B. Ing KLS 6 TTG Jam

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1. What time is it right now? (9.

A. It is nine o'clock
B. It is nine zero
C. It is nine past twelve.

2. What time is our plane? (7.30)

A. It is seven past quarter
B. It is a quarter past seven
C. It is seven past quarter

3. Jam satu siang...

A. 1.00 p.m.
B. 1.00 a.m.
C. 13.00 a.m.

4. Do you know what time we have to get to the airport? (4.20)

A. We have to get there at four to twenty.
B. We have to get there at four o'clock
C. We have to get there at twenty to five

5. Every morning I woke up at 5.15. How do you spell 5.15?

A. fifteen past five
B. A quarter past five
C. Five past quarter

6. Twenty to nine is...

A. 8.40
B. 9.20
C. 8.20

7. A half to seven is...

A. 7.15
B. 6.15
C. 6.45

8. 6.42 is...
A. Forty two pas six
B. Six past forty two
C. Eight teen to seven

9. 4.55 is...
A. Fifty five past four
B. Five to five
C. Four to fifty five

10. Jika jam menunjukkan pukul 9.45, maka dibaca...

A. A half to ten
B. Forty five past nine
C. Nine past forty five
Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

Nana :”What time is it?” (05.25)

Nina :”It is…”

Rafa :”What time is it?” (08.15)

Dayu :”It is…”

Every day, I get up at (04.30)………Then, I pray to God for the chance that I can breathe
today. I take a bath at (05.20)…….. After taking a bath, I wash the dishes. Then I get dressed
at (05.45)………. My family and I have breakfast together at (06.05)………. After having
breakfast, I go to school on foot at (06.25)………. Because the school is not too far to my

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