형용사 부사 proto2

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형용사 부사

■1 수량
(1) 많은①

a number of + 1)

1) 가산명사 (Countable Noun)

a 3) number of + 4) + 2) 동사
→ 수적 개념+단/복수 취급
many (of) + 5)

a 6) deal of + 7)

2) 불가산명사 (Uncountable Noun)

+ 8) 동사
a 9) amount of +
→ 양적 개념+단수 취급

11) + 12)

a 13) of + 14)

N → 15) 동사
3) 가산 or 불가산명사 17) of + 18)
Ns → 16) 동사
19) of + 20)

시험에 빈출 되는 불가산 명사들 ②

a 21) m 22) i 23) n 24) t 25)

s 26) j 27) m 28) f 29) c 30)

b 31) l 32) m 33) e 34) e 35)

(2) a number of VS the number of ③

의미 주어 동사

a number of + 36) 많은 =many 37) 38)

the number of +
N or Ns의 “그 숫자” “ 40)” 41)

-[ The / A ]42) large number of people are attending the party.
-[ The / A ]43) number of [ student / students ]44) in my class [ has / have ]45) increased.

- 1 -
(3) 몇몇의 ④

가산명사 불가산명사 암기요령

긍정 46) few + Ns 47) little + N 긍정 : “a” → “어? 뭐라도 있네?”

부정 48) + Ns 49) + N 리터(L) - 리틀 (불가산명사)

Set 1 ]
1. The number of foreigners interested in the Korean language [ has / have ]50) risen dramatically over the
past few years.
2. Accidents can and do happen but there [ is / are ]51) a number of other reasons for sport injuries.
3. A great number of [student / students]52) [ is / are ]53) finding volunteer opportunities at nearby libraries.
4. Beginning at age eight, he did [ a number of / a great deal of ]54) work such as selling newspapers and
shining shoes.
5. Scientists developed [ many / much ]55) different theories, but they could not prove that their ideas were
6. Their homes were small, wet, and cold, and had [ few / little ]56) furniture.
7. Vegetarianism has been gaining popularity in a number of [ country / countries ]57) .
8. Any manuscript that contains errors stands [ few / little ]58) chance at being accepted for publication.
9. If you have [ any / a little ]59) further questions, please contact us.
10. Over the last few years there have been [ a lot of / much ]60) news reports about violence in
11. I have [ a few / a little ]61) money with me now.
12. There aren’t [ any / some ]62) plates on the shelf.
13. Can you see much thing from here? [ O / X ]63)
14. As he was very careful, he made 64) mistakes.
15. Can you stay little longer? [ X / O ]65)

- 2 -
Set 2 ]
1. 다음 문장 중 틀린 부분을 두 곳 찾아 바르게 고치시오.66)
A number of effort were required to complete the project on time.

2. 다음 빈칸을 해석과 제시된 단어를 활용하여 완성하시오.

많은 차들이 출근 시간에 교통 체증에 걸렸다. 67)

A lot of cars were stuck in traffic during the rush hour. (stick, be, traffic, in)

3. 다음 중 올바른 것을 고르시오.68)
The news of the sudden storm causes a lot of concern in the coastal areas.
① cause
② causes
③ was caused
④ were caused
⑤ have caused
4. 다음 중 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.69)
I followed her advices and applied for the job.

5. 다음 문장 중 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.70)

The number of people attending the concert exceed expectations.

6. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.71)

A number of volunteers came forward to help with the community clean-up event.
① a great deal of
② a number of
③ the number of
④ a large amount of
⑤ much

7. 다음 빈칸을 해석과 제시된 단어를 활용하여 완성하시오.

몇몇 학생들이 과제에 대한 추가 질문을 하기 위해 수업 후에 남았다.72)
A few students stayed after class to ask additional questions about the assignment. (student, few, stay)

8. 다음 중 틀린 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.73)

There was few time left to finish the report before the deadline.

9. A number of school events [ is / are ]74) held in spring.

10. There are [ a lot of / much ]75) books to read.

11. [ Many / Much ]76) people watch the soccer game on TV.

12. [ O / X ] There was much rain this summer. so It didn’t that humid.77)

- 3 -
13. [ O / X ] He needs few cheese to make pizza.78)

14. The number of visitors [ is / are ]79) increasing.

15. Some house have fire places. [ O / X ]80)

16. [ A number of / The number of ] 81) students in the city is decreasing.

17. Some people spent their [ little / few ] free hours reading books.82)

18. The team came up with [ much / plenty of ] ideas to promote the new product.83)

19. Denise invited [ few /many ] friends to the party, so the room was crowded.84)

20. I couldn’t find [ some / any ]information about updating the software.85)

[ 21-22 ] 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아 쓰고 바르게 고치시오

21. I spent a little days solving the crossword puzzle. Finally I came to solve it.86)
( ) → ( )

22. A few encouragement can help a student perform better in school.87)

( ) → ( )

[ 23-24 ] 괄호 안의 동사를 알맞은 형태로 바꿔 빈칸에 쓰시오. (단, 현재시제로)

23. A number of flaws ________________ in the plane engine’s desigh. (exist) 88)

24. The number of car owners _______________ expected to decline over the next decade. (be) 89)

- 4 -
■2 부정대명사 ①

하나 여럿

처음 90) 91) other + 92)명사

중간 93) 94) another + 95)명사

마지막 96) other 97) others *some ~, others ~

A is 98) (thing), B is 99). A와 B는 별개이다.

ex) To know is 100) (thing), to teach is 101).

other : a. 102)

others : n. 103)

another : a. 104) n. 105)

■3 every VS each ②

every (모든) 106) 명사 107) 동사

each (각각의) 108) 명사 109) 동사

each(각각) of + 110) 명사 111) 동사

cf) every + 기수 + 복수명사 = every + 서수 + 단수명사 : 112)

ex) every five hours , every second day

■4 부분부정 VS 전체부정 ③

주어 동사

Not all : 113) N / Ns N → 단수동사 Ns → 복수동사

Not every
N N → 단수동사
: 114)

None of
전체부정 N / Ns N → 단수동사 Ns → 복수동사
: 115)

- 5 -
Set 1 ]
1. Each of the [ paragraph / paragraphs ]116) [ are / is ]117) joined together by a transition word, phrase or
2. Even when they are under the same circumstances, some people experience depression while [ others /
the others ]118) don’t
3. Each [ moment / moments ]119) with you [ is / are ]120) just like a dream to me.
4. They questioned both [ man / men ]121), but neither of them could speak English.
5. Every [ product / products ]122) we buy [ have / has ]123) an effect on the environment.
6. Taste and smell are closely interlinked and both of them [ are / is ]124) known as the chemical senses.
7. There were three books on my table. One is here. Where are [ others / the others ]125) ?
8. I don’t like this one. Show me [ other / another ]126) .
9. Some people like to rest in their free time. [ Others / The others ]127) like to travel.
10. I have two sons. One is seven years old, and [ other / the other ]128) is five.
11. Action may always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. [ O / X ]129)
12. Learned men are not necessarily wise. 해석: 130)

13. Each man [ has / have ]131) his own desk.

14. All the effort [ is / are ] 132) for nothing.
15. 10 miles [ is / are ]133) a long distance for the little kid to walk.

Set 2 ]
1. These days, many products are very similar to one another in their quality and price. If the products are
almost the same, what makes customers buy one brand instead of [ other / another ]134)?

2. In Colonial America, families were usually large, and every boy and girl [ was / were ]135) put to work at
an early age.

[3-5] 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 올바르면 ○표, 틀리면 X표하고 바르게 고치시오

3. Looking up at the stars in the night sky, it's quite obvious that they aren't all the same; some of them
shine outstandingly brightly, while others are so faint that you cannot see them directly and can only see
them with a telescope. 136)

4. Each roles of yours make demands on you, and you may be asked to play two or more roles at the
same time. 137)

5. Not every man be born with a silver spoon in his mouth.138)

6. 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 써 넣으시오.

Not all the presents were for me. 139)

= __________________ of the presents were for me, but __________________ presents weren't.

7. 다음을 영작하시오. (제시된 단어 이용, 어형변화 가능, 관사 포함 총 11단어)

각각의 노래는 전통마을에서의 삶에 대한 이야기를 들려준다. [ tell, traditional village , about ] 140)

8. 다음을 영작하시오. (제시된 단어 이용, 어형변화 가능, 관사 포함 총 7단어)

쓰레기를 하나도 줍지 않았다. [ none , be, pick up, garbage ] 141)

- 6 -
9. Each of [candidate / candidates]142) [have / has]143) a unique personality.

10. Each [candidate / candidates]144) [have / has]145) a unique personality.

11. [One / Some]146) enjoy indoor activities, while [others / the other]147) enjoy outdoor activities.

12. Jim has three T-shirts. One is blue, [the other / another]148) is black, and [one / another / the another
/ the other]149) is white.

[13-15] 어법상 틀린 부분을 찾아, 바르게 고치시오.

13. None of the wildlife I saw was not exotic. 150)

14. All of the money in his bank accounts were gone. 151)

15. Every author want to read a short passage form the book. 152).

16. 영작하시오.
모든 학자들이 Jonson 박사의 의견에 동의한 것은 아니었다.153)
<조건> scholar / agree with / every 이용, 필요시 어형 변형 및 단어 추가 가능
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ Dr. Jonson’s opinion.

Set 3 ]
1. Some people are outgoing, but [others / the others] are shy.154)

2. I threw away my old bags and bought some new [one / ones / them]155)

[3-6] 정오를 판별하고 틀린 부분이 있으면 바르게 고치시오.

3. [ O / X ] Each of the two plays were quite successful.156)

4. [ O / X ] A coyote howled in the distance and another answered157)

5. [ O / X ] Jenny lived first in a tree house and then in a tent. She seldom saw another human being

6. [ O / X ] Every one of the students have their own locker in the classroom.159)

7. 아래의 주어진 조건을 이용하여 영작하시오.160)

건강에 좋은 음식이 꼭 더 비싼 것만은 아니다 [cost , a , healthful , food, necessary, 필요 시 어형변화가능]

정답: ___________________________________________________________________________

8. 아래의 주어진 조건을 이용하여 영작하시오.161)

모든 지원자들이 그 직장에 대한 면접을 볼 기회를 가졌던 것은 아니다.
조건1. 문장의 첫 단어는 not으로 시작
조건2. applicant , have an opportunity , the job, take 이용
조건3. 꼭 an을 2회 이상 포함 시킬 것
조건4. 총 14단어의 문장을 완성 할 것

정답: ___________________________________________________________________________

- 7 -
■5 부분표현 ①

부분표현 주어 동사

n 162)

m 165)

s 166)

of N → 163) 동사
a 167) N / Ns
Ns → 164) 동사
b 168)

h 169)

분 170)

■6 주의해야 할 형용사/부사 ②

a. 늦은
late lately adv. 최근에
adv. 늦게
a. 딱딱한, 어려운, 열심히
hard hardly adv. 거의 ~ 않다
a. 가까운
near nearly adv. 거의
adv. 가까이
a. 짧은
short shortly adv. 곧
adv. 짧게
a. 높은
high highly adv. 매우, 높게 평가하여
adv. 높게
a. 빠른
fast fastly adv. 매우
adv. 빠르게
a. 긴, 오랜
long longly X
adv. 오래
a. 가까운
close closely adv. 밀접하게
adv. 가까이에
a. 깊은
deep deeply adv. 매우
adv. 깊게

most a. 대부분의 mostly adv. 대개

almost adv. 거의 ( = nearly )

rare a. 드문 rarely adv. 드물게 / 거의 ~ 않는

large a. 큰 largely adv. 주로

- 8 -
Set 1 ]
1. The majority of the tourists staying at the hotel [ was / were ]171) either Russian or Polish.
2. Others have tried to capture the energy of similar sources, and some of these experiments [ have / has
]172) been successful.
3. According to a recent study, one third of the people over 20 years old [ want / wants ]173) to live apart
from their parents
4. From at least 50,000 years ago, some of the energy stored in air and water flows [ was / were ]174)
used for navigation.
5. Because most of the plastic particles in the ocean [ is / are ]175) very small, there is no practical way
to clean up the ocean.
6. I think all of my work experience [ is / are]176) valuable.
7. He runs [ fast / fastly ]177)
8. Most of the professional sports teams in the region [ have / has ]178) been sponsored or run by
large companies.
9. She got up [ late / lately ]179) this morning.
10. My parents speak [ high / highly ]180) of you.
11. The later half of the program was very interesting. [ O / X ]181)
12. I have nothing farther to say today. [ O / X ]182)
13. [ Almost / Most ]183) students were late for the class.
14. [ Hardly / Hard ]184) had he seen me when he ran away.
15. The majority of our clients across the state [ is / are ]185) happy with our services.

Set 2 ]

[1-4] 다음 문장에서 어법상 틀린 부분을 하나 찾아 밑줄을 긋고 바르게 고쳐 쓰세요.

1. Here are some of Peter's greatest works, all of which is found in the city of Madrid186)

2. All parents and educators in the neighborhood works to create safe space for children to play and lear

3. Half of students look through the directions only to check their records and the rest of the information
seem unimportant to them.188)

4. If you think you can focus on studying better in the morning, don’t wait until lately at night to do it.189)

5. A fourth of them [is / are]190) blue in color and the rest of them [is / are]191) in pink

6. 다음 주어진 우리말과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 영작하시오.

<조건 1> 주어진 단어 중 반드시 하나를 제외할 것
<조건 2> 필요시 어형 변화 가능
19세기 후반 동안, 섬유 산업은 뉴욕시의 가장 큰 산업 중 하나였다.192)
→ largest, century, lately, industry, of, textile, the, 19th, during, late, is, one, New York City’s
→ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

- 9 -
7. 다음 주어진 우리말과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 영작하시오.
<조건 1> 필요시 어형 변화 및 추가 가능
<조건 2> 총 16글자로 만들 것
이 잡지는 세계의 최신 패션 트렌드를 다루고 있기 때문에 매우 추천합니다193)
→ recommend, because, it, fashion trends, around the world, high, deal with, the late, this magazine
→ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

8. 다음 주어진 우리말과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 단어를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 영작하시오.

<조건 1> 필요시 어형 변화 가능
<조건 2> 총 16글자로 만들 것
음식 선택의 폭이 아주 넓어서 나는 무엇을 먹을지 거의 고를 수가 없다.194)
→ of, choose, can, is, so, what, plentiful, .I, to, the choice, that, hard, food, eat
→ _______________________________________________________________________________________________

[9-10] 다음 괄호 안에 주어진 단어를 어법상 알맞은 형태로 빈칸에 쓰시오 (현재형으로).

9. Most of the furniture in the stores that I visited ____________ (be) made of wood. 195)

10. The rest of the books on the bookshelf ____________ left unread. (be) 196)

[11-12] 다음 주어진 우리말과 일치하도록 괄호 안의 어구를 활용하여 <조건>에 맞게 영작하시오.

11. 오늘날, 우울증이 있는 사람들 중 약 절반이 치료를 받지 않고 있다.
(depression, people, of, be, about , half , untreated, with, the , 어형변화가능)197)
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ these days.

12. 핀란드의 텔레비전 프로그램들의 거의 50퍼센트가 외국의 tv프로그램들과 영화들로 구성된다.

(percent, Finnish, consist of , almost , television programs )
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______foreign TV programs and

[13-16] 괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

13. I have been under a lot of stress (late/ lately) 199)

14. A beautiful temple stood (high / highly ) on the hill. 200)

15. The bus is (near/ nearly ) empty. 201)

16. I was (hard/ hardly ) able to speak in front of people. 202)

- 10 -
Set 3 ]
1. Whenever I got home [late / lately], my parents would leave a downstairs light on for me. 203)

2. It's [high / highly] effective for uplifting energy and enhancing memory. 204)

3. A handful of the advancements like IP phones and video chats [allow / allows / allowing] people to
speak rather than to write. 205)

4. [O / X] Governments found it hardly to look after the increasing number of old people. 206)

5. [O / X] Travel was mostly on foot and communication was very difficult. 207)

6. [O / X] The majority of the tourists staying at the hotel was either Russian or Polish 208)

[7-8] 주어진 단어를 활용하여 영작하세요.

7. 하룻밤 사이에 물의 3분의 2가 증발했다. 209)

[water / overnight / two / evaporated / of / thirds]

8. 과학 영역에선 많은 불확실성이 존재한다. 210)

[science / exist / in the realm / uncertainty / a lot of / of]

9. Most of the building ( has / have ) been destoyed by a tornado.211)

10. Some of her time ( was / were ) spent on watching movies. 212)

11. Each of my brothers ( wear / wears ) glasses. 213)

13. Some of the girls ( is / are ) playing in the playground. 214)

14. [O / X] Some of the cars are made in Gwangju, Korea. 215)

15. [O / X] Half of the bread is rotten. 216)

16. [O / X] Each of the students is interviewed before the test. 217)

[17-18] 영작하시오. (필요시 어형변화 / 단어 추가 가능)

17. 그 노래의 일부분이 불법적으로 모방 되었다. (the song / copy / illegally) 218)

________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

18. 나의 친구들 대부분이 집에 반려동물을 가지고 있다. (my friends / keep / at home)219)
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

- 11 -
■7 기타 주의해야 할 표현들

(1) 이어동사 : <영어의 구정보 VS 신정보 법칙>
check it out (O) 대명사는 반드시 이어동사 사이에 있어야 하지만
check out it (X)

check a tire out (O) 일반명사는 어디에든 상관없다.

check out a tire (O)

(2) of + 추상명사 = 형용사
of + importance = 220)

of + significance = 221)

of + consequence = 222)

(3) 형용사의 목적어

2V SC 전치사 명사

a 223)

a 224)

r 225)

be of (the) N / Ns
p 226)

t 227)

c 228)

(4) 숫자와 명사가 하이픈(-)으로 연결되어 229)처럼 쓰일 때는 [숫자+ 230)명사]의 형태를 취한다.
a two-year-old baby (O)
a two-years-old baby (X)
The baby is two years old.(O)

(4) the + 형용사 = 형용사한 231)

the poor = 232)

the rich = 233)

(5) 명사 + ly = 234) ex) manly, costly, friendly, lovely, leisurely
형용사 + ly = 235)

- 12 -

(6) 복수형으로 보이나 “ 236) 취급” 하는 명사

시간, 거리, 금액 이 하나의 237) 개념으로 쓰일 때 ex) ~minutes, ~years, ~miles

+ 238) 동사

과목명, 질병, 이름, 국가명 등의 고유명사 ex) physics, diabetes, United States

(7) 서술적 용법 (=보어)로만 쓰이는 형용사 (= 주로 접두사 a~가 붙은 형용사)

a 239) a 240) a 241) a 242) a 243) a 244)

Set 1 ]
1. The poor often [ has / have ]245) to do without essential health care.
2. This clover has four leaves. = This is a 246) clover.
3. Our vacation is five weeks. = We have a 247) vacation.
4. Can you [ turn on the radio / turn on it ]248) ?
5. Will you [ turn on them / turn them on ]249) ?
6. The rich [ is / are ]250) not always happy.
7. He is a man of [ importance / important ]251)
8. Many consumers are unaware 252) the chemicals in common products they use everyday.
9. Statistics [ is / are ]253) hard to understand.
10. Five miles [ is / are ]254) a long distance to walk.
11. Latin is not [ a living / an alive ]255) language.
12. I’d like to try [ them on / on them ]256)
13. The battlefield was full of the dead and the poor. 해석 :

14. Try not to step on the [ sleeping / asleep ]258) cat.

15. I am proud [ that / of ]259) your having won the prize.

Set 2 ]
[1-10] 영작하시오
1.나는 에어콘을 껐지만 곧 다시 켜야 했다.
I turned the air-conditioner off, but soon I had to ________ ___ _____ again. It was too hot. ( turn ) 260)

2. 당신이 하고 싶은 것을 생각해 보세요. 그리고 그것을 적어보셔요.

Think about what you want and _________ ___ __________. ( write ) 261)

3. 그들은 그것들을 거리에서 주웠다

They ______ _______ _____ ( pick ) on the street. 262)

- 13 -
4. 이것은 중요성을 가진다.
This _________ _________ _________. ( of ) 263)

5. 그가 올지 안 올지는 나에게 전혀 중요하지 않다.

It’s ___ ______ __________ to me _________ ____ _______ _____ _____( account )264)

6. 우리는 당신의 사업에 도움이 되기를 희망합니다.

We hope to be ___ ________ ( service ) to your business. 265)

7. Kate와 그녀의 남동생은 취미에 있어서 서로 비슷합니다.

Kate and her brother _____ ________ in their hobbies. 266)

8. 그 괴물은 아직 살아 있다.
The monster ___ ______ _________. 267)

9. 나는 자나 깨나 그 사람 생각만 하고 있었다.
I was thinking only of him _________ ____ ___________268)

10. 우리 사무실은 15층 건물에 있어요.

Our office is in a __________- _________ building.269)

[11-22] 올바른 것을 고르시오.

11. He put [ on them / them on ] 270)

12. Those shoes look nice. Can I try [ on this / this on ] ? 271)

13. Success ? It [ depend on you / depends you on ] 272)

14. The water is very valuable to people in a desert.

= The water is of great [ valuable / value ] to people in the desert.

15. He is a man of [ ability / able ] 273)

16. She is of great [ sense / sensible ] 274)

17. I tried to clean up the house while Mom was [ sleep / asleep ] 275)

18. I think both of us are [ alike / like ] 276)

19. He has just finished reading a [ 500-page / 500-pages ] book.277)

20. When we learn that our friends are nervous before an audition, we may imagine their anxiety and try
to [ cheer up them / cheer them up ] 278)

21. In this respect, it is important that you should take these “wrong” things and try to [fix them up / fix
up them]. 279)

22. Picture the mirror neurons in your brain and try to [ turn them on / turn on them ]. 280)

- 14 -
[23-33] 정오를 판별하고, 틀린 부분은 바르게 고치시오.
23. [O / X] Jane will see off me. 281)

24. [O / X] He should hand in them by tomorrow.282)

25. [O / X] Never give up your dream. 283)

26. [O / X] He made a mistake on purposely. 284)

27. [O / X] He is a man of great wisdom. 285)

28. [O / X] She passed the exam with easily. 286)

29. [O / X] An asleep child looks like an angel. 287)

30. [O / X] They have a ten-years-old daughter. 288)

31. [O / X] After carefully considering the opportunity, I decided to turn it down. 289)

32. [O / X] Sir, you are not supposed to were a hat here. Could you please take off it? 290)

33. [O / X] There were lots of new words, so I had to look up them in a dictionary. 291)

34. My aunt is one of the women of courage in my town. 292)

= My aunt is one of the _________________ women in my town.

35. This book will be useful for your history test next week. 293)

= This book will be ________ ________ for your history test next week.

36. Mr. Brown looks like a man of wisdom. 294)

= Mr. Brown looks like a ___________ man.

37. It was of value for us to help poor people all over the world. 295)

= It was ___________ for us to help poor people all over the world.

38. It’s useless to talk about the seriousness of this situation. 296)

= It’s ___________ ___________ ___________ to talk about the seriousness of this situation.

39. Some of the old cures have materials that are of use in modern medicine. 297)

= Some of the old cures have materials that are ___________ in modern medicine

40. It is important to review your notes after class. 298)

= It is ___________ ___________ to review your notes after class.

41. If you want to control your body weight, change your eating habits purposely. 299)

= If you want to control your body weight, change your eating habits ________ ________

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42. 내 친구가 나에게 추천한 책들이 생각이 나서, 나는 도서관에서 그것들을 빌렸다. 300)

( checked / at / I / them / the library / out )

→ I remembered the books that my friend had recommended to me, so
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

43. 비록 운동할 시간이 많진 않겠지만, 그래도 너는 건강에 신경을 써야 한다. 301)

( you / care / your health / about / should )

→ Although you may not have much time for exercise, _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

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정 답
1) 복수명사
2) 복수
3) great/good/large
4) 복수명사
5) 복수명사
6) great/good/large
7) 단수명사
8) 단수
9) great/good/large
10) 단수명사
11) much
12) 단수명사
13) lot
14) 단수 or 복수 명사
15) 단수
16) 복수
17) lots
18) 단수 or 복수 명사
19) plenty
20) 단수 or 복수 명사
21) advice
22) money
23) information
24) news
25) traffic
26) scenery
27) jewelry
28) machinery
29) furniture
30) clothing
31) baggage
32) luggage
33) mail
34) equipment
35) evidence
36) 복수명사
37) 복수명사
38) 복수동사
39) 단수 or 복수명사
40) number
41) 단수동사
42) A
43) The
44) 단수
45) has
46) a
47) a
48) few
49) little
50) has
51) are
52) students
53) are
54) a great deal of
55) many
56) little
57) countries
58) little
59) any
60) a lot of
61) a little
62) any
63) X, many
64) few
65) X, a little
66) number of -> great deal of were -> was
67) were stuck in traffic
68) ②
69) advices -> advice
70) exceed -> exceeds
71) ②
72) A few students stayed
73) few -> little
74) are
75) a lot of
76) many
77) X, little
78) X, little
79) is
80) X, houses
81) The number of
82) few
83) plenty of
84) many
- 17 -
85) any
86) a little → a few
87) a few → a little
88) exist
89) is
90) one
91) some
92) 복수
93) another
94) others
95) 단수
96) the
97) the
98) one
99) another
100) one
101) another
102) 다른
103) 다른 것들
104) 다른
105) 다른 것
106) 단수
107) 단수
108) 단수
109) 단수
110) 복수
111) 단수
112) 매 ~마다
113) 모두 ~한 것은 아니다
114) 모두 ~한 것은 아니다
115) 어떤 N도 ~하지 않다
116) paragraphs
117) is
118) others
119) moment
120) is
121) men
122) product
123) has
124) are
125) the others
126) another
127) Others
128) the other
129) X, always → not always
130) 학식 있는 사람이 반드시 현명한 것만은 아니다.
131) has
132) is
133) is
134) another
135) was
136) ○
137) X, role of yours makes
138) is
139) Some, other
140) Each song tells a story about life in a traditional village.
141) None of the garbage was picked up.
142) candidates
143) has
144) candidate
145) has
146) Some
147) others
148) another
149) the other
150) was not -> was
151) were -> was
152) want -> wants
153) Not every scholar agreed with Dr.Jonson’s opinion.
154) other
155) ones
156) X/ were -> was
157) O [범위가 주어지지 않고 막연한 한 마리, 또 다른 한 마리로 이어지므로 A(one) -> another]
158) another -> other
159) X / have -> has
160) A healthful food is not necessarily more costly.
161) Not all the applicants had an opportunity to take an interview for the job.
162) none
163) 단수형
164) 복수형
165) most
166) some
167) all
168) both
169) half
170) 분수
171) were
- 18 -
172) have
173) want
174) was
175) are
176) is
177) fast
178) have
179) late
180) highly
181) later → latter
182) X farther → further
183) Most
184) Hardly
185) are
186) is → are
187) works → work
188) seem → seems
189) lately → late
190) are
191) are
192) During the late 17th century, textiles was one of New York City’s largest industries.
193) This magazine is high recommended because it deals with the latest fashion trends around the world
194) The choice of food is so plentiful that .I can hardly choose what to eat
195) is
196) are
197) About half of the people with depression are untreated
198) Almost 50 percent of Finnish television programs consist of
199) lately
200) high
201) nearly
202) hardly
203) late
204) highly
205) allow
206) X
207) O
208) X
209) Two-thirds of water evaporated overnight
210) A lot of uncertainty exists in the realm of science.
211) has
212) was
213) wear
214) are
215) O
216) O
217) O
218) some of the song was copied illegally.
219) Most of my friends keep pets at home.
220) important
221) significant
222) consequent
223) aware
224) ashamed
225) respectful
226) proud
227) tired
228) certain
229) 형용사
230) 단수
231) people
232) poor people
233) rich people
234) 형용사
235) 부사
236) 단수
237) 단위
238) 단수형
239) alive
240) alike
241) ashamed
242) alone
243) aware
244) afraid
245) have
246) four-leaf
247) five-week
248) turn on the radio
249) turn them on
250) are
251) importance
252) of
253) is
254) is
255) a living
256) them on
257) 그 전쟁터는 죽은 자와 죽어가고 있는 자들로 가득차 있었다.
258) sleeping
- 19 -
259) of
260) turned it on
261) Write it down
262) picked them up
263) is of importance
264) of no account to me whether he comes or not
265) of service = serviceable
266) are alike
267) is still alive
268) awake or asleep
269) fifteen-story
270) them on
271) this on
272) depends on you (자동사 전치사 목적어 )
273) ability
274) sense
275) asleep
276) alike
277) 500-page
278) cheer them up
279) fix them up
280) turn them on
281) X → see me off
282) X → hand them in
283) 맞음
284) X → on purpose =purposely
285) 맞음
286) X → with ease = easily
287) X → a sleeping
288) X → ten-year
289) O
290) X, take off it → take it off
291) X, look up them → look them up
292) courageous
293) of use
294) wise
295) valuable
296) of no use
297) useful
298) of importance
299) on purpose
300) I checked them out at the library.
301) You should care about your health.

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