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24 년 테헤란세종학당 입학지원서

(Farsi) ‫فامیلی‬:‫فخرآبادی‬
Name Name: Asal
‫بر اساس شناسنامه‬
English Surname: Fakhrabadi

ID Number)‫(کدملی‬/
Foreign registration 0926955063
number)‫(کد اتباع خارجی‬
The last course of study in which you having studied or are studying
(Just choose between the following cases of High school / Bachelor / MA /
교육 P.H.D)
Major: Financial Management
Name of the High school /(last) University: Islmic Azad University Central
Tehran Branch
Turkish Teacher
방법 Just choose between the following cases of
way of study self-study / Institution (Name of Institution)
한국어 학습 경험
Experience of studying Korean
기간 Duration From ______/______ To ______/_______
**Please fill in the question in
Year/Month (개월/month in total: )
just case you were studying by
yourself or at another Level (수준)
The Name of latest learned book
(마지막으로 끝낸 교재)

Home Tel -
(For example: 021- 000-0000)
Cell phone
Personal Information 0992-141-8933
(For example: 0912- 000-0000)

자기소개서 (Cover letter/Self-Introduction)
(To be written in Korean language only. In case you do not know any Korean, it is possible to write in English)

Introduce yourself briefly (간단한 자기소개)

My name is Asal . I'm 19 years old but it's my birthday a few days later so I'm turning 20 years old.
I live in Tehran right now but I was born in Mashhad and I moved to Tehran because I got accepted
from Azad University of Tehran and also I've started teaching Turkish language in institute after I
got my TTC certificate .
Explain your reason of studying Korean (한국어를 배우는 이유)
The reason I decided to study the Korean language traces back to the past. During a period when
Korean series such as "동이" "대장금" and "주몽 편" were airing on television, I found myself
increasingly captivated by the culture and its people. Consequently, I embarked on a journey to
delve deeper into Korea's culture, history, and language. As my knowledge expanded, so did my
enthusiasm. Therefore, I am motivated to learn the Korean language.
Explain your future dreams or plan (한국어를 배운 후 계획 또는 꿈)
Everyone has a dream. Although these dreams aren’t the ones you have while sleeping, they are
the ones that drive you, challenge you and keep you fighting for the reality that they will become
true. They are the dreams that you will work hard for.
When I was studying at high school I always dreamt the day that I'm a polyglot and I can speak
different languages such as Korean ,Turkish ,English , ..
Even right now thinking about it makes me feel great.
I always wanted to have a platform for myself to talk about and show the cultures,histories and
people of the countries that I have learned their languages to the people all over the world by
talking in thier languages .
The main goal of learning Korean language for me is to be capable to talk korean language fluently
cause it's my childhood dream and also achieving to the ability of teaching Korean to the other
people who's interested in.

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