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MAS.2903 – Costs Volume Profit Analysis OCTOBER 2020

Cost-volume-profit (C-V-P) analysis as a tool for Contribution Margin. Unit contribution is the difference
planning and control. between the unit selling price and the unit variable
I. C-V-P analysis: expenses. Total contribution margin is difference
A. a procedure that examines changes in costs and between the total revenues and the total variable
volume levels and the resulting effects on profit. expenses.
B. Sales Revenue – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs =
Profit Sales Mix. The composition of total sales in terms of
C. Tool for both planning and control. various products, i.e., the percentage of each product
1. Can calculate net income when sales volume is included in total sales.
2. Can determine the level of sales need to reach Margin of Safety – Indicates the amount by which actual or
a targeted amount of income. planned sales may be reduced without incurring a loss.
D. Only used under certain conditions and when It is the excess of actual or planned sales volume over
certain assumptions hold true. break-even sales. This can be expressed in terms of
1. The behavior of variable and fixed costs can be units or in pesos. Margin of safety is the percentage of
measured reasonably. margin of safety to total actual or planned sales.
2. Costs and revenues have a close linear
approximation. Factors Affecting Break-even Point
3. Efficiency and productivity hold steady within
the relevant range. 1. Selling price per unit
4. Cost and price variables hold steady during the 2. Variable cost per unit
period being planned. 3. Fixed cost
5. The product sales mix does not change during 4. Sales mix
the period being planned.
6. Production and sales volume are approximately Operating Leverage. A measure of the extent to which
equal. fixed costs are being used in an organization. The
greater the fixed costs in relation to variable cost, the
Break-even sales is the point or sales volume where total greater is the operating leverage available and the
revenues equal total costs. This is the level of activity greater is the sensitivity of net income to change in
where there neither profit nor loss. At break-even sales.
point, the total contribution margin equals total fixed
expenses. Degree of Operating Leverage. A measure, at a given
level of sales, of how a percentage change in sales
Methods of Computing Break-even Point volume will affect profits. DOL is computed:

1. Equation method or algebraic approach DOL = Total contribution margin/Net income

2. Contribution margin method or formula approach
3. Graphical calculation % Increase in Net Income = (% Increase in Sales x DOL)


Problem 1. The following data are available for Unit variable cost
Diamond Company’s only one product line. Manufacturing 24
Selling and Administrative 6
Unit selling price P120 Fixed costs
Unit variable cost P72 Manufacturing 900,000
Total fixed costs P960,000 Selling and Administrative 450,000
Unit volume 45,000 Unit Volume 40,000

Required: Required: Using the data above, determine:

1. Determine the breakeven point in units and 1. Total contribution margin and the amount of
peso sales. before-tax profit.
2. Determine the unit volume and peso sales 2. Break even volume in units and pesos
required to earn P1,478,400 profit before tax. 3. Margin of safety in units, pesos and ratio
3. Determine the unit volume and peso sales 4. Degree of operating average
required to earn a 10% return on sales. 6. Number of units required to earn a 20% return on
4. Determine the price that the company must sales. Assume that the company is not liable to
charge to increase the profit by 30% based on pay income tax.
the given information, still selling 45,000 units. 7. Selling price that Silver should charge to raise the
operating profit by 20 percent based on the given
Problem 2. The following data are available for Silver cost structure, still selling 40,000.
Company’s only one product. 8. Assuming Silver is subject to pay 40% income tax,
Unit selling price P 75 how much sales in units are required to:
a. breakeven?

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b. earn the same amount of income? sales to compensate for the increase in advertising
Problem 3. Blue Sapphire Company sells a single
product. The company's most recent income 2) The operations manager believes that the variable
statement is given below. cost will increase to P22 per unit. The sales
Sales (8,000 units) P1,200,000 manager believes the selling price can be
Less variable expenses 480,000 increased. What is the new selling price that will
Contribution margin 720,000 give the same contribution margin ratio of 60%?
Less fixed expenses 330,000
Operating income 390,000 3) Assume that the amount of total fixed cost
Less fixed interest expense 30,000 increases by 10%. What is the effect of this
Income before tax P 330,000 increase on each of the following?
a. Break-even sales volume
1. Compute the degree of operating leverage. b. Before-tax profit
2. If 1,000 more units are sold, how much increase c. Contribution margin
d. Required sales to earn same amount of profit
in profit is expected?
e. Degree of operating leverage
3. Based on Number 2 information, what is the new
degree of operating leverage? Problem 6. The Coral Company manufactures and
4. If sales volume increases by 10 percent, sells two products. The selling prices and variable
compute the new profit. costs of the products are as follows:
5. If the firm were able to increase its sales volume
by 15 percent without a change in its selling Rare Common
price, variable costs, or fixed costs, would this Selling prices P40 P20
change the breakeven point? Variable costs 24 8
6. If the firm were able to increase both its selling
price and variable cost by 20 percent, would the Total fixed costs for 2020 amounted to P450,000.
breakeven point in units or in pesos change?
1) Compute the number of units and pesos to
Problem 4. Based on its cost structure and potential
breakeven for 2020 for each product assuming the
market, Ruby Company established what it considers
sales mix of 60% of Rare and 40% of Common.
to be a reasonable selling price. The company
2) Compute the breakeven sales in pesos and in units
expects to sell 20,000 units per month and planned
assuming that the sales mix of 40% Rare and 60%
its monthly results as follows:
3) Compute the composite breakeven for the
Sales P1,200,000
company using the sales mix for question number
Variable costs 540,000
Contribution margin 660,000
4) What sales revenue would be required if the firm
Fixed costs 330,000
wishes to generate an operating income of
Income before taxes 330,000
P320,000 if the original mix in question number 1
Income taxes 132,000
Net income P198,000
Exercise 7. Relax Company and Recline Company both
Required: On the basis of the preceding information,
make rocking chairs. They have the same
answer the following independent questions.
production capacity, but Relax is more automated
than Recline. At an output of 1,000 chairs per year,
1. If the company determines that a particular
the two companies have the following costs:
advertising campaign potentially increase sales by
4,500 units, how much could it pay for such a
Relax Recline
campaign without reducing its planned profits?
2. If the company wants a P429,000 before-tax profit, Fixed costs P400,000 P200,000
how many units must it sell? Variable costs at P100 100,000
3. It the company wants a 30% before-tax return on per chair
sales, what level of unit sales does it need? Variable costs at P300 . 300,000
4. If the company wants a P216,000 after-tax profit, per chair .
how many units must it sell? Total cost P500,000 P500,000
5. The company is considering offering its salespeople a Unit cost (1,000 units) P500 P500
7.5% commission on sales. What would the total
sales, in pesos, have to be in order to implement the Assuming that both companies sell chairs for P700
commission plan and still earn the planned before- each and that there are no other costs or expenses
tax income of P330,000? for the two firms, complete the following:
1. Which company will lose the least money if
Problem 5. Gold Company has, for the coming year, production and sales fall to 500 chairs per year?
budgeted sales of P2,500,000 with contribution 2. How much would each company lose at
margin of 60 percent and fixed costs of P600,000. production and sales level of 500 chairs per
The company’s only one product line sells for P50. year?
The company is subject to 40 percent tax bracket. 3. How much would each company make at
production and sales levels of 2,000 chairs per
1) A plan includes an increase in advertising cost of year?
P480,000. What is the minimum increase in peso

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Problem 8. The controller of Mahal Company is b. It will decrease as the number of units sold
examining the following budgeted and actual income decreases.
statements for its principal product for 2019. All c. It indicates the amount that net income will
amounts are in thousands of pesos. increase with the sale of each additional unit.
d. It indicates the amount that variable costs will
Budget Actual decrease with the sale of each additional unit.
Sales P4,800.0 P4,967.2
Variable cost 1,668.0 1,780.8 2. CVP analysis relies on the assumptions that costs
Contribution margin P3,120.0 P3,186.4 are either strictly fixed or strictly variable.
The budgeted unit selling price is P8.00. Actual unit Consistent with these assumptions, as volume
volume is 6% over budget, but the actual selling decreases total
price is below budget. Per-unit variable costs are a. fixed costs decrease
incurred as budgeted. b. variable costs remain constant
c. costs decrease
Determine the sales price variance and sales volume d. costs remain constant
3. At the break-even point, fixed cost is always
Problem 9. Basic Foods expected to sell 30,000 of its a. less than the contribution margin
fishcharon at P300 each. It actually sold 29,000 at b. more than the contribution margin
P298. Variable cost per pack is P140. c. equal to the contribution margin
d. more than the variable cost
Required: Determine the sales price variance and
sales volume variance. 4. The peso amount of sales needed to attain a desired
profit is calculated by dividing the contribution
LET’S DO IT (LDI) margin ratio into
1. Flame Company had a 25 percent margin of safety. a. fixed cost
Its after-tax return on sales is 6 percent, and tax b. desired profit plus fixed cost
rate of 40 percent. What is Flame’s contribution c. desired profit
margin ratio? d. desired profit less fixed cost

2. DEF Company earned P50,000 on sales of P800,000. 5. If a company raises its target peso profit, its
It earned P110,000 on sales of P1,000,000. Compute a. break-even point rises
the total fixed costs. b. fixed costs increase
c. required total contribution margin increases
3. The Childers Company sells widgets. At an annual d. selling price rises
sales volume of 75,000 units the company breaks
even. At an annual sales volume of 100,000 units 6. One of the first steps to take when using CVP
the company reports a profit of P200,000. The analysis to help make decisions is:
annual fixed costs for the Childers Company are a. finding out where the total costs line intersects
______. with the total revenues line on a graph.
b. identifying which costs are variable and which
4. Machine A has fixed costs of P450,000 and a variable costs are fixed.
cost of P20. Machine B has fixed costs of P600,000 c. calculation of the degree of operating leverage
and a variable cost of P14. What is the indifference for the company.
point, in units? d. estimating how many products will have to be
sold to make a decent profit.
5. The Makatao Marketing Co., is expecting an increase
of fixed costs by P78,750 upon moving their place of 7. Cost-volume-profit analysis assumes all of the
business to the downtown area. Likewise it is following EXCEPT:
anticipating that the selling price per unit and the a. all costs are variable or fixed
variable expenses will not change. At present, the b. units manufactured equal units sold
sales volume necessary to breakeven is P750,000 c. total variable costs remain the same over the
but with the expected increase in fixed costs, the relevant range
sales volume necessary to breakeven would go up to d. total fixed costs remain the same over the
P975,000. Based on these projections, what was the relevant range
total fixed costs before and after the increase of
P78,750? 8. The contribution income statement:
a. reports gross margin
6. Thomas Co. sells products X, Y, and Z. Thomas sells
b. is allowed for external reporting to shareholders
three units of X for each unit of Z, and two units of Y
c. categorizes costs as either direct or indirect
for each unit of X. The contribution margin are
d. can be used to predict future profits at different
P1.00 per unit of X, P1.50 per unit of Y, and P3.00
levels of activity
per unit of Z. Fixed costs are P600,000. How many
units of X would Thomas sell at the breakeven point?
9. Which of the following would decrease contribution
margin per unit the most?
a. A 15% decrease in selling price
1. Assuming a company has net income, which of the
b. A 15% increase in variable expenses
following statements is true regarding the
c. A 15% increase in selling price
contribution margin per unit?
d. A 15% decrease in variable expenses
a. It will decrease as the number of units sold
10. Breakeven analysis assumes over the relevant range

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a. Total costs are linear 17. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis allows

b. Variable costs are nonlinear management to determine the relative profitability
c. Fixed costs are nonlinear of a product by
d. Selling prices are nonlinear a. Highlighting potential bottlenecks in the
production process.
11. A company’s breakeven point in peso sales may be b. Keeping fixed costs to an absolute minimum.
affected by equal percentage increases in both c. Determining the contribution margin per unit
selling price and variable cost per unit (assume all and the projected profits at various levels of
other factors are equal within the relevant range). production.
The equal percentage changes in selling price and d. Assigning costs to a product in a manner that
variable cost per unit will cause the breakeven point maximizes the contribution margin.
in peso sales to
a. Decrease by less than the percentage increase 18. Which of the following statements is true?
in selling price. a. A shift in sales mix toward less profitable
b. Decrease by more than the percentage increase products will cause the overall break-even point
in the selling price. to fall.
c. Increase by less than the percentage increase in b. One way to compute break-even point is to
selling price. divide total sales by the cost margin ratio.
d. Remain unchanged. c. Once the break-even point has been reached,
income before tax will increase by the unit
12. If a company’s variable costs are 70% of sales, contribution margin for each additional unit sold.
which formula represents the computation of peso d. As sales exceed the break-even point, a high
sales that will yield a profit equal to 10% of the contribution margin ratio will result in lower
contribution margin when P equals sales in pesos for profits than will a lower contribution margin
the period and FC equals total fixed costs for the ratio.
a. P = .2/FC 19. Love Corp. is operationally, a highly leveraged
b. P = FC/.2 company, that is, it has high fixed costs and low
c. P = .27/FC variable costs. As such, A small change in sales
d. P = FC/.27 volume resultS in
a. Proportionate change in net income
13. Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is a key factor in b. Large changes in net income
many decisions, including choice of product lines, c. Negligible change in net income
pricing of products, marketing strategy, and d. No change in net income
utilization of productive facilities. A calculation used
in a CVP analysis is the breakeven point. Once the 20. If a company desires to increase its safety margin,
breakeven point has been reached, operating income it should:
will increase by the a. increase fixed costs.
a. Gross margin per unit for each additional unit b. decrease the contribution margin.
sold. c. decrease selling prices, assuming the price
b. Contribution margin per unit for each additional change will have no effect on demand.
unit sold. d. stimulate sales volume.
c. Fixed costs per unit for each additional unit sold.
d. Variable costs per unit for each additional unit DO IT YOURSELF (DIY)
sold. 1. Minor Company has a 30% contribution margin
percentage and fixed costs of P30,000. To earn a
14. The contribution margin ratio always increases when 10% return on sales, what peso sales should Minor
the make?
a. Variable costs as a percentage of net sales
increase. 2. Clark Company breaks even at P300,000 sales and
b. Variable costs as a percentage of net sales earns P40,000 at P400,000 sales. What is the
decrease. amount of fixed costs?
c. Breakeven point increases.
d. Breakeven point decreases. 3. At present sales the company has a margin of safety
ratio of 30 percent. If the contribution margin ratio
15. After the level of volume exceeds the breakeven is 40 percent, what is the return percentage on
point sales?
a. the contribution margin ratio increases
b. the total contribution margin exceeds the total 4. The following information pertains to Nova Co.’s cost-
fixed costs volume-profit relationships:
c. total fixed costs per unit will remain constant Breakeven point in units sold 1,000
d. the total contribution margin will turn form Variable costs per unit P 500
negative to positive Total fixed costs 150,000

16. In CVP analysis, focusing on target net income rather How much will be contributed to profit before income
than operating income: taxes by the 1,001st unit sold?
a. will increase the breakeven point
b. will decrease the breakeven point 5. In planning its operations for next year based on a
c. will not change the breakeven point sales forecast of P6,000,000, Wallace, Inc. prepared
d. does not allow calculation of breakeven point the following estimated costs and expenses:
Variable Fixed
Direct materials P1,600,000

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Direct labor 1,400,000 12. Whitmore Corporation predicts it will produce and
Factory overhead 600,000 P 900,000 sell 40,000 units of its sole product in the current
Selling expenses 240,000 360,000 year. At that level of volume, it projects a sales
Administrative expenses 60,000 140,000 price of P30 per unit, a contribution margin ratio
P3,900,000 P1,400,000 of 40 percent, and fixed costs of P5 per unit.
What would be the amount of peso sales at the a. What is the company's projected breakeven
breakeven point? point in pesos and units?
b. Refer to Whitmore Corporation. What would the
6. Maroons Co. has a 40% contribution margin company's projected profit be if it produced
percentage and fixed costs of P30,000. To earn a and sold 30,000 units?
10% return on sales, Maroons must have sales of:

7. A digitized music tuner has been a staple in

Smooth Sounds' product line for several years.
– end -
Annual fixed costs of production and
administration related to this product in the past
have been P643,500. Variable costs of production
and sales have been P17 per unit. The selling price
in the past has been P28 per unit. For the year
just ended, the company sold 100,000 units. In
the coming year, based on the appearance of
competing products on the market, the company
expects a decrease of 10 percent in unit sales.

Assuming that the company wants a profit before

tax of P405,000, what is the required selling price
if it expects to sell 90,000 units? P28.65

8. The Big & Sturdy Company manufactures an engine

for carpet cleaners called the "Snooper."
Budgeted cost and revenue data for the "Snooper"
are given below, based on sales of 40,000 units.

Sales P1,600,000
Less: Cost of goods sold 1,120,000
Gross margin P 480,000
Less: Operating 100,000
Net income P 380,000

Cost of goods sold consists of P800,000 of variable

costs and P320,000 of fixed costs. Operating
expenses consist of P40,000 of variable costs and
P60,000 of fixed costs.

What is the margin of safety ratio based on the

sale of 40,000 units? 50.00%

9. A month’s operations of Surepassers Company show

fixed cost of P9,300, a margin of safety ratio of 25%,
and a C/M ratio of 62%.
1. Breakeven sales
2. Actual sales
3. Profit for the month

10. Semiconductor Company is planning to produce and

sell 100,000 units of Chip A at P4 a unit and 200,000
units of Chip B at P3 a unit. Variable costs are 50%
of sales for Chip A and 60% of sales for Chip B. If
total planned operating profit is P140,000, what
must the total fixed cost be?

11. Rattan Furniture Company manufactures two

products, tables and chairs. Tables sell for P1,000
each and chairs for P300 each. Four times as many
chairs are sold each year as tables. Variable costs
per unit are P530 and P170 for tables and chairs,
Total fixed cost is P672,000.
Compute the breakeven point in pesos and in units
of product.

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