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Topic: Dawn of Islam

Revision Worksheet

Q#1. In the seventh century CE, a revolutionary change took place on the sands of Arabia.
Compare the Arabian society before and after Islam.

Arabia in Age of Ignorance Arabia after the arrival of Islam

Q#2: Identify the wrong word and rewrite statement again.

a. Abraha, an Persian ruler attacked Kabaa in the Year of Elephant.


b. Islam had four pillars.


c. Kabba was built by Hazrat Muhammad and Hazrat Ismail.


d. Abdullah, father of Hazrat Muhamma was died after six months of His birth.

e. Hazrat Muhammad addressed 120,000 pilgrimage in the plain of Egypt.

Q#3: Encircle the correct option.
a. Abraha attacked Kaaba to destroy it so that people would come to Yemen for:
b. ‘Muhammad’ name was chosen by His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, meaning:
Praise Worthy
c. Hazrat Muhammad faced hardships in Makkah and forced to migrate Madina
because Makkan were planning to:
Take His property
Kidnapped Him
Persecute Him
d. Makkah was conquered by Muslims under the Command of Hazrat Muhammad
e. The Islamic Hijri Calendar is based on moon cycle and started when Hazrat
Muhammad (PBUH):
Started to preach Islam
Migrated to Madina
Performed Hajj
Q#4. Timeline of Prophet Life:

570 AD Hazrat was born

610 AD At the cave of Hira angel gabriel came

622 AD Migrated from Makkah

630 AD Again gained rule of Makkah

632 AD Did hajj

12 Rabi Ul Awal (632 AD) Death

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