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Unlike physical assets,
IP financing may seem
daunting to many
but rest assured that
experts in the field will
introduce the different
types of it.


Money, money, money The 2019 Asia IP Awards Anticipation by prior
Shortlist claiming in India:
5 | NEWS ANALYSIS The law and the practice
China 24 | FEATURES Whether lack of novelty is assessed
China’s draft Measures on Security Kazakhstan on by prior publication or prior
Assessment of the Cross-border the cusp of change claiming, it is the requirement of
Transfer of Personal Information As Kazakhstan prepares to Indian law that there should be a
Europe diversify its economy, it has turned clear and unmistakable direction
ECJ: The right to be forgotten, its eyes to Singapore. for the invention in the prior art.
Taiwan implements patent linkage 29 | FEATURES 38 | IP ANALYSTS
registration system Scourge ASEAN
Brand owners have taken notice Revisiting long-established
9 | PEOPLE AND PLACES that the sale of counterfeit goods is concepts on independent and
spreading rapidly in e-commerce dependent patent claims in
16 | COVER STORY marketplaces. Asia IP explores how Singapore
Finance: Last Word criminals are exploiting the love of India
Now that we have discussed the social media in the Philippines to Anti-counterfeiting in India
different types of IP financing, let’s sell fake goods.
dig deeper to see the pros and cons —ESPIE ANGELICA A. DE LEON Proof of right: PCT applications
as well as the do’s and don’ts. — designating India

2 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

IP Right
& Litigation
Corporate Legal
& Consulting
IP Value-Added
Since 1992

Quality • Profession • Enthusiasm

Patents, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets, Unfair Competition Licensing, Counseling, Litigation, Transactions

Our patent attorneys and patent engineers hold outstanding and advanced academic degrees
Our prominent staff is dedicated to provide the best quality service in IPRs
Our international cleints include Armani, Baidu, Beckhoff, BYD, CICC, Cypress, Dr. Reddy, Infineon, Intercept, InterDigital,
Gleason, Grenzebach, Haribo, Intercept, Lenovo, Lupin, Motorola, MPS, NovaLed, Oppo, Piramal, Schott Glass, Sun Pharma,
Torrent, Toyo Ink.

It would be easier to ascertain exact competence of a firm by, e.g. 1) sending it a pending or granted patent for its comments about
how it can improve the claims, 2) sending it a pending patent specification without the claims for it to draft the claims for the client’s
comparison with the original claims, or 3) sending to it and the firm the client is currently using at the same time an initial disclosure
so that the client can compare and find out which firm can provide the better claims. This firm welcomes such challenges.

13th Floor, 27, Sec. 3, Chung San N. Road, Taipei, Taiwan

TEL NO: 886-2-25856688 • FAX: 886-2-25989900/ 25978989

ISSN: 2072-3229

Gregory Glass
T: +852 3996 9541 E:

Johnny Chan

Espie Angelica A. de Leon


Excel Dyquiangco
E: Money, money, money

Richard Arroyo verybody likes money.
HEAD OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT With money, you can provide for your family, buy a bigger
Patrick Chu house and drive a faster car. With money, you can do good and lessen
suffering. With money, you can boost your company’s productivity and
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER secure its future prosperity.
Isaac Man Companies need money for all of those reasons. Sometimes, the
money simply isn’t there, but for certain kinds of companies – those
CONTRIBUTORS that are rich in intellectual property assets – there is an increasingly
Shobhit Agarwal, Sanchita Ganguli,
Saif Khan, Rajiv Kumar, Gladys
common way to get the money they need.
Mirandah, Rudina Ann Pescante They can turn their intellectual assets into money.
And while IP lawyers – and lots of IP owners – know this, the rest
Edna Chow of the world often struggles with the concept of using an intangible
asset as collateral or security. And with the horror stories that abound
PUBLISHER in the marketplace, it’s not necessarily getting easier to turn your IP
Darren Barton
T: +852 3996 9540 E:
into money.
“The market for IP-collateralized debt should probably be served
by specialty lenders, because banks have gotten into it and gotten
CONTACT US burned,” says John Eastwood, a partner at Eiger in Taipei.
EDITORIAL In India, for example, a prominent example was money raised
E: by Kingfisher (the Vijay Mallya-led enterprise) from the State Bank
SUBSCRIPTIONS/CUSTOMER SERVICE of India, the Bank of India and others while offering the Kingfisher
trademark as collateral. Banks failed to monetize the IP, says Varun
ADVERTISING Kalsi, a partner at PSA (Priti Suri & Associates) in New Delhi, as they
found no bidders and the attempt to do so was happening amidst
concerns raised by the Central Bureau of Investigation regarding IP-
PUBLISHED BY collateralized debt.
Johnny Chan has talked with lawyers far and wide to put together
our cover story this month, which comes in two parts: one which lays
out the basics and different types of IP financing, and a second which
Apex Asia Media Limited examines the do’s and don’ts of using your intellectual property as part
21/F Gold Shine Tower
346-348 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong of your financing plan.
We hope you enjoy this issue. Thank you for reading and, as
T: +852 3996 9540 F: +852 3015 8136
E: always, we want to hear from you about what you’d like to see in a future
W: issue of Asia IP.
© Apex Asia Media Limited 2018

The copyright of this magazine is held by the publisher. No part may
be reproduced, copied, or stored in a retrieval system without the
prior written consent of the publisher. The material in this magazine
does not constitute advice and no liability is assumed in relation to it.
The views expressed in this magazine are the views of the respective
authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, its Darren Barton Gregory Glass
staff, or members of the editorial board.

Asia IP is published 10 times per year, with subscriptions costing US$595 per year. To subscribe, use one of the following channels
Subscribe at to start your subscription immediately Call +852 3996 9540
Subscribe today to gain the intelligence you need to protect your IP assets in Asia

4 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019


transferred outside who will help the organization

to comply with Chinese data
of China." protection and security policies
C HIN A may be beneficial.
—DORA LUO, counsel, Hunton According to James Gong,
Andrews Kurth, Beijing
"In addition senior associate at Herbert Smith
Freehills in Beijing, there will be
to a rocketing China’s draft Measures on challenges once the measures are
administrative Security Assessment of the
Cross-border Transfer of
“The measures do not
workload, Personal Information provide any exemption for
the proposed The Cyberspace Administration
of China (CAC) released the draft
random or limited transfers of
personal information. This will
regulations would Measures on Security Assessment further increase the number
also give rise to a of the Cross-border Transfer of
Personal Information on June 13,
of applications and also the
compliance burden for companies
disproportionate 2019. The Measures, which refer that only export personal
compliance burden to the GDPR, apply to all network information on an occasional
operators, i.e., “owners and basis. Measures seem to apply to
for overseas managers of networks as well as all overseas entities that collect
entities that collect network service providers.” The personal information from China,
comment period ended on July 13,
only a small
irrespective of the amount of
2019. personal information collected or
amount of personal Under the draft measures, whether Chinese data subjects are

information on network operators should undergo

security assessment with the CAC
targeted. In addition to a rocketing
administrative workload, the
an irregular or prior to the transfer of personal proposed regulations would also
random basis." information collected in China to
an overseas recipient. They should
give rise to a disproportionate
compliance burden for overseas
—JAMES GONG, senior also file their security assessment entities that collect only a small
associate, Herbert Smith report with the CAC for evaluation. amount of personal information on
Freehills, Beijing If results show that the cross- an irregular or random basis,” says
border transfer may “impact Gong.
China’s national security, endanger He also mentions that some
"The measures public interest or ineffectively
protect personal information,” the
of the provisions to be included
in the export contract seem to
have been under transfer will not be allowed. be inconsistent with the general
heated debate Network operators should
also have data transfer agreements
contract law or tort law. Thus,
problems in enforcement may
during the period containing specific clauses with arise.
of public comment all overseas recipients. Among
these clauses are that the data
He cites other gaps in
the draft measures: “The draft
as to whether it subjects are the beneficiaries of regulations do not expressly
is reasonable to the contract and they can bring
infringement claims against
specify whether the overseas
entities must also apply to the CAC
require network either the network operator or for assessment and pre-approval
operators to the recipient or both and claim for the collection of personal
damages. information.”
go through the Additionally, the measures Dora Luo, counsel at Hunton
mandatory specify that network operators Andrews Kurth in Beijing, agrees
should develop an incident
security response plan, report serious
with Gong. “The measures have
been under heated debate during
assessments data security incidents the period of public comment,
regardless of immediately and keep a
record of all cross-border
for instance, as to whether it is
reasonable to require network
the volume data transfers for at least operators to go through the
of personal five years, among others.
In the case of a
mandatory security assessments
conducted by the competent
data that foreign entity, appointing authority regardless of the volume
would be a local representative of personal data that would be

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 5


transferred outside of China,” she

the change of volume, type,
scope of data, network security
is a citizen or
Gong continues: “In addition, environment of the receiving resident in the
the 2019 Draft Measures do not
expressly provide a grace period
nation, data security laws, foreign
relations, international political
EEA. So practically
within which network operators and economic situation and speaking,
can complete the evaluation and
approval process. If implemented
development of new technology.
The specific standard of
strictly, network operators may assessment of national security from outside
have to cease current transfers and
wait for the export applications
is difficult to confirm in the
preliminary stage of drafting the
the EEA will
to be evaluated and approved. cross-border data flow, so the not have
This would give rise to serious
operational difficulties for a
security assessment is a smart way
for exploration.”
number of companies.” In totality, Luo says that the to this
Luo sees additional issuance of the draft measures right."
challenges considering the shows China’s commitment to
complexity of cross-border data continuously improve its data —GABRIEL
transfers. protection laws. Her firm also VOISIN,
“For instance, the measures believes that the orderly data flow partner, Bird &
only address cross-border will promote data privacy and data Bird, London
transfer of personal data rather compliance in Asia Pacific.
than the much larger amount of
non-personal data,” says Luo.
Citing the Snowden incident
of 2013, Luo says, “conditions such
"It may be possible
“Before the measures were issued, as geopolitics, national security, for the right to be
back in April 2017, the China
Administration of Cybersecurity
privacy protection, industry
capabilities and market access
forgotten to limit
also released the Draft Measures inevitably influence and drive freedom of speech
on Assessment of Cross-Border
Transfer of Personal Information
such policies. The issuance of the
measures reflects the burgeoning
and expression
and Important Data. Even though demand of data protection as well because the
the relationship between these two
drafts still remains unknown, it
as cybersecurity compliance in
China. On one hand, China wants
seems that cross-border transfers to promote the free flow of data. has complete
of personal data and cross-border On the other hand, China also control over their
transfers of important data would needs to ensure security. China is
be subject to different regulations.” trying to seek orderly data flows in personal data,
She also believes that some the complex political environment notwithstanding
organizations which need to and with the rapid development of
transfer large amounts of personal technology.”—ESPIE ANGELICA A. DE LEON that it may have
data outside of China will have to been commented
review their IT structures. In case
data cannot be delivered out of on by others or be
China, the organization may even important for
be forced to build a data center on
Chinese soil. the public
Despite these however, Luo to view."
believes the draft measures serve a "Supervisory
Singling out the security
authorities will —SHEENA
JACOBS, managing
assessment process as a smart focus on claims partner, JurisAsia,
move, Luo says, “the security where there is a Singapore
assessment is a reasonable
option in the initial stage of clear link between ECJ: The right to be
the establishment of a cross- the data subject forgotten, but only in the EU
border data transfer mechanism The European Court of Justice
in China. It is hard to reach a and the EU, for (ECJ) has recently ruled in favour
unanimous agreement as to instance where of Google, saying that it does not
the global standard of national
security which might vary by the data subject have to remove links of sensitive
information of people worldwide,

6 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

but only for those within the searches in Europe, the possibility example, a totalitarian government
boundaries of the European Union. of showing up on Google in the US, may use this right to censor
In its ruling, the top court claimed Hong Kong or the Philippines, for content that they do not want their
that the dispute known as the example, may depend upon the citizens to have access to.”
right to be forgotten or the right search engine. She adds that in the near
to erasure could be ill-treated by “An important distinction future, it is quite possible that
authoritarian governments should here is that individuals cannot the right to be forgotten may be
it be implemented outside Europe. just request a blanket wipe of implemented in other countries’
With this win, individuals ‘their data’ from the internet,” data protection laws in the same
can see litigious entries de-listed says Voisin. “The right to be way as rights of access and
from Google results at a worldwide forgotten requests are linked to correction.
level if the competent EU data particular items that individuals In 2016, Google was fined
protection regulator or court want to see de-listed from Google approximately US$110,000 by
determines that, in the light of results. Google reviews every the Commission Nationale de
national standards, global de- request. If Google believes that L’informatique et des Libertés
listing would be required. arguments can be made to resist to (CNIL), a private, France-based
Gabriel Voisin, a partner at someone’s request (e.g. there are organization designed to protect
Bird & Bird in London, explains freedom of information or speech personal data, support innovation
further that this ruling means that considerations that override the and preserve individual liberties,
under EU laws, everyone has a individual’s rights), then it may for its failure to delist search
right to data protection. decline to remove the requested engine results globally. This came
“In practice, however, item. If Google does remove the after the EU’s right to be forgotten
supervisory authorities will focus requested item, it would do so only in 2014 that says that search
on claims where there is a clear in relation to EU-wide results, engines should have the right to
link between the data subject and meaning that if you Google the remove results that are deemed
the EU, for instance where the search term outside of the EU, it inappropriate and vulgar, such as
data subject is a citizen or resident will appear.” criminal records.
in the European Economic Area Voisin adds that if a In view of the ruling, the
(EEA),” he says. “So practically competent EU data protection top court considered two cases.
speaking, individuals from outside regulator or court approached by The first looked at the territorial
the EEA will not have access to this the individual determine that, in scope of de-listing requests (the
right.” the light of national standards, right to be forgotten on Google).
If visiting the EU, the General global de-listing would be The second examined requests
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) required, then the item may no to de-list sensitive personal
applies only to data subjects longer be listed and Google will data (special category data) and
when they are in the EU, and this have to remove it from results criminal offenses and convictions
includes the right to be forgotten displayed in Europe, US, Hong data and Google’s obligation to
– Google is not required to Kong, the Philippines or anywhere consider the interests of freedom
remove the search results in other else in the world. of information.—EXCEL DYQUIANGCO
countries outside the EU. However, Meanwhile, according
if visiting other countries outside to Sheena Jacobs, managing
the jurisdiction of the EU, for partner of JurisAsia in Singapore,
instance, and a different address the difficulty with this right is
for Google is put in, then any that it is quite complicated to TA I WA N
sensitive information still appears. accomplish when you also consider
“Indeed, this search will be other rights such as freedom of "The
deemed to be outside the EU via
your IP address, which will show
information or the public interest.
“It may be possible for the
implementation of
that you are in other countries right to be forgotten when taken the patent linkage
outside EU,” says Voisin. “This
happens regardless of your
to the extreme to limit freedom will definitely raise
of speech and expression because
nationality. This also explains why the individual has complete the protection
you may see from time to time the control over their personal data, strength for
following disclaimer at the bottom notwithstanding that it may have
of Google result web pages: ‘Some been commented on by others pharma IP holders.
results may have been removed or be important for the public to It is the nature and
under data protection law in
view,” she says. “While this would
not arise in every case, the public intended purpose
On the other hand, if Google also has a competing right to have of the policy. Once
removes an individual from access to such information. For

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 7


you strengthen the of patents related to their drug biological products and patents
level of protection, to the Taiwan Food and Drug covering them. But after patent
it would certainly Administration (TFDA). Additional
data in connection with the
linkage, everything becomes
transparent. It is a big move from
increase the patents should also be included the perspective of the public
operation like the expiry date, patent owner,
exclusive licensee, patent attorney
After listing patents, under
cost." on record and specific claims certain conditions, Chang says that
according to the indications the patentees would trigger the
—ROGER CHANG, obtained on the drug approval one-year stay period against ANDA
partner, Lee and Li, if the patent is for a medical filers. “It strengthens the degree of
Taipei purpose. patent protection.”
When applying for Although there have been
Taiwan generic market approval, some criticisms against patent
implements the abbreviated new drug linkage, Chang says he’s not at all
patent linkage application (ANDA) filer concerned.
registration should also confirm any of “The implementation of the
system the following cases: patent linkage will definitely raise
The Legislative Yuan of Taiwan 1) It has no listed patents, the protection strength for pharma
passed an amendment to the 2) Its listed patents have IP holders. It is the nature and
Pharmaceutical Affairs Act on expired, intended purpose of the policy.
December 29, 2017, to resolve 3) It is seeking generic market Once you strengthen the level
patent issues between generic drug approval until all patents in of protection, it would certainly
and brand drug manufacturers the list expire, or increase the operation cost,” he
more quickly. This development is 4) The listed patents are either explains.
expected to facilitate the growth invalid or not infringed “For example, if you raise
of Taiwan’s biomedical industry. upon. protection over copyright, right
Promulgated on January 31, 2018, holders would be better off, but the
the amendment sought to create If the generic drug freedom of knowledge distribution
a patent linkage system in the manufacturer declares Case No. would be registered. It goes
country. 4, he should inform the patent another way around if you lower
The registration system for holder within 20 days after receipt the copyright protection. It is a
patent linkage is now in place, of notification from TFDA. To slow policy selection,” he says. “Nothing
effective August 20, 2019, marking down the market approval of the is perfect.”
the first time such system has been generic drug by a maximum of 12 Does he believe the patent
put into practice in Taiwan’s legal months, the patent holder should linkage system will help improve
circles. file a lawsuit within 45 days. If the healthcare in Taiwan?
Eligible for the new patent court issues its decision favoring “It’s hard to say on this
linkage system are patents for the patent holder within these 12 one,” he says. “Our healthcare
compounds, compositions or months, market approval for the issues are extremely complex. I
formulations and those for medical generic drug will only be granted do not think the patent linkage
and pharmaceutical purposes in after patent expiration. is a major factor to impact the
accordance with the indications “The new patent linkage huge and complicated healthcare
obtained for market approval. law under the Pharmaceutical system. Other factors like national
Under the law, the application Affairs Act provides not only insurance system and decision
for patent linkage must be stronger patent protection over over drug pricing are much more
filed within 45 days from the the innovators’ industry, but also important. It would be unrealistic
day of receipt of the new drug better transparency for generics’ to focus on patent linkage only
approval certificate or before industry,” says Roger Chang, a when analyzing the issues involved
November 20, 2019, if market partner at Lee and Li in Taipei. in our healthcare system.”—ESPIE
approval was granted before the Chang enumerates his ANGELICA A. DE LEON
registration system was put in reasons:
place. The individual applying “As of September 26, 2019,
for the approval of the new drug 380 marketing approvals have been
should also be the one filing the listed on the TFDA’s patent linkage
application for patent linkage. website. In the past, branded
Within these 45 days, the firms may choose to keep the
holder of a new drug application relationship between drugs and
(NDA) should also submit a list patents confidential, especially for

8 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019


career at King & Wood Mallesons Kong IPOs, U.S. IPOs and follow-on
in Sydney in 1998. Prior to joining offerings, pre-IPO investments,
AU S T R A L I A Freshfields, he spent two years as U.S. public company going-private
corporate counsel at transactions and Rule 144A and
Allens has Regulation S bond offerings
reappointed (investment-grade and high-
Richard yield). He also regularly advises
Richard Spurio
Spurio as U.S.-listed companies on SEC
managing HO N G KO N G compliance, exchange reporting
partner for a further four year and other general corporate
term from January 1, 2020. Fiona Benjamin Choi has matters. Earlier in his career, he
Crosbie, the firm’s chair, said: joined local law firm was a high-tech R&D technologist
“The decision to reappoint Richard Deacons as a in Silicon Valley, where he focused
reflects our confidence in his partner in its IP on new product development.
leadership and the clear strategy practice. Choi He stays well-connected to
he has developed for Allens. has 20 years’ Benjamin Choi the technology community,
Richard has gone about his role experience particularly in the greater
engaging with our clients and our in the trademarks practice and China region.
people with great energy and skill. focuses on local and foreign The partnership
Richard has championed with trademark prosecution. He is at global law firm
enthusiasm the things that are experienced in conducting IP Baker McKenzie has
important to us: our innovation due diligence for merger and elected Hong Kong-
agenda, our continued focus on a acquisition projects involving the based Milton Cheng
diverse and inclusive culture; our transaction of IP assets. He also as the next chair of
commitment to pro bono work advises on trademark, copyright, the firm. Cheng
and community programs – and of design and patent enforcement is managing
course keeping clients central to and passing-off actions in Hong partner of the Milton Cheng
all that we do.” He is a WGEA pay Kong and unfair competition in Hong Kong office and
equity ambassador and has played China, as well as domain name concurrently the chief executive
a significant role in Allens’ law disputes in Hong Kong and China. overseeing Baker McKenzie’s
graduate recruitment programme. He is the current president of the offices and businesses across eight
Ashurst has Hong Kong Institute of Trade Mark countries in the Asia Pacific region.
announced that Practitioners, an organization He has considerable experience
Andrew Craig will which works in close liaison in mergers and acquisitions,
join the firm in its with the Intellectual Property real estate investment trusts,
corporate division Department of the HKSAR financial services regulation,
in Melbourne. to promote fair and updated corporate finance and corporate
Joining from trademark and intellectual restructurings. He regularly
Freshfields, where property law and practice and advises clients on a wide range of
he had been a encourage cooperation amongst acquisition, REIT, restructuring,
Andrew Craig London-based trademark professionals in Hong regulatory and corporate finance
partner since Kong to protect the interests of matters. He will serve in the
2010, Craig specializes in digital trademark owners. He role for four years, taking up the
economy transactions across a joined the firm from position with effect from October
broad range of industry sectors Mayer Brown. 17, 2019.
and product lines, with a particular Meng Ding has The Hong Kong International
focus on technology. With more joined Sidley Austin in Arbitration Center (HKIAC) has
than 21 years of experience, Hong Kong, as a partner appointed professor Anton V.
Craig advises corporates, private in the firm’s M&A and Asoskov to the HKIAC Council
equity firms and financial capital markets upon the recommendation of
institutions on a wide range practices. Ding HKIAC’s
of technology transactions Meng Ding has extensive nominations
including cross-border experience in a committee,
M&A, carve-outs, business broad spectrum of capital markets for a six-year
separation, outsourcing and and M&A transactions, especially term. Asoskov is
commercial transactions for in the TMT, healthcare, financial professor in the
clients in sectors including TMT, institutions, hard-tech and other civil law department
pharma, financial services and emerging technology fields. He at Lomonosov
large industrials. Craig began his has advised on numerous Hong Anton Asoskov Moscow State

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 9


University, and a professor in Malaysia, a corporate entity that

the international private law aims to promote effective and
department at the Russian School long-term digital transformation
of Private Law. He has acted as an in the legal industry in Malaysia.
arbitrator in approximately 100 Lim has advised various local and
international arbitrations under all foreign clients on a wide range of
major institutional rules and the corporate transactions including
UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. He is mergers and acquisitions,
a member of the Russian Council corporate structuring, initial
for the Development of Arbitration public offerings, takeovers as well
and a member of the presidium as private funds.
and head of the nominating
committee for corporate disputes
at International Commercial
Arbitration Court at the Chamber
of Commerce and Industry of the
Russian Federation.
HKIAC also Daniel Greif has
recently added a joined Schmitt &
Russian national Orlov Intellectual
and lawyer, Victoria Property (SOIP)
Khandrimaylo, as director of
to its arbitration Centre for Dispute Resolution and Southeast Asia Daniel Greif
team. United Nations Commission on and senior
Khandrimaylo International Trade Law, as well trademark attorney. Greif, who has
Victoria Khandrimaylo previously as at the American Arbitration long experience in the region, is
worked as Association, Badan Arbitrase noted for his advice on trademark,
an associate at an international Nasional Indonesia, Korea copyright and other intellectual
law firm in Moscow, practicing in Commercial Arbitration Board property matter throughout
the areas of arbitration, corporate and World Intellectual Property Southeast Asia. Greif was
and real estate transactions. The Organization. Her disputes previously a principal at Spruson
appointments of a Russian scholar practice focuses on infrastructure, & Ferguson in Bangkok; before
and arbitrator to HKIAC’s council licensing and sales contracts, that, he led the IP practice at Siam
and a Russian lawyer to HKIAC’s energy, construction and joint Premier International, one of the
permanent staff are timely ventures. top law firms in Thailand.
developments following HKIAC
obtaining permission to function
as a permanent arbitral institution
under Russian law in April 2019.
Jonathan Lim Hon Linc Finkenberg
Kiat has joined Zaid has joined Perkins
J A PA N Ibrahim & Co., Coie’s financial
a member of transactions practice
June Yeum has joined Pillsbury ZICO Law, and fintech industry
Jonathan Lim
as a partner in the firm’s New as a partner group as a partner
York, Hong Kong and Tokyo in Kuala in its New
offices, where she acts as head of Lumpur. Lim’s practice areas York office. Linc Finkenberg
international arbitration in the focus on fintech, venture capital, Finkenberg
Asia-Pacific region for the firm. blockchain technology, payment joined the firm from BNY Mellon,
Yeum handles matters under systems, digital remittance and where he served as associate
major arbitral rules including initial coin offerings. He currently general counsel and managing
the Singapore International serves as secretary of the Fintech director and led a global team of
Arbitration Centre, Hong Kong Association of Malaysia, is legal more than 30 lawyers and 100
International Arbitration Centre, counsel and mentor for the transaction managers. Finkenberg
International Chamber of Founders Institute, a pre-seed most recently served as BNY
Commerce, Stockholm Chamber start-up accelerator, as well as a Mellon’s global practice head for
of Commerce, International contributing member to LawTech corporate trust, where he advised

10 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

on significant financial deals
including the transition of a global
bank’s government securities
clearing business. During his
career, Finkenberg has led the
formation and acquisition of trust
banks in the United States, Latin
America, Europe and Asia and
performed in-depth legal analysis
in several emerging markets to
acquire or build the same.

while a number of law firms offer resource. In 2013 the firm was
project management delivered by in the vanguard of legal firms
lawyers or dedicated professionals to offer contract legal resource
on major transactions, its CLPM through its Vario business, which
GLOBAL division will do that in addition to has subsequently launched
embedding professionally-certified into Australia, Hong Kong and
Pinsent Masons has announced project managers directly in the Singapore. Pinsent Masons is
the launch of its client and legal client team on major projects, continuing to recruit in the UK,
project management division, litigations and transactions, Asia Pacific and the Middle East
which it says will help support irrespective of whether Pinsent while offering the service on a
delivery of matters on time and on Masons is delivering legal advice global basis. The firm has won
budget. The division is led by UK- on the matter. project management mandates
based Dee Tamlin, and comprises The firm operates a number in the UK, mainland Europe and
more than 20 project managers of businesses and technologies South Africa.
and staff. The firm says that which complement legal

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 11


Intellectual Property
Financing Unveiled
Unlike physical assets, IP financing may seem
daunting to many but rest assured that experts in
the field will introduce the different types of it.
Johnny Chan reports.

12 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

n general, the market for IP-collateralized cannot utilize royalties from such IP as they are not
debt is primarily served by specialty lenders, permitted by law to conduct such business,” Kalsi said.
says Ruey-Sen Tsai, a partner at Lee and Li
in Taipei. “Nonetheless, there are more and Intellectual property-backed loans
more traditional banks and finance companies To use IP as collateral, there are arrangements which
involving in such financing.” must be followed – and which, of course, vary from
“The market for IP-collateralized debt should jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
probably be served by specialty lenders, because banks In the Philippines, Republic Act No. 11057, otherwise
have gotten into it and gotten burned,” says John known as the Personal Property Security Act (PPSA), was
Eastwood, a partner at Eiger in Taipei. signed into law on August 17, 2018. “The PPSA aims to
Varun Kalsi, a partner at PSA (Priti Suri & promote economic activity by increasing access to least
Associates) in New Delhi thinks that there is no one cost credit, particularly for micro, small, and medium
answer as the nature of lenders differs geographically. enterprises, by establishing a unified and modern
“For instance, in the United States, lenders providing legal framework for securing obligations with personal
a loan against the borrower’s IP as collateral could property,” says Ramon S. Esguerra, managing partner
either be commercial banks or private equity funds and at Esguerra & Blanco in Manila. “The PPSA aims to
venture capitalists. On the contrary, in India, while IP- strengthen the secured transactions legal framework
collateralized debt is recognized by the Indian IPR Policy, in the jurisdiction, which shall provide for the creation,
2016, instances of such debt are restricted to banks. A perfection, determination of priority, establishment of a
prominent example was money raised by Kingfisher centralized notice registry, and enforcement of security
(the Vijay Mallya-led enterprise) from the State Bank interests in personal property, which includes IP.”
of India, the Bank of India and others while offering A security interest is defined in the law as a
the Kingfisher trademark as collateral. However, banks property right in collateral that secures payment or
failed to monetize the IP as they found no bidders and other performance of an obligation, regardless of
[the attempt to do so was happening] amidst concerns whether the parties have denominated it as a security
raised by the Central Bureau of Investigation regarding interest and regardless of the type of asset, the status
IP-collateralized debt.” of the grantor or secured creditor, or the nature of the
Furthermore, Kalsi notes, the practice of raising secured obligation, including the right of a buyer of
IP-collateralized debt in India has taken a beating due accounts receivable and a lessor under an operating
to the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2018 in Canara Bank lease for not less than one year. It is created by a security
v. N.G. Subbaraya Setty, in which the court held that a
defaulter-borrower cannot assign its trademark to the
lender bank, as this is against the Trade Marks Act and "The Personal Property
the Banking Regulation Act. “It also observed that banks Security Act aims to
"Banks failed promote economic
"The market for to monetize the activity by increasing
IP-collateralized Kingfisher trademark access to least cost
debt should as they found no credit, particularly
probably be bidders and the for micro, small, and
served by attempt to do so was medium enterprises, by
specialty lenders, happening amidst establishing a modern
because banks concerns raised by legal framework for
have gotten into the Central Bureau securing obligations
it and gotten of Investigation with personal
burned." regarding IP- property."
—JOHN EASTWOOD, partner,
Eiger, Taipei
collateralized debt." —RAMON S. ESGUERRA, managing
partner, Esguerra & Blanco, Manila
KALSI, partner,
PSA (Priti Suri &
Associates), New

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 13


agreement, says Esguerra. borrower’s default, the policy will provide the lender
The creation of a security interest in an account with an insured value for the borrower’s IP asset
receivable arising from a contract for the sale, lease collateral upon transfer of the title from the lender to the
or license of IP cannot be limited by agreement, or be insurers. The insured value for the collateral is generally
subjected to contractual limitation, he says. predetermined based on a pre-agreed schedule over
The Land Registration Authority (LRA) is the loan period at the commencement of the loan. The
mandated to establish and administer a registry for lender is not always compelled to sell the insured IP
security interests, he says. assets to the insurer and, in many cases, the insured
The Department of Finance, in coordination with value acts as a ‘floor’ value in the bankruptcy liquidation
the Department of Justice and the LRA, is required to process,” says Lin Li Lee, a partner at Tay & Partners in
promulgate the implementing rules and regulations of Kuala Lumpur. “In this way, the lender is guaranteed to
the PPSA within six months from the passage of said get no less than the insured value while maintaining any
law. The DOF released and posted on July 15, 2019, a upside should the assets be worth more than the insured
draft set of implementing rules and regulations for value.”
comments and consultation with the public, he adds. Such insurance or guarantees function to reduce
In Malaysia, the concept of IP collateralization credit and foreclosure risk of the borrower which in
has been around for a long time, says Pauline Khor, turn improves the borrower’s overall credit profile
head of the intellectual property and technology thereby increasing the leverage available to it, Lee says.
department at Rahmat Lim & Partners in Kuala “Collateral enhancements also possibly lower interest
Lumpur. “Be that as it may, and despite the steady rates demanded by the lenders. By guaranteeing the
growth of IP over the years in Malaysia, IP as an value of the IP, firms offering collateral enhancements
acceptable form of collateral has never really taken make it easier for companies to use IP as collateral for
off full swing here and remains to be an untapped financing. Collateral enhancement is an important
source of collateral in many industries due to a lack secondary tool to improve a lender’s confidence level in
of understanding or awareness in this innovative the borrower’s intangible assets. In Malaysia, there is
approach of obtaining financing through IP presently only one bank which accepts IP as collateral as
securitisation.” there is still a lack understanding of IP as an asset and
In the finance industry, many local banks the actual and perceived uncertainties surrounding the
and financial institutions do not widely promote IP valuation process.”
the use of IP as collaterals and are generally slow
to accept them as collaterals due to the lack of Intellectual property royalty securitization
framework on IP-based loans and how to value IP In the Update to the Intellectual Property Hub Master
as an asset. “Nevertheless, there has been a surge Plan published in May 2017 by the Singapore government
in interest from Malaysian banks and financial and the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore, one
institutions in venturing into this area as Malaysia of the recommended initiatives in the realm of IP
eagerly anticipates the long-awaited new trademark commercialization is the pilot of new financing models
legislation, the Trademarks Act 2019, which is slated for IP assets, says Siau Wen Lim, a director in the
to come into force at the end of 2019, and which will intellectual property at Drew & Napier in Singapore.
replace the current Trade Marks Act 1976. The new “A year-long consultation concluded that companies,
act explicitly recognizes that a registered trademark especially those which are IP-centric and light on
may be the subject of a security interest or a charge in physical assets, would be in a better position should
the same way as other personal or moveable property initiatives be put in place to facilitate the leverage of IP
(Sections 62 and 64(5) of the act). Further, a register of assets in exchange for finance.”
registrable transactions which permits the recordal Indeed, using IP as collateral appears to be an
of security interest or charge created over registered emerging practice in today’s economy, Lim says. “There
trademarks is also expected to be instituted following are various financial arrangements in the context
the coming into force of the act (Section 65(1) of the of collateralization of IP, two of which are IP royalty
act),” Khor says. “In an increasingly globalized and securitization and IP-backed loans.”
digitalized landscape which opens doors to new trends Intellectual property royalty securitisation involves
in collateralizing loans and financings, we anticipate obtaining a lump sum payment through the process
that it is only a matter of time before the use of IP as of consolidating and selling of potential IP-related
collaterals will increase in prevalence in Malaysia.” incoming cash flows and/or future receivables. The
intangible assets may be held in a separate legal entity,
Intellectual property collateral she says. “The advantage is that the separate legal entity
enhancements and time to adopt would isolate the financial risk and ensure that the
Collateral enhancements are insurance or guarantees assets are ring-fenced, unaffected by the solvency of the
on the value of the IP for a defined period of time. original IP holder.”
“An example happens where a borrower pledges his Intellectual property-backed loans enable the
IP assets as collateral to the lender, and the lender obtaining of a sum of money at a fraction of the value
simultaneously purchases an insurance policy from of the IP assets, with the same being granted a security
an insurer which provides that in the event of the interest as collateral for the loan, she says. “IP-backed

14 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

loans may be viewed in a parallel manner to loans Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and
taken out traditionally where physical assets are used Trademarks, he says. “Moreover, if the security provider is
as collateral. In the event of non-payment of loan, the a corporate entity, the security interest must be registered
lender will have recourse by enforcing its rights over with the Office of the Registrar of Companies.”
these IP assets.
“Unlike in IP-backed loans, the original IP asset Intellectual property sale and license-back
holder in an IP royalty securitization arrangement may, financing arrangements
depending on the structure, cease to be the owner of the In addition to IP-backed loans and royalty securitizations,
IP assets,” she adds. “A further difference between the sale and license-back financing can also be considered.
two financing methods is that IP-backed loans involve In an intellectual property sale and license-back
borrowing money, whereas IP royalty securitization arrangement, a buyer purchases IP assets and assigns
sells potential IP-related incoming cash flows and/or the assets to a licensing company, which then draws up a
future receivables in exchange for a lump sum payment. license with the former owner of the IP asset for royalty
Relatedly, while the obligation to repay rests directly payments during a period of time. “Like a legal mortgage,
on the borrower in an IP-backed loan transaction, the it is a safe transaction, and requires the IP to be assigned
lender in an IP royalty securitization arrangement looks to the lender with a license being granted back to the
to the income generated by the pool of IP assets to debtor. This financing mechanism allows the IP owner
recover the money.” to secure funding through the sale of its IP portfolio,
Usually, in IP royalty securitization transactions, IP without preventing the utilization of the asset in its
assets are transferred to a special purpose vehicle, says business operations. The company receives immediate
Cyril Abrol, a partner at Remfry & Sagar in New Delhi. funding to reinvest in the business and has the flexibility
“Future earnings generated by such belong to the SPV to structure the transaction in a manner to avail additional
and are passed on to the lenders.” monetization of the asset,” says Abrol. “A sale license-back
Intellectual property backed loans are useful for arrangement can also have a purchase option whereby
early stage organizations having limited tangible assets the back-licensee can exercise the option to buy back the
such as plant and machinery as well as real estate, Abrol ownership of the asset at a fixed price at the end or during
says. “In India, the Securitization and Reconstruction of the back-license contract period.”
Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Intellectual property sale and license-back financing
Act, 2002 as amended, inter alia, deals with the creation is usually considered as a method of raising capital,
of security interests over intangible assets, including particularly for mezzanine-stage, private equity and
know-how, patents, copyright, trademarks, licenses, venture-backed companies requiring additional, non-
franchises or other business or commercial right. dilutive capital, he says.
A security interest includes a right, title or interest It also depends on how desperate the company is
in property created in favour of a secured creditor and how important the technology is to their own core
and includes a mortgage, charge, hypothecation or operations, Eastwood reminds. “If a technology is very
assignment.” important to their own core competencies, then getting
Where the copyright, trademark or design is into a sale-and-license-back arrangement might not be
registered or a patent has been granted, the creation such a good idea.”
of a security can be recorded by giving notice to the

"IP-backed loans may be "A sale license-back

viewed in a parallel manner to arrangement can also have a
loans taken out traditionally purchase option whereby the
where physical assets are back-licensee can exercise
used as collateral. In the the option to buy back the
event of non-payment ownership of the asset at
of loan, the lender a fixed price at the end or
will have recourse during the
by enforcing its back-license
rights over these IP contract
assets." period."
—SIAU WEN LIM, director, partner, Remfry & Sagar,
Drew & Napier, Singapore New Delhi

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 15


Now that we have discussed the
different types of IP financing,
let’s dig deeper to see the pros
and cons as well as the do’s and
don’ts. Johnny Chan reports.

16 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

s in everything else, there are willing to offer such financing. As such, IP-backed
advantages and disadvantages of using financing is usually more expensive than traditional
intellectual property as collateral. financing options, Rourk says.
The advantages of using “It can also be difficult to determine what
intellectual property as collateral are component of the IP (patents, trade secrets, copyright
often only available to the holders of IP that has a and/or trademarks) is associated with the commercial
proven or readily-apparent value. “For example, value of a product or business, which can result in a
corporations can use their trademark registrations, lender requiring securitization of all such assets as
patent portfolios or other IP that protects an a condition to financing. If the IP is the company’s
identifiable commercial activity to receive better principal asset, a default on the loan could result in
credit terms,” says Christopher Rourk, a partner the loss of the IP and a termination of the company if
at Jackson Walker in Dallas. “In that regard, IP can the loan is secured by the IP, as opposed to a royalty
provide access financing that is less expensive than stream from the IP,” he says.
other options, that would not otherwise be available, Rourk says that it is usually difficult to value
or that doesn’t dilute existing equity positions.” intellectual property as compared to tangible assets,
Rourk says that IP assets can potentially be and potential creditors are less willing to extend
financed based on the assumed or proven strength credit because of that. “For example, when the IP has
and performance of the IP assets rather than on the substantial potential value, but only if the IP rights
creditworthiness of the borrower, such as when a can be successfully asserted against an infringer,
large patent portfolio is associated with a product line financing is typically not available. IP can also be
that has a proven sales track record. harder to liquidate than tangible assets, and the
“In this case, the lender might accept the pool of potential buyers is usually more restricted
portfolio as collateral without any proof that it could compared to that for tangible assets.”
actually be used to prevent competitors from taking Another problem is that many financial entities
market share away from the borrower. If the IP itself are not well-positioned to evaluate the value of IP or
is revenue-generating, such as a royalty stream, then to obtain value from it if they need to foreclose upon
the IP assets themselves can potentially be protected it, says John Eastwood, a partner at Eiger in Taipei.
from bankruptcy or other proceedings related to the Panisa Suwanmatajarn, managing partner at The
failure of the revenue stream to allow repayment of Legal in Bangkok, says much the same thing. “While IP
the financing, as long as the lender agrees to limit is a core asset of many corporations, especially those
recourse to the royalty stream and not the IP assets which rely pretty much on IP either in the form of a
themselves.” brand, invention, etc., [it can be difficult for] a lender
On the other hand, there can be significant to determine the value of the IP if used as collateral,
disadvantages to using IP as collateral. For one, how to enforce that collateral and whether a buyer
the use of IP as collateral is not widespread at the wishes to buy the IP after enforcing the collateral.
moment, and there are a limited number of lenders It would be more difficult in a case where the IP has

"Corporations can use their "While IP is a core asset of

IP to receive better credit many corporations, it can
terms. In that regard, IP can be difficult for a lender to
provide access financing determine the value
that is less expensive than of the IP if used
other options, that would as collateral and
not otherwise be available, how to enforce
or that doesn’t dilute that collateral."
existing equity —PANISA
positions." SUWANMATAJARN,
managing partner, The
—CHRISTOPHER Legal, Bangkok
ROURK, partner, Jackson
Walker, Dallas

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 17


"As the value of IP "Lenders would be more

becomes more widely open to the collateralization
recognized and IP of IP when these assets are
monetization techniques capable of being securitized
become more effective, it such that lenders can
is expected that more IP enforce their rights against
collateralized borrowing the IP in the event of a
deals will be default."
utilized." —JOYCE MAGDALENA,
associate, Gateway Law
—RUEY-SEN TSAI, Corporation, Singapore
partner, Lee and Li, Taipei

no registration to back it up, such as a trade secret. as collateral. “The valuation should communicate to
It would be hard to determine who the actual owner lenders the key factors demonstrating the full value of
of such IP is. The preceding issues must be cleared the IP to a lender. These factors include the size and
before IP can be used as collateral.” growth expectations of the markets for the inventions,
the robustness and diversity of the cash flow being
How to succeed in IP financing without generated by the IP, the expected future support (e.g.
really trying cash, technology, service) required from the IP owner
Billions of dollars have been injected into the IP to collect royalties, and potential liquidation value,”
investment market around the world, says Ruey- he says. “The most valuable IP includes assets that
Sen Tsai, a partner at Lee and Li in Taipei. “As the can be utilized across several industries or business
value of IP becomes more widely recognized and IP models. This allows for multiple groups of potential
monetization techniques become more effective, it is purchasers in the event of default, and is therefore
expected that more IP collateralized borrowing deals more attractive to potential lenders as it gives them a
will be utilized.” wider safety net.”
Setting the macroeconomics aside, there are A company should be able to provide evidence of
several options for the owners to make their IP more the IP assets’ potential liquidity, he says. “If the asset is
attractive to lenders. revenue-generating, established licensing agreements
“In determining whether a lending opportunity and financial reports detailing the corresponding
exists, lenders usually will conduct thorough due licensing revenue demonstrates that the IP is viable
diligence and borrowers can strategize to position and creates income against which a loan can be
their assets in the best possible light to creditors,” repaid.”
says Tsai. If available, a list of comparable transactions
A borrower interested in receiving financing in the marketplace is useful in evidencing demand
based on an IP portfolio can take steps to reduce and establishing pricing expectations to lenders,
the risks attached to these IP assets. “The steps may “Borrowers may also want to consider providing
be based on some factors, such as the fundamental potential recovery values for the IP in an event of
invention, how well the patents were prosecuted, liquidation. Valuing IP using net orderly liquation
and any validity challenges we may identify,” he says. value and net forced liquidation value can give
“One of the patent risks to mitigate is invalidity risk comfort to lenders that, in the event of default, an
and may require getting an opinion from a reputable adequate portion of the IP’s value is recoverable,” he
IP law firm regarding the validity of the patents, and adds. “Understanding this path to recovery should
obtaining infringement enforcement insurance.” the borrower default is a critical component of sound
An objective valuation of the IP is also critical in underwriting for lenders.”
the process of securing financing using this asset class Similar to Taiwan – or, really, practically

18 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

anywhere else in the world – there are uncertainties “An example is illuminate for enterprise, a free
among lenders such as banks and other financial diagnostic tool created by the Intellectual Property
institutions in accepting IP as collateral in financing Office of Singapore which helps companies assess
transactions in Singapore. “This is because IP is the risk levels of their IP and provides tips for IP
often considered an intangible asset, and there is still management, among other things. This would not only
limited knowledge on the value of IP among lenders. increase the general awareness on the value of IP, but
Nevertheless, companies can take steps to make would also increase lenders’ confidence in accepting
their IP more attractive to lenders by mitigating the IP as collateral,” she says.
risk associated with collateralizing IP and enhancing Additionally, companies should ensure that their
the lenders’ knowledge surrounding IP,” says Joyce IPRs are valued independently and accurately, prior to
Magdalena, an associate at Gateway Law Corporation. tapping into their IP as collateral, she says. “This could
“In particular, lenders would be more open to the be done through proper due diligence on the relevant
collateralization of IP when these assets are capable of IP. By ensuring proper valuation of the relevant IP,
being securitized such that lenders can enforce their companies would help lenders understand the nature,
rights against the IP in the event of a default.” value and liquidity of the IP, among other things. This
To make their IP more attractive to lenders, would ultimately assure lenders of the quality of the
companies could perhaps show lenders the full value IP assets and, to a certain extent, reduce transaction
and potential of their IP by applying for the protection costs in gathering information on the reliability of
of their IP in the relevant jurisdictions, and thereafter using IP as collateral and the creditworthiness of the
maintaining a well-managed IP portfolio. “To do so, companies.”
companies should ensure that their IP assets are While well-organized IP portfolios are stressed
well prosecuted and that their IPRs are effectively above, many tech companies in their early days
enforced (e.g. by ensuring the registrations and timely do not have the money or patience for that level of
renewals of their IP, where applicable). In this regard, organization, and there have been numerous cases
companies may tap into publicly available resources where clearly the coordinating counsel split up the
to aid them in the management of their IP assets,” patent filings among multiple firms in an attempt to
Magdalena says. get cheap prices, Eastwood says. “And the result in
those cases? Patent portfolios that are a mess!”

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 19


And the nominees are…

aw firms across Asia Pacific are stepping up their The five shortlisted firms in each category were
game in a race to the top, whether by expansion, based on key cases and other information provided
merger or good old-fashioned poaching, all of by law firms in the region. More than 5,000 in-house
which makes it increasingly challenging for us to stay counsel from Asia, Europe and the Americas – the very
on top of the practice. On November 8, 2019, Asia IP people who frequently work with the firms and know
will reveal the top copyright, patent and trademark them best – were then polled by Asia IP magazine
law practices across the region at an awards ceremony throughout the first part of 2019. The firm receiving the
at the Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel in Taipei. most votes in each category will be named the winners
The awards ceremony will be our 10th, and will crown in each of 19 jurisdictions, plus in the Asia Pacific
51 winners in jurisdictional awards from across the category.
region, with three regional Asia Pacific winners to cap The results will be revealed at our gala dinner next
off the evening. month, and in the December/January issue of Asia IP.

The 2019 Asia IP Awards Shortlist

Australia Trademarks Australia Copyright China International Trademarks

Bird & Bird Bird & Bird Baker McKenzie

Davies Collison Cave Davies Collison Cave Hogan Lovells
FB Rice King & Wood Mallesons Simmons & Simmons
McCullough Robertson McCullough Robertson SIPS
Sparke Helmore Lawyers Sparke Helmore Lawyers Spruson & Ferguson

Australia Patents Cambodia Intellectual Property China International Patents

Bird & Bird Abacus IP Baker Mckenzie

Davies Collison Cave BNG Legal Bird & Bird
FB Rice Pich & Partners Deacons
McCullough Robertson Sok Siphana & Associates Hogan Lovells
Spruson & Ferguson Tilleke & Gibbins Simmons & Simmons

20 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

China International Copyright Beruar & Beruar Malaysia Trademarks
Remfry & Sagar
Baker McKenzie RNA, Technology and IP Attorneys Rahmat Lim & Partners
Bird & Bird Singh & Singh Shearn Delamore & Co
Hogan Lovells Tay & Partners
Simmons & Simmons Wong & Partners
SIPS Indonesia Trademarks Wong Jin Nee & Teo

Hong Kong Trademarks HHP Law Firm Malaysia Patents
K&K Advocates
Baker McKenzie Roosdiono & Partners LAW Partnership
Deacons Rouse Marks & Clerk
Ella Cheong & Allan Chiu Rahmat Lim & Partners
Mayer Brown Shearn Delamore & Co
Nixon Peabody CWL Indonesia Patents Wong & Partners

Hong Kong Patents HHP Law Firm Malaysia Copyright
Januar Jahja and Partners
Baker McKenzie K&K Partners LAW Partnership
Bird & Bird SKC Law Rahmat Lim & Partners
Deacons Shearn Delamore & Co
Hogan Lovells Tay & Partners
Nixon Peabody CWL Indonesia Copyright Wong Jin Nee & Teo

HHP Law Firm

Hong Kong Copyright Januar Jahja and Partners Macau Intellectual Property
K&K Advocates
Baker McKenzie Roosdiono & Partners BN Lawyers
Bird & Bird Rouse C&C Lawyers
Ella Cheong & Alan Chiu DSL Lawyers
Hogan Lovells MdME
Mayer Brown Japan Trademarks RPMacau

Baker McKenzie
India Trademarks Hiroe and Associates Myanmar Intellectual Property
Hogan Lovells
Anand and Anand Nakamura & Partners Baker McKenzie
Lall & Sethi TMI Associates Khine Khine U
Rahul Chaudhry and Partners Rouse
Remfry & Sagar Tilleke & Gibbins
RNA, Technology and IP Attorneys Japan Patents U Myint Lwin Law Office

Hiroe and Associates

India Patents Nakamura & Partners New Zealand Trademarks
Ryuka IP
Anand and Anand TMI Associates AJ Park
LexOrbis Yuasa and Hara Baldwins Intellectual Property
Rahul Chaudhry and Partners Ellis Terry
Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas & MinterEllison RuddWatts
Co Japan Copyright Simpson Grierson
Singh & Singh
Baker McKenzie
Hogan Lovells New Zealand Patents
India Copyright Nakamura & Partners
TMI Associates AJ Park
Anand and Anand Yuasa and Hara Baldwins Intellectual Property

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 21


Catalyst Intellectual Property Philippines Patents South Korea Patents

Ellis Terry
James & Wells Angara Abello Concepcion Regala FirstLaw
& Cruz Kim & Chang
Hechanova Group Lee & Ko
New Zealand Copyright Quisumbing Torres Lee International IP & Law
Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Yoon & Yang
AJ Park Sayoc & De Los Angeles
Baldwins Intellectual Property SyCip Salazar Hernandez &
James & Wells Gatmaitan South Korea Copyright
MinterEllisonRuddWatts Villaraza & Angangco
Simpson Grierson Cho & Partners
Kim & Chang
Philippines Copyright Lee & Ko
Pakistan Trademarks Lee International IP & Law
Angara Abello Concepcion Regala Yoon & Yang
Ali & Associates & Cruz
Bharucha & Co Cruz Marcelo & Tenefrancia
Sheikh Brothers Hechanova Group Sri Lanka Trademarks
United Trademark & Patent SyCip Salazar Hernandez &
Services Gatmaitan DL & F De Saram
Vellani & Vellani Villaraza & Angangco FJ & G de Saram
John Wilson Partners
Julius & Creasy
Pakistan Patents Singapore Trademarks Sudath Perera Associates

Ali & Associates Allen & Gledhill

Bharucha & Co Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow Sri Lanka Patents
Remfry & Son Bird & Bird ATMD
Sheikh Brothers Drew & Napier DL & F De Saram
United Trademark & Patent Eversheds Harry Elias John Wilson Partners
Services Julius & Creasy
Neelakandan & Neelakandan
Singapore Patents Sudath Perera Associates
Pakistan Copyright
Allen & Gledhill
Ali & Associates Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow Sri Lanka Copyright
Remfry & Son Drew & Napier
Sheikh Brothers Marks & Clerk DL & F De Saram
United Trademarks & Patent Spruson & Ferguson John Wilson Partners
Services Julius & Creasy
Vellani & Vellani Neelakandan & Neelakandan
Singapore Copyright Sudath Perera Associates

Philippines Trademarks Allen & Gledhill

Baker McKenzie Wong & Leow Taiwan Trademarks
Angara Abello Concepcion Regala Drew & Napier
& Cruz Eversheds Harry Elias Lee and Li
Cruz Marcelo & Tenefrancia Rajah & Tann Saint Island Int’l Patent & Law
Quisumbing Torres Offices
Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Tai E International Patent & Law
Sayoc & De Los Angeles South Korea Trademarks Office
SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Tsai Lee & Chen
Gatmaitan Cho & Partners Tsar & Tsai
Kim & Chang
Lee & Ko
YP Lee Mock & Partners

22 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

Taiwan Patents Domnern Somgiat & Boonma Vietnam Copyright
Satyapon & Partners
Lee and Li Tilleke & Gibbins Baker McKenzie
Rich IP & Co Hogan Lovells
Saint Island Int’l Patent & Law Pham & Associates
Offices Thailand Copyright Tilleke & Gibbins
Tai E International Patent & Law Vision & Associates
Office Baker McKenzie
Tsar & Tsai Domnern Somgiat & Boonma
Tilleke & Gibbins Asia Pacific Trademarks
Taiwan Copyright International Legal Counsellors Baker McKenzie
Thailand Bird & Bird
Eiger Hogan Lovells
Formosa International Mirandah Asia
Lee and Li Vietnam Trademarks Tilleke & Gibbins
Saint Island Int’l Patent & Law
Offices Ageless IP
TIPLO Baker McKenzie Asia Pacific Patents
Indochine Counsel
Pham & Associates Baker McKenzie
Thailand Trademarks Tilleke & Gibbins Bird & Bird
Mirandah Asia
Baker McKenzie Spruson & Ferguson
Domnern Somgiat & Boonma Vietnam Patents Tilleke & Gibbins
Satyapon & Partners
Spruson & Ferguson Ageless IP
Tilleke & Gibbins Baker McKenzie Asia Pacific Copyright
Pham & Associates
Thailand Patents Tilleke & Gibbins Baker McKenzie
Vision & Associates Bird & Bird
Ananda Intellectual Property Hogan Lovells
Baker McKenzie Tilleke & Gibbins

Some of the winners of the 2018 Asia IP Awards are pictured in New Delhi. On November 8, 2019, Asia IP will reveal the top copyright,
patent and trademark law practices across the region at an awards ceremony at the Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel in Taipei.

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 23


Kazakhstan on
the cusp of change

As Kazakhstan prepares to diversify its economy, it has

turned its eyes to Singapore. Lawyers from Central Asia
and Singapore weigh in with Espie Angelica A. de Leon.

n December 15, 2012, more than 20 Kazakhstan joining the league of 30 most-developed
years after Kazakhstan achieved full countries. The Kazakhstan 2050 Strategy aims to
independence on December 16 1991, achieve this through economic, social and political
President Nursultan Nazarbayev reforms throughout the country.
delivered his State of the Nation address. Among the strategy’s top 10 projects are the
In his speech, he presented the Kazakhstan 2050 construction of nuclear power plants; provision of
Strategy. more funding for science; and development of mobile
His roadmap for the country’s development and multimedia, nano- and space technologies,
leading up to the year 2050 bears his vision of robotics and gene engineering, among others.

24 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

All these dovetail with current positive in the enforcement of court rulings.
developments in the country’s intellectual property Furthermore, the country has ratified most
scene. Companies in Kazakhstan are increasingly international treaties on IP protection.
becoming aware of the importance of IP in their Despite these, however, the volume of patent
business and the economy. registrations in Kazakhstan remains low.
“Trading is a prevailing business in Kazakhstan,” “This is primarily due to the fact that
says Saule Akhmetova, partner and branch director Kazakhstan is a raw material economy and scientific
at GRATA Law Firm in Almaty. “Therefore, companies developments and inventions that could develop
apply for their registration and protection more often. patent law are insignificant,” says Akhmetova.
Besides, trademarks account for majority of disputes.” “Kazakhstan’s economy is built on the commodity
IP legislation is in place, including Part 5 of the market, and most patents are registered in the energy
Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan devoted to and industrial sectors. At this stage, development in
IP matters and laws on Copyright and Related Rights; the fields of pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering
Protection of Selection Achievements; Trademarks, and digital technology is required for Kazakhstan.
Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods; However, Kazakhstan needs to improve its legislation
Protection of Topographies of Integrated Circuits; and in the field of patent law as patents require enhanced
the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. protection of rights.”
“One popular route for obtaining patent There may still be some problem areas as far as
protection in the territory of the Republic of IP is concerned in Kazakhstan, but this is poised to
Kazakhstan has been using the Eurasian Patent change in the coming years. Plus, on top of the huge
Organization and to file a Eurasian patent application strides the country has taken after achieving full
with the Eurasian Patent Office, which is an independence in 1991, bigger changes are yet to come.
independent regional organization headquartered in On September 9, 2019, the Intellectual Property
Moscow,” says Erik Viik, a patent attorney at Papula- Office of Singapore (IPOS) signed a tripartite
Nevinpat in Helsinki. memorandum of understanding with the Astana
“The Eurasian route enables a right owner Financial Services Authority (AFSA) and the Ministry
to obtain patent protection in any of the eight of Justice (MoJ) of Kazakhstan. The MoJ is the
Eurasian member states by filing a single Eurasian government agency in charge of IP policy.
patent application. The member states are Armenia, The MoU provides a framework for cooperation
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, that will strengthen innovation activities within the
Tajikistan and Turkmenistan,” says Viik, whose firm Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) and help
offers IP services in all former Soviet Union states, build its IP ecosystem.
including Kazakhstan.
The Civil Proceedings Code and administrative
"One popular route for
and criminal laws also support IP protection and aid
obtaining patent protection
"Kazakhstan is a raw in Kazakhstan has been
material economy and to file a Eurasian patent
scientific developments and application with the Eurasian
inventions that could develop Patent Office, which enables
patent law are insignificant. a right owner
Kazakhstan’s economy to obtain
is built on the commodity patent
market, and most protection
patents are in any of the
registered in eight Eurasian
the energy member
and industrial states."
sectors." —ERIK VIIK,
patent attorney,
—SAULE Papula-Nevinpat,
partner and branch
director, GRATA Law
Firm, Almaty

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 25


"Innovation and
digitalization have
changed what is
valuable in today’s "There will
economy. There is likely be work
an increasing need opportunities for
for enterprises to Singaporeans.
leverage their IP Singapore will
and intangible also establish
assets business
strategically networks with
to scale and Kazakhstan
grow. We which will promote
see this business activities
happening between the two
around the nations."
world." —JIAN MING CHANG, patent
attorney and associate principal, Rodyk IP,
—WALTER CHIA, Singapore
acting director, international
engagement department, IPOS,

AIFC, which was launched in July 2018, is a in contracts; tax exemptions from corporate and
territory situated in Kazakhstan’s capital Nur-Sultan individual income tax, property tax and land tax, as
(which had been known as Astana until March 2019). It provided by the legislation; and visa-free entry for 30
is a designated investment hub for insurance, banking, days for some foreigners and work permit-free entry
Islamic financing, financial technology, e-commerce, for some expatriates.
and other innovation projects for the financial sector. AFSA regulates the services and activities within
“AIFC is the financial hub for the Central Asian the AIFC. “AFSA has powers to authorize, supervise,
countries as well as the republics of the Trans- and, where necessary, carry out enforcement with
Caucasian region, Middle Eastern countries, the regard to centre participants,” says Akhmetova.
territory of west China and Mongolia, and European Business activities in AIFC are also governed
countries,” says Modangul Tagbergenova, a Kazakh by the Constitutional Law on AIFC, statutory acts of
patent and trademark attorney and Eurasian patent AIFC and the Kazakhstani law, particularly those parts
attorney at Papula-Nevinpat in Almaty. which do not contradict with AIFC statutory acts,
“The main goal of AIFC is development of human according to Akhmetova.
resources and training of local specialists in financial The terms of the MoU include the establishment
market, facilitation of public access to international of an IP and innovation service centre within the AIFC.
professional certification, creation of skilled Through this facility, IPOS will provide its services and
personnel reserve at international level for AIFC share its IP expertise with business entities operating
ecosystem and beyond. In addition, AIFC develops its within the AIFC.
own tailor-made programs to train specialists related Provision of IP management consultancy services
to AIFC’s core areas of activity, delivers professional and customized training programs will also be jointly
events to improve financial and investment literacy,” explored.
says Tagbergenova. According to Walter Chia, acting director for
According to Akhmetova, business entities IPOS’ international engagement department, the
inside the centre are entitled to certain privileges. cooperation is aligned with IPOS’ IP Hub Masterplan,
Among these are: free choice of the currency used which aims to create a more vibrant and inter-

26 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

connected global IP ecosystem. The MoU with AFSA Says Lim: “Traditionally, we do not see much
and MoJ is just one among more than 70 IP-related work from Central Asian countries in Singapore.
agreements the IPOS has inked with various nations Hopefully, with the MoU and the various bilateral
and organizations. These account for nearly 90 treaties, there will be an increase in investments into
percent of global trade. Singapore from Kazakhstan. With such an increase
“Innovation and digitalization have changed what in investment, there will be a corollary growth in the
is valuable in today’s economy,” says Chia. “There is demand for legal services such as IP to secure the
an increasing need for enterprises to leverage their rights of the investing / expanding companies.
IP and intangible assets strategically to scale and “With IPOS and potentially other Singapore IP
grow. This is not unique to Singapore and we see this firms contributing their expertise to developing the
happening around the world. On this, we are glad IP ecosystem in AIFC, this will be a good showcase of
to have found like-minded partners in the Astana Singapore’s strength in IP. This aligns with Singapore’s
Financial Services Authority and the Kazakhstan plan to become an IP Hub. Given IPOS’ input, it
Ministry of Justice with a common goal to use IP and is imagined that the IP ecosystem will be largely
innovation to drive high-value economic growth in similar to Singapore’s which means that Kazakhstan
our countries.” companies and other Central Asian companies with
With the establishment of an IP and innovation a presence in Kazakhstan will become familiar and
service centre in a hub such as the AIFC, Jian Ming comfortable with Singapore’s IP system as well.”
Chang, a patent attorney and associate principal at Kong Xie Shern, an associate at Baker McKenzie
Rodyk IP in Singapore, is optimistic. Wong & Leow in Singapore, says the firm is hoping
“There will likely be work opportunities for the country will be a leading choice for Kazakhstan
Singaporeans. Singapore will also establish business businesses once IPOS’ IP Hub Master Plan is
networks with Kazakhstan which will promote implemented. By then, he says, those companies
business activities between the two nations,” he says. should have familiarized themselves with Singapore’s
As a patent attorney, Chang says he looks IP ecosystem and IP expertise.
forward to opportunities to work for Kazakhstan “For example, one of the strategic outcomes of
companies venturing into Singapore, the Kazakhstan the Master Plan is for Singapore to become a hub for
government, Singapore government, and Singapore IP dispute resolution,” says Shern. “With the MoU
companies venturing into Kazakhstan. in place, this will hopefully attract and encourage
For Ren Jun Lim, a partner at Baker McKenzie these companies to choose Singapore as a dispute
Wong & Leow in Singapore, the MoU is a good move resolution forum for transactions in the Southeast
toward raising Singapore’s profile in Kazakhstan, Asia region or where a neutral venue or forum is
which is trying to establish itself as a gateway to desired.”
Central Asia.

"We do not see much work "Strategy 2050 will result in

from Central Asian countries an increase in the types of
in Singapore. Hopefully industries being developed
there will be an increase in in Kazakhstan. With such
investments into Singapore a diversification, there will
from Kazakhstan. With an be more opportunities for
increase in investment, there both inbound and outbound
will be a corollary growth investment for
in the demand for legal companies in
services." both countries."
—REN JUN LIM, partner, Baker
McKenzie Wong & Leow, Singapore —KONG XIE SHERN,
associate, Baker McKenzie Wong
& Leow, Singapore

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 27


Shern adds that the MoU and other treaties such Chang also believes the MoU will have a positive
as the bilateral investment treaty signed by Singapore impact in the entire ASEAN region.
and Kazakhstan in November 2018 came at a most “By reaching out to Kazakhstan in this manner,
opportune time with Kazakhstan now headed toward Singapore is promoting our strength in IP protection.
economic diversification. Since Singapore is part of ASEAN, this is good
“Kazakhstan’s economy has been traditionally publicity for ASEAN. Other ASEAN countries may, as
dominated by oil and gas and Kazakhstan’s a result, try to achieve what Singapore has achieved,”
government has recently launched the Strategy says Chang.
2050 which we understand is geared toward a Shern thinks otherwise. He mentions that there
diversification of its economy including a push had been attempts in the past to harmonize the IP
toward developing a knowledge-based economy,” he ecosystem in the region. But such attempts failed. “As
says. “Naturally, this will result in an increase in the such, the MoU will unlikely have much of a foreseeable
types of industries being developed in Kazakhstan. impact on the IP ecosystem in general,” he says.
Generally, with such a diversification, there will be Akhmetova also expresses her own reservations
more opportunities for both inbound and outbound especially with regard to patents.
investment for companies in both countries. This will “As Singapore is an innovative and strong
also lead to an increase in legal work to support such country in the field of new technologies, cooperation
investments.” with Singapore will help strengthen innovative
Tagbergenova adds, “The agreement could boost exchange between the countries,” she explains.
the development of economic relations between “However, one should not expect a quick solution
Kazakhstan and Singapore. Consolidation and to the problem in the field of patents in Kazakhstan
development of financial market as well as creation of as the development of this area depends on
favourable environments and new opportunities for the industrial development of the economy of
commercial organizations and enterprises would also Kazakhstan.”
benefit the local economy.” Nevertheless, for Chia, it is only timely that
Akhmetova also says that Kazakhstan will serve efforts are being taken to find ways to strengthen
as a guarantor for businesses in IP protection. innovation flows between Southeast Asia and Eurasia.
“Our most important expectation from this “We hope that such partnerships will increase
agreement is the development of innovative ideas for awareness of new opportunities for IP-intensive
the management of intellectual property. Bilateral enterprises in our respective regions and provide a
cooperation in the field of investment protection supportive IP-enabled ecosystem for such enterprises
between Kazakhstan and Singapore and cooperation to grow in overseas markets,” he says.
in the areas of financial technology, construction, Among Central Asian countries, Kazakhstan is
education, petrochemical, gas and food industries are Singapore’s largest trade partner. In 2017, bilateral
intensifying. We believe Singapore’s achievements trade between the two economies reached S$133.6
in the field of intellectual property will have a great million (US$98 million). Both countries are also part of
impact on Kazakhstan’s economy, provide an impetus the Eurasian Union-Singapore Free Trade Agreement,
for innovations and inventions, develop and bring which also covers e-commerce and IP. Talks for the
Kazakhstani legislation to international standards,” agreement are now ongoing.
says Akhmetova.

28 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019



Brand owners have taken notice that the sale of counterfeit

goods is spreading rapidly in e-commerce marketplaces.
Espie Angelica A. de Leon reports from Manila that
criminals are exploiting the love of social media in the
Philippines to sell fake goods.

he past several years have seen social media platform. The research firm conducted
counterfeit goods rapidly making their a survey on 11 countries including the Philippines and
way from physical stores to the online found that 58 percent of Filipino adults use Facebook.
space. Instagram came in at a distant second with 10 percent.
In some countries like the Additionally, the Digital 2019 report said that
Philippines, this may cause additional problems. In Filipinos usually spend more than four hours on social
January 2018, the Philippines became the 48th country media platforms per day – the most by any nationality.
to offer the Marketplace feature of Facebook to its E-commerce is also alive and well in the
users. Through Marketplace, Facebook users may sell Philippines. According to the German online statistics
and buy goods and cross-post from similar sites. portal Statista, revenues from e-commerce activities
Facebook’s global popularity is undeniable. The in the country climbed from US$688 million in 2017 to
Digital 2019: Global Digital Overview report by creative US$840 million in 2018.
agency We Are Social and social media management
platform Hootsuite indicate that there are 3.48 billion Crackdown on unregistered retailers and
social media users around the world this year. Of infringers: the scourge
these, over 2.71 billion are Facebook users. However, social media usage in the Philippines has
In the Philippines, the popularity of Facebook is reared its ugly head. Several retailers on Marketplace
even greater. According to the Pew Research Center, have been found to have stores that are not registered
more Filipinos are using Facebook than any other with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 29


This will cause problems if these retailers are the IP Code or Republic Act No. 8293 may apply to
selling counterfeit goods. Authorities investigating contributory trademark infringement.
intellectual property or IP violations will have a Section 159 of the IP Code deals with the innocent
hard time tracking down these sellers if they are infringer as a limitation to actions for infringement.
unregistered. This section, however, involves only printers or
Monitoring such illegal activities is hard to publishers. Plus, the remedy offered is merely an
begin with because of the millions of sellers online, injunction against future printing of the offending
says Editha R. Hechanova, president and CEO of advertisement of the infringing products.
Hechanova & Co., Inc. and managing partner of “What can be looked at is Republic Act. No. 10372,
Hechanova, Bugay, Vilchez & Andaya-Racadio in which took effect in 2012 amending certain provisions
Manila. in the IP Code, particularly those affecting copyright,”
Worse, some retailers do not even provide Hechanova says.
their real names or their complete addresses and The amendments are as follows:
other such details on the platform, says Vida M. Sec. 216. Infringement. – A person infringes a
Panganiban-Alindogan, partner and IP department right protected under this Act when one:
head at SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan in 1. Directly commits an infringement;
Manila. 2. Benefits of the infringing activity of another
Unlike a business owner with a brick and mortar person who commits an infringement if the
store, an online seller is hard to police and trace. person benefiting has been giving notice of
When there is a physical store, authorities – or even the infringing activity and has the right and
an interested buyer – can just go to the place to check ability to control the activities of the other
if the products being sold are indeed fake, whether it person;
is an actual store or a merely a garage turned into a 3. With knowledge of infringing activity
“display room.” induces, cause or materially contributes to
The same cannot be done with an online the infringing conduct of another.
marketplace like Facebook or other social media
channels. It’s a different world altogether, says “Under 216(b), the social media platform –
Panganiban-Alindogan, one that is hard to navigate. which has the right and ability to control those
“Another issue is whether you’re violating the that subscribe to it – could be held accountable for
copyright of the owner,” she says. contributory infringement, provided it has benefited
Perhaps the bigger problem is that there are no from the infringing activity and has been given
specific legal provisions on sales made on social media notice,” says Hechanova.
platforms. Thus, so far, no Supreme Court decisions However, Section 216 falls under the Copyright
in connection with the issue have been promulgated. law portion of the IP Code.
“Hence, one has to go through the process of Hechanova explains: “An amendment of the IP
making sample purchases to determine whether Code could clarify this, or the court can apply it by
[these are] counterfeit or not, identify these sellers, analogy, citing also Article 21 of the Civil Code which
then file a complaint whether criminal, administrative states that: ‘any person who wilfully causes injury to
or civil,” says Hechanova. “Without the physical another in a manner that is contrary to morals, good
evidence of the counterfeit goods, and the identity customs or public policy shall compensate the latter
of the sellers and their addresses, such actions for the damage.’”
are futile. Some government agencies such as the “But then,” she says, “there is the matter of
Philippine National Police and the National Bureau of hurdling the standard of ‘wilfully causing injury to
Investigation conduct entrapment activities to catch another.’”
these online sellers.” Hechanova also believes that IP laws in the
As for filing complaints, some social media Philippines should be expanded to cover all kinds of
platforms like Facebook do have mechanisms in counterfeiting.
place. These mechanisms – in the form of counterfeit
report forms and the like – facilitate the shutdown of Solving the problem: the latest score
the offending website or web page. “Most trademark For the meantime, it is important to get these
owners are satisfied with this action,” says Hechanova. businesses registered to help solve the problem of
As far as her firm’s experience with Facebook is counterfeiting.
concerned, Hechanova says that the platform takes “At the end of the day, it’s supposed to be a
appropriate action. In less than a week, Facebook has business. You are supposed to be authorized,” says
taken down illegal content from its website. Panganiban-Alindogan.
So despite these challenges, can a trademark The Intellectual Property Office of the
owner go against the social media platform itself? Philippines (IPOPHL) has this in mind as it moves
When it comes to counterfeit goods, it’s toward regulating businesses selling their products on
usually trademark laws which come into play, says e-commerce sites. First of all, IPOPHL vows to work
Hechanova. However, the law on copyright under closely with the DTI.

30 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

According to Ann Edillon, assistant director Josephine R. Santiago and the deputy director general
of IPOPHL’s Bureau of Patents, the office recently on enforcement matters.
liaised with DTI assistant secretary Jean Pacheco, Furthermore, the office has always encouraged
who is tasked to oversee e-commerce. IPOPHL is a online selling platforms and vendors to adopt and
member of the DTI Technical Working Group, which implement their own IP policies. IPOPHL reiterated
is developing a new roadmap for e-commerce in the this in its latest focus group discussion (FGD) with
country. representatives from the sector.
“We made a suggestion to the DTI that a form “Participants in the FGD, such as Facebook,
of registration and monitoring for e-commerce Shopee, and Lazada have confirmed that they do have
retailers be put in place, and this will be included in IP policies in place,” says Edillon. “However, we note
the roadmap. The DTI is targeting to conclude the that different platforms have different approaches to
creation of the roadmap by 2019 and hopefully have it IP. For example, one platform has a three-strike policy
in place by 2020,” says Edillon. before suspending a vendor. Various sanctions include
The agency has also been coordinating with the suspension of account, removal from the platform,
National Telecommunications Commission (NTC). and the like. All platforms reported receiving
“We have agreed with the NTC to craft a protocol complaints regarding vendors selling allegedly fake
on enforcement regarding online selling platforms goods and all of these complaints undergo internal
and vendors violating IP rights. A technical working procedures based on their IP policies.”
group will be convened sometime this year,” says Edillon also says that IPOPHL attends
Edillon, who assists IPOPHIL director general international meetings where it is evident that the

"It is important "One has to go "The Philippines has

to get through the yet to institutionalize
businesses process of making the direct take-down
registered to sample purchases and blocking of
help solve the to determine online vendors and
problem of whether these platforms engaged
counterfeiting. are counterfeit or in activities violating
At the end of not, identify these IP rights. This is
the day, it’s sellers, then file a part of our proposed
supposed to complaint. Without amendments to the
be a business. the physical IP Code which we
You are evidence of the have submitted to
supposed to be counterfeit goods, Congress. Hopefully,
authorized." and the identity of all our amendments,
—VIDA M. the sellers and their particularly
ALINDOGAN, partner
addresses, such those affecting
and IP department head, actions are futile." enforcement, will be
SyCip Salazar Hernandez &
Gatmaitan, Manila —EDITHA R. HECHANOVA, approved."
president and CEO, Hechanova & Co.,
Inc., managing partner, Hechanova, —ANN EDILLON, assistant director,
Bugay, Vilchez & Andaya-Racadio, Manila Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines,
Bureau of Patents, Manila

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 31


issues of counterfeit goods sold online and how to “The 2010 case of Tiffany v. eBay may well serve
effectively enforce the laws against these are almost as guide to our judges,” says Hechanova. “In said
universal. case, the court found that ‘there was no feasible way
“However, strength and enforcement of IP that eBay could further ‘control’ the infringement on
policies differ from country to country,” she says. its platform beyond the efforts it was already taking,
More than 10 years ago, luxury jewelry retailer without specific knowledge of which particular listings
Tiffany & Co. filed a lawsuit against eBay for were infringing or would infringe in the future.’
trademark infringement. According to Tiffany, a large eBay then had an established notice and take-down
collection of counterfeit silver jewelry was being sold procedure, invested on anti-counterfeiting measures,
on the eBay website. and took steps to remove counterfeit Tiffany
eBay countered that it undertook proactive products.”
measures to address the problem and to fulfill its legal Another e-commerce site, China’s Alibaba
obligations according to US trademark law. Group, remains on the US government’s watchlist
In the end, the US District Court for the Southern of “notorious markets.” According to the Office of
District of New York declared eBay as not guilty of the US Trade Representative, Alibaba’s
either direct or contributory infringement. marketplace continues to sell large amounts of pirated
Aside from merely being a platform for buying products. In fact, there have been reports that 67
and selling activities, the people behind eBay were percent of products on are counterfeits.
initially unaware that a lot of counterfeit jewelry A few years ago, Alibaba figured in a suit filed by
were available on their site. When they did receive Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci. Fake Gucci bags were
complaints about the fake merchandise, they being sold on AliExpress for US$2-US$5. The retail
immediately took action by taking down suspected price tag for originals were US$795 at the lowest.
counterfeit listings. Amazon had also been selling counterfeit goods
In his 65-page ruling, District Judge Richard on its site. The online shopping platform was found
J. Sullivan wrote: “First, the Court finds that eBay’s to be selling replica Chanel merchandise. For the
use of Tiffany’s trademarks in its advertising…. infringement, Chanel sued 24 independent sellers on
is a protected, nominative fair use of the marks….. Amazon. The luxury brand was awarded US$100,000
Second, the Court finds that eBay is not liable in damages for each replica item on Amazon.
for contributory trademark infringement. In Edillon laments the fact that in ASEAN, only a few
determining whether eBay is liable, the standard is jurisdictions have strict monitoring mechanisms for
not whether eBay could reasonably anticipate possible online platforms and vendors.
infringement, but rather whether eBay continued “The Philippines has yet to institutionalize the
to supply its services to sellers when it knew or had direct take-down and blocking of online vendors and
reason to know of infringement by those sellers…..The platforms engaged in activities violating IP rights.
result for the application of this legal standard is that This is part of our proposed amendments to the IP
Tiffany must ultimately bear the burden of protecting Code which we have submitted to Congress,” she says.
its trademark.” “Hopefully, all our amendments, particularly those
affecting enforcement, will be approved.”

32 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019


Anticipation by prior claiming in India:

The law and the practice
Whether lack of novelty is assessed by prior publication
or prior claiming, it is the requirement of Indian law that
there should be a clear and unmistakable direction for the
invention in the prior art. Rajeev Kumar explains why the
principle is often disregarded.

ndian patent laws recognize two different would constitute a prior art for assessment of novelty.
categories of published prior arts for The second category of published documents
anticipation, or assessing lack of novelty. The which have been recognized by Indian patent laws
first category is a prior published document, for assessment of novelty is a patent application,
i.e., a publication anywhere in the world before but with the restriction that said patent application
the date of filing of the complete specification being should have been filed in India, and should claim the
examined. As India follows absolute novelty criteria invention being examined, i.e., anticipation by prior
while examining novelty of a claim, a prior published claiming.
document or patent application in India or elsewhere

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 33


The law Even the Manual of Patent Office Practice and

Under Section 13(1)(b) of the Patents Act, 1970, an Procedure, modified in March 2011, differentiates
examiner has to search for anticipation by prior anticipation by prior publication and prior claiming.
claim, i.e., it has to be assessed whether the claim While ascertaining novelty, the Examiner
being examined “is claimed in any claim of any other takes into consideration, inter alia, the following
complete specification published on or after the date documents:
of filing of the applicant’s complete specification, • which have been published before the date of
being a specification filed in pursuance of an filing of complete specification.
application for a patent made in India and dated • such Indian patent applications which have
before or claiming the priority date earlier than that been filed before the date of filing of complete
date.” specification and published on or after the date
However, there have been instances where the of filing of the complete specification, but claims
examination has resulted in incorrect refusal or the same subject matter.
revocation under prior claiming. This is despite the
explanation provided in the manual of patent office The issue of anticipation by prior claiming has
procedure and examination guidelines. The guidelines also been considered by the Intellectual Property
issued by the Indian patent office indeed differentiate Appellate Board (IPAB) in its Order No. 118 of 2014.
between anticipation by prior publication and The IPAB has recognized that under Section 13(1)(b),
anticipation by prior claiming. the prior patent application should claim the subject
The Guidelines for Examination of Patent matter for anticipation.
Applications in the Field of Pharmaceuticals, issued 25. We find the respondent was wrong in
by Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs considering WO 03/042491 on two counts.
& Trade Marks (CGPDT) in October 2014, explains the Firstly WO 03/042491 was not an application
assessment of anticipation and differentiates between made in India (even if for considering as
the assessment by prior publication and by prior anticipation by prior claiming) and secondly it
claiming. was not a document published before the date
An invention will be patentable only if it is of the impugned application for considering
new in the light of prior art, or is not anticipated by as anticipation by previous publication. The
prior art. The prior art includes all information and prior art status of a ‘prior claiming’ patent
knowledge relating to the invention, which is available application is not same as the prior art status
in any publication before the date of priority of the of a published document. If we see section
patent application. For the purpose of examination, an 25 (1) (e) which related to inventive step
invention will not be new; if it forms part of the prior determination …we find ‘…obvious and clearly
art or has entered in public domain. For anticipation, does not involve any inventive step having
such publication must be before the date of priority of regards to matter published as mentioned
the claim under consideration. Also, any application in clause (b) …before the priority date of the
for patent filed in India, but published after the date of applicant’s claim’. This clearly indicates that
filing of a subsequent application for patent in India the documents published before the date
claiming the same subject-matter shall be treated as a of patent application are only relevant for
prior art (i.e. prior claiming) to the said subsequent assessment of inventive step.
application provided that the previous application has 26. The priority date of a document published
earlier priority date. The prior art document must be latter cannot be equated with the date of its
enabling i.e. there should be a clear and unmistakable publication for purposes of consideration as
direction for the invention in the prior art. prior art in determining novelty and inventive
The examination guidelines have clearly step. We find the respondent wrongly
distinguished a prior art that can be cited for considered WO 03/042491 as prior art which
anticipation under prior publication from a document was published after the impugned application
that can be cited under prior claiming. Under prior for the purpose of novelty and then used it for
claiming, a document should be a patent application determination of inventive step. This fact is
filed in India, having a priority date earlier than the sufficient to set aside this order.
patent application being examined, but published 27. Accordingly we are constrained to setting
later. For such a prior art, the Guidelines also aside the impugned order dated 11/05/2009
clearly state that the prior art patent application in by allowing the appeal. Consequently,
India should claim the same subject-matter. Under we remand this case back and direct the
anticipation by prior claiming, only the claims of respondent to re-consider the matter.
the cited prior art are relevant and not the whole The respondent shall not consider the WO
description. The subject matter of the claim being 03/042491 as prior art and shall decide
examined should have been claimed in the cited prior the matter afresh as per law within three
art and, if it is not claimed, but only disclosed, then it months from the date of receipt of this order.
may not form a valid prior art.

34 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019


The appellant shall be given reasonable anticipation by prior claiming does not hold good.
opportunity to present his case again.
The practice
Looking at the provisions of patent laws and the There have been cases where the above criteria are
guidelines and the IPAB order, it can be considered not fully considered while raising an objection of
that, to be cited as a prior art under prior claiming, anticipation by prior claiming. In some instances,
a prior art document has to qualify the following a document which is not an Indian complete
criteria: specification is cited as a document for anticipation
• It should be a complete specification; by prior claiming, disregarding the fact that the law
• Said complete specification should have been requires an Indian application and not any foreign
filed in India; application to be cited for anticipation by prior
• Said complete specification should have claiming. Another usual criteria which is disregarded
been published on or after the complete while citing a document for anticipation by prior
specification being examined; claiming, is reference to the text description or
• Said complete specification should have a filing examples of the cited document, and not establishing
date or a priority date earlier than the priority that the invention being examined is unambiguously
date of the complete specification being claimed in the cited prior application.
examined; and Indian patent application No. 991/MUMNP/2003
• Said complete specification should claim the was refused after considering a PCT application,
invention being examined. which was published later than the priority date
of IN’991, as a prior art for anticipation. While
Under prior claiming, all the above criteria anticipation was discussed, the refusal of the
should be satisfied for validly raising a ground of application was based on the ground that the claims
anticipation, and in absence of even one criterion do not relate to an invention under Section 3(d) of

36 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

the Indian Patents Act, 1970. Said decision was then opined that the ground under prior claiming is
appealed by the applicant before the IPAB which, after invalid. The Opposition Board even considered the
hearing the appellant, remanded the application to the PCT applications under prior publication and held
patent office for a fresh hearing. In said subsequent that even these arts do not anticipate the claims of IN
hearing, the PCT application was again considered, 276026.
and portions from the abstract and description were But after hearing the patentee and the opponent,
cited to hold that the prior art discloses the compound contrary to the recommendations of the Opposition
of IN’991. Although this time the controller referred to Board, the controller held that the claims of IN 276026
the Indian corresponding patent for anticipation by are anticipated by IN 232653 and IN 240560. In the
prior claiming, he did not cite any claim of the Indian decision to revoke IN 276026, a comparison of two
patent, but rather referred to Claim 20 of the PCT Markush structures had been done and the various
application. Also, the flaw in assessing anticipation permutations and combinations with respect to the
is seen by the way the assessment under Section 3(d) recited substitutions had been read to reach to the
(new form of a known substance) was mixed with conclusion that the Markush structure claimed in
assessment of novelty under prior claiming. The IN 276026 was narrower to the Markush structure
findings of the controller were that “the applicants are claimed in IN 240560, and hence there is anticipation.
same for both the application, it shows the applicant’s
claim in instant invention is priorly claimed in India The confusion
having priority of US 60/170,179 dated 10.12.1999 Whether lack of novelty is assessed by prior
as prior claim except the fact that the compound publication or prior claiming, it is the requirement of
claimed is merely the enantiomer of the compound law that the prior art document must be enabling, i.e.,
of application No. IN/PCT/2002/00588/DEL, wherein there should be a clear and unmistakable direction
significant efficacy has not been established by the for the invention in the prior art. Such an important
applicant in the specification as well as through their aspect usually seems to be missing while assessing
arguments.” anticipation. The above examples indicate that often
The above observation of the controller while assessing novelty, the principle that the alleged
indicates that indeed the enantiomer of the invention should be unambiguously claimed in
compound of application No. IN/PCT/2002/00588/ the prior Indian patent application is disregarded.
DEL was not disclosed in said prior art, but citing Instead, it is incorrectly assessed whether the alleged
the absence of significant efficacy, the enantiomer invention falls within the scope of a claim of the
of IN’991 was deemed to be a known substance and prior art, even if the specific alleged invention is not
accordingly was assessed to be lacking in novelty. claimed or disclosed in the prior art.
The grounds of anticipation by prior claiming and
not an invention under Section 3(d) are two different
grounds, and using the tool of absence of enhanced
efficacy for alleging an invention to lack novelty is an ABOUT THE AUTHOR
inappropriate extension of the provisions of Section
3(d) to assessment of novelty.
The ambiguity or inappropriate considerations Rajeev Kumar is a partner at LexOrbis in New Delhi, where
he is a registered Indian patent attorney. He holds a Master’s
while assessing anticipation by prior claiming again degree in pharmaceutical sciences from the Delhi Institute of
came up in a recent post-grant opposition decision, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. Kumar leads the firm’s
patent filing and prosecution group and has more than 15 years
revoking Indian Patent No. 276026. The application
of experience. He assists clients in mining and securing patent
was examined and eventually granted after a hearing. protection in India, Europe, the United
During examination, two PCT applications (WO States and other countries in drafting
and prosecuting patents in relation
2004/080980 and WO 2005/016894) were cited as prior to pharmaceuticals, neutraceuticals,
art for lack of inventive step. chemicals, biochemicals, organic
The controller had examined and considered chemistry, peptide chemistry,
medicinal products, medical devices,
that said prior arts do not teach the invention being oil and gas and nanotechnology.
examined, and hence proceeded to grant a patent.
Later, a post-grant opposition was filed, wherein
the corresponding Indian patents (IN 232653 and
IN 240560, respectively) of said PCT applications LexOrbis
709/ 710, Tolstoy House
were cited under the ground of anticipation by prior 15-17, Tolstoy Marg,
claiming. Interestingly, both the PCT applications New Delhi 110 001
were published prior to the priority date of IN 276026 T: +91 11 2371 6565
and were already cited as prior published arts and, in F: +91 11 2371 6556
addition to that, their corresponding Indian patents E:
were cited for anticipation under prior claiming.
The Opposition Board considered these arts and

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 37


Background of the case it follows that the dependent

The Court of Appeal in the Sunseap claims must also fall. This is
Case made some observations because, as the nomenclature
ASEAN on the relationship between suggests, dependent claims (or
Revisiting long-established independent and dependent claims “subsidiary claims”) refer back
concepts on independent and at Paragraph [70] of its decision. to the independent claim and
dependent patent claims in The Court of Appeal’s statement incorporate all its features (see
Singapore which caused some concern Lee Tat Cheng v. Maka GPS
The Intellectual Property Office among the patent practitioners is Technologies Pte Ltd [2017] 3
of Singapore (IPOS) has recently as follows: SLR 1334 at [104]).
announced in its newsletter dated Paragraph [70]: “However, Thus, in practical terms,
August 14, 2019, that the current in addition to the above, there once the defendant succeeds
practice of examining independent is at least one other scenario in establishing that all the
and dependent claims as provided where the patent should be independent claims in a patent
in the Examination Guidelines for revoked. This is the scenario are invalid, the dependent
Patent Applications (April 2019 where all the independent claims must necessarily fall
version) continues to be in force. claims in a patent have been away and the patent as a whole
This newsletter has been found to be invalid. This must be regarded as invalid. In
circulated in the light of feedback presupposes that the patent- such circumstances, it would
received by IPOS on a recently holder has alleged infringement also be proper for the High
decided case before the Court of all the independent claims Court to exercise its power
of Appeal of Singapore, Sunseap in the patent and that under Section 91(1) read with
Group Pte Ltd & 2 Ors v. Sun the defendant has in turn Section 80 to order that the
Electric Pte Ltd [2019] SGCA 4, challenged the validity of all patent be revoked.” (Emphasis
where certain statements in the the independent claims by way added.)
judgment seem contradictory to of defence. If the court finds in
the established patent practice in the defendant’s favour that the This statement by the Court
Singapore and elsewhere. independent claims are invalid, of Appeal seems to contradict

38 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

claims can be found, for example, claim during supplementary
in Paragraphs 2.45 to 2.51 of the examination. Hence, it does not
examination guidelines. According follow that if an independent
to the examination guidelines, the claim is found to be invalid or not
broadest claim in an application allowable, the dependent claim
is normally an independent claim automatically becomes rejected or
and it defines all of the essential invalid as the scope of each claim
features of an invention. A is assessed separately in view of
dependent claim can depend upon the additional features found in the
one or more independent claims dependent claim.
or one or more dependent claims. The above approach
It normally contains additional continues to be valid as confirmed
features which narrow the scope by IPOS. It remains to be seen,
of monopoly of the claim. Based on however, whether this position will
these definitions, it can therefore be changed in the future. In the
be deduced that the scope of an meantime, patent practitioners
independent claim is different can rely on the aforementioned
from that of the dependent claim. paragraphs of the examination
Paragraph 2.50 of the examination guidelines in assessing the validity
guidelines, for example, explains of independent and dependent
that, when Claim 2 is dependent claims.
on an independent Claim 1, all
features of Claim 1 are imported
into Claim 2. Consequently, the
scope of Claim 1 is then narrowed
to the features as indicated in
Claim 2. This goes to show that
the scope of monopoly of Claim 1 Gladys Mirandah is the
is not the same as that of Claim 2. director of mirandah asia,
This concept is also indicated at which has offices in
Singapore, Malaysia,
Paragraph 9.13 of the examination Vietnam, Thailand,
guidelines, which states that if Indonesia and the
Philippines. She
the long-established concepts on the examiner subsequently finds has been admitted
independent and dependent claims that the final results have not to practice in
in Singapore as explained in the provided a positive indication on Singapore, the UK
and Brunei, and
examination guidelines. an independent claim but have brings with her more
indicated that a dependent claim is than 35 years of IP
Interrelationship between allowable, the examiner will issue experience in Asia.
independent and dependent a written opinion, thereby allowing Rudina Ann
claims the applicant to amend claims to Pescante is a Gladys Mirandah

Discussion on the issue of incorporate the allowed dependent patent specialist

at mirandah asia, where she
independent and dependent claim into the independent undertakes work in patent
prosecution and analysis,
as well as preparing
responses to registry office
actions and conducting
legal status and prior art
searches in respect of a
wide range of ASEAN
jurisdictions. She is a
licensed chemist in
the Philippines.

mirandah asia
(singapore) pte ltd
1 Coleman Street Rudina Ann Pescante
#07-08 The Adelphi
Singapore 179803
T: +65 6336 9696
F: +65 6338 3739

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 39


Anti-counterfeiting in India
In the recent age of technological
advancement and innovations,
counterfeiting has become a global
epidemic having a substantial
impact on the world economy.
As per the latest survey of the
Authentication Solution Providers’
Association (ASPA), a self-
regulated, non-profit organization
formulated with the sole objective
of combatting the fake, counterfeit
and fraudulent goods circulating
in the market, it was reported that
Indian economy loses around Rs1
trillion (US$14.1 trillion) every year
to the counterfeit market.

Statutory and legal

framework governing
The Trade Marks Act, 1999. The
Trademarks Act is the principal
legislation governing trademarks
in India. The act provides both civil
and criminal statutory remedies
against the infringement of a
registered trademark. The act
also recognizes the right of an
unregistered trademark owner
under common law to take civil
action for passing off, even against
a registered trademark, provided
that the unregistered trademark
owner is a prior user. The Designs Act, 2000. A provides for both civil and criminal
The Copyright Act, 1957. design may include the features remedies. The term of protection
Copyright is the property right in of the shape, ornament, pattern, for a GI is 10 years, which may
the original work of authorship configuration or composition subsequently be renewed upon its
fixed in any tangible medium of of lines or colour in 2-D, 3-D or expiry.
expression wherein the owner of in both forms, manufactured by
the copyright is given exclusive an industrial process or means. Counterfeiting in cyber space
right to reproduce, adapt, Remedies are of a civil nature The Information Technology
distribute, perform or display only and no criminal liability is (Intermediary Guidelines) Rules,
the work. In harmony with the prescribed. Terms of copyright 2011. The Intermediary Guidelines
Berne Convention, registration in design shall subsist for 10 Rules, 2011, read with the
of copyright is not compulsory years, which can be subsequently Information Technology Act 2000,
for the purpose of enforcing it, renewed for another five years. require intermediaries to regulate
although a registration serves The Geographical users hosting contents on their
as ex facie evidence of the Indication of Goods (Registration platforms. The guidelines impose
particulars incorporated in the and Protection) Act, 1999. A a duty on the intermediaries to
registration certificate. The geographical indication (GI) is an conduct a due diligence over the
Copyright Act provides statutory indication attached to the goods content posted by the users by
civil and criminal remedies with respect to its geographical informing about the restrictions as
against copyright infringement. origin or manufacturing place. under the intermediary guidelines.
No registration is required for These goods may include In order to encourage IP protection
initiation action for copyright agricultural, natural or in cyber space, Section 3(2)(d) of
Infringement. manufactured goods. The act the guidelines imposes a duty on

40 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

2016, in addition to the Code of In addition to the seizure of
Civil Procedure, the Commercial infringing material, the court
Courts Act, 2015 was brought may pass an order for seizure
into force with an objective of of books of accounts and
providing efficient redressal of profits of the defendant to
commercial matters by setting assess the extent of infringing
up the commercial courts at activities for the purpose of
the district level and at the High calculation of damages.
Courts having original jurisdiction. • Permanent injunction: The
Disputes involving IP matters are court may pass an order to
covered within the ambit of the permanently injunct the
Commercial Courts Act. The most defendant from manufacturing
significant development under and/or dealing in the
the Commercial Courts Act is infringing material in any
the introduction of the concept matter.
of summary judgment. Under • Damages and actual costs:
summary judgments, the court The court may, upon assessing
can pass a final order without the extent of infringing
requiring oral evidence if the activities, direct the defendant
court is convinced that the other to pay damages to the rightful
party does not have any chance to proprietor of IP rights as it
succeed in the matter. Therefore, may deem fit in the interest
anti-counterfeiting cases are the of justice and actual costs of
best fit for the purpose of invoking litigation.
summary judgment, which can
substantially reduce the timeframe Criminal remedies. Criminal
of the suit and thereby facilitate remedies for the violation of
effective and efficient remedy intellectual property rights
to the affected party. The reliefs are only available in the cases
which can be granted under the pertaining to the Trade Marks Act,
civil action are as follows: 1999, the Copyright Act, 1957, the
• Temporary/ex parte ad Geographical Indication of Goods
interim injunction: A court (Registration and Protection)
may grant a temporary or ad Act, 1999, the Protection of Plant
interim injunction without Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act,
notice to the defendant if 2001 and under the Information
the court is satisfied that any Technology Act, 1999.
intermediaries to inform the users delay in granting injunction A criminal action may be
through rules and regulations, could result in irreparable initiated against the infringing
terms and conditions and user loss of profit and reputation party either by way of lodging a
agreement not to host, display, to the rightful owner of the First Information Report (FIR) with
modify, publish, transmit, update intellectual property rights. the police or filing a complaint
or share any information that • Anton Piller Order: In before the competent magistrate.
infringes any patent, trademark, addition to the ex parte If the offence committed is
copyright or any other proprietary injunction, the court may also cognizable, then the police officer
rights. appoint local commissioner(s) is empowered to carry out a
for the purpose of seizing and/ search and seizure and arrest the
Legal remedies available or making an inventory of the offender without a warrant. Under
against counterfeiting in infringing goods. a criminal action, the offender may
India • John Doe Order: Under this be sentenced to imprisonment for
An affected party can enforce its order, the court may empower the term as may be specified under
intellectual property rights against the local commissioner the concerned statute (which in
an infringer by way of civil action, to enter the premises of most cases may extend up to three
criminal action or enforcement unnamed defendants for the years) or with fine or with both.
through the customs authority in purpose of seizing infringing Criminal law in India also
India. material on the basis of provides for concept of a plea
Civil remedies. Civil suspicion that infringing bargain. A plea bargain is an
remedies for infringement of material could be recovered agreement resulting out of a
IPRs are governed by the Code from such premises. successful negotiation between the
of Civil Procedure, 1908. In early • Books of accounts and profits: victim and the accused in order to

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 41



Saif Khan is a litigation partner

who leads the IP enforcement
team at Anand and Anand. Prior
to joining Anand and Anand, he
worked with British Petroleum
(on the rolls of Castrol India) for
settle a criminal case in exchange provided under Chapter XXI-A nearly two years as manager –
for a lenient punishment. The from Sections 265-A to 265-L of the legal trademark operations. He
has also practiced as
accused may file an application Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. litigation counsel for
for plea bargaining before the Enforcement through four years. Khan has
magistrate during the pendency of customs. In order to prevent experience conducting
enforcement actions, Saif Khan
a trial stating a brief description the importation of infringing customs and border
of offences and providing an material into India, the rights recordal, anti-piracy
affidavit sworn by the accused can be registered with the Indian and anti-counterfeiting
actions, both criminal and
that he has voluntarily preferred, Customs under the Intellectual civil). He has experience
after understanding the nature Property Rights (Imported working, coordinating
and punishment of the offence, and liaising with law
Goods) Enforcement Rules,
enforcement agencies to
plea bargaining and that he has 2007 read with the Customs Act. ensure focused solutions
not previously been convicted of Subsequent to this registration, for IP infringement.
the same offence. It is to be noted the Commissioner of Customs,
that the accused shall apply for if satisfied that material being Shobhit Agarwal is
managing associate in
a plea bargain voluntarily and imported would infringe the the litigation department
not under any undue influence Registrant’s IP rights, may seize at Anand and Anand.
by anyone, as the same could be the consignment of the infringing
rejected by the court if it is found materials at the customs port
that the application was filed and initiate proceedings against Shobhit Agarwal
involuntarily or that the accused the importer. The final order can
Anand and Anand
has been convicted of the same include absolute confiscation of First Channel Building, Plot No. 17A,
offence previously. Further, the the offending goods along with Sector 16A, Film City, Noida,
consent of complainant or victim is fines on the importer, which could Uttar Pradesh 201301, India
T: +91-120-4059300
also important for the proceeding be twice the value of the imported F: +91-120-4243056
of plea bargaining. The provisions goods. E:
related to plea bargaining are W:

42 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

Proof of right: PCT
applications designating India
India’s Patents Act, 1970 sets-out
the kinds of persons entitled to
apply for patents in India which
includes by any person being the
assignee of the person claiming to
be the true and first inventor in
respect of the right to make such an
application [Section 6 sub-Section
(1) of the act].
This provision is made
subject to Section 134 of the act, i.e.
it excludes nationals of countries
which do not accord the citizens
of India the same rights in respect
of grant of a patent and the
protection of patents rights as it
accords to its own nationals.
Of course, the act permits the
patent application to be made by
any of the persons entitled either
alone or jointly with any other
person so entitled [Section 6 sub-
Section (2) of the act].
The discussion herein
pertains to cases where the
applicant(s) [person(s) claiming to
be ‘person(s) entitled’] for making
a patent application in India from
a PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty)
is/are the assignee of the person(s)
claiming to be the true and first
inventor in respect of the right to
make such an application.
The act provides that “Every
international application under
the Patent Cooperation Treaty for a
patent, as may be filed designating
India shall be deemed to be an
application under this Act, if a
corresponding application has also
been filed before the Controller in the six-month period in case of endorsement in the application
India.” [Section 7 sub-Section an application corresponding form (Form 1) or an assignment
(1A) of the act]. However, at the to an international application deed (i.e., in written form). The
same time, the Indian Patents Act (PCT application) in which India assignment deed may be in
provides that where the application is designated shall be reckoned original or a copy thereof duly
is made by virtue of an assignment from the actual date on which the authenticated.
of the right to apply for a patent corresponding application is filed Furthermore, in practice,
for the invention, there shall be in India. employment agreements which
furnished with the application, or Guidance by the Indian explicitly state that the intellectual
within 6 months after the filing of Patent Office on what constitutes property is to be transferred to the
the application” [Section 7 sub- proof of right is provided in the employer (or applicant) are also
Section 2 of the act and Rule 10 Manual of Patent Office Practice acceptable. When the agreement
of the Patents Rules, 2003]. The and Procedure, Version 3.0 issued does not contain an explicit clause,
Patents Rules, 2003 clarify that March 1, 2019, i.e. by way of an there have been a few instances

OCTOBER 2019 Asia IP 43


where the applicant has been able 1, i.e., the applicant has to obtain
to successfully establish proof of the signature from the inventors in ABOUT THE AUTHOR
right. However, such instances are column 9(i) of Form-1.
limited to countries whose national Thus, in spite of the PCT Sanchita Ganguli has been practicing
as patent attorney for more than 16
laws provide that inventions would provisions, i.e., PCT Rule 4.17(ii) or years. She heads the life sciences
be assigned to the employers if PCT Rule 51bis. 2(ii), which provide patent prosecution practice at S
made during the during the course instances where submitting proof Majumdar & Co and is also
involved in contentious
of employment. of right is not required at the proceedings before the
The Intellectual Property designated office unless veracity of patent office and IPAB.
She is associated with
Appellate Board (IPAB) in Order the same is questioned, submission
various organizations
No. 252 of 2013 dated October 28, of a document evidencing proof engaged in IPR
2013, in OA/39/2011/PT/CH (NTT of right in respect of the Indian promotion, including
the Government of India.
DoCoMo Inc. v. The Controller of designation from a PCT application She also is a guest
Patents and Designs) was of the on entering India is recommended. faculty in several Sanchita Ganguli
view that the applicant in respect This is because the IPAB has institutions,
including TIFAC. She is a member of
of a PCT application designating upheld the view of the Controller the Asian Patent Attorneys Association
India ought to furnish documents of Patents in Order No. 252 of (APAA) (Indian Group).
to prove that the applicant either 2013, that documentary evidence
has gotten worldwide assignment of the proof of right to apply for a
or at least whether the applicant patent in India even applies to a
has gotten the right to make the designation in India from a PCT S Majumdar & Co.
5, Harish Mukherjee Road
application in India from the application. The aforesaid order of Kolkata 700 025
inventor or not. Such right to make the IPAB was in an appeal from an West Bengal, India
an application in India can also order of the Controller of Patents T: + 91 33 2455 7484/85/86
F: _+91 33 2455 7487/88
be by way of endorsement by the wherein the issue of discussion of E:
inventors in the Application Form- this article arose. W:

44 Asia IP OCTOBER 2019

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