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Lab Assignment 1

Show that the following tasks table is schedulable using EDF on a mono-core processor, if pre-emption is allowed but is
not schedulable if pre-emption is not allowed. All tasks are aperiodic.

J1 J2 J3

r 0 2 4

e 3 6 4

d 10 14 12

ANS 1A) EDF (Earliest Deadline First) on a mono-core processor pre-emption

• Adding Core pre-emption

• Adding Processor mono-core processor

• Adding tasks J1, J2, J3 all tasks are aperiodic

• Result - EDF on a mono-core processor pre-emption

As highlighted in image this tasks are schedulable on mono core premtion

ANS 1B) EDF (Earliest Deadline First) on a mono-core processor non-pre-emption

• Adding core non-pre-emption
• Adding tasks J1, J2, J3 all tasks are aperiodic

• Result - EDF on a mono-core processor non-pre-emption

As highlighted in above image that given tasks are not schedulable when non-pre-emption is selected.
Show that the following tasks table is schedulable using LLF but not using EDF on a dual-core processor. All tasks are

J1 J2 J3

r 0 0 0

e 1 1 5

d 1 2 5

ANS 2A) LLF (LEAST LAXITY FIRST) on a dual-core processor

• Adding core1 and core2 and scheduling type LLF (LEAST LAXITY FIRST)
• Adding processor dual-core

• Adding tasks J1, J2, J3 all tasks are aperiodic

• Result - LLF on a dual-core processor

As highlighted in image this tasks are schedulable on dual core LLF

ANS 2B) EDF on a dual-core processor

• Adding core1 and core2 and scheduling type EDF
• Adding tasks J1, J2, J3 all tasks are aperiodic

• Result - EDF on a dual-core processor

As highlighted in image this tasks are not schedulable on dual core EDF
Show that the following tasks are not schedulable using either EDf/LLF on a tri-core processor. All tasks are periodic and
preemptable. Migration is not possible between a Job.


 0 0 0 0 0

e 1 1 1 6 6

p 2 2 2 8 8

ANS 2A) LLF on a tri-core processor

• Adding core1, core2 and core 3 and scheduling type LLF
• Adding processor tri-core

• Adding tasks A,B,C,D,E,F (Periodic)

• Result of given Tasks on Tri Core schedule type LLF

As highlighted in above image givens tasks are not schedulable on LLF protocol.

ANS 2B) EDF on a tri-core processor

• Adding core1, core2 and core 3 and scheduling type EDF
• Adding tasks A,B,C,D,E,F (Periodic)

• Result of given Tasks on Tri Core schedule type EDF

As highlighted in above image givens tasks are not schedulable on EDF protocol.

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