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Senior High School

General Biology 1
Quarter 2 – Module 2
Chlorophyll and Other Pigments
Science – Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 2: Chlorophyll and Other Pigments
Second Edition, 2021

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Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

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MRS. JOCELYN C. BUTANAS - MT1, Talamban National High School
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What I Need to Know
Chlorophyll and Other Pigments
Quarter : Second Quarter
Content Standard : The learners demonstrate understanding of photosynthesis.
Performance Standard : The learners should be able to prepare simple fermentation
setup using common fruits to produce wine or vinegar via
Competencies/Code : STEM_BIO11/12-IIa-j-3
Duration : Week 2
Topics : Chlorophyll and Other Pigments
If you've ever stayed out too long in the sun and gotten a sunburn, you're probably
aware of the sun's immense energy. Unfortunately, the human body can't make much use of
solar energy, aside from producing a little Vitamin D (a vitamin synthesized in the skin in the
presence of sunlight).
Plants, on the other hand, are experts at capturing light energy and using it to make
sugar through a process called photosynthesis. This process begins with the absorption of
light by specialized organic molecules, called pigments, that are found in the chloroplasts of
plant cells. Here, we’ll consider light as a form of energy, and we'll also see how pigments –
such as the chlorophylls that make plants green – absorb that energy.
As you go through in this module, you are expected to:
• identify the different pigments found in plants; and
• explain the importance of chlorophyll and other pigments
What I Know

Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What role do pigments play in photosynthesis? Pigments ___________.
A. take CO2 C. capture light energy
B. make plants green D. absorb water in roots
2. Where can we locate the special pair of chlorophyll α molecules and the primary
electron acceptor in a photosystem?
A. antenna complex C. reaction – center complex
B. light – harvesting complex D. photon complex
3. Why do animals cannot photosynthesize? Animals cannot photosynthesize because
they lack ____________.
A. cell wall B. chloroplast C. mitochondrion D. nucleus
4. What kind of energy is stored in the chlorophyll?
A. heat energy C. chemical energy
B. light energy D. kinetic energy
5. Which statement is TRUE about chlorophyll? Chlorophyll is a green pigment that
absorbs __________ light and reflects ___________light.
A. blue; green C. red; blue
B. green; red D. yellow; red
6. What membrane is found within the chloroplasts that contains the components for
A. chlorophyll B. photosystem C. stroma D. thylakoid
7. Which of the following do plants gain from sunlight?
A. CO2 B. energy C. sugar D. water
8. Where is the chloroplast located in a chlorophyll?
A. stroma B. outer membrane C. inner membrane D. thylakoid

9. Chlorophyll is a type of pigment, and so is the melanin in your skin. What is a pigment?
A pigment is a substance that ___________.
A. contains color C. aids with food consumption
B. helps plants grow D. absorbs water from the ground
10. What is one function of the other pigments beside chlorophyll in the chloroplast? The
other pigments in the chloroplast will _______________.
A. absorb different wavelengths of light
B. block damaging wavelengths of light
C. provide different colors to the leaves
D. transfer energy to a separate photosystem
Below is a bar graph of the percentage of light energy reflected by chlorophyll. It was
derived from the chlorophyll absorption spectrum. Refer to the graph in answering
question nos. 11 - 12.

Figure 1: Percent of Light Energy Reflected by Chlorophyll

11. Which color in this spectrum is most visible?
A. blue B. green C. orange D. red
12. The approximate percentage of light energy reflected for color blue is 10%. What is the
approximate percentage of light energy absorbed?
A. 10% B. 40% C. 90% D. 100%
13. Which color in this spectrum is most efficient for photosynthesis?
A. blue B. green C. yellow D. red
14. Which statement about photoexcitation is TRUE?
A. An electron emits energy and jumps to a higher energy level.
B. An electron changes from an excited state to a ground state by taking on
C. An atom can only absorb specific amounts of energy, only certain wavelengths
of light is absorbed.
D. All statements are true.
15. Why is the energy captured by chlorophyll important?
I. It is used to synthesize sugar in the form of glucose through
II. It slows down photosynthesis when a plant gets unlimited light energy
from the sun.
III. It ensures continuity of photosynthesis. Thus, a steady supply of
glucose for the plants itself.
IV. It ensures ecological balance.
A. I only B. III and IV C. II, III, and IV D. I, III, and IV

What’s In

Directions: Identify if the given statement describes an endergonic or exergonic reaction.

Write your answers on a separate sheet.

_____________1. Free energy is released.

_____________2. Gibbs free energy is positive.
_____________3. It requires energy to begin.
_____________4. It is a downhill reaction.
_____________5. Cellular respiration is an example of this reaction.
_____________6. It indicates that energy is released in the system.
_____________7. Protein synthesis is an example of this reaction.
_____________8. It does not require energy to begin.

What’s New

Did you know that most living things get their energy directly or indirectly
from the Sun? Plants and animals store energy inside their cells. Storing
energy is comparable to having a savings account! Plants capture and save the
energy from sunlight in the form of carbohydrates, such as sugars and
starches, during photosynthesis. When you eat food, you add energy to your
savings account. When you need energy for daily activities, your cells make a
withdrawal by breaking down carbohydrates during cellular respiration. The
capture of the light energy from the sun is made possible because of a special
feature only plants possess, an organelle called plastids that contain different

What is It
Pigments are substances that absorb visible light. Different pigments absorb light of
different wavelengths. As wavelength increases, amount of energy decreases. Thus, violet
light (which has a shorter wavelength) has more energy than red light (which has a longer
wavelength). Since violet wavelengths have the most energy, they can provide the maximum
energy for photosynthesis. Light, as it encounters an object, is either reflected, transmitted,
or absorbed. Visible light, with a wavelength of 380–750nm, is the segment in the entire
range of electromagnetic spectrum that is most important to life on earth. It is detected as
various colors by the human eye. The color that is not absorbed by pigments of objects is
transmitted or reflected and that is the color of the object that we see.

Figure 2: The Electromagnetic Spectrum.

White light is a mixture of all wavelengths of
visible light. A prism can sort white light into
its component colors by bending light of
different wavelengths at different angles.
Droplets of water in the atmosphere can act
as prisms, causing a rainbow to form.
Visible light drives photosynthesis.
Retrieved from:

Plastids are double-membrane organelles which are found in the cells of plants and
algae. Plastids are responsible for manufacturing and storing of food. They include
chromoplast, leucoplast, and chloroplast. All green parts of a plant, including green stems
and unripen fruit, have
chloroplasts, but the
leaves are the major sites
of photosynthesis in most
plants. Chloroplasts are
found mainly in the cells
of the mesophyll, the
tissue in the interior of the
leaf. A typical mesophyll
cell has about 30–40
chloroplasts, each
measuring about 2–4 μm
by 4–7 μm. A chloroplast
has an envelope of two
membranes surrounding
a dense fluid called the
stroma where the Calvin
Cycle occurs. Suspended Figure 3: Parts of a Chloroplast
Retrieved from:
within the stroma is a third
membrane system, made up
of sacs called thylakoids, which segregates the stroma from the thylakoid space inside
these sacs. Light reaction occurs in the thylakoid membrane. In some places, thylakoid sacs
are stacked in columns called grana (singular, granum). Chlorophyll, the green pigment
that gives leaves their color, resides in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast. Light
energy absorbed by chlorophyll drives the synthesis of organic molecules in the chloroplast.

Chlorophyll is the green
pigment found in the thylakoid
membrane inside the
chloroplast of a plant cell.
Chlorophyll absorbs violet-
blue and red light while it
transmits and reflects green
light. Therefore, leaves appear
green. There are several kinds
of chlorophyll. Among these,
chlorophyll α plays the most
important role in
photosynthesis. It directly
participates in converting solar
energy to chemical energy.
Other pigments in the
Figure 4: A. Chloroplast interior B. Light – harvesting chlorophyll complex
chloroplast play the part of C. Structure of a chlorophyll molecule _ It has a lipid – soluble hydrocarbon
accessory pigments. These tail and a flat hydrophilic head called porphyrin ring. It has a magnesium atom
at its center. Different chlorophylls differ on the side groups attached to the
pigments can absorb light and porphyrin.
transfer the energy to Retrieved from:
chlorophyll a. One of these

accessory pigments is chlorophyll ƅ. Some carotenoids also contribute energy to
chlorophyll α. Other carotenoids, however, serve as protection (photoprotection) for
chlorophyll by dissipating excessive energy that will otherwise be destructive to chlorophyll.

How does photoexcitation of chlorophyll happen?

1. A chlorophyll molecule absorbs photon or light energy.
2. An electron of the molecule in its normal orbital, said to be in its ground
state, will be elevated to an orbital of a higher energy. The molecule is now
in an excited state. The molecule only absorbs photon that has the energy
that is equal to the energy needed for it to be able to elevate from the ground
state to the excited state.
3. The excited state is unstable. Hence, excited electrons drop back down to
the ground state immediately after, releasing energy in the form of heat and
photon. This happens in isolated chlorophyll molecules. However,
chlorophyll molecule that is found in its natural environment in the
thylakoid membrane forms a photosystem together with proteins and
other organic molecules to prevent the loss of energy from the electrons.

Figure 5: Photoexcitation in an isolated chlorophyll molecule

Retrieved from: Khan Academy Image modified from "Bis2A 06.3 Photophosphorylation: the light reactions of
photosynthesis: Figures 7 and 8," by Mitch Singer (CC BY 4.0).

A photosystem is a group of pigments and proteins in the thylakoid membrane
responsible for the absorption of photons (discrete quantities of light energy) and the
transfer of energy and electrons. It is composed of:
• Light-harvesting complex— is also called the ‘antenna’ complex and is consisted of
several different pigments (chlorophyll α, chlorophyll ƅ, and carotenoids) bounded
with proteins. When a pigment molecule absorbs a photon, energy is passed on from
one pigment molecule to another pigment molecule until the energy reaches the
reaction center.
• Reaction-center complex—is composed of a pair of chlorophyll α and a primary
electron acceptor. The primary electron acceptor is a specialized molecule that can
accept electrons from the pair of chlorophyll a. The pair of chlorophyll α in the

reaction-center is also specialized because they can transfer an electron to the
primary electron acceptor and not just boosting the electron to a higher energy level.

There are two types of photosystem:

• Photosystem II—was discovered later after the discovery of Photosystem I, but functions
first in the light reaction of photosynthesis. The chlorophyll α in the reaction-center of
Photosystem II effectively absorbs light with a wavelength of 680nm and thus called P 680.
• Photosystem I—was discovered first. Its reaction-center has a chlorophyll α called P700
because it is effective in absorbing light with a wavelength of 700nm.

Figure 6: How a Photosystem Harvest Light

When a photon strikes a pigment molecule in a light-harvesting complex, the energy is passed from molecule to
molecule until it reaches the reaction-center complex. Here, an excited electron from the special pair of
chlorophyll α molecule is transferred to the primary electron acceptor.

Figure 7: Photosystem I and II

This figure shows how a photon of light is being harvested to boost an electron to a higher energy state. The
electron flows through the photosystems and other molecular components built into the thylakoid membrane.

What’s more

I. Fill in the box with the concepts you have learned to complete the flow of
the concept map. Use a separate sheet of paper.


provides energy for


occurs in the


contains the pigment has a fluid – filled space

4. 8.

has different types

contains a saclike
membrane system

5. 6. 7. 9.

enriched with light – harvesting

and reaction center complexes


has two types

11. 12.

II. Unscramble the tiles to reveal the word that will complete the statements
below. Write your answer on a separate sheet.

1. Chemicals that absorbed light are called ___________.

2. Chlorophyll makes plants look green because it ____________ green
3. Chloroplast contains an abundance of saclike photosynthetic membranes
called _______________.
4. The _____________ is the fluid portion of the chloroplast located outside
the thylakoids.
5. ________________ is an organelle in plant cells where photosynthesis
III. Using the labeled diagram of a chloroplast, write the letter that indicates
the given structure.

1. thylakoid ____
2. outer membrane ____
3. lamella ____
4. inner membrane ____
5. stroma ____

Figure 8: Chloroplast
What I Have Learned
✓ Light is a form of energy. Sunlight is a mixture of all the different colors of visible
✓ Pigments are substances that absorb visible light.
✓ Chloroplast is a membrane – bounded organelle with chlorophyll – containing
membranous thylakoids; where photosynthesis takes place. Its internal structure
▪ Thylakoids are saclike photosynthetic membranes that contain chlorophyll
and other pigments and are arranged in stacks called grana.
▪ Stroma is the fluid portion outside the thylakoids.
✓ Chlorophyll is a green pigment. It is the principal pigment in photosynthetic
organisms found in the thylakoid membrane inside the chloroplast that absorbs violet
-blue and red light while it transmits and reflects green light.
✓ Chlorophyll α plays the most important role in photosynthesis as it directly
participates in converting solar energy to chemical energy
✓ Chlorophyll ƅ is an accessory pigment that can absorb light and transfer the energy
to chlorophyll α.
✓ Carotenoids protects chlorophyll by dispersing excessive energy that will be
destructive to chlorophyll.
✓ A photosystem is a group of pigments and proteins in the thylakoid membrane
responsible for the absorption of photons and the transfer of energy and electrons.
✓ There are two types of photosystem namely Photosystem II (P680) and
Photosystem I (P700) each with light harvesting and reaction center complexes.

What I Can Do

Scientist exposed two groups of seedlings to various amounts of light. One group
was exposed to low light conditions and the other group was exposed to moderate light
conditions. Scientists measured the amount of chlorophyll in the seedlings at regular
intervals during a 48 – hour period. The amount of chlorophyll in the seedlings is expressed
in micrograms of chlorophyll per gram of seedling. The data from both groups are shown in
the graph below.

Figure 9: Amount of Chlorophyll with Different Amounts of Light

Refer to the graph to answer the questions below. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. Approximately how much chlorophyll was present in the low – light plants after 24
hours? In the moderate – light plants after 24 hours? (5pts.)
2. What are the similarities and differences between the low – light seedlings and the
moderate – light seedlings? (5pts.)
3. To which of the two lighting conditions would you expose seedlings if you wanted to
maximize the rate of photosynthesis in plants? Why? (5pts.)


Directions: Write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which pigment absorbs excessive light that might damage chlorophyll?
A. chlorophyll α B. chlorophyll ƅ C. carotenoid D. all choices given
2. In an isolated chlorophyll molecule, when are photons given off? Photons are given
off when electrons ____________.
A. are in equilibrium
B. return to an excited state
C. return to the ground state
D. are elevated to an orbital of a higher energy

3. What happens to an electron when a pigment absorbs light? It goes from a/ an
A. excited state to a ground state, which is stable
B. ground state to an excited state, which is stable
C. excited state to a ground state which is unstable
D. ground state to an excited state, which is unstable
4. Why do excited electrons drop back down to the ground state immediately after
releasing energy in the form of heat and photon in an isolated chlorophyll molecule?
In an isolated chlorophyll molecule, electrons return to the ground state after
releasing energy because of the absence of the ____________.
A. primary electron acceptor
B. light – harvesting complexes
C. reaction – center complexes
D. special pair of chlorophyll α molecules
5. Which color of light is least effective in driving photosynthesis?
A. Blue and red, because it is mostly absorbed.
B. Green, because it is mostly transmitted and reflected.
C. Violet, because it has the most energy due to its shorter wavelength.
D. cannot be determined
6. What happens to the set of wavelengths that a pigment captivates? The set of
wavelengths that a pigment captivates will be _________.
A. absorbed B. reflected C. transmitted D. all of the above
7. How does the amount of energy in light change as the wavelength increases? As
wavelength increases, the amount of energy will ____________.
A. decrease B. equalize C. increase D. cannot be determined
8. What organelle is responsible for photosynthesis in plants and algae?
A. cell membrane B. chloroplast C. chlorophyll D. mitochondria
9. What best represent the two people with hammers in the illustration at the right?

A. chloroplast
B. chlorophyll
C. photosystems
D. thylakoids

10. Why do plants appear green? Plants appear green because they ___________.
A. reflect green light
B. absorb green light
C. excite electrons which emit green light in the visible spectrum
D. absorb electrons by green pigments when exposed to sunlight
11. Why is Photosystem II labelled as II if its reactions occur first in the process of
A. Photosystem II was discovered after Photosystem I.
B. Photosystem II needs the electrons from Photosystem I.
C. The reactions in Photosystem II occur after those of Photosystem I.
D. There is no meaning to labels I and II.
12. Which leaf tissue does photosynthesis occur due to its abundance of chloroplast?
A. mesophyll B. palisade C. phloem D. xylem

13. One bean plant is illuminated with green light and another bean plant of similar size
and leaf area is illuminated with blue light. If all other conditions are identical, how will
the photosynthetic rates of the plants most probably compare?
A. Neither plant will carry on photosynthesis.
B. Photosynthesis will occur at the same rate in both plants.
C. The plant under the blue light will carry on photosynthesis at a greater rate than
the one under the green light.
D. The plant under the green light will carry on photosynthesis at a greater rate than
the one under the blue light.
Analyze the figure below to answer item nos. 14 – 15.

Figure 10: Chlorophyll Absorption Spectrum

14. Why would you say that there are no peaks in the range between 500 nm and 600
nm? There are no peaks between these ranges because most of the light with those
wavelengths is ___________.
A. absorbed C. released as heat
B. reflected D. transmitted
15. What could be the arrangement of colors in the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll in
order of their visibility?
A. red, orange, yellow, green blue, violet
B. blue, red, violet, orange, yellow, green
C. orange, yellow, green, red, blue, violet
D. green, yellow, orange, red, violet , blue

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