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The Effectiveness of Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) as an Algae and Moss Removal on

Concrete Surfaces

A Research Paper Presented to the Senior High School Faculty of

Calamba National Comprehensive High School
DBAN, Calamba Misamis Occidental

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements in Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion under the
Mentorship of Ms. Maris B. Muñoz


Leah Joy C. Puyod

Sherly Bagundol
Boni Joshua B. Benson
Lerche Mae L. Macalisang
Leones D. Puya
Jerich John Iver Sumaylo
Bel Krisley Tejada
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | ii


First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His showers of

blessings throughout our research and its successful completion.

The researchers would also like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our

research adviser, Ms. Maris B. Muñoz for providing us invaluable support and giving us

knowledge on how to conduct this research.

The researchers’ gratitude also extends to Calamba National Comprehensive High

School principal. Mrs. Nena T. Arcay, and Mrs. Marietess M. Santos, SHS focal person, for

allowing us the opportunity to conduct our research. Also, to Mrs. Diomelyn A. Singidas, for

validating our research. We appreciate the time, expertise, and valuable feedback, which have

contributed to the refinement and credibility of our study.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to the participants who willingly helped with

their full cooperation which has made the research study achieve its smooth completion. We

would also like to give thanks for the time and knowledge that you have given us to conduct

this study.

Last but not the least, to our dearest parents for their deep consideration for the

finances and undying support throughout the making of our research study. As well as for

their words of encouragement to all those nights that we’ve spent making the research study.
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | iii


Title Page i
Acknowledgement ii
Table of Contents iv
Abstract v
Introduction 1-2
Statement of the Problem 3
Significance of the Study 4
Scope and Delimitation 4
Theoretical Framework 5
Conceptual Framework 5
Definition of Terms 6
Research Design 7
Research Environment 7
Samples 8
Research Instrument 8
Data Gathering Procedure 9
Statistical Treatment 9
Ethical Consideration in Conducting Research 10
Results and Discussion 11-20
Summary of Findings 21
Conclusion 22
Recommendations 23
References 24-26
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | iv


This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of malunggay leaf extract as an

algae and moss removal on concrete surfaces. Additionally, this study aims to determine the
inhibitory concentration (MIC) required for the effective inhibition of algae and moss,
duration of exposure to the extract affects its efficacy in reducing algae and moss, examining
the relationship between the concentration and the reduction, application in regrowth rates
over time, and comparing the extract with traditional agents. The research instrument to be
used in this study is observation. Based on the results gathered from our experiment, there are
7 various concentrations and 4 same concentrations with different areas that are effective in
removing moss. However, the result also appeared that malunggay leaf extract is not effective
in inhibiting algae due to some reasons. The duration of exposure to the extract is effective in
48 hours. It also appears that in any concentrations applied in different duration and sizes, no
regrowth of moss is identified. Additionally, in comparing the malunggay leaf extract versus
chemical agent, it shows that chemical agent is more effective than the malunggay extract.
Overall, this study succeeded in investigating malunggay leaf extract in removing moss but
not in algae.

Keywords: malunggay leaf extract, algae and moss, concrete surfaces

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |1

Chapter 1

The Problem

Concrete is the most widely used building material in the world, and it plays a very

important role in building modern infrastructures (Zhang, Z.et al., 2022). Concrete surfaces

are commonly found in various infrastructures such as buildings, roads, bridges, and

sidewalks. These surfaces are prone to the growth of algae and moss, especially in areas with

high humidity and moisture (Nia, S. B., et al., 2023).

The algae growth is influenced by available water supply including rain,

condensation, and water vapor (Nakajima, M., 2020). They grow very well in places where

water is retained especially in parts of buildings. Algae also occur more frequently in spots

where trees and bushes grow close to buildings. Building materials are regularly affected by

the growth of microalgae. Colonization can cause biodeterioration of the material (Martinez,

T., Bertron, et al., 2019).

Microalgae can induce microbiologically influenced corrosion that leads to

degradation of the concrete structures (Olivia, M., et al., 2018). Algae have been noted to

trigger concrete corrosion due to the humic acids resulting from their putrefaction, and due to

the carbon dioxide released after photosynthesis. This effect results in the cracking of

concrete which eventually exposes reinforcing to corrosion (Petru, M., et al., 2011). Due to

their adaptation mechanisms and wide ecological tolerance, green algae undoubtedly have a

high potential to accelerate the degradation of building materials (Nowicka-Krawczyk,


On the other hand, moss that grows on building materials tends to cause deterioration

and damage to the material. Mosses have a negative influence on building materials because

they produce oxalic acid which can cause hydration in the material. Moss grows on historical
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |2

buildings and causes erosion in the building materials. The erosion of building materials

occurs due to the influence of weather and lack of maintenance. (Chairunnisa, I., et al., 2018).

The growth of mosses and algae on facades has always been viewed as a negative

phenomenon due to the random and shabby growth conditions. (Mustafa, K. F., et al. 2021).

Traditional methods of algae and moss removal such as bleach often involve the use

of strong chemicals that can be harmful to both the environment and human health. The

method is low-cost, but the removal efficiency is slow and unsuitable for the treatment of

sudden algae bloom. The chemical method can kill algae quickly, but it is easy to cause

secondary pollution. (Zeng, G., et al., 2023). When these chemicals runoff into waterways,

they can disrupt aquatic ecosystems and harm aquatic life.

Plant extracts with antimicrobial properties, such as Moringa Oleifera leaf extract, are

one of the plants used for this purpose due to their antimicrobial compounds such as phenolic,

polyphenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, terpenoids, steroids, tannins, cardio glycosides,

amino acids and proteins. These extracts contain compounds that can inhibit the growth of

microorganisms (Bancessi, A., et al., 2020). Accordingly, this indicates good feasibility for

controlling the growth of algae and moss using such plant-producing polyphenols and/or

phenols as additives. (Nakai, S., et al. 2020). According to the study by Singh, G. et al.

(2020), Moringa oleifera was found to be very effective for mixed-culture microalgae

harvesting and has shown significant improvement in pond water quality. However, it hasn’t

been discovered that Moringa oleifera works well at decomposing mosses and algae on

surfaces like concrete.

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |3

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the moringa oleifera leaf extract as an algae and moss

removal on concrete surfaces.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the minimum inhibitory of the different concentration (MIC) of malunggay

leaf extract required to effectively inhibit algae and moss growth on concrete surfaces?

A. Duration in reducing algae and moss on concrete surfaces

2. What is the relationship between the same concentration of malunggay leaf extract

and the reduction in algae and moss on different coverage on concrete surfaces?

3. How do application of malunggay leaf extract treatments impact the rate of algae

and moss regrowth on concrete surfaces over time?

4. What is the comparative effectiveness of malunggay leaf extract versus a standard

chemical agent in reducing algae and biomass on concrete surfaces, as measured by

quantitative assessments?
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |4

Significance of the Study

These studies have significance in several areas. The results of this study will be
beneficial to the following:
Property owners. This study can be beneficial to property owners as it can prolong

the lifespan of structures.

Society. This study offers an eco-friendly alternative to a chemical-based anti-

microbial agent that can be harmful to human health and the environment.

Future researchers. This study can benefit future researchers as it provides insights

into the application of moringa oleifera leaf extract as an antimicrobial agent.

Scope and Delimitations

This study only aims to investigate the moringa oleifera leaf extract as an algae and

moss removal on concrete surfaces. Additionally, this study aims to determine the inhibitory

concentration (MIC) required for the effective inhibition of algae and moss, duration of

exposure to the extract affects its efficacy in reducing algae and moss, examining the

relationship between the concentration and the reduction, application in regrowth rates over

time, and comparing the extract with traditional agents. The study will occur at Calamba

National Comprehensive High School during the fourth quarter of the S.Y. 2023-2024.

However, due to a lack of laboratory facilities, the researchers will not undergo chemical

analysis. Additionally, it will be noted that temperature, humidity, and sunlight exposure will

be inconsistent across the surfaces since the concentration will be tested in different areas.
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |5

Theoretical Framework

Algae and moss growth on concrete surfaces is a common occurrence, especially in

areas with high humidity, moisture, and shade. There are various methods for algae and moss

removal from concrete surfaces, but each has its limitations in terms of environmental

concerns, effectiveness, and cost. Several previous studies have investigated the antimicrobial

properties of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract and its effectiveness in inhibiting microbial

growth. It contained a huge quantity of phenolic compounds, principally flavonoids, phenolic

acids, and their glycosides. Alkaloids, tannins, saponins, isothiocyanate, and glucosinolate

were also found in moringa oleifera leaf (Rocchetti et al., 2020). These bioactive compounds

can disrupt microbial cell membranes, inhibit enzyme activity, and interfere with protein

synthesis in algae and moss. Polyphenols may also destroy membrane integrity, change cell

morphology, affect cell metabolism, and leak cellular content. Destruction of the

phospholipid bilayer causes cell death through alterations of cell division and physiological

functions (Zhang, Y. et al., 2019)

Conceptual Framework

Moringa Oleifera
Leaf Extract
Reduction of Regrowth rate of
algae and moss algae and moss

The framework shows that the concentration of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract and

duration are being manipulated by the researchers. The independent variable is expected to

affect the reduction of algae and moss coverage and regrowth rate on concrete surfaces,
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |6

which are the dependent variables. The moderating variables are external factors that can

influence the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. For example,

Definition of Terms

Algae and Moss. Types of microorganisms that can grow on concrete surfaces.

Antimicrobial. A substance to inhibit the growth or kill the algae and moss.

Concentration. Amount of moringa oleifera leaf extract present in a solution used for treating

algae and moss on concrete surfaces.

Concrete surfaces. Solid surfaces that are made of a composite material.

Moringa Oleifera. A plant that is known for being rich in bioactive compounds.

Temperature. The measure of hotness or coldness.

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |7

Chapter 2

Research Methods

The research methodologies were presented in this chapter. It will cover the research

design, research environment, data gathering procedure, research instrument, statistical

treatment, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

This study used a true experimental research design. This is one of the most accurate

study designs to investigate the relationship of moringa oleifera leaf extract as an algae and

moss removal on concrete surfaces. This design is suitable because it provides sufficient

evidence to show the presence of correlations, and the researcher has complete control over

the procedure, which helps to decrease errors in the results. This boosts the research’s


Research Environment

The study will be conducted in Calamba, Misamis Occidental focusing on areas

wherein there’s an excessive growth of algae and moss. The temperature of the location is not

constant since the concentration will be tested in different areas. The surroundings of the area

are an open area but not direct to sunlight and the area is exposed to water.
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |8


Moringa Oleifera

The formulation process of moringa oleifera agent will undergo three phases: first, the

collection of moringa oleifera leaves; second, the blending moringa oleifera leaves and third,

store in 250mL plastic bottles.

First, malunggay leaves were harvested from the neighborhood and the area around

the researchers' house because there were a lot of Moringa oleifera plants in those areas. The

leaves and stems were separated by the researchers after the collection process. Second was

the blending process, where malunggay leaves were meticulously blended into a liquid using

a blender. Third, storage the formulated liquid in 250mL and 500mL plastic bottles.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data, the researchers will use the moringa oleifera concentration in terms

of the perceptive duration of algae and moss removal from concrete surfaces using the

concentrations that will mix with water; fixed volume. Subsequently, the process will be the

perceived duration on the regrowth of moss and algae on the concrete surfaces. Then,

comparing the removal of the effectiveness of the extract versus the chemical agent in

reducing algae and moss. Lastly, the perceived rate of regrowth in the concrete surfaces

treated with extract. The data collected through this procedure will provide valuable insights

into the potential of moringa oleifera for removing algae and moss on concrete surfaces.
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete Page |9

Research Instruments

The research instrument to be used in this study is observation. The researchers

employed non-participant observation, wherein they acted solely as observers without

actively participating in the observed group. The researchers will observe the concentration

of moringa oleifera leaf extract in the same and different coverage areas and how the duration

impacts reducing algae and moss on concrete surfaces. Additionally, the researchers will also

observe the various concentrations and the rates of algae and moss regrowth on concrete

surfaces treated with extract. Observation is used to point out the goal of the research which

is to investigate the moringa oleifera as an anti-microbial agent for algae and moss removal

on concrete surfaces. The 5- point Likert scale ranging from 1-5: (1-1.80) The algae and moss

was not removed (1.81-2.60) The algae and moss was slightly removed (2.61-3.40) The algae

and moss was moderately removed (3.41-4.20) The algae and moss was largely removed

(4.21-5.00) The algae and moss was completely removed.

Statistical Treatment

The study used the following tools in analyzing the data gathered with the use of

manual computing using calculator. Mean was used to investigate the malunggay leaf extract

on coverage areas and the duration reduction in algae and moss on concrete surfaces.
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 10

Ethical Considerations

These guidelines will be followed and developed to provide a study that is reasonable,

accurate, and fact-based.

Data Integrity. The researchers will preserve the accuracy and objectivity of data

gathering, processing, and reporting by abstaining from selective or manipulative reporting of


Transparency in Reporting. The researchers will provide a clear and open report of the

study paper's procedures, findings, and potential drawbacks.

Responsible Authorship. The researchers will make sure that everyone who

contributed to the study is properly credited and acknowledged, abstaining from plagiarism.

and upholding academic integrity.

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 11

Chapter 3

Results and Discussion

In this chapter, the presentation and discussion of the collected data focus on

investigating the effectiveness of malunggay (moringa oleifera) as an algae and moss

removal on concrete surfaces, in line with the research’s objective. In moss, the researchers

collected 7 various concentrations with same sizes and 4 same concentrations with different

sizes that are effective in inhibiting moss. While in algae, no concentrations are effective in


Perceived effectiveness of the different concentrations of malunggay leaf extract in

removing algae and moss

Table 3.1

The different concentrations of malunggay that are effective in inhibiting moss

Concentrations Perceived effectiveness

100mL Slightly removed
110mL Slightly removed
140mL Slightly removed
150mL Slightly removed
160mL Slightly removed
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 12

180mL Slightly removed

190mL Slightly removed

Table 3.1 shows the concentration of malunggay leaf extract that has perceived

effectiveness in inhibiting moss in concrete surfaces. Seven concentrations are found to have

inhibition, yielding a slight removal of moss. Several factors could contribute to this observed

limited efficacy. According to Cozzolino A. (2022), the colonization of stone monuments by

an organism depends on the chemical-physical properties of a material, which is based on the

surface roughness, and exposure. On the other hand, unlike its observed effectiveness in

inhibiting moss growth, the concentrations of malunggay solution tested did not effectively

inhibit algae growth. Microalgae biomass harvesting from growth medium is still a challenge.

It is a slow process on its own and generally needs to be induced chemically (Yang, Z., Hou,

J., & Miao, L. 2021). Algae may have different physiological characteristics compared to

moss, making them less susceptible to the inhibitory effects of malunggay extract. Algae is

usually the first colonizers due to their limited water demands, which are highly resistant to

drying and high temperatures. These are difficult to identify by direct observation (Cozzolino,

A. et al., 2022).

Perceived duration using the concentration of the malunggay in removing algae and


a. Different concentrations that are effective in inhibiting moss

Table 3.2

Perceived duration in removing moss

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 13

Concentrations 1 hour 24 hours 48 hours

Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation


100mL 1 Not removed 1.86 Slightly removed 2.14 Slightly removed

110mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 2 Slightly removed

140mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1.86 Slightly removed

150mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 2 Slightly removed

160mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 2 Slightly removed

180mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1.86 Slightly removed

190mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 2 Slightly removed

Table 3.2 shows 7 various concentrations of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract ranges

from 100mL, 110mL, 140mL, 150mL, 160MmL, 180mL, and 190mL, applied to surfaces

with a fixed measurement of 13cm. After 1hour of applying, all of the concentrations have no

significant effect. Then, the extract remained on the treated area throughout the observation

period. Furthermore, at the interval of 24 hours, concentration 100mL show slightly removed.

Finally, at the interval of 48 hours, 7 concentrations of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract show a

slightly effect in removing moss. In a study by Patel et al. (2019), the researchers investigated

the impact of the prolonged application of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract concentrations on

moss removal. The study applied various concentrations of the extract to moss-infested

surfaces and monitored their effects over extended periods. Results showed a clear trend,

wherein longer exposure times led to more effective moss removal.

b. Different concentrations that are not effective in inhibiting moss and algae

Table 3.3
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 14

The different concentrations that have no significant effect on removing algae and moss
Concentrations 1 hour 24 hours 48 hours
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

120mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

130mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

170mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed


100mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

110mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

120mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

130mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

140mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

150mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

160mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

170mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

180mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

190mL 1 Not removed 1 Not removed 1 Not removed

Table 3.3 shows that the 13 various concentrations of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract did

not exhibit a significant effect in removing algae and moss from concrete surfaces. This

outcome may be attributed to various factors, including the composition of the extract, the

nature of the algae and moss species, surface characteristics, and environmental conditions.

The species of algae present on concrete surfaces may exhibit differential susceptibilities to

the extract, with certain strains demonstrating greater resilience (Gomez et al., 2017).
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 15

Additionally, the characteristics of the concrete surface itself, including texture and porosity,

can influence the adhesion and growth of algae colonies (White et al., 2021). Moreover,

environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and light exposure may further

modulate the effectiveness of the extract in algae removal (Garcia et al., 2019).

The relationship between the same concentration of malunggay leaf extract and the

reduction in algae and moss coverage on concrete surfaces

a. Relationship of malunggay leaf extract and the reduction of moss

Table 3.4

Relationship between the same concentration of malunggay leaf extract and the reduction in

moss on concrete surfaces

Concentrations 1 hour 24 hours 48 hours
Mean Interpretation Mean Mean Interpretation

125mL/10cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1 No reduction

125mL/12cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1.86 Slightly reduction

125mL/14cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 2 Slightly reduction

125mL/16cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1 No reduction

125mL/18cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1 No reduction

125mL/20cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1 No reduction

125mL/22cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 2 Slightly reduction

125mL/24cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 2 Slightly reduction

125mL/26cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1 No reduction

125mL/28cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1 No reduction

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 16

Table 3.4 shows the same concentrations and reduction in moss. At some

concentrations, like 10cmx10cm surface area, there was no reduction seen in moss coverage

at any time point. For the 12cmx12cm and 14cmx14cm surface area with the same

concentration, there was a slight reduction observed throughout. However, for the

16cmx16cm, 18cmx18cm, and 20cmx20cm surface areas with the same concentration, there

was no reduction observed at any time. At the 22cmx22cm and 24cmx24cm surface areas,

slight reductions were observed at 48 hrs. For the 26cmx26cm and 28cmx28cm surface areas

with a concentration of 250ml, there was no reduction observed even after 48 hours. The

effectiveness of Malunggay leaf extract in inhibiting moss growth on concrete surfaces shows

inconsistency across all concentrations tested. The variations in reduction indicate that factors

beyond concentration alone may influence the extract's efficacy, such as exposure duration

and environmental conditions. According to Cozzolino A. (2022), the colonization of an

organism depends on the chemical-physical properties of a material, which is based on the

surface roughness, and exposure.

b. Relationship of malunggay leaf extract and the reduction of algae

Table 3.5

Relationship between the concentration of malunggay leaf extract and the reduction in algae

on concrete surfaces

Concentrations 1 hour 24 hours 48 hours
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

125mL/10cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 17

125mL/12cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/14cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/16cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/18cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/20cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/22cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/24cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/26cm 1 No reduction 1 No 1 No reduction


125mL/28cm 1 No reduction 1 No reduction 1 No reduction

Table 3.5 shows that the concentrations have no significant reduction. The

concentrations are not effective due to some reasons, these reasons may include

environmental conditions, temperature, surface roughness, exposure. Additionally, it

generally needs to be induced chemically (Yang, Z., Hou, J., & Miao, L. 2021). Algae are

highly resistant to drying and high temperatures. These are difficult to identify by direct

observation. (Cozzolino, A. et al., 2022).

Application of malunggay leaf extract of algae and moss regrowth on concrete surfaces

over time

Table 3.6

Concentrations of moss that are effective and moss regrowth on concrete surfaces
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 18

Concentrations/Area 3 days 4 days 5 days

100mL/13cmx13cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

110mL/13cmx13cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

140mL/13cmx13cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

150mL/13cmx13cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

160mL/13cmx13cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

180mL/13cmx13cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

190mL/13cmx13cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth


different area)
125mL/12cmx12cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

125mL/14cmx14cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

125mL/22cmx22cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

125mL/24cmx44cm No regrowth No regrowth No regrowth

Table 3.6 shows that in any of the concentrations with the same area and in different

size, no moss regrowth was observed after durations of 3, 4, and 5 days, suggesting that the

treatments effectively inhibited moss regeneration. The absence of regrowth can be attributed

to the effectiveness of the treatments at inhibiting the growth of moss, with successful

inhibition leading to no regrowth.

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 19

Comparative effectiveness of malunggay leaf extract versus a standard chemical agent

in reducing algae and biomass on concrete surfaces

Table 3.7

Comparative effectiveness of malunggay left extract versus a chemical agent in reducing


Concentrations 1 hour 24 hours 48 hours


Malunggay Leaf
(100mL/13cmx13cm) Not removed Slightly removed Slightly removed

Chemical Agent

(100mL/13cmx13cm) Moderately Completely removed Completely removed


Table 3.7 shows the comparison of chemical agent and the malunggay leaf extract. It

had found that the chemical agent is more powerful in inhibiting moss than malunggay leaf

extract. After 1 hour, chemical agent already shown its efficacy with an interpretation of

moderately removed. While on the other hand, the malunggay leaf extract showed no
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 20

efficacy. After 24 and 48 hours, the moss shows slightly removed but on the chemical agent,

the moss got removed completely.

Table 3.8

Comparative effectiveness of malunggay left extract versus a chemical agent in reducing


Concentrations 1 hour 24 hours 48 hours


Malunggay Leaf
(100mL/13cmx13cm) Not removed Slightly removed Slightly removed

Chemical Agent

(100mL/13cmx13cm) Moderately Completely removed Completely removed


Table 3.8 shows the comparison of chemical agent and the malunggay leaf extract. It

had found that the chemical agent is more powerful in inhibiting algae than malunggay leaf

extract. After 1 hour, chemical agent already shown its efficacy with an interpretation of

moderately removed. While on the other hand, the malunggay leaf extract showed no
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 21

efficacy. After 24 and 48 hours, the malunggay still showed no efficacy in removing algae but

on the chemical agent, the algae got removed completely.

Summary of Findings

 Seven concentrations are identified to have inhibitory effects, ranging from 100mL to

190mL applied to surfaces with a fixed measurement of 13cm, all resulting in a slight

removal of moss.

 After one hour of application, none of the concentrations showed a significant effect

on moss inhibition. However, the extract remained on the treated area throughout the

observation period. After 24 hours, only the concentration of 100mL showed a slight

removal of moss. Subsequently, at the 48 hours, all seven concentrations of Moringa

Oleifera Leaf Extract exhibited a slight effect in removing moss.

 In relationship between malunggay leaf extract and the reduction in moss, no

reduction in moss coverage was seen at 10cmx10cm, while slight reductions were

noted at 12cmx12cm and 14cmx14cm. Larger surface areas (16cmx16cm,

18cmx18cm, 20cmx20cm) showed no reduction. Slight reductions were observed at

22cmx22cm and 24cmx24cm after 48 hours. However, for the largest areas

(26cmx26cm, 28cmx28cm) with a concentration of 250ml, no reduction was seen

Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 22

even after 48 hours. On the other side, the relationship between malunggay leaf

extract, all of the concentrations have no significant reduction.

 In application of malunggay leaf extract effectively inhibited both algae and moss

regrowth on concrete surfaces over a period of time. No moss regrowth was observed

in any concentrations and surface sizes after durations of 3, 3, and 5 days. This

absence of regrowth indicates the successful inhibition of moss regeneration.

 In the comparison of chemical agent and the malunggay leaf extract. It had found that

the chemical agent is more powerful in inhibiting moss and algae than malunggay leaf

extract. the same.

Chapter IV

Conclusion and Recommendations


Out of 20 concentrations of malunggay leaf extract; 10 on moss, 10 on algae, only

seven concentrations are found to the have an efficacy, yielding a slight removal of moss.

Unlike its observed effectiveness on moss, malunggay leaf extract failed to inhibit algae

growth. All the various concentration of malunggay leaf extract that has perceived efficacy

was applied on a fixed area (13cm×13cm). Therefore, out of all the seven concentrations, the

fastest concentration that can remove moss was the concentration with a measurement of

100mL. On the other side, out of 20 with the same concentrations applied with the different

areas, only 4 concentrations are found to the have an efficacy, yielding a slight removal of

moss and still failed to inhibit algae growth. After the application, there was no regrowth

observed within 3 to 5 days. This conclude that the inhibition of moss leads to a successful no

regrowth. The comparative effectiveness of chemical agent and malunggay leaf extract has a

big difference. Chemical agent is way faster than the concentration of malunggay leaf extract.
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 23

However, even though chemical agent is more effective than malunggay, it's noteworthy that

malunggay leaf extract still effective despite not being as potent. Overall, this study

succeeded in investigating malunggay leaf extract in removing moss but not in algae.


Based on the results and findings, the researchers recommend that future

researchers should undergo the samples to comprehensive chemical analysis to gain insights

into their composition, aiding in a thorough understanding. Additionally, the researchers

recommend prolonged the observation period by several weeks to ensure comprehensive data

collection and analysis. Furthermore, future researchers should carefully consider

environmental factors such as temperature, sunlight exposure, and weather conditions. Lastly,

future researchers should explore alternative concentrations to combine with Moringa

Oleifera leaf extract to enhance its effectiveness as an algae and moss remover.
Algae and Moss Removal on Concrete P a g e | 24


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