third column. Raise
your hands if there are any
clarifications. I will give you 10
minutes to finish it.

Are you all done? Pass your papers

to the center aisle and then to the Yes ma’am.
front. In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! All papers in?
I. Evaluating On a ¼ sheet of paper, answer the
learning following questions:

1. What type of media primarily

relies on text-based content for
a) Audio
b) Print
c) Video
d) Digital

2. Which of the following is an

example of digital media?
a) Newspaper
b) Magazine
c) Podcast
d) Radio

3. Which type of media

communicates primarily through
sound waves?
a) Print
b) Video
c) Audio
d) Digital
4. What type of media involves the
transmission of moving images and
a) Print
b) Audio
c) Video
d) Digital

5. Which media format is most

commonly associated with social
media platforms?
a) Video
b) Print
c) Audio
d) New

6. Podcasts are an example of which

type of media?
a) Print
b) Video
c) Audio
d) Digital

7. What type of media includes

platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and
a) Print
b) Audio
c) Video
d) Digital

8. What is media convergence?

a) The process of media
companies becoming more powerful
b) The integration of different
types of media platforms and
c) The competition between
traditional and digital media outlets
d) The process of media
conglomerates merging with
telecommunications companies

9. Which of the following is an

example of media convergence?
a) A newspaper launching its own
b) A radio station airing
commercials for a local TV network
c) A magazine publishing articles
about social media trends
d) A television channel creating a
new reality show

10. Which term refers to the

merging of different forms of media
content into one platform?
a) Divergence
b) Convergence
c) Segregation
d) Fragmentation

11. What role does technology play

in media convergence?
a) It has no impact on media
b) It enables the integration and
distribution of various media forms
c) It restricts access to media
d) It promotes traditional media
over digital media

12. Which industry has been

significantly affected by media
a) Healthcare
b) Agriculture
c) Entertainment
d) Transportation

13. What is transmedia storytelling?

a) A storytelling technique that
utilizes multiple media platforms to
tell a single story
b) A technique where a story is told
through a single medium
c) A technique that involves
storytelling without any media
d) A storytelling technique that
utilizes multiple media platforms to
tell multiple stories

14. Which of the following

franchises is an example of
successful transmedia storytelling?
a) Harry Potter
b) Lord of the Rings
c) The Hunger Games
d) The Chronicles of Narnia

15. What is the Theory of

a) It argues that new visual media
can be done without remodeling
earlier forms of media.
b) It argues that new audiovisual
media achieve their cultural
significance by remodeling earlier
forms of media.
c) It argues that new media
achieve their cultural significance
by remodeling earlier forms of
d) It argues that new visual media
achieve their cultural significance
by remodeling earlier forms of

1. b
2. c
3. c
4. c
5. a
6. c
7. c
8. b
9. a
10. b
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. a
15. d
J. Additional Take Home Activity:
activities for Group yourselves into 5 groups and
application or make a poster on a long size bond
remediation paper depicting how Media
Convergence is incorporated into
your lives. Does it benefit you or
affect you badly?

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:


Student Intern

Checked by:


Critique Teacher

Noted by:



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