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Team Performance Improvement Plan (TPIP)


TO: Fernando, Yuki, Chaoran

FROM: (Sergio Fuquene)

DATE: 23-feb-2024

RE: Team Performance Improvement Plan (TPIP)

The purpose of this Team Performance Improvement Plan (TPIP) is to define serious areas of concern,
gaps in work performance, reiterate the organisation’s expectations, and allow the team the
opportunity to demonstrate improvement and commitment.

Areas of Concern:

Bullet point issues and how employee’s lack of performance and/or behaviour has affected his/her
co-workers, the company, and clients/customers.

1. Yuki is being affected by the way Chaoran treats her and is reflected in the low level of
sales she has.
2. The lack of communication between team members makes the weekly sales target not met
and the company loses money and customers.
3. Fernando is too loud when he speaks and that makes customers get upset and a sale is not

Step 1: Improvement Goals: These are the goals related to areas of concern to be improved and

1. Average sales per day

2. Foster a Culture of Open Communication and Active Listening

3. Improve customer satisfaction score

Step 2: Activity Goals: Listed below are activities that will help the team reach each goal:

<Student ID & Name>

Goal Activity/Strategy How to Accomplish Start Projected

# Date Completion

1. 1. Product Training 1. Ensure that call centre agents have comprehensive 26- 25-Mar-
knowledge about the products or services they are Feb- 2024
2. Utilize Data and
selling. Regular training sessions can help keep them 2024
updated on new offerings and features.

2. Analyse call data to identify trends, customer

preferences, and areas for improvement. Use this
information to optimize sales strategies and tailor
offerings to meet customer needs.

2. 1. Regular Team 1. Schedule regular team meetings where 26- 25-Mar-

meetings everyone has the opportunity to share updates, Feb- 2024
ideas, and concerns. Encourage active participation 2024
2. Active listening
and provide a platform for open dialogue.
2. Conduct workshops or training sessions on
active listening techniques to help employees
develop better listening skills. Provide practical
exercises and scenarios to reinforce learning.

3. 1. Consistence 1. Maintain consistency in service quality across all 26- 25-Mar-

Service Quality touchpoints and channels. Standardize processes, Feb- 2024
training, and performance metrics to ensure a 2024
2. Proactive
consistent customer experience.
2. Anticipate customer needs and reach out
proactively with relevant information, updates, or
offers. Keep customers informed throughout their
journey to minimize surprises or frustrations.

Step 3: Resources: Listed below are resources available to the team to complete the Improvement
activities (may include other people’s time or expertise, funds for training materials and activities, or
time away from usual responsibilities.)

1. To provide training and data analysis we need to hire a company that specializes in the
subject. The company must bear the full cost of training and data analysis.

2. Meetings and workshops will need a space of 30 minutes per week and will be carried out
by the team manager.

3. A call monitoring system would be needed to monitor consistency and quality of calls as

<Student ID & Name>

well as customer-seller communication.

Management Support: Listed below are ways in which your manager will support your
Improvement activities.

1. The manager sends the training and data analysis request to the senior managers and
monitors their implementation.

2. The manager will lead meetings and workshops related to active listening training.

3. The manager sends the call monitoring system request to the senior managers and monitors
their implementation.

Step 4: Expectations: The following performance standards must be accomplished to demonstrate

progress towards achievement of each Improvement goal:

1. It seeks to reach the average daily sales to meet the targets set with the company.

2. Constant and productive communication among team members is required that is reflected
in the average weekly sales of the entire group.

3. Improving customer score and satisfaction is required to better sales and have greater
customer loyalty.

Step 5: Progress Checkpoints: The following schedule will be used to evaluate the team’s progress in
meeting the Improvement activities.

Goal # Activity/Strategy Checkpoint Type of Follow-up Progress Notes

Date Expected

1. Average individual 8-Mar-2024 meeting 4

sales per day

2. Improve 4-Mar-2024 meeting Better

communication communication
skills between each among team
Teams member. members and
better working

<Student ID & Name>


3. Improve customer 8-Mar-2024 memo At least 3.8

satisfaction score ratings of the
total calls
made by the
seller are

Follow-up Updates: You will receive feedback on the team’s progress according to the following

Date Scheduled Activity Conducted By Completion Date

1. 8-Mar-2024 All activities Sergio F 8-Mar-2024

2. 24-Mar-2024 All activities Sergio F 24-Mar-2024

3. 5-Apr-2024 All activities Sergio F 5-Apr-2024

Timeline for Improvement, Consequences & Expectations:

Effective immediately, the team is placed on a 90-day PIP. During this time, all team members will be
expected to make regular progress on the plan outlined above. Failure to meet or exceed these
expectations, or any display of gross misconduct will result in further disciplinary action, up to and
including termination. In addition, if there is no significant improvement to indicate that the
expectations and goals will be met within the timeline indicated in this PIP, employment may be
terminated prior to 90 days. Failure to maintain performance expectations after the completion of
the PIP may result in additional disciplinary action up to and including termination.


Print Employee Name: ________________Yuki_____________________

Print Employee Name: _________________Fernando____________________

Print Employee Name: __________________Chaoran___________________

Print Supervisor/Manager Name: ____________Sergio Fuquene_________________________

<Student ID & Name>

Supervisor/Manager Signature: ________________Sergio F_____________________

Date: ___23-Feb-24________________________

<Student ID & Name>

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