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1. Mister Spark left. - Where is he went?

2. He has been thinking about something for half an hour and then he quickly dressed up
and went.
3. How much did you pay for this painting ?
4. She has been in a vacation since Monday. - Why did she take the vacation in autumn?
5. He has been travelling a lot earlier and since that time he write books about different
6. Did the Canadian people invent hockey ?
7. I have been trying to watch this movie twice, but every time I fell asleep in the rst half an
hour. I don’t understand, why it took rst place in competition.
8. Have you been here long time ago ? How long have you been waiting for me?
9. Pit hasn’t called me since we met each other at Cate birthday. - Yes, he has been in
hospital for a month! - How? What had happened?
10. I have been here for 15 minutes. You never was late. - I’m sorry, its not my fault. I was
stuck in traf c

1. How many times has he been late for work this week?
2. You have been learning grammar rules whole morning. You have to take a break.
3. Your English has improved. Have you been learning by yourself ?
4. I have been thinking about this book and I have came to conclusion
5. This is our new house. We have been living here just one year
6. David is trying to quit smoking. He hasn’t already smoked two weeks.
7. I haven’t seen him for years. Do you know what has he been doing recently?
8. This is my favourite book, I have been reading it tree times
9. Do you know that he has a famous coins collection?
10. I have had a really bad headache because of this weather
11. She has been gaining weight all the time since she quit smoking
12. You have been talking on the phone for half an hour. Isn’t it time to stop it?
13. He has been looking for a job during past few months
14. I have been reading for 3 hours, this book is really exciting. -And how many have you
already read?
15. She has achieved a great success since she started work here
16.Has Cate already came? - No, I have been waiting her since 5 o’clock
17.How long have you been dealing with this problem?
18.She has been avoiding meetings with him, since they had ght
19.It was already the 10th candy that the child ate
20.Where have you been? Someone has been calling you whole day

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