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Class 11 Statistics

Introduction :
There are 2,000 students in a college. An investigator wants to collect data regarding their
family background. He has two possible choices. First, he collects information relating to
all the 2,000 students. Second, he collects information relating to some of the students. In
Statistics, the first approach for collecting data is called Census Method and the second
approach is called Sample Method. The present chapter focuses on a comprehensive study
of the census and sample methods of data collection.

Universe and Population :

In statistics, universe or population refers to an aggregate of items
to be studied for an investigation. The term Population means the
aggregate of all items about which we want to obtain information.

Sample :
A sample is a group or collection of items from the universe wherein the characteristics of
the former are supposed to represent characteristics of the latter.
 Census method is the method in which data are
Census collected covering every item of the universe or
Method population relating to the problem under
 The most suitable example of the census method is the
census of the population which is conducted every ten
years through house-to-house enquiry and even
people living at the roadside are contacted in India.

Suitability of Census Method

Small size of the population
Widely diverse items in the population
High degree of accuracy and reliability
Requirement of intensive examination of different items
Merits Demerits
1) Reliable and Accurate : Results based on
1) Costly : Census method is very costly
census method are accurate and highly
and only the government or some big
reliable. This is because each and every
item of the population is studied. institutions can afford to use this
2) Study of Diverse Characteristics : By using method and not used it for ordinary
the census method, one can study diverse investigations.
characteristics of the universe. 2) Not Suitable For Large Investigations :
3) Indirect Investigation : Census method If the universe comprises a large
can be successfully used in indirect number of items, then it may not be
investigations relating to unemployment, possible to cover every item.
poverty, corruption etc. 3) Large Manpower : Census method
4) Less Biased : Results based on the census requires a lot of manpower. Training
method are less biased. It is because of
a large number of enumerators
the absence of the investigator’s
becomes essential, which is a very
discretion regarding the selection of
sample items. difficult process.
Sample  Sample method is that method in which data is
collected about the sample on a group of items taken
Method from the population for examination and conclusions
are drawn on their basis.
 For example : By examining only a few drops of
blood, a doctor determines the blood group of a

Suitability of the Sampling Method

The size of the population is very large
Very high degree of accuracy is not needed
Intensive examination of diverse items is not required
When different units of the universe are broadly similar to each other
Merits Demerits
1) Economical : Sample method of 1) Partial : It is only a partial
investigation is economical because only
some units of the population are studied.
investigation of the universe. The
2) Time-saving : In this method, only investigator’s bias in the selection
0limited number of the items are of the sample is not ruled out.
investigated. As such the process of 2) Difficulty in Framing a Sample :
investigation is time-saving, not time- Sometimes the universe may be so
3) Identification of Error : Because only a
diverse that it becomes difficult to
limited number of items are covered, frame a sample.
errors can be easily identified. 3) Wrong Conclusions : If the selected
4) More Scientific : According to R. Fisher, sample does not represent the
the sampling method is more scientific characteristics of the universe, the
because the sample data can be
conveniently investigated from various study may end up with wrong
angles. conclusions.
Essentials of a Sample
1) Representative :
 A sample must represent all the characteristics of the
universe. It is only possible when each unit of the
universe stands an equal chance of being selected in the sample.
2) Independent :
 Inclusion of one item in the sample should not be dependent upon the
inclusion of some other items of the universe. All units of the sample must be
independent of each other.
3) Homogeneity :
 If more than one sample is selected from a universe,
these samples should be homogenous to each other.
4) Adequacy :
 The number of items in the sample should be fairly adequate so that some
conclusions are drawn covering the characteristics of the universe as a whole.
Methods of Sampling

Random Stratified Quota

Sampling Sampling Sampling

Purposive Systematic Convenience

Sampling Sampling Sampling
Random Random sampling is a method of
Sampling sampling in which every item of the
universe has an equal chance of being
selected in the sample.

It may be done in any of the following ways :

Lottery Method Tables of Random Numbers

In this method, paper slips are made for

Some statisticians have prepared a set of
each item of the universe. These slips are
tables called Tables of Random Numbers.
shuffled in a box. Then impartially, some
A sample is framed concerning these
of the slips are drawn to form a sample of
the universe.
Merits Demerits
 This method is free from the  Random sampling does
personal bias of the not give weightage to
investigator. certain important items in
 Each and every item of the the universe.
universe stands equal  This method does not
chances of being selected. guarantee a
 This is a very simple and proportionate
straightforward method. representation of
 The universe gets fairly different items in
represented by the sample. the universe.
Purposive Purposive sampling is that method in
Deliberate which the investigator himself makes the
choice of the sample items which in his
opinion are the best representative of the
Merits Demerits
 It is a very simple technique of  There is a possibility of
selecting of the sample items. personal bias in the selection
 Selection of items can be deliberately
of items.
tuned to the purpose of the study.
 This method is flexible to allow the  Because of the possibilities of
inclusion of those items in the sample personal bias, the reliability of
which are of special significance. the results becomes doubtful.
Stratified or  According to this method of sampling, population is divided
into different strata having different characteristics and
some of the items are selected from each other strata, so
Sampling that the entire population gets represented.
 It is also called the mixed technique of sampling because this
method involves the mixture of both purposive and random

Merits Demerits
 This method covers diverse  This has a limited scope because this
method is only suitable when there is
characteristics of the population.
complete knowledge about the diverse
 This method of sampling offers
characteristics of the population.
reliable as well as meaningful results.
 When the size of the population is
 On the Basis of diverse characteristics
already small, it may be difficult to
of the population, a comparative further divide it into smaller
analysis of the data becomes possible. parts/strata.
Systematic According to this method, units of the
Sampling population are numerically, geographically
and alphabetically arranged. Every nth
item of the numerical items is selected as a
sample item.

Merits Demerits
 Every item in the population does not
 This is a very simple method. get an equal chance of being selected
Sample is easily determined. because only the first item is selected
 There is hardly any based on random sampling.
possibility of personal bias in  If all the items in the population are
homogenous, this method of sampling
this method. serves no specific purpose.
 In this method, the population is divided into
Quota different groups or classes according to
Sampling different characteristics of the population.
 This method of sampling is not very expensive.
But there is a high possibility of personal
 bias at the time of selection of the items by the
 In this method, sampling is done by the
investigator in such a manner that suits his Sampling
 This method is the simplest and least
expensive, but unscientific and unreliable. It
depends too much on the whims of
Reliability of Sampling Data
1) Size of the Sample :
 Reliability of sampling depends on the size of the sample.
If its size is very small, it will fail to represent the population.
2) Method of Sampling :
 If the method of sampling is not simple, it will not
adequately represent the population.
3) Training of Enumerators :
 Reliability of the sample also depends upon the training of the investigators.
If they are not trained to make them experts in their field of investigation,
the sample will lack reliability.
4) Bias of Correspondents and Enumerators :
 Personal bias of the enumerators should be as less as possible. Otherwise, the
reliability of the sampling data is bound to suffer.
The Differences Between Census Method and Sampling Method are :
Basis Census method Sampling method
In the census technique, an In the sampling method, only some of
investigator collects information the items which represent the
relating to all the items in the population are covered for an
population. investigation.
This method is suitable when the area This method is suitable when the area
of investigation is relatively small. of investigation is large.
Cost This method is more expensive. This method is less expensive.
The sampling method is less time-
Time The census method is a time consuming
The Census method is particularly
The sampling method is suitable when
Nature of suitable when the items in the
the items in the population are
Items population have diverse
There is generally a greater degree of
There is less accuracy and reliability in
Accuracy accuracy in the results based on the
the sampling method.
census method.

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