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Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

Class Reader: Thomas Jefferson pages 82-89

Vocab: List 10 Please note: All these questions and answer key
Grammar: Unit 11 pages 98-104
were made by and very kindly shared by another
Anthology: Discovering Earth: Hotspots
school and are not official Sabis documents, so
Spelling: List 9
there could be errors/typos. Please check with
Class Reader: Thomas Jefferson your teacher in class if there are any questions.
Answer the following standalone questions:
1. What was Benjamin Randolph's response to oger Sherman
Jefferson's request for assistance?
A) He declined politely.
B) He expressed sadness at Jefferson's 6. Who were the two members of the
departure. subcommittee tasked with producing the initial
C) He offered to cook a meal for Jefferson. draft?
D) He suggested hiring another furniture maker. A) Thomas Jefferson and George Washington
B) Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
2. What material did Benjamin Randolph use to C) John Adams and Benjamin Franklin
construct Jefferson's portable writing desk? D) John Adams and George Washington
A) Oak
B) Pine 7. Why did Adams refuse to prepare the initial draft?
C) Mahogany A) He lacked writing skills.
D) Maple B) He believed a Virginian should lead the effort.
C) He was too busy with other tasks.
3. Who seconded Richard Henry Lee's resolution D) He did not want to work with Jefferson.
in the passage?
A) Benjamin Randolph 8. What did Jefferson do each morning before
B) Thomas Jefferson beginning his work on the draft?
C) John Adams A) Played the piano
D) Roger Sherman B) Soaked his feet in cold water
C) Went for a jog
4. Why did the Continental Congress decide to D) Read the newspaper
postpone action on the resolution?
A) Due to lack of interest 9. How long did Jefferson work on the draft?
B) To allow for further debate A) Seventeen hours
C) To avoid offending the British Crown B) Seventeen days
D) Because they were busy drafting other C) Seventeen weeks
documents D) Seventeen months

5. Who was appointed to draft a formal 10. What measure did Jefferson believe would
declaration to announce and justify the help ward off colds?
resolution? A) Soaking his feet in cold water
A) Benjamin Randolph B) Drinking hot tea
B) Thomas Jefferson C) Wearing multiple layers of clothing
C) John Adams D) Taking vitamin supplements
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

Read the following passage and answer the corresponding questions.

Tuesday morning, South Carolina joined the ranks of those on the side of independence. John Dickinson and
Robert Morris of Pennsylvania did not attend. By their absence, they allowed the rest of their colony's
delegation to vote in favor of the resolution. Caesar Rodney of Delaware dramatically arrived at the last minute,
drenched with mud and rain, just in time to swing his colony's vote in favor of the resolution. The colonies were
unanimous, except for New York, whose delegates abstained from voting at this time. If Britain wanted to
reassert its rule over the colonies, it would have to do so by force.

11. What was Thomas Jefferson's goal in revising A) He disagreed with John Adams.
the document? B) He was frustrated with Congress altering his
A) To make it longer and more detailed drafted document.
B) To distill his ideas of freedom into direct, C) He was concerned about the weather.
concise language D) He was disappointed with Ben Franklin's
C) To include more historical references actions.
D) To present conflicting viewpoints
17. Which colony demanded the deletion of a
12. How did Jefferson's colleagues, Adams and passage condemning the slave trade from
Franklin, react to his document? Jefferson's draft?
A) They suggested numerous major changes. A) Virginia
B) They suggested a few small changes. B) South Carolina
C) They rejected it entirely. C) Georgia
D) They did not provide any feedback. D) North Carolina

13. When did Jefferson present the document to 18. How did John Adams react during the debate
the Continental Congress? over the Declaration?
A) Monday, June 28 A) He remained silent.
B) Friday, June 28 B) He supported every change proposed by
C) Tuesday, July 1 Congress.
D) Monday, July 1 C) He vocally opposed every change.
D) He sided with Jefferson.
14. What was the topic of the debate in the
Continental Congress on July 1? 19. What comforting story did Ben Franklin
A) The contents of Jefferson's document whisper to Jefferson during the debate?
B) The resolution for independence A) A story about signing a declaration
C) The role of individual colonies in the war B) A story about opening a shop
D) The appointment of committee members C) A story about printing hats
D) A story about painting signs
15. Which colony's delegates abstained from
voting on the resolution for independence? 20. What happened on July 4th during the debate
A) Virginia over Jefferson's draft?
B) South Carolina A) The air was thick and humid, and flies were
C) Pennsylvania buzzing around.
D) New York B) Jefferson submitted a new draft.
C) John Adams changed his position.
16. Why was Jefferson upset during the deba D) Delegate Hews of North Carolina supported the
over the Declaration? Declaration.
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

Answer the following standalone questions:

21. Who read the Declaration of Independence the governed"
aloud to the Continental Congress? D) "it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish
A) Benjamin Franklin it"
B) John Adams
C) Benjamin Harrison 24. What is declared to be the right of the people
D) Thomas Jefferson when a government becomes destructive of their
22. What state abstained from voting on the A) The right to petition the government
Declaration of Independence at first? B) The right to establish a new religion
A) Virginia C) The right to alter or abolish the government
B) Massachusetts D) The right to elect new officials
C) New York
D) Pennsylvania 25. According to the Declaration of Independence,
what are some of the unalienable rights endowed
23. Which phrase from the Declaration of by the Creator?
Independence emphasizes the importance of A) Wealth, power, and prestige
consent of the governed? B) Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness
A) "We hold these truths to be self-evident" C) Honor, loyalty, and obedience
B) "all men are created equal" D) Freedom of speech, assembly, and religion
C) "deriving their just powers from the consen

Vocabulary: List 10
Complete the below sentences with the correct words:
momentous – postpone – reassert – mahogany – alter – sketched – encroachment – unruffled – omitted
a. The dining table was made of rich_______, adding warmth to the room.
b. He felt the need to _______his authority after the recent challenges to his leadership.
c. The signing of the peace treaty was a _______occasion, marking the end of years of conflict.
d. She decided to ______ her plans and travel to a different destination for her vacation.
e. The construction of the new highway led to the _______of wildlife habitats.
f. She quickly _______out her ideas for the new project before presenting them to her team.
g. Despite the chaos around her, she remained _______and focused on the task at hand.
h. He inadvertently ______an important detail from his report, leading to confusion among his colleagues.
i. Due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to ________the meeting until next week.

Which of the following sentences use the underlined words incorrectly?

a. The new software made several employees redundant, leading to layoffs within the company.
b. The decision was reached with unanimity among the board members.
c. The government vowed to enlist the outdated law and replace it with more modern legislation.
d. He started as an apprentice at the workshop, eager to learn the trade from experienced craftsmen.

a. His instructions were clear and concise, leaving no room for confusion.
b. She enjoyed deriving inspiration from nature for her artwork.
c. The urgency of the situation distill them to take immediate action.
d. He propped up the ladder against the wall before climbing up to clean the gutters.

a. She felt a sense of thumbed as the deadline for the project drew near.
b. His decision to leave his job would irrevocably change the course of his career.
c. Despite his best efforts, he was rebuffed at every attempt to reconcile with his estranged friend.
d. The jury's decision was unanimous, with all members agreeing on the verdict.
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

a. The buzzing of the dress was necessary to ensure the perfect fit.
b. She hesitated before committing to the new project, unsure if she was ready for the challenge.
c. The truth of his statement was self-evident, requiring no further explanation.
d. The company had stringent guidelines in place to ensure product quality and safety.
Grammar: Unit 11 pages 98-104
1. Identify the sentence where the capitalization m reading "The animal Farm" by George
of a proper noun is incorrect: ell for my literature class.
a. She visited the Eiffel Tower during her trip to
b. My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by
Harper Lee.
c. He attended harvard University for his 6. Identify the sentence where the capitalization of
graduate studies. a proper noun is incorrect:
a. She visited the Grand Canyon during her trip to
2. Identify the sentence where the capitalization Arizona.
of a proper noun is incorrect: b. "Les Misérables" by Victor Hugo is set in Paris,
a. She lives in New York city, the largest city in France.
the United States. c. He attended cambridge university for his
b. My favorite painting is the Mona Lisa by undergraduate degree.
Leonardo da Vinci.
c. He studied at cambridge University in england. 7. Choose the sentence where the title of a literary
work is correctly capitalized:
3. Choose the sentence where the title of a a. I'm currently reading "wuthering heights" by
literary work is correctly capitalized: emily brontë.
a. Have you read "the adventures of tom sawyer" b. "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis is a
by mark twain? beloved fantasy series.
b. I'm excited to see "harry potter and the c. Have you watched "the fault in our stars" movie
sorcerer's stone" in theaters. adaptation?
c. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen is
considered one of the greatest novels of all time. 8. Identify the sentence where the capitalization of
a proper noun is incorrect:
4. Identify the sentence where the capitalization a. She lives in Los Angeles, California, a bustling
of a proper noun is incorrect: city in the United States.
a. She enjoys visiting the Grand Canyon in b. My favorite play is "hamlet" by William
Arizona. shakespeare.
b. My favorite movie is "The Lord of the Rings" c. He graduated from Harvard university with a
trilogy. degree in economics.
c. He studied biology at oxford university in
england. 9. Choose the sentence where the title of a literary
work is correctly capitalized:
5. Choose the sentence where the title of a a. I've always enjoyed reading "the catcher in the
literary work is correctly capitalized: rye" by j.d. salinger.
a. "The old man and the sea" by Ernest b. "The Hunger Games" trilogy by Suzanne Collins
Hemingway is a classic novella. has a loyal fanbase.
b. Have you seen the movie "The Shawshank c. Have you seen the film adaptation of "the lord
Redemption"? of the flies" by William Golding?
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

Pages 98-100
10. Identify the sentence where the
capitalization of a geographical feature is
a. The nile river flows through egypt and sudan. 16. Identify the sentence where the capitalization
b. Mount Everest is the tallest peak in the world. of an official body is correct:
c. The grand canyon is located in arizona, usa. a. the world health organization monitors global
health trends.
11. Choose the sentence where the b. The federal reserve regulates monetary policy in
capitalization of a historical event is correct: the united states.
a. the american civil war lasted from 1861 to c. The United Nations Security Council addresses
1865. international conflicts.
b. World War II had a significant impact on
global history. 17. Choose the sentence where the capitalization
c. The french revolution began in 1789. of a historical period is correct:
a. The bronze age occurred before the iron age.
12. Identify the sentence where the b. The Victorian Era was named after Queen
capitalization of an official body is correct: Victoria of England.
a. the united nations is headquartered in new c. the space race took place during the cold war.
york city.
b. The European Union was formed to promote 18. Identify the sentence where the capitalization
economic cooperation. of a geographical feature is correct:
c. The international monetary fund provides a. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef
financial assistance to countries in need. system in the world.
b. the english channel separates england from
13. Choose the sentence where the france.
capitalization of a historical period is correct: c. The grand canyon is located in arizona, usa.
a. The Renaissance was a period of cultural and
artistic flourishing in Europe. 19. Choose the sentence where the capitalization
b. The great depression had lasting effects on of a historical event is correct:
the global economy. a. the industrial revolution began in the 18th
c. the industrial revolution transformed society century.
in the 19th century. b. The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the
overthrow of the tsarist regime.
14. Identify the sentence where the c. The civil rights movement fought for equal
capitalization of a geographical feature is rights in the united states.
a. The Sahara Desert is the largest hot desert in 20. Identify the sentence where the proper
the world. adjective is correctly capitalized:
b. the amazon river flows through south a. The french chef prepared a delicious meal.
america. b. The japanese sushi was fresh and flavorful.
c. The himalayas is a mountain range in Asia. c. The Italian restaurant served authentic pasta
15. Choose the sentence where the
capitalization of a historical event is correct: 21. Choose the sentence where the proper
a. The american revolution began in 1775. adjective is correctly capitalized:
b. The cold war lasted from 1947 to 1991. a. The Victorian architecture of the building was
c. The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point stunning.
in the Civil War. b. The greek mythology inspired many works of art.
c. The roman empire was one of the largest in
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

b. The Canadian winter can be harsh and cold.

22. Identify the sentence where the proper c. The indian cuisine is known for its diverse
adjective is correctly capitalized: flavors.
a. The spanish guitarist played beautiful melo

Checkpoint page 101

23. Identify the sentence with the correct use of a 29. Identify the sentence with the correct use of an
singular apostrophe to show possession: apostrophe for a contraction:
a. The dogs toy was left outside. a. I am not sure if I can make it to the meeting.
b. The dog's toy was left outside. b. I'm not sure if I can make it to the meeting.
c. The dogs' toy was left outside. c. I amn't sure if I can make it to the meeting.

24. Choose the sentence with the correct use of 30. Choose the sentence with the correct use of an
an apostrophe to show possession with an apostrophe to show possession with an irregular
irregular noun: noun:
a. The childrens' book was filled with colorful a. The womens' soccer team won the tournament.
illustrations. b. The women's soccer team won the tournament.
b. The childrens book was filled with colorful c. The women soccer team won the tournament.
c. The children's book was filled with colorful 31. Identify the sentence with the correct use of a
illustrations. period at the end:
a. She walked to the store.
25. Identify the sentence with the correct use of b. She walked to the store,
an apostrophe for a contraction: c. She walked to the store?
a. We will not be able to attend the party.
b. We'll n’t be able to attend the party. 32. Choose the sentence with the correct use of an
c. We won't be able to attend the party. exclamation point:
a. I can't believe it!
26. Choose the sentence with the correct use of b. I can't believe it?
an apostrophe to show singular possession: c. I can't believe it,
a. The students project received top marks.
b. The student's project received top marks. 33. Identify the sentence with proper period usage
c. The students' project received top marks. after a title in a name:
a. She visited Doctor. Smith for her check-up.
27. Choose the sentence with the correct use of b. The lecture was delivered by Professor.
an apostrophe to show possession with an Johnson.
irregular noun: c. Mr. Brown went for a walk in the park.
a. The mens' team won the championship.
b. The men's team won the championship. 34. Choose the sentence with correct period
c. The men team won the championship. placement in a street name abbreviation:
a. Their house is located at 123 Main St.
28. Choose the sentence with the correct use of b. They live on Elm Street, 456.
an apostrophe to show plural possession: c. The office building is at 789 Pine Avenue.
a. The teachers lounge is closed for renovations.
b. The teacher's lounge is closed for renovations. 35. Identify the sentence with proper period usage
c. The teachers' lounge is closed for renovations. after a title in a name:
a. She met with Mrs. Davis for coffee.
b. They attended a lecture by Professor Smith.
c. Mr Jones lives on Oak Street, Apt 3.
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

Page 101:
36. Identify the sentence where an exclamation point follows an onomatopoeic
exclamation point follows an onomatopoeic sound:
sound: a. The baby giggled happily.
a. The car engine hummed softly! b. The thunder rumbled ominously!
b. The kettle whistled loudly. c. The birds chirped softly.
c. The thunder rumbled ominously.
39. Choose the sentence where an
37. Choose the sentence where an exclamation point is used after an
exclamation point is used after an onomatopoeic sound:
onomatopoeic sound: a. The phone buzzed softly.
a. The fireworks crackled loudly! b. The doorbell rang loudly!
b. The clock ticked rhythmically. c. The wind whispered through the trees.
c. The rain pattered gently on the roof.
40. Identify the sentence where an
exclamation point follows an onomatopoeic
a. The leaves rustled gently.
b. The fire crackled merrily!
c. The river flowed peacefully.
38. Identify the sentence where an

Checkpoint page 102

41. Identify the sentence with correct comma e went to the store, but she forgot to buy milk.
usage in a list of nouns: e enjoys playing basketball but he's not very
a. She bought apples oranges and bananas. at it.
b. He enjoys hiking, swimming and cycling. ey went to the beach they swam in the ocean.
c. The car is available in red blue and green.

42. Choose the sentence with proper comma

placement in a list of adjectives:
a. It was a large white old house.
b. She wore a beautiful, blue, silk dress. 45. Choose the sentence with proper comma
c. The dog was fluffy brown and small. placement in a complex sentence:
a. Although it was raining she went for a walk.
43. Identify the sentence that correctly uses b. He studied hard but he still failed the exam.
commas in a list of phrases: c. Despite being tired, he stayed up late to finish
a. She enjoys reading cooking and swimming. his work.
b. The party was held in the park, under the stars,
and by the lake. 46. Identify the sentence with correct comma
c. He bought bread, milk, eggs and butter. usage after an introductory element:
a. In the morning, I enjoy drinking coffee.
44. Identify the sentence with correct comma b. At the beach they built sandcastles.
usage in a compound sentence: c. During the movie they ate popcorn.
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

a. She bought apples, oranges, and bananas.

47. Choose the sentence with proper comm b. He enjoys hiking swimming and cycling.
placement: c. The car is available in red, blue, and green.
a. Yes I would like some tea.
b. No, I don't want any dessert. 49. Choose the sentence with proper comma
c. Yes he's, coming to the party. placement in a list of adjectives:
a. It was a large, white old house.
48. Identify the sentence with correct comm b. She wore a beautiful blue silk dress.
usage in a list of nouns: c. The dog was fluffy, brown, and small.

Page 103
50. Identify the sentence with correct comma 51. Choose the sentence with proper comma
usage with an absolute phrase: placement with an appositive phrase:
a. His vice trembling with emotions, he delivered a. Her dog Max is friendly.
the last lines of his speech. b. My friend Sarah is coming over.
b. She waited for the bus, tired and frustrated. c. The book, written by Mark Twain, is a classic.
c. He walked home a smile on his face.
52. Identify the sentence with correct comma
usage with a linking device:
a. She loves hiking, swimming and cycling.
b. He studied hard, therefore, he passed the exam.
c. We went to the park and had a picnic.

Anthology: Discovering the Earth: Hotspots

Answer the following standalone questions:
1. What is the thesis statement of introduction? text?
a. The Hawaiian Islands are part of the larger a. The number of islands in the Hawaiian-Emperor
Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain. chain
b. The Hawaiian-Emperor chain was formed b. The location of the Hawaiian Islands in the
exclusively from volcanic activity. North Pacific Ocean
c. The age of the islands in the Hawaiian- c. The age pattern of the islands in the chain
Emperor chain follows a regular pattern. d. All of the above
d. The hotspot beneath the Pacific Ocean floor
affects the formation and aging of the Hawaiian 4. How does the hotspot work?
Islands. a. It causes tectonic plate collisions.
b. It forms islands through upheaval.
2. What genre does the text belong to? c. It generates volcanic activity beneath the ocean
a. Scientific research paper floor.
b. Travel guide d. It moves around the Pacific Ocean.
c. Historical fiction
d. Adventure novel 5. What does the understanding of the hotspot and
its effect on the Hawaiian Islands suggest for their
a. Decrease in volcanic activity
b. Increase in tectonic plate collisions
c. Continued formation of new islands
d. None of the above

3. Which scientific details are mentioned in th

Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

Read the following passage and answer the corresponding questions.

Hotspots provide the area they are located in with consistent and relatively calm volcanic activity, compared to
the more violent and irregular eruptions of volcanoes that are found around the borders of tectonic plates. The
driving cause of hotspot formation and continuation is widely agreed to be the phenomenon known as a
mantle plume. Today there are more than one hundred identified mantle plumes located all over the globe. The
model for a mantle plume, proposed by geophysicist William Jason Morgan in 1971, consists of an isolated
column of abnormally hot rock (magma) that originates in the earth's mantle? (the section of the earth that is
in between the core and the crust) and slowly rises upward toward the surface. Ultimately, some of the
magma cools and starts to sink back toward the earth's core and is then replaced by newly heated magma. A
rudimentary example of the mantle plume mechanism is a lava lamp. The semisolid substance that floats in
the lava lamp is heated by a light at the bottom and begins to rise. As it reaches the top, the substance cools
and falls back to the bottom, where the cycle repeats again. In the case of a mantle plume, the columns of
superheated rock eventually contact the earth's crust as they rise and begin to melt the rock of the tectonic

6. What is a hotspot, as defined in the text? volcano

a. A region of intense tectonic plate collisions geyser
b. A stationary magma pocket in the lithosphere ava lamp
c. A type of volcanic eruption found near hot spring
tectonic plate boundaries
d. A geological feature caused by seismic How long do hotspots typically remain
activity e, according to the text?
ndreds of years
7. According to the text, what drives the llions of years
formation and continuation of hotspots? lions of years
a. Tectonic plate collisions definitely
b. Mantle plumes
c. Earthquakes
d. Seismic waves 11. Which of the following examples illustrates the
relatively small amount of magma output from
8. Who proposed the model for a mantle plume, hotspots compared to other volcanic eruptions?
as mentioned in the text? a. Novarupta eruption in Alaska
a. William Jason Morgan b. Mount Saint Helens eruption in Washington
b. Alfred Wegener c. Krakatoa eruption in Indonesia
c. Charles Richter d. Vesuvius eruption in Italy
d. Harry Hess
12. What is the purpose of the example of the lava
9. What is a rudimentary example of the mantle lamp in the text?
plume mechanism provided in the text? a. To explain the formation of tectonic plates
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

b. To illustrate the concept of volcanic eruptio

c. To demonstrate the mechanism of a mantl 14. What is the significance of the comparison
plume between the Hawaii hotspot and the Novarupta
d. To describe the properties of magma eruption in Alaska?
a. To highlight the rarity of volcanic eruptions
13. According to the example of the lava lamp b. To emphasize the difference in magma output
what happens when the substance reaches th between hotspots and other eruptions
a. It cools and solidifies c. To demonstrate the similarities between
b. It falls back to the bottom different types of volcanic activity
c. It continues to rise indefinitely d. To explain the impact of volcanic eruptions on
d. It explodes violently the environment

Answer the following standalone questions:

15. Which sentence provides evidence for the ing about 86 million years ago."
claim that hotspots are associated with famous uring their lives, hotspots release a
landmarks? istent and relatively small amount of magma
a. "The most commonly accepted geologic ava, at least compared to some volcanic
survey has the number of hotspots in the world in tions."
the forties." peculative and optimistic lists have a
b. "Despite this wide range of disagreement on pot associated with just about every one of
the total number, there is almost unanimous ver 100 mantle plumes that have been
agreement on the location of a number of ified."
hotspots under famous landmarks." he model for a mantle plume, proposed by
c. "The oldest volcano in the chain is Meiji hysicist William Jason Morgan in 1971,
Seamount, which is estimated to have begun ists of an isolated column of abnormally hot
forming about 86 million years ago." (magma) that originates in the earth's
d. "Each island is either made up of one or a tle."
number of shield volcanoes."
Which sentence provides evidence for the
16. Which sentence provides an example of a m that hotspots are associated with volcanic
famous landmark associated with a hotspot? ity?
a. "The Hawaii hotspot is suspected of having he Hawaii hotspot is suspected of having
been responsible for the creation all the responsible for the creation all the
volcanoes along the Hawaiian-Emperor anoes along the Hawaiian-Emperor
seamount chain." mount chain."
b. "The most commonly accepted geologic he most commonly accepted geologic
survey has the number of hotspots in the world in ey has the number of hotspots in the world in
the forties." orties."
c. "The Yellowstone hotspot (located in the c. "The model for a mantle plume, proposed by
northwestern United States and currently residing geophysicist William Jason Morgan in 1971,
under a portion of Yellowstone National Park)..." consists of an isolated column of abnormally hot
d. "Each island is either made up of one or a rock (magma) that originates in the earth's
number of shield volcanoes." mantle."
d. "The semisolid substance that floats in the lava
17. Which sentence provides evidence for the lamp is heated by a light at the bottom and begins
claim that hotspots release a consistent amount to rise."
of magma over time?
a. "The oldest volcano in the chain is Meiji What evidence does the text provide to
Seamount, which is estimated to have begun characterize shield volcanoes?
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

a. They have steep sides and narrow peaks. d. By providing the distance between the oldest
b. They have rough and jagged surfaces. and newest seamounts in the chain
c. They have smooth, gently rising sides, and
broad, flat top. 21. What evidence supports the claim that the
d. They have deep craters and explosive erup Pacific Plate has been in constant movement
since the Hawaiian-Emperor hotspot became
19. What evidence supports the claim that sh active?
volcanoes in the Hawaiian Island chain are w a. The description of shield volcano characteristics
their base on the ocean floor? b. The distance between the Meiji Seamount and
a. They are 10 to 50 miles wide at sea level. Loihi
b. They are twice as wide at their base on the c. The rate of movement of the Pacific Plate
ocean floor compared to sea level. d. The age of the islands as you travel north and
c. They took at least a few hundred thousand west
years to form.
d. They emerged as a result of the hotspot lo 22. How does the evidence provided in the text
there. support the claim of the gradual change in age of
the islands as you travel away from the hotspot's
20. How does the evidence presented in the t current location?
support the claim that all volcanoes in the a. By comparing the width of shield volcanoes at
Hawaiian-Emperor chain emerged as a result sea level and on the ocean floor
the hotspot located there? b. By describing the movement rate of the Pacific
a. By explaining the movement of the Pacific Plate
b. By describing the characteristics of shield c. By detailing the distance between the oldest and
volcanoes newest seamounts in the chain
c. By detailing the size and age of the shield d. By explaining the characteristics of shield
volcanoes volcanoes

Read the following passage and answer the corresponding questions.

The Hawaiian Islands, which make up the U.S. state of Hawaii, are one of the most frequently visited and
researched collection of shield volcanoes in the world. They follow a roughly linear? aging pattern that is
similar to the rest of the Hawaiian-Emperor seamount chain. The oldest island, Kauai, is roughly 5.1 million
years old, and is located the furthest north and west of all of the islands. The large island of Hawaii, which is
made up of a collection of five shield volcanoes (all of which appear to have been above sea level for less than
half a million years), is located about 280 miles (450 km) southeast of Kauai. The youngest seamount, Loihi,
began forming an estimated 400,000 years ago, and could begin to emerge from the Pacific Ocean sometime
in the next 10,000 to 100,000 years. As the islands move away from the hotspots, their volcanic activity stops,
and they cease adding new basalt to themselves, which means that they stop growing. The rocks that make
up the islands also begin to cool and erode. As they cool down, the rocks lose their buoyancy, and the islands
become more susceptible to sinking back toward the ocean floor. Erosion, caused by wind, rain, and other
weather forces, is another factor that affects the life span of these islands.

23. What evidence supports the claim that the describing the formation of Loihi seamount
Hawaiian-Emperor chain contains two distinct mentioning the orientation of the Hawaiian-
sections? eror chain
a. The description of the orientation of the chain detailing the age of the oldest island, Kauai
b. The range in age of seamounts in the Emperor discussing the cessation of volcanic activity
section ands move away from hotspots
c. The mention of the Hawaiian Islands
d. The formation of Loihi seamount What evidence supports the claim that
anic activity stops as islands move away
24. How does the evidence provided in the text hotspots?
support the claim of a linear aging pattern in the e description of the orientation of the
Hawaiian Islands? aiian-Emperor chain
Grade 8 English Regular AMS Sample Questions 2324-68023

b. The mention of Loihi seamount's formation d. By detailing the age range of seamounts in the
c. The discussion of erosion as a factor affec Emperor section
the lifespan of islands
d. The statement about the cessation of addi 27. What evidence supports the claim of the
new basalt to islands duration of an island cycle in the Hawaiian-
Emperor chain?
26. How does the evidence provided in the te a. The mention of Loihi seamount's formation
support the claim of islands sinking back to t b. The discussion of initial elevation above sea
ocean floor? level
a. By mentioning the formation of Loihi seam c. The description of the range in age of
b. By discussing the cooling and erosion of is seamounts in the Emperor section
rocks d. The statement about the cessation of volcanic
c. By describing the initial elevation above sea activity
level of islands

Spelling: List 9
1. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly? 3. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
a. thin-skinned a. balanced
b. thinker b. exagerated
c. unsined c. fireworks
d. wildfire d. verbal

2. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly? 4. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?
a. confined a. politician
b. crucail b. prominense
c. drafted c. versatile
d. endeavor d. worldwide

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