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One of the infamous quotes from Samson Brass, a lawyer portrayed in Charles

Dickens's novel The Old Curiosity Shop, “It is a pleasant world we live in, sir, a very
pleasant world. There are bad people in it...but if there were no bad people, there would be no
good lawyers.” This remark is arguably debatable in terms of its truth and applicability on our
current society.

While some may agree with the remark, it may only apply when we examine the role
of law on a surface level. When exploring the role and purpose of law in a broader context, I
would disagree with Dickens’s remark that the presence of ‘bad people’ creates the need for
‘good lawyers.’ The observation may contain elements of truth, however, I found it has
oversimplified the multifaceted role lawyers play in our modern society.

In today’s world, the role of lawyers extends beyond simply reacting to the actions of
the wrongdoers ‘bad people’. It is important to acknowledge that the scope of a lawyer's
responsibilities extend far beyond. For instance, servicing the needs of 'good people' also
makes up a significant aspect of a lawyer's duty. Aside from responding to people’s
misconduct, lawyers also take proactive actions in implementing preventive measures for
their clients, including offering legal guidance, conflict resolution, and drafting and reviewing
contracts such as prenuptial agreements and corporate contracts. Lawyers help individuals,
businesses and organisations to understand their rights and obligations, and ensure they
comply with the current laws and regulations. These acts serve to protect the interests of their
clients, even in the absence of ‘bad people.’

Alongside their regular day-to-day work, many lawyers are actively involved in
advocating for legal reforms and changes to address current legal issues, giving a voice and
defending the rights of minority groups in the society. These efforts contribute greatly to the
refinement and revolutionisation of legal frameworks, ensuring they remain responsive to the
changing needs of modern society.
While Dickens’s remark may resonate within the sphere of the criminal justice
system, where the presence of ‘bad people’ undoubtedly highlights the significance of a
lawyer’s roles. However, looking at the representation of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people, it can be
inherently subjective and context dependent. Individuals who have been accused of a crime
are not necessarily define as ‘bad’ people, and vice versa, the absence of an accusation does
not naturally profile them as ‘good’ people either. In today’s world, lawyers continue to play
a pivotal role safeguarding justice and protecting individual rights with or without the
presence of good and bad people.

Total Word Count 428 words

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