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坤成中学 2024年上学年初一小考周 - 考试范围

2024 Mid Year Class Test Scope for JR1

9/5~16/5 为初一小考周,上课和放学时间按照平时周一至周五的课程时间表进行安排。
9/5~16/5 is the Jr1 class test week. Classes and dismissal times will follow the regular Monday to Friday schedule.
Class tests will be conducted between lessons, arranged by subject teachers. A maximum of two subjects will be
tested each day.
科目 Subjek
评测范围 Scope
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B. Malaysia 1. kesalahan ejaan, kesalahan tatabahasa, sintaksis subjek & predikat (markah 25m)

Chapter 1 introduction to biology 认识生物学 ,

Biology Chapter 2 characteristics of living things 生物的特征 (pg 3-5),
Chapter 3 biological unit - cell and tissue 细胞和组织 Only ( pg 6-12)

Chem Chapter 1- Chapter 2.2 (pg1-pg18)

English 8 Parts of Speech, Pronouns, Summary Writing

Maths Chapter 3: Fraction

Physics Module 1 Light: Units 1 to 4 (Page 3 - 35)

Sejarah Bab 1. Mengenali Sejarah (ms 4-8)

应用文: 公函

历史 单元1:历史和历史学习 - 单元2.3:两河文明与尼罗河文明 (pg3-38)

第3章多样的地形 至
地理 第5章青葱的森林的5.2森林有多重要?

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