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7th December 2022

Application Number - 33292

College Registration Number - C-22-51280

Miss. Isatu David Kamara

11 Bundu Lane, Freetown

Dear: Miss. Isatu David Kamara


The earlier letter offering you provisional admission refers. Since you have accepted the offer and fulfilled the requirement of
full payment of fees, I now write to confirm your admission to study for the Pre-Pharmacy Course course in the Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone. You will
commence your course in Year 1 of One Year programme.

As indicated in the provisional offer of admission letter sent to you, the duration of your course is One Year commencing
from the 2022-2023 academic year.

You may now use the portal to register for the modules offered in your programme, by choosing your preferred modules if,
depending on your course of study, you are required to make a choice.

I wish to assure you that members of staff concerned, in the College Registry and in the Faculty have been requested to make
themselves available to assist you during the registration process.

If however you encounter any problem during the registration process which the assigned staff cannot solve, please see the
requisite Dean of Faculty, the Deputy Registrar, or the University Registrar, depending on the nature of the problem.

After registration, you can proceed to participate in your College's Orientatioin programme. The College Registry will duly
advise you on the details of the Orientation, at the end of which you will be eligible for matriculation. At Matriculation you
will append your signature in the University Registrar. Only then will you be considered a bona fide student of the University
of Sierra Leone.

Congratulations on your admission. Study hard, Work hard. I wish you a successful stay.

Yours sincerely

Olive A.K. Barrie

University Registrar

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