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Name of student____________________________________ SECTION________________


(100 marks)
Subject Number: M081
Tuesday March 14 Time allowed: 2 hrs 10:30-12:30 pm

Tick Qns 21 Do not write in

Instructions to 25 if these columns
1. This paper contains 12 printed
pages. 1-20
Please check. 21
2. Before beginning to answer these 22
questions write your Full Name in
the spaces provided at the top of 23
every page of the question paper.
3. Answer all the questions on this each
paper. 25

4. Follow instructions for each section

5. In the table provided on this page,
tick against the question number you
have answered.
6. Hand in your completed question
paper when time is called to stop
SECTION A (20 marks)

Answer all questions in this section by encircling the correct answer

1. .The following were similarities in 4. Which of the following were positive

the social organization of the Lomwe impacts of the Ngoni on the
and the Yao except indigenous people

A. Both followed matrilineal system of 1.The Ngoni united local people

inheritance against colonial rule
2.The Ngoni promoted christianity
B. Both were defeated By Nyamazana 3.The Ngoni introduced judicial
C. Both did not come to Malawi under a system
single political leadership 4.The Ngoni protected people
against slave trade
D. Both developed the concept of
paramount chief in Malawi A . 1,2 and 4

2. Which of the following was a B. 2,3 and 4

Lomwe sub group C. 1,3 and 4
A. Nsamala D. 1,2 and 3
B. Manyawa 5. What term was used to describe the
C. Tuta political instability or wars in the
Natal region of South Africa during
D. Khumalo the 19th century

3. Which of the following was a factor A. Ndebele

that attracted the Lomwe to settle in
the Southern part of Malawi? B. Nxaba

A. Weakness of the local people C. Mfecane

B. The place was rich in trade items such D. Nguni

as ivory 6. Which of the following were
C. The area had good grazing land for similarities between Ngoni and
their livestock Ndebele societies

D. It was a good raiding area for 1. Both crossed Limpopo river in 1837
livestock 2. Both were patrilineal societies
3. Both were ruled by unchallenged A. It was a profitable business.
B. African ivory was easy to curve.
4. Both practised polygamy
C. There was a great need to make
A. 1,3 and 4 Ornaments in Asia.

B.1,2 and 4 D. Ivory was plentiful in Africa.

C. 2,3 and 4 10.Which of the following reasons best

explains why Islam did not make much
D. 1,2 and 3 progress in Karonga ?
7.Name the Portuguese who travelled A. There were no wandering Muslim
between Sofala and Zimbabwe between missionaries
1511 and 1515 ?
B.A bsence of traditional elements in
A. Fransisco d'Almeida the Ngonde culture similar to Arabic
B. Fransisco Barreto customs.

C. A ntonio Fernandez C. the British influenced the Ngonde

people to resist Islam
D . Vasco Da Gama
D.karonga was highly populated than
8. Which one of the following was a step Nkhotakota
taken by African chiefs to meet high
demand for gold? 11.The following was a reason why Chiwere
Ndhlovu welcomed Dutch Reformed Church
A. Travelling to the coast to meet in his area
A. Source of prestige
B. Placing governors in strategic areas
to collect trade items for the King. B. He expected financial benefits

C. Making treaties with middlemen to C. He hoped that the missionaries would

collect more resources. provide him with firearms

D. Demanded tributes from the D. He feared internal rebellion by

Europeans. Chingwaru Ngwaru and Malunda

9. Which of the following was a local factor

for the increase in Ivory trade in Central
12. Why did Cecil John Rhodes send John 15. On what grounds did the Portuguese
Moffat to negotiate with Lobengula on claim Nyasaland as their territory?
behalf of the British?
A. They were following Portuguese
A. John Moffat was already known by missionaries
Lobengula and Lobengula would easily
listen to him B. They were interested in the well
being of the people
B. John Moffat was a good orator who
could easily convince Lobengula C. They had treaties with chiefs
along the Lake and Shire River.
C. John Moffat was a son of Robert
Moffat, a missionary such that he could not D. They had defeated chiefs in the
cheat shire highlands

Lobengula 16.Which of the following were causes of

Chilembwe uprising?
D. John Moffat had already done a
similar task before 1. Chilembwe was influenced by the
USA government
13.Why were the colonial administrative
policies on Northern Rhodesia less severe on 2. Land alienation in the Shire
Africans than those of Southern Rhodesia? highlands.

A. Chiefs in the area were submissive 3 .Effects of the Second World War
to the Portuguese 4. Thangata system
B. There were few Europeans in A. 1 and 2
Northern Rhodesia
B.2 and 3
C. Majority of Christian Europeans
were already there C. 3 and 4

D.The queen had more direct control D. 2 and 4

over Northern Rhodesia
17. Which of the following was the aim of
14. How was the occupation of North non disturbance clause in Nyasaland?
Eastern Rhodesia achieved?
A. It enabled the BSA company
A. By signing treaties implement its projects

B.Through conquest B. It protected Africans living on

settlers' land
C. Through religion
C. It protected European investors
D.Through arbitration in Nyasaland
D. It paved way for the almagation B.The Europeans had economic
of Nyasaland resources unlike the Africans

18. Which of the following agencies C. Most of the Africans were

supplied labour to South Africa from uneducated to monitor land issues
D.Most of the Africans were
A. Rhodesia Native Labour Bureau disrespectful to the Europeans

B.Witwatersrand Native Labour 20. Which one was a positive impact of

Association labour migration in Nyasaland

C. Robert Williams and company 1.Introductio of foreign goods

D.Northern Rhodesia Native 2.Political consciousness

Labour Bureau
3. Introduction of human rights
19. Why was the best land left in the hands
of European settlers in Nyasaland? 4. Source of income

A. African farmers were only A. 1,3 and 4 B.2,3 and 4

interested in practicing shift cultivation. C. 1, 2 and 3 D.1, 2 and 4

SECTION B (60 marks)

Answer all questions in this section

21a.Mention any two groups of the Yao that migrated into Malawi (2 marks)

b. In what way was Southern Malawi an ideal place for the Yao settlement? Explain any two
points. (4 marks) c. Describe how each of the following factors led to the migration of the
Lomwe from Mozambique

i. Harsh treatment by the Portuguese government (2 marks)

ii. Need for economic gains (2 marks)
d. List down any two negative impacts which the Ngoni had on the indigenous people (2

e. Why did the Maseko Ngoni decide to leave the following places and start migrating again?

i. Domwe hills (2 marks)

ii. Songea (2 marks)

f. Describe any two social classes of the Ndebele (4 marks)

22 a. Explain two reasons for the Portuguese victory over the Arabs in the Land of Zanj (4

b. Mention two other European countries which provided competition to the Portuguese
interest in control of gold in Central Africa (2 marks)

c. Explain any two positive impacts of slave trade in Central Africa (4 marks)

d.Apart from the efforts of Jumbe,what other factors facilitated the spread of Islam in
Nkhotakota? (4 marks)

e. Explain any two problems which were encountered by the UMCA at Magomero (4 marks)

f. List down any two strategies used by David Livingstone to open up Central Africa for
missionary work (2 marks)

23 a. Describe any two factors that led to British interest in the Southern Rhodesia (4 marks)

b. state two terms of Moffat Treaty (2 marks)

c. Why did the following groups of people resist British occupation in North Eastern Rhodesia?

i. Ngoni of Mpezeni (2 marks)

ii. Bemba (2 marks)

d. Explain any two factors that influenced Lewanika to invite the British to settle in his area (4

e. List down two European countries which competed with Britain in the colonization of
Nyasaland (2 marks)

f. Why did Sir Harry Johnston introduce the following polices during the colonial rule?

i. Certificate of claim (2 marks)

ii. Non disturbance clause (2 marks)

Essay questions

Answer only one question in this section. Answer the question in an essay form. Failure to
answer the questions in an essay form will lead to automatic loss of seven marks.

24. Discuss the factors that led to the rapid spread of Islam among the Yao in Malawi (20 marks)

25. Discuss the impact of labour migration on Nyasaland (20 marks)

(20 MARKS)


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