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Name: Maroof Jahan Azizi

SAP: 70154153
Subject: Islamiyat
Assignment: 3
Importance of Madni life of Prophet Muhammad (S.
A.W) in our Islamic society

 Foundation of Islamic State: In Madinah, the Prophet

(PBUH) established the first Islamic state, laying the
groundwork for a society based on Islamic principles. The
Constitution of Medina, a charter promoting religious
tolerance and social justice, is a prime example.

 Establishing the Ummah (Community): The Prophet

(PBUH) fostered unity and brotherhood amongst Muslims
through the concept of Mu'aakhaat (fraternization). This
united the previously divided community and set an example
for social cohesion.

 Military Strategy and Defense: The Prophet's (PBUH)

leadership during battles like Badr and Uhud demonstrated
effective defensive and offensive strategies. These battles,
though not all victories, instilled resilience and perseverance
in the Muslim community.

 Importance of Knowledge and Education: The

Prophet (PBUH) established the first mosque in Madinah,
which served not only as a place of worship but also a center
for learning and education. This highlighted the importance of
knowledge in Islam.

 Quranic Revelation Continued: Many important

Quranic verses were revealed during the Madani period,
providing guidance on various aspects of Islamic life, from
social conduct to legal rulings. These verses continue to
guide Muslims today.

In essence, the Madni life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) serves as

a practical model for implementing Islamic principles in society. It
provides Muslims with a framework for governance, social
interaction, education, and religious practice that continues to
shape Islamic society today.

The lesson from Ghazwat ul nabi (S.A.W)

There are many lessons to be learned from the Ghazwat ul Nabi

(SAW), the military expeditions led by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Here are some key takeaways:
 Importance of Faith and Trust in Allah: Many
battles were fought with a seemingly weaker Muslim force
emerging victorious. This instilled faith in the hearts of
Muslims, demonstrating that victory ultimately comes from

 Discipline and Obedience: Victories like Badr

stemmed from following the Prophet's (PBUH) strategies.
Uhud, with some disregarding his plan, became a setback.
This emphasizes discipline and obedience to leadership.

 Unity and Cohesion: The early Muslim community,

despite internal differences, came together against external
threats. This highlights the importance of Muslim unity in
facing challenges.

 Resilience in the Face of Difficulty: The Muslims

faced setbacks like Uhud, but they persevered and rebuilt.
This teaches Muslims resilience in overcoming hardships.

 Strategic Planning and Leadership: The Prophet's

(PBUH) leadership showcased effective planning and
battlefield tactics. He used resources wisely and adapted
strategies based on situations.
 Mercy and Forgiveness: Even in victory, the Prophet
(PBUH) often displayed mercy towards enemies. This teaches
Muslims the importance of forgiveness and avoiding

By studying the Ghazwat ul Nabi (SAW), Muslims can learn

valuable lessons about faith, discipline, unity, resilience,
leadership, and mercy. These lessons can be applied in various
aspects of life, not just in physical conflicts.

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