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Review Questions 335

where L is the closed path defining surface S (see Figure 3.21). Rather than using Biot–
Savart’s law, the magnetic field due to a current distribution may be found by using A, a
powerful approach that is particularly useful in antenna theory. For a current element I
dl at r!, the magnetic vector potential at r is
moI dl
A53 , R 5 0 r 2 rr 0
7. Elements of similarity between electric and magnetic fields exist. Some of these are
listed in Table 7.1. Corresponding to Poisson’s equation =2V 5 2rv /e, for example, is

=2A 5 2moJ

8. Lightning may be regarded as a transient, high-current electric discharge. A common way

to protect people, buildings, and other structures from lightning is to use lightning rods.

QUESTIONS 7.1 One of the following is not a source of magnetostatic fields:
(a) A dc current in a wire
(b) A permanent magnet
(c) An accelerated charge
(d) An electric field linearly changing with time
(e) A charged disk rotating at uniform speed
7.2 Identify the configuration in Figure 7.24 that is not a correct representation of I
and H.
7.3 Consider points A, B, C, D, and E on a circle of radius 2 as shown in Figure 7.25. The items
in the right-hand list are the values of af at different points on the circle. Match these items
with the points in the list on the left.
(a) A (i) ax
(b) B (ii) 2ax
(c) C (iii) ay
(d) D (iv) 2ay

FIGURE 7.24 For Review Question 7.2.

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FIGURE 7.25 For Review Question 7.3.

ax 1 ay
(e) E (v)
2ax 2 ay
2ax 1 ay
ax 2 ay

7.4 The z-axis carries filamentary current of 10p A along az. Which of these is incorrect?
(a) H 5 2ax A/m at 1 0, 5, 0 2
(b) H 5 af A/m at 1 5, p/4, 0 2
(c) H 5 20.8ax 2 0.6ay at 1 23, 4, 0 2
(d) H 5 2af at 1 5, 3p/2, 0 2
7.5 Plane y 5 0 carries a uniform current of 30az mA/m. At 1 1, 10, 22 2 , the magnetic field
intensity is
(a) 215ax mA/m (d) 18.85ay nA/m
(b) 15ax mA/m (e) None of the above
(c) 477.5ay mA/m
7.6 For the currents and closed paths of Figure 7.26, calculate the value of AL H # d l.
7.7 Which of these statements is not characteristic of a static magnetic field?
(a) It is solenoidal.
(b) It is conservative.
(c) It has no sinks or sources.
(d) Magnetic flux lines are always closed.
(e) The total number of flux lines entering a given region is equal to the total number of
flux lines leaving the region.

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Review Questions 337

FIGURE 7.26 For Review Question 7.6.

7.8 Two identical coaxial circular coils carry the same current I but in opposite directions. The
magnitude of the magnetic field B at a point on the axis midway between the coils is
(a) Zero
(b) The same as that produced by one coil
(c) Twice that produced by one coil
(d) Half that produced by one coil.
7.9 Which one of these equations is not Maxwell’s equation for a static electromagnetic field
in a linear homogeneous medium?
(a) = # B 5 0 (d) AS D # dS 5 Q
(b) = 3 D 5 0 (e) =2A 5 moJ
(c) AL B # d l 5 moI
7.10 Two bar magnets with their north poles having strength Qm1 5 10 A # m and
Qm2 5 10 A # m (magnetic charges) are placed inside a volume as shown in Figure 7.27.
The magnetic flux leaving the volume is
(a) 200 Wb (d) 0 Wb
(b) 30 Wb (e) 210 Wb
(c) 10 Wb
Answers: 7.1c, 7.2c, 7.3 (a)-(ii), (b)-(vi), (c)-(i), (d)-(v), (e)-(iii), 7.4d, 7.5a, 7.6 (a) 10 A, (b)
220 A, (c) 0, (d) 210 A, 7.7b, 7.8a, 7.9e, 7.10d.

FIGURE 7.27 For Review Question 7.10.

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Section 7.2—Biot–Savart’s Law

7.1 (a) State Biot–Savart’s law.

(b) The y- and z-axes, respectively, carry filamentary currents 10 A along ay and 20 A
along 2az. Find H at 1 23, 4, 5 2 .
7.2 A long, straight wire carries current 2A. Calculate the distance from the wire when the
magnetic field strength is 10 mA/m.
7.3 Two infinitely long wires, placed parallel to the z-axis, carry currents 10 A in opposite
directions as shown in Figure 7.28. Find H at point P.
7.4 Two current elements I1dl1 5 4 3 10 25 ax A.m at (0, 0, 0) and I2dl2 5 6 3 10 25 ay A.m
at (0, 0, 1) are in free space. Find H at (3, 1, –2).
7.5 A conducting filament carries current I from point A 1 0, 0, a 2 to point B 1 0, 0, b 2 . Show
that at point P 1 x, y, 0 2 ,
I b a
H5 c 2 d af
4p"x2 1 y3 "x2 1 y2 1 b2 "x2 1 y2 1 a2

7.6 Consider AB in Figure 7.29 as part of an electric circuit. Find H at the origin due to AB.
7.7 Line x 5 0, y 5 0, 0 # z # 10 m carries current 2 A along az. Calculate H at points
(a) 1 5, 0, 0 2 (c) 1 5, 15, 0 2
(b) 1 5, 5, 0 2 (d) 1 5, 215, 0 2
*7.8 (a) Find H at 1 0, 0, 5 2 due to side 2 of the triangular loop in Figure 7.6(a).
(b) Find H at 1 0, 0, 5 2 due to the entire loop.

5 X 10 A

4 y

2 1

1 6A

• B
10 A 1 2 3 4 5 x 0 1

FIGURE 7.28 For Problem 7.3. FIGURE 7.29 For Problem 7.6.

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Problems 339

y FIGURE 7.30 Current filament for Problem 7.9.



7.9 An infinitely long conductor is bent into an L shape as shown in Figure 7.30. If a direct
current of 5 A flows in the conductor, find the magnetic field intensity at (a) 1 2, 2, 0 2 , (b)
1 0, 22, 0 2 , and (c) 1 0, 0, 2 2 .
7.10 Find H at the center C of an equilateral triangular loop of side 4 m carrying 5 A of current
as in Figure 7.31.
7.11 A rectangular loop carrying 10 A of current is placed on z 5 0 plane as shown in
Figure 7.32. Evaluate H at
(a) 1 2, 2, 0 2 (b) 1 4, 2, 0 2
(c) 1 4, 8, 0 2 (d) 1 0, 0, 2 2
7.12 A square conducting loop of side 4 cm lies on the z ! 0 plane and is centered at the
origin. If it carries a current 5 mA in the counterclockwise direction, find H at the center
of the loop.
*7.13 (a) A filamentary loop carrying current I is bent to assume the shape of a regular polygon
of n sides. Show that at the center of the polygon
nI p
H5 sin
2pr n
where r is the radius of the circle circumscribed by the polygon.
(b) Apply this for the cases of n 5 3 and n 5 4 and see if your results agree with those for
the triangular loop of Problem 7.10.

FIGURE 7.32 Rectangular loop

of Problem 7.11.
FIGURE 7.31 Equilateral triangular
loop for Problem 7.10.

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4 cm 10 A

O 100 cm

10 A

FIGURE 7.33 Filamentary loop of Problem 7.14 (not drawn to scale).

ρ1 ρ2

FIGURE 7.34 Problem 7.15.

(c) As n becomes large, show that the result of part (a) becomes that of the circular loop
of Example 7.3.
7.14 For the filamentary loop shown in Figure 7.33, find the magnetic field strength at O.
7.15 Figure 7.34 shows a portion of a circular loop. Find H at the origin.
7.16 Two identical loops are parallel and separated by distance d as shown in Figure 7.35.
Calculate H at (0, 0, d) assuming that a ! 3 cm, d ! 4 cm, and I ! 10 A.
7.17 A solenoid of radius 4 mm and length 2 cm has 150 turns/m and carries a current of
500 mA. Find (a) 0 H 0 at the center, (b) 0 H 0 at the ends of the solenoid.
7.18 Plane x 5 10 carries a current of 100 mA/m along az, while line x 5 1, y 5 22 carries a
filamentary current of 20p mA along az. Determine H at 1 4, 3, 2 2 .

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Problems 341

z FIGURE 7.35 Problem 7.16.


Loop 1

Loop 2

Section 7.3—Ampère’s Circuit Law

7.19 (a) State Ampère’s circuit law.

(b) A hollow conducting cylinder has inner radius a and outer radius b and carries cur-
rent I along the positive z-direction. Find H everywhere.
7.20 Current sheets of 20ax A/m and !20ax A/m are located at y " 1 and y 5 21, respectively.
Find H in region 21 , y , 1.
7.21 The z 5 0 plane carries current K 5 10ax A/m, while current filament situated at
y 5 0, z 5 6 carries current I along ax. Find I such that H 1 0, 0, 3 2 5 0.
7.22 A conducting cylinder of radius a carries current I along #az. (a) Use Ampère’s law to find
H for $ a and % a. (b) Find J.
7.23 An infinitely long cylindrical conductor of radius a is placed along the z-axis. If the
current density is J 5 az, where Jo is constant, find H everywhere.
7.24 Let H 5 y2ax 1 x2ay A/m. (a) Find J. (b) Determine the current through the strip
z "1, 0 $ x $ 2, 1 $ y < 5.
7.25 Let H 5 ko a baf, r , a, where ko is a constant. (a) Find J for r , a. (b) Find H for r . a.
7.26 Let H " y2ax # x2ay A/m. Find J at (1, !4, 7).
7.27 Assume a conductor, H " 103ρ2af A/m. (a) Find J. (b) Calculate the current through the
surface 0 $ ρ $ 2, 0 $ f $ 2&, z " 0.

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FIGURE 7.36 Two-wire line of Problem 7.30.

7.28 A cylindrical conductor of radius a ! 1 cm carries current I which produces H ! 4ρa"

A/m. Find I.

7.29 An infinitely long filamentary wire carries a current of 2 A along the z-axis in the
1z-direction. Calculate the following:
(a) B at 1 23, 4, 7 2
(b) The flux through the square loop described by 2 # r # 6, 0 # z # 4, f 5 90°.

7.30 Consider the two-wire transmission line whose cross section is illustrated in Figure 7.36. Each
wire is of radius 2 cm, and the wires are separated 10 cm. The wire centered at 1 0, 0 2 carries a
current of 5 A, while the other centered at 1 10 cm, 0 2 carries the return current. Find H at
(a) 1 5 cm, 0 2
(b) 1 10 cm, 5 cm 2

7.31 An electron beam forms a current of density

Jo 1 12r2@ 2 2 az
J5 e a , r,a
0, r.a
(a) Determine the total current.
(b) Find the magnetic field intensity everywhere.

Section 7.5—Magnetic Flux Density

7.32 Determine the magnetic flux through a rectangular loop 1 a 3 b 2 due to an infinitely long
conductor carrying current I as shown in Figure 7.37. The loop and the straight conduc-
tors are separated by distance d.
7.33 A semicircular loop of radius a in free space carries a current I. Determine the magnetic
flux density at the center of the loop.

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Problems 343

z FIGURE 7.37 For Problem 7.32.


d a

FIGURE 7.38 Cross section of a brass ring enclosing a long straight wire; for Problem 7.35.

7.34 In free space, the magnetic flux density is

B 5 y2ax 1 z2ay 1 x2az Wb/m2

(a) Show that B is a magnetic field

(b) Find the magnetic flux through x 5 1, 0 , y , 1, 1 , z , 4.
(c) Calculate J.
(d) Determine the total magnetic flux through the surface of a cube defined by 0 < x
< 2, 0 # y # 2, 0 # z # 2.
*7.35 A brass ring with triangular cross section encircles a very long straight wire concentrically
as in Figure 7.38. If the wire carries a current I, show that the total number of magnetic
flux lines in the ring is
moIh a1b
C5 c b 2 a ln d
2pb b

Calculate C if a 5 30 cm, b 5 10 cm, h 5 5 cm, and I 5 10 A.

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FIGURE 7.39 Electric motor pole of Problem 7.36.

7.36 The electric motor shown in Figure 7.39 has field

H5 sin 2f ar A/m
Calculate the flux per pole passing through the air gap if the axial length of the pole is 20 cm.
20 2
7.37 In free space, B 5 sin faz Wb/m2. Determine the magnetic flux crossing the strip
z = 0, 1 # r # 2 m, 0 # f # $/4.
2 1
7.38 If B 5 3 cos uar 1 3 sin uau Wb/m , find the magnetic flux through the spherical cap
r r
r ! 1, % # $/3.
7.39 In a hydrogen atom, an electron revolves at velocity 2.2 & 106 m/s. Calculate the magnetic
flux density at the center of the electron’s orbit. Assume that the radius of the orbit is
R ! 5.3 & 10'11 m.

Section 7.6—Maxwell’s Equations

7.40 Consider the following arbitrary fields. Find out which of them can possibly represent an
electrostatic or magnetostatic field in free space.
(a) A 5 y cos axax 1 1 y 1 e2x 2 az
(b) B 5 a
r r
(c) C 5 r2 sin u af

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Problems 345

7.41 Reconsider Problem 7.40 for the following fields.

(a) D 5 y2zax 1 2 1 x 1 1 2 yzay 2 1 x 1 1 2 z2az
1z 1 12 sin f
(b) E 5 cos f ar 1 az
r r
(c) F 5 2 1 2 cos u ar 1 sin u au 2

Section 7.7—Magnetic Scalar and Vector Potentials

7.42 A current element of length L carries current I in the z direction. Show that at a very
distant point,

A5 a
4pr z
Find B.

7.43 In free space, A ! 10 sin p yax ( (4 ( cos p x)az Wb/m. Find H and J.

2cosu sinu
7.44 Given that A 5 3 ar 1 au Wb/m exists in free space.
r r3

(a) show that ) * A ! 0

(b) Find B at point T(1, 30°, 60°)
7.45 For a current distribution in free space,

A 5 1 2x2y 1 yz 2 ax 1 1 xy2 2 xz3 2 ay 2 1 6xyz 2 2x2y2 2 az Wb/m

(a) Calculate B.
(b) Find the magnetic flux through a loop described by x 5 1, 0 , y , 2, 0 , z , 2.
(c) Show that = # A 5 0 and = # B 5 0.
7.46 In free space, a small circular loop of current produces
A5 sin uaf
where k is a constant. Find B.
7.47 The magnetic vector potential of a current distribution in free space is given by

A 5 15e2r sin f az Wb/m

Find H at 1 3, p/4, 210 2 . Calculate the flux through r 5 5, 0 # f # p/2, 0 # z # 10.

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7.48 Given that A 5 sin uaf Wb/m, find H at point (4, 60o, 30o).
7.49 An infinitely long conductor of radius a carries a uniform current with J 5 Jo az. Show that
the magnetic vector potential for r , a is
A 5 2 moJor2az
7.50 Find the B field corresponding to the magnetic vector potential
px py
A 5 sin cos a
2 2 z
7.51 The magnetic vector potential at a distant point from a small circular loop is given by

A5 sin u af Wb/m
where Ao is a constant. Determine the magnetic flux density B.
7.52 The magnetic field intensity in a certain conducting medium is

H 5 xy2ax 1 x2zay 2 y2zaz A/m

(a) Calculate the current density at point P 12, 21, 3 2.

(b) What is at P?
7.53 Let A 10r2az mWb/m.
(a) Find H and J.
(b) Determine the total current crossing the surface z 1, 0 r 2, 0 f 2 .
7.54 Prove that the magnetic scalar potential at 1 0, 0, z 2 due to a circular loop of radius a
shown in Figure 7.8(a) is

I z
Vm 5 c1 2 2 d
2 3 z 1 a2 4 1/2

7.55 The z-axis carries a filamentary current 12 A along az. Calculate Vm at (4, 30°, 2)
if Vm ! 0 at (10, 60°, 7).
7.56 Plane z 5 22 carries a current of 50ay A/m. If Vm 5 0 at the origin, find Vm at
(a) 1 22, 0, 5 2
(b) 1 10, 3, 1 2

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Problems 347

7.57 Prove in cylindrical coordinates that

(a) = 3 1 =V 2 5 0
(b) = # 1 = 3 A 2 5 0
*7.58 If R 5 r 2 rr and R 5 0 R 0 , show that

1 1 R
= 5 2=r 5 2 3

where and are del operators with respect to 1 x, y, z 2 and 1 xr, yr, zr 2 , respectively.

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