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1. Why should near misses be reported?

To educate employees To ensure complete recovery

To test the first aider To stop a more serious event occurring

2. Factories act come into force from

1948 1976

1947 1st April, 1949

3. Direction is the function of -

Planning guiding

Communicating none of the above

4. If you wanted to convey the most severe type of hazard, which word would you use?

Warning Danger

notice Caution

5 Equipment used for the protection of eyes:

face mask goggles

Gas mask Asbestos clothing

6 Factory using power as per Factory Act, is a premise of minimum:

10 workers 20 workers

30 workers 40 workers

7. Issues between employer and employee are covered in

Factories Act Industrial Disputes Act

Workman’s Compensation Act Minimum Wages Act

8. Major role of a supervisor are -

planning and organizing direction

manage staffing

9. What does the following diagram show


Meaning Message

Recipent Transmission

Types of Communication Types of Formal Communication

Communication Process None of the above

10 Safe and proper equipment operation generally includes

inspections and maintenance knowing how to contact emergency

warming it up All of the above

11. ___________ is the step in controlling process

analysing deviations organizing

Managing decision - making

12. The necessity of industrial act is to protect the interests of:

Workers a and b

Employers None of the above

13 Supervision means:

Monitoring Controlling

Leadership Motivation

14. Minimum wages which are fixed are declared by Government through

Newspaper Magazine

Official gazette All

15. Following is/are the physical hazard agent(s):

Falls electricity

Inhalation of fumes All of the above

16. Communication moving from Workers to top level officers

Horizontal Communication Downward Communication

Upward Communication None the above

17. ______documented format that authorises specified people to work under conditions.

Work license Work Permit

Work Authority Work Order

18. “Motivation is the process of stimulating people to accomplish the desired goals”.

Willam G. Scout Fred Luthans

Henry Fayol Mc Farland

19. The process of hammering in high risk gas areas

hot work permit electrical permit

cold work permit ground disturbance permit

SOP means:

Safe Operating Program Safe Operating Procedure

Standard Operating System Standard Operation Policy

20. Faulty electrical equipment may cause_____

Fire hazards Industrial accidents

Loss of property All of the above

21. The responsibility of fire prevention belongs to

Manager Everyone

Supervisor Fire department

22. __________ is the example of formal communication:

rumours agenda

grapevine gossip

23. ________ is not a welfare provision under Factories Act, 1948

Creche Canteen

First Aid Drinking water

24. While working on electrical equipments ensure that all metal hand tools are _

Insulated Folded

Protected None of the above

25. Following are the types of non-verbal communication:

sound eye movements

posture all of the above

26. Basic Compensation given to employees as salaries or wages are called:

Basic Pay Salaries

Wages Variable pay

27. ___________ are the types of communications:

upward communication horizontal communication

downward communication all of the above

28. The term that describes an act and states what the future law will be for cases arising from it is

Labour Act Industrial Act

Development Act Legislation Act

29. An accident is

An unsafe act An unsafe condition

Unplanned, something that happens by None of the above


30. One of the ways in which decision can be elaborated is

uniformity of workers disciplinary action

by common circular punishment

31. ____________ is to be appointed if an organization is engaging 500 or more employees

Safety Committee Plant Committee

Welfare Officer Safety Officer

32. Which is not included in the cause of accident due to worker?

Lack of concentration Poor housekeeping

Mischievous behaviour Over confidence

33. ________ is the control technique for project management evaluation

Costs involved Data management

Critical Path Method Management audit

34. ____________ is the principle of directing

Effective communication leadership

Supervision organizing

35. To avoid confusions taken by the higher management, decisions must be _________

Elaborated Forced

Cancelled Reversed

36. When using hand tools, one must take care to

work with safety guard Sheilds

warning labels All of the above

37. The following symbols represent:

Biohazard and fire None of the options

Fire and chemical a and b

38. This diagram shows:

steps in organizing Types of control

Coordinating activities decision making process

39. ____________ is to be appointed if an organization is engaging 500 or more employees

Safety Committee Plant Committee

Welfare Officer Safety Officer

40. Women’s Compensation Act is administered by

Local Self-Government Central Government

State Government None of the above

41 Direction is the function of -

planning guiding

communicating none of the above

42 Requirements of an effective supervisor are:

attitude administration

use of authority communication

43 Following is/are the physical hazard agent(s)

Inhalation of fumes Falls

electricity All of the above

44 An unsafe physical condition occurs for the following reasons….

Harmful aerosol working with unsafe speed

No proper ventilation Absence of proper protective devices

45 Protective Clothing must be ________ when exposed to rotating equipment

loose both

tight none

46 Which concerns employees’ rights at work and through the contract for work?

Individual a and b

Collective none of the above

47 ______________ is a law making body

Assembly Management

Legislation Organization

48 Legislative act gives legal relationship between employer and framework to…

Executive Employee

Manager Foreman

49 According to law, _______ is not viewed as a separate legal entity:

Entrepreneur Company

Partner Proprietorship

50 Advisory Board in the Minimum Wages Act is appointed by _______

Company RBI

Appropriate Government None of the above

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