Food Physics Reflection 1

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Name: Lee Qiao Bin (0339005)

Reflection 1

One of the challenges we have encountered when conducting the project is poor team
communication. Unfortunately, due to this reason, we did not kick start our assignment right
away. Since the team members were all quite new to each other, I always felt like there was
always an awkward tension in the team group chat. At the beginning, I was quite anxious
because I was afraid that we would end up doing the assignment at the last minute. I remember
during one of those nights, I could not even fall into a deep sleep. I started overthinking and
could not set my mind into any of my work. At the end of week 1, I began to initiate an ice
breaking session by introducing myself to the rest of the team members to lighten up the mood in
our team. As time went by, the tension in the group began to slack. Looking back, I should have
broken the ice sooner as it will improve the teamwork in our team.

Primarily, each of us did our own research and suggested a few innovative ideas. This leads to
another issue which is we could not decide on our topic. When we are contemplating the kind of
food products we’re going for, we listen to the other members’ viewpoints and decide to obey
the majority. I’m genuinely pleased that all of our team members were all calm and collected
when facing challenges. After multiple discussions, we’ve decided that baking a banana peel
cookie is the best choice among all because it is a creative idea and it does not require superior
culinary skills to bake a delicious cookie.

We had our first group meeting on week 3. I was quite shy and quiet during the beginning of
our meeting, because I felt anxious about making a mistake that might have left the other team
members offended. I believe my initial shyness was because I felt like I’m incompetent with the
team, at the same time I’m slightly intimidated by the team members. Hence, I decided to muster
up the courage to take a risk by speaking up and began to contribute my views and opinions to
the team during the following group meetings. I’m genuinely so proud of myself for getting out
of my comfort zone. After sharing my viewpoints, I feel more included and valued in the group
discussion. The discussion went well and we had decided to distribute the task among the
members according to our likelihood.

As most of our members are staying outside of Selangor, the majority of us are unable to attend
the physical lab sessions. I’m really grateful that Bryan could help us in analyzing our food
sample during the physical practical sessions. Besides, we set up deadlines for everyone to finish
their respective parts in the assignment so that we have some time left to do a final touch up
before submitting the full project.
(490 words)

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